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1. Где ты был? 2. Вчера мы играли в футбол. 3. Летом мы часто играли в прятки. 4. Они редко ездили в Шотландию. 5. Ты когда-либо был в Москве? – Нет, я ещё никогда не был в Москве. 6. Ты уже сделал (твоё) домашнее задание? 7. Я только что видел её. 8. Он всегда помогал нам.
9. Он ещё не приехал? 10. Мы ещё не сделали этого. 11. Ты ещё не готов?
Signal words:
Present Perfect:
ever когда-либо never никогда
already уже just только что
seldom редко yet ещё (в вопросах и отрицаниях)
Where …? Где …?
Past Simple:
in 2012 в 2012 г. last week/year на прошлой неделе
yesterday вчера five days ago пять дней назад
always всегда often часто
just now только что Question: Что делал? (What did?)
Exercise 11. Translate into English:
1. Я это сделаю позже. 2. Ты это знаешь лучше, чем я. 3. Я сильнее, чем он. 4. Расскажи мне всё об этом. Это очень важно. 5. Как часто ты ходишь в тир? – Два раза в неделю. 6. Как часто ты играешь в футбол? – Летом я играл в футбол каждый день. 7. Я болельщик русского футбольного клуба "Зенит". 8. Мне надо идти домой. 9. Завтра мне надо встать в 7 часов. 10. Футбол очень популярен в России, не так ли? – Да, конечно. 11. Дети сейчас играют в пятнашки, не так ли? – Да, так. 12. Я каждый день делаю утреннюю зарядку (my morning exercises). 13. Судью на мыло! 14. Он делает ей комплимент (give a compliment). Он говорит, что она хороший вратарь.
Helen: Hello, children. Welcome to Playtime. It's program nineteen today. Nineteen.
We are at the seaside today. It's summer and it's a really hot day today. Do you like the seaside? I like the seaside and I like painting.
Look, here's my picture. It's finished. Tell me, what's this? Yes, it's a boat. And this is the sun. The sun. This is the sea. The sea. And here is an island. An island. This is a castle. And here's a tree.
Listen. What's that? Hah-hah! Look at Pooh. He's sleeping in the sun. I think Pooh is tired. I'm not tired but I'm hot. I'll go swimming.
Nessie: Hey Pooh, can you swim?
Pooh: Swim? No, I can't. Why do you ask?
Nessie: Because I found some honey.
Pooh: Honey? Where?
Nessie: Over there. Quick. Get on my back.
Helen: What about you? Can you swim? I'm sure you are good at swimming. Look, here's what you need when you go swimming. This is a swimming costume. A swimming costume. It's mine. And here we've got swimming trunks. Swimming trunks. They're [ðeə] not mine. They belong to Jack. They are Jack's swimming trunks. And here we've got some flippers. Flippers.
Jack: Hey! Watch out! You've lost one flipper.
Jill: Oh, thank you.
Jack: Let's stay here.
Jill: Yes. Let's go swimming.
Jack: No. That's no fun. Come and play with me. Here, catch!
Helen: Oh dear, oh dear. What a mess!
Jack: Quick. Let's get away.
at the seaside – у моря; summer – лето, it's summer – (сейчас) лето; in summer – летом; autumn ['ɔ:təm] – осень; spring – весна; season ['si:zn] – время года, сезон; picture – картина; sea – море; island ['aɪlənd] – остров; snore [snɔ:] – храпеть, he is snoring (like crazy/ like a top – как волчок ) – он ужасно храпит; over there – вон там; back – спина; get on my back – залезай мне на спину; I'm (not) sure ['ʃʊə, ʃɔ:] of it – я в этом (не) уверен, that's for sure – я это точно знаю; swim (swam – swum) – плыть; a swimming costume ['kɒstju:m] – купальный костюм; swimming trunks – плавки; belong (to) – принадлежать (кому-либо); flippers – ласты; stay – останавливаться, задерживаться; that's no fun – да это не интересно; let's get away – давай уйдём (смоемся); on the beach – на пляже.
Exercise 1. Ask questions about the text and answer them:
1. Where, Helen, Jack and Jill, and, today, are? 2. What season, it, is?
3. What, the weather, is, like? 4. Does, like, Helen, the seaside? 5. What, Helen, doing, is, seaside, at, the? 6. What, you, see, Helen's picture, can, in? 7. What, Pooh, doing, is, and why? 8. Can, swim, Pooh? 9. Where, going, Pooh, is, Nessie, with? 10. Why, Pooh, going, to, is, the island? 11. What, you, do, need, when, go, you, swimming? 12. What, doing, Jack and Jill, are?
Exercise 2. Translate into Russian:
There are four seasons of the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn (fall). Each season lasts three months. The summer months are June, July and August. When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about weather. In summer the weather is fine. It's warm and sunny. In July it can be even hot. In summer the children don't go to school, they have got their summer holidays. Many children go with their parents to the seaside. Some children go to the country-side and others go abroad to see foreign countries. Some children spend their summer holidays at summer camps.
What can children do in summer? They can swim, dive, sunbathe (/ lie in the sun) on the beach, go boating or make (/ build) sand castles. They also can play football, badminton, volley-ball, hide-and-seek, tag, hopscotch and other games. Some children like reading books, watching TV, roller skating, playing computer games, going to a museum or to the cinema. Summer is my favourite season.
year – год; fall – амер. англ.. осень; last – длиться, продолжаться; fine – хороший; holiday(s) – каникулы, отпуск; parents – родители; country-side – деревенская местность; abroad – за границу, за границей; foreign – иностранный; country – страна, сельская местность; spend (spent-spent) – тратить, проводить (каникулы, время); summer camp – летний лагерь; dive – нырять; sunbathe – загорать; lie (lay – lain) лежать, lie in the sun - загорать; go boating – кататься на лодке; build – строить; sand – песок.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:
1. How many seasons are there in a year? 2. What are they? 3. What season do you like most of all? (What is your favourite season?) 4. Where do you spend your summer holidays? 5. Have you ever been to the seaside? 6. Have you ever been to the countryside? 7. Have you ever been to a summer camp?
8. When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about weather. What's the weather like in summer? 9. Where did you spend your summer holidays this year? 10. What can you do in summer?
Part 2
Helen: Who made this mess? Pooh, did you see anybody here? Pooh? Pooh! Where's Pooh? And where are Jack and Jill? Ah, there they are. Look what they are doing now.
Jill: Huh! I'm hot.
Jack: So am I.
Jill: Let's go swimming.
Jack: No, that's no fun. Look, there's a boat. Let's go rowing.
Jill: Can you row?
Jack: Of course I can. Come and help me turn over the boat.
Jill: All right.
Jack and Jill: Heave ho! Heave ho! Heave ho!
Jack: Good. Let's get in.
Row, row, row the boat, row the boat with me.
Oh, what fun it is to row over the bright, blue sea.
Jill: Hey! Look, a bottle.
Jack: A bottle? Where?
Jill: It's behind you. Hey! Careful. Watch out!
Jack: Sorry, Jill. Can you get the bottle?
Jill: Wait a bit. Here it is. It isn't a bottle.
Jack: It's a pot of honey. But it's empty.
Jill: No, it isn't. There is something inside.
Jack: It's a piece of paper.
Jill: What does it say?
Jack: I'm lost on Honey Island. Pooh.
Jill: Poor Pooh. He's lost. Let's go and find Pooh.
anybody – кто-нибудь (только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях); somebody – кто-то, кто-либо (в утвердительных предложениях); row – грести; turn over – перевернуть; heave ho! – раз-два – взяли!; get in – садиться (во что-либо), залезать (во что-л.); bright – яркий, светлый; bottle – бутылка; get – получить, достать; wait a bit – подожди немного; inside – внутри; a piece of paper – кусок бумаги; what does it say? – что там сказано?
Exercise 4. Ask questions about the text and answer them:
1. What, overthrowing, on, Jack and Jill, the beach, are? 2. Who, rowing, wants, go, to? 3. Can, row, Jack? 4. Can, the boat, turn over, the children?
5. What, the children, find, do, in the water? 6. Is, important, the bottle post?
7. What, the piece of paper, does, say? 8. Who, in need (нужда, затруднительное положение), and, danger (опасность), is? 8. What, the children, going, to do, are?
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