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Exercise 4. What, which or how?

2017-09-30 341
Exercise 4. What, which or how? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. … sport do you like better, football or basketball? 2. … sport do you like most of all? 3. … of these books do you like most? 4. …is her surname?
5. … is John? Is he getting better? 6. … colour do you like most? 7. … colour is his car? 8. They have only two T-shirts in your size. … one would you like?



Idiom: He doesn't know what from which - он не соображает, что к чему.



Exercise 5. Put the correct question tags:

1. He's a genius, …? 2. There are two armchairs in the room, …? 3. She can't do it, …? 4. Don't tell it to anyone, …? 5. Help us, …? 6. Let's go to the zoo, …? 7. Nobody knew it, …? 8. They had a nice party,...? 9. I'm a genius, …?


Part 2

Jill: What are you doing?

Jack: I'm putting some paste on the wallpaper. Now you can do it yourself. Give me the next one, please.

Jill: Here you are.

Jack: Hey, there's a hole. Mind you don't tear the wallpaper. Come on Jill, carry on.

Jill: No, I won't.

Jack: Girls…

Jill: What are you doing now?

Jack: I'm mixing some paint.

Jill: What for?

Jack: It's for the ceiling. Look, the ceiling is dirty.

Jill: Oh dear, everything is dirty now. The armchair and the curtains.

Jack: Can you give me the broom, please?

Jill: Where is it?

Jack: In front of the fireplace.

Jill: Here you are. Careful! You'll fall off the ladder.

Jack: Can you give me the bucket, please?

Jill: Here you are.

Jack: Oh dear! A hole.



paste – клей, клейстер, мастика; one – 1. один: one more question – ещё один вопрос; 2. какой-то, некий: one morning(/day, evening) – как-то утром (/од­нажды, как-то вечером); 3. вместо существительного: Take my pen. – Thank you, I have one – Возьми мою ручку. – Спасибо, у меня есть (ручка); the next one – следующий; 4. неопределённо-личное местоимение: one never knows what can happen – никогда не знаешь, что может случиться; carry on! – продолжай! так держать!; mix – 1. смешивать: he mixed red paint with white paint – он смешал красную краску с белой краской; 2. общаться: he doesn't mix well (with his school­mates) – он не очень общителен (/не очень общается) со своими школьными дру­зьями); 3. mix up – путать: I always mix up their names – я всегда путаю их фамилии; what for? – зачем? для чего?; ceiling – потолок.


Exercise 1. Transcribe the following words, word groups and contractions:

you are, you're, your he is, he's, his,

we are, we're they are, they're, their


Exercise 6. Find the subject and the predicate in every sentence:

Then Jill put some paste on the wallpaper and Jack put the paper on the walls. He didn't notice that he papered up the door. The ceiling of the room was dirty. Jack cleared it. He mixed some paint for the ceiling.

Exercise 7. Translate into Russian:

1. Do you mind (возражать) if I close the window? 2. If you don't mind I would like to know more about it. 3. He doesn't mix well with the other children. 4. I didn't notice anything special. 5. Which book do you want? – This one. 6. I'll carry (нести) my bag myself. 7. We can't wait to see you again.
8. What are you doing it for? – I'm doing it for myself. 9. Mind you don't cut yourself with your knife.



Разница между глаголом have и оборотом have got (part 1)

Значение: Разницы нет. Оба переводятся "иметь".

Стиль: 1. Оборот have got неформальный, употребляется в разговорном языке. Глагол have употребляется как в формальном, так и – реже – в не­формаль­ном (разговорном) языке.

2. Оборот have got в Великобритании употребляется чаще, чем в США.

Грамматические особенности:

1. Оборот have got употребляется только в одной временной форме – Present Simple, а глагол have – во всех временных формах:

He has got a good desktop. He had a good desktop last year.

I have got no time to do it now. I am so sorry I have had no time to write to you. I have got an interesting computer game. I will have an interesting computer game next week. Don't play computer games so much and you' ll have more time for sports and your homework.



Exercise 8. Put the correct question tags:

1. She always has breakfast at 7 o'clock, …? 2. Let's decorate our living room tomorrow, …? 3. It happened yesterday, …? 4. Don't prompt him, …? 5. He hasn't got a desktop, …? 6. She wasn't ill, …? 7. Everybody helped her, …?

Exercise 9. Ask questions to the following answers:

1. Yes, I've got a tablet. 2. No, I have breakfast at 8 o'clock. 3. We had a party yesterday afternoon. 4. He can help you. 5. I always mix up these words.





Part 3

There's a hole in my bucket, dear Jill, dear Jill.

There's a hole in my bucket, dear Jill, a hole.

Then mend it, dear Jack, dear Jack, dear Jack.

Then mend it, dear Jack, dear Jack, mend it.

With what shall I mend it, dear Jill, dear Jill?

With what shall I mend it, dear Jill, with what?

With glue, dear Jack, dear Jack, dear Jack.

With glue, dear Jack, dear Jack, with glue.

Jack: Look, Jill, the ceiling is clean. Finished! What a mess!

Helen: Poor Jill… What a mess!

Now look at this. We've got some pieces of furniture (преметы обстановки, мебель) here. Can you tell me what this is in English? Yes, it's a lamp. And what's this? Right. It's a sofa. And what's this? Right. It's a television. And this? Yes, it's a table. And what's this? Right. It's a radio. And what's that? Yes, it's a fireplace. And what's this? Right. It's an armchair. And what are these? Yes, they're curtains.

Now let's have a look at some pictures from our story. Oh, Jack! Jack and Jill wanted to decorate their room. Jack asked Jill, "Which wallpaper do you like?" Come and speak with me: Which wallpaper do you like? Do you remember what Jill answered? She said, "I like the purple one". Jill was carrying the bucket. There was white paint in the bucket. So it was a bit heavy for Jill. Jack said, "Mind you don't drop it!"

And here's a picture of Jack painting the ceiling. It was a bit dangerous. That’s why Jill said, " Careful, you'll fall off the ladder. " Careful, you'll fall off the ladder. Now let's watch Jack and Jill again.


Jack: Go and answer the door, please.

Jill: I can't.

Jack: Why not?

Jill: There is no door. You're a genius. Really.

Helen: The door won't open. Jack has papered up the door. I think I must go and find a decorator now. I don't need a decorator, I need a hairdresser.

Our time is up, children. See you next Playtime. Goodbye!



mend – починить, заделать; piece – кусок: a piece of bread – кусок хлеба; a bit – кусочек, немного: I'm a bit tired – я немного устал; a bit dangerous – нем­ного опасный; the door won't open – дверь не открывается; decorator – декоратор, маляр, обойщик; hairdresser – парикмахер; enter the room – войти в комнату.



Exercise 10. Find the subject and the predicate in every sentence:

There was a hole in the bucket. Jack mended it with glue and painted the ceiling. Jack and Jill finished their work. Helen wanted to enter their room, but it was not possible. The door wouldn't open (не открывалась). She had to force the door open (открыть дверь силой) because it was papered up.


Exercise 11. Translate into Russian:

1. What's this in English? 2. You must mend your socks. 3. Can you mend the broken window? 4. The cup broke into pieces. 5. Have you got a piece of paper for me? 6. We are a bit tired. 7. That's a bit too complicated (сложный, запу­тан­ный) for me. 8. Mind you don't drop the glass [glɑ:s]! 9. Name a piece of furniture to keep cups and glasses in. 10. Mind you don't fall off the tree! 11. I tried to open the window, but it wouldn't open. 12. Shall I translate the text?


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