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Exercise 8. Any, some or no?

2017-09-30 313
Exercise 8. Any, some or no? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. I need … sugar, … flower, … eggs, … butter and … milk to make a cake.
2. There is … butter in the fridge, but there isn't … milk. 3. Are there … eggs? – No, there aren't … eggs left. 4. We haven't got … flower. 5. There are … pictures in the book. 6. Have you got … English books at home? – Yes, I have …. 7. Have you got … money? – Yes, I've got … money. 8. Is there … bread at home? – No, there is … bread at home. 9. We must do some shopping because we have got … bread, … tea, … meat and … butter. 10. Do we need … eggs?


Exceptions [ık'sepʃnz](исключения): 11. Can I have … milk in my tea?
12. You can take … pen you like.


Exercise 9. So do I – So am I – So have I – So can I – So must I?

1. I'm hungry. 2. I am making a cake. 3. I have already finished my homework. 4. I have translated the text. 5. I can speak two languages – Russian and a little English. 6. She has just baked a cake. 7. They are going to the fair. 8. He likes cola. 8. She wants to play hopscotch. 9. She is good at English. 10. He can play the piano. 11. I'm ready. 12. They must do some shopping.

Примечание: So have I употребляется только как реакция на предложение в Present Perfect. На предложение с have в настоящем времени (например: I have a dog) нельзя реагировать, употребляя so have I.


Exercise 10. Translate into English:

1. Остался ли там сахар? – Да, ещё есть немного сахара. 2. Есть ли яйца в холодильнике? – Нет, в холодильнике яиц нет. 3. Есть ли в доме (сколько-нибудь) хлеб? – Да, в доме есть немного хлеба. 4. Можно мне немного апель­синового сока? – Извини, апельсинового сока нет. 5. Купи любой торт, который тебе нравится. 6. Я умею готовить (cook). – И я тоже. 7. Ей надо сделать покупки. – Мне тоже. 8. Он закончил (своё) домашнее задание. – И я тоже. 9. Он устал. – Я тоже. 10. У них хорошие успехи в английском. – У меня тоже. 11. Он должен это сделать. – И я тоже.


Exercise 11. Past Simple or Present Perfect?

1. Я уже прочитал эту книгу. 2. Она только-что испекла торт. 3. Ты когда-нибудь был в (to) Лондоне? 4. Хелен вчера испекла торт. 5. Где ты был?

Proverb: You can't have a cake and eat it too.





Helen: Hello, children. Welcome to Playtime. It's program eighteen today.

Jack: Seventeen.

Helen: No, eighteen.

Hey, what's that? Jack and Jill are playing darts. Look, here is a dart. And this is a dartboard. You throw the dart and you try to hit the bull's-eye. The red circle is the bull's-eye. You get fifty points if you hit the bull's-eye. Look. I'm good at playing darts.

Jack: Seventeen.

Jill: Seventeen. How many points have I got?

Jack: I don't know. Helen, can you help us add up the points?

Helen: Of course I can help you. Thank you, Jack. Let me see. Five, fifteen, twenty – forty points.

And Jill has got seventeen, nine, four – thirty points. Jack has got 40 points and Jill has got 30 points.

Jack is good at playing darts, isn't he? Whose turn is it next?

Jack: It's my turn. Eighteen, nineteen, thirty.

Jill: No, Jack, no. Don't cheat. You haven't got 30 points. You've only got thirteen points.

Jack: Girls…

Jill: It's my turn now. Four, sixteen, fifty! Fifty!

Helen: Let's see who is the winner. No, Jack. You've got 13 points. And Jill has 50. Let me see. 13, 19, 18 – that's 50 points. Plus 40 – ninety points. Jack has got 90 points.

And Jill has got fifty, sixteen, four – that's seventy points. And thirty – one hundred points. Jill has got one hundred points. Jill's the winner!

Jill: I'm the winner!




great – великий; program ['prəʊgræm] – программа; dart – дротик; dartboard – мишень для дротиков; play darts – играть в дартс (дротики); hit (hit – hit) – уда­рить, поразить; bull's-eye – центр мишени (десятка); circle [sɜ:kl] - круг, окруж­ность; point – очко; add up – складывать, суммировать; of course – конечно; he is good at English, isn't he? – он хорошо успевает по английскому языку, не так ли?; Whose turn is it next? – Кто следую­щий в очереди?


Exercise 1. Ask questions about the text and answer them:

1. What, Jack and Jill, playing, are? 2. What, you, need, do, to, darts, play?
3. How, they, play, do, darts? 4. How many, get, points, you, do, when you,




the bull's-eye, hit? 5. How many, get, points, Jack and Jill, do? 6. Can, add up, Jack and Jill, the points? 7. Does, play, Jack, fair, always, or, does, cheat, he?
8. Who, the winner, is?



Exercise 2. She is very nice, isn't she? – Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.

1. Jack is playing darts. 2. The cake is big. 3. The bread is old. 4. The pot is empty. 5. The book is interesting. 6. Jill is afraid of ghosts. 7. Grandpa is tired. 7. Jill is ready. 8. The work is finished.



Exercise 3. Yes, I like … but I'm not very good at …

Yes, I like … and they say I'm good at …

1. Do you like playing football? 2. Do you like playing tag? 3. Do you like playing chess? 4. Do you like playing computer games? 5. Do you like surfing the internet? 6. Do you like playing hide-and-seek? 7. Do you like playing darts?



Exercise 4. Translate into Russian:

1. What's that? 2. Try to hit the bull's-eye. 3. How many points do I get? 4. Add up the points! 5. Let me see. 6. It's your turn now. 7. Jill is good at playing darts, isn't she? 8. He is good at languages. 9. She is good at music. 10. What are you good at? Are you good at math? Are you good at sports? 11. He is good at everything. 12. Everybody is good at something. 13. Jack is good at skiing and skating. 14. Jill is good at learning new things.



Exercise 5. Translate into English:

1. Джек и Джил любят играть в дротики. 2. У неё способности к музыке, не так ли? 3. У тебя есть сколько-нибудь денег? 3. У нас есть в доме са­хар? 4. Ты уже сделал покупки (the или some)? 5. Я люблю "бродить" в интернете. 6. А который час? – Без 5 девять. 7. Кто следующий в очереди? 8. Я могу разговаривать на двух языках, на русском и немного на англий­ском. 9. Что тебе нужно, (чтобы) играть в дартс? 10. Торт готов, не так ли?

Part 2

The telephone is ringing.

Helen: Hello. Oh, it's you, Tom. Ah, I see. Yes. All right. Bye! Jack and Jill, Tom wants to play football with you.

Jack: Come on, Jill. Let's play football.


Jill: What a good idea! I'm the goalkeeper.

Helen: Jack and Jill are going to play football. There is an important match next Saturday. Let's watch them now.


(Hammerheads versus Flatfeet. Saturday. 3 o'clock)

Jack: You're [jɔ:] the goalkeeper, aren't you? You have got to catch the ball.

Jill: I know that.

Jack: Hammerheads against Flatfeet.

Jill: When is the match?

Jack: It's next Saturday at three o'clock.

Tom: Come on. Let's play football.

Jill: I'm the goalkeeper.

Tom: And I'm the captain ['kæptın].

Jack: Why?

Tom: Because I'm bigger than you.

Jack: No, I'm the captain.

Tom: Why?

Jack: Because I'm older than you.


I can run faster than you.

I can kick higher than you.

I'm a champion of football.

I can catch better than you.


Jill: Let's see who's first. Heads or tails?

Jack: Heads.

Jill: Tails. You are first, Tom.

Tom: All right. Let's start.

Pooh: Kick off!


Words: What a good idea! – Какая хорошая идея!; goalkeeper – вратарь; important – важный; match – матч; next Saturday – в следующую субботу; versus ['vɜ:səs]– против; against – против; flatfeet – плоскостопие, простаки, полицейские; You're [jɔ:] the goalkeeper, aren't you? – ты вратарь, не так ли?; You have got to catch the ball – ты должна ловить мяч; captain ['kæptın] – капитан; big – большой; than – чем (then – потом); fast – быстрый; kick – бить (мяч); high – высоко; champion ['ʧæmpɪən] – чемпион; heads or tails? – орёл или решка?; first – первый; kick off – вводить мяч в игру; referee [ref ə'ri:] – судья.

Good – better – (the) best – хорошо – лучше – лучше всего (самый лучший).



Exercise 6. Ask questions about the text and answer them:

1. Who, calling, Helen, is? 2. What, Tom, want, does? 3. Do, Jack and Jill, play, like, to, football? 4. There, an important match, is, Saturday, on. Who, playing, is? 5. Who, the goalkeeper, is? 6. Who, the captain, is? 7. Why, Jack, the cap­tain, is? 8. Who, the referee, is?



Exercise 7. They're cheating, aren't they? – Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

1. They are good at playing football. 2. You are the captain of the football team. 3. We are the best players. 4. They are the champions. 5. You are older than me. 6. His ideas are better than yours. 7. They are playing very well.
8. England are playing badly today. 9. Russia are playing better now.



Exercise 8. Have (got) to … - должен (/может). Translate into Russian:

1. You have got to catch the ball. 2. I've got to go home. It's my mother's birthday. 3. Have I got to do it? 4. I haven't got to go to school tomorrow. 5. He has got to do his homework. 6. I want to hear what you've got to say. 7. They have to get up at seven o'clock tomorrow. 8. I have to go now. 9. I've got to have it! 10. I have got to go there.



Part 3

Tom: I can run faster than you.

Jack: I can kick higher than you.

Pooh: Goal!

Jill: It's your turn, Jack.

Jack: Foul!

Pooh: Free kick for Jack.

Tom: Watch out, Jill.

Pooh: Corner!

Jack: I can kick higher than you.

Tom: Hah, Jill can't catch that.

Jill: Oh yes, I can.

Pooh: Well done!

Football fan: What a great goalkeeper!

Helen: Heads or tails? It's tails. Look, this side of the coin is tails. And this side of the coin is heads. Now let's have a look at some pictures from our football story. Here's Jill. "I'm the goalkeeper". Come and speak with me: I'm the goalkeeper. Look at Tom and Jack. Tom is bigger than Jack. "I'm bigger than




you". Jack is nine and Tom is eight years old. Jack is older than Tom. "I'm older than you." Listen to Tom. "I can run faster than you". And here is Pooh. "Kick off!" "Corner!" "Goal!"

Let's go back to Jack, Jill and Tom and watch them once again playing football.


Football fan: What a great goalkeeper! Excuse me, we need a good goalkeeper like you. Will you join our club? There is an important match next Saturday.

Jill: Well. What a good idea!

Helen: What a great day for Jill! Our time is up. Goodbye, children. See you next Playtime.



goal – ворота, гол; foul – нарушение; free kick (for) – штрафной удар (в пользу); penalty ['penltı] – пенальти; corner – угол, здесь: угловой; coin – монета; once again – ещё раз; football fan – футбольный болельщик; excuse me – извини(те); join – присоединиться; club – клуб; football team – футбольная команда; coach – тренер; he is blowing his whistle to start (/stop) the game – он даёт свисток к началу (/об окончании) игры; The referee is whistling the end of the first half – судья даёт свисток об окончании первого тайма; The ref [21] needs specs [22]! / Use your eyes, ref! – Судью на мыло!; score – 1. счёт, 2. забивать гол (забрасывать шайбу); What's the score? – The score is 2–1 – Какой счёт? – Счёт 2-1; shoot (shot – shot) – стрелять, бить (/бросать) по воротам; shooting gallery – тир.



Exercise 9. Try to translate into Russian:

1. What sports do you like? What sport do you like most of all? 2. What sport(s) do you do and how many times a week? 3. What sports do the boys like doing? 4. What sports do you like watching? 5. What sport are you good at? 6. Does he do any sport? – No, he's too lazy to do any sport but he likes to watch ice hockey. 7. What sports are the most popular in Russia? 8. Nobody makes a pass at me. 9. Make a pass at me! 10. I passed the ball to him. 11. He shot and made a goal. 12. He shot at the goal but hit the post (crossbar). 13. The goalkeeper can save the ball. 14. He shoots and scores! 15. A football fan is one who sup­ports (поддерживает) his team even (даже) in difficult situations. 16. He shot a penalty and scored.17.Y ou can't win against the woman, so don't even try.



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