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EDU C A t I o N I N th E U S A

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Alex, a Russian student, is again talking with James Mitchell, an American from Las Vegas, Nevada. This time their conversation is about the education in the USA.

— Мистер Митчелл, какая система образования в вашей стране?

— you see. The US has no nаtional educational system. Instead, each state is responsible for organiz- ing and regulating its own system of education. There are common elements in the separate state sys- tems, however.



— И какие же это общие черты (элементы)?



— Есть ли частные школы в сША?


— Мистер Митчелл, у вас есть дети? Какую школу они посещают?

— Мистер Митчелл, а какая разница между high schools и higher schools?



— Мистер Митчелл, извините, что перебиваю вас... А в каких образовательных заведениях можно получить высшее образование?

— спасибо огромное. очень хочется побывать у вас

в стране.

— Well, formal education is di- vided into the following stages: elementary, secondary and higher education. School attendance is compulsory in every state.

— The state provides schooling at all stages of education, but parents can send their children to private schools.

— Oh, Alex. I have a daughter, a nice girl, Chelsea by name. She attends a private school.

— A great one. High schools, ju- nior and senior, provide secondary education. Most of them offer both general and vocational courses of study. And higher schools provide higher learning...

— Places of higher learning in- clude community and junior col- leges, technical institutes, univer- sities and separate professional schools.

— you are welcome.


EXErCISE 35. Arrange role plays on the following subjects. Be as imagi- native as you can.

1. you are a teacher of the foreign language. What and how will you teach your pupils? (The topic for discussion is “Education”.)

2. you are a teacher of the Russian language at one of the lessons in the American school.




EXErCISE 36. Imagine the context in which you may use the following phrases. Dramatize the situations.

1. I want to study at the private school.

2. I want to study in the USA.

3. I donʼt want to study at this college.


EXErCISE 37. Discuss the following points:

1. Think about different schools where you studied before, where you are studying now. Try to answer the following questions.

— Did you (or do you) enjoy them?

— What do you want to change in them? Why?

— Did you (or do you) have any teachers or subjects that you espe- cially like (dislike)?

— Do you think it is better to have single-sex or mixed schools?

— What do you think about exams?

— Are they necessary?

— Do you usually feel nervous about them?

— What do you think is the purpose of going to school (college)?

2. What are the most important characteristics that make your ideal teacher (an ideal student)?

EXErCISE 38. Discuss the following proverb together with your friend, and say if you agree with it:

It is never too late to learn.


EXErCISE 39. Enjoy Yourself!

а) отгадайте слова в лайнворде.

1. = to gain

2. = to want

3. = to study

4. The way or method in which some- thing is done or happens

5. = to include

6. To send or pass from one person, place, thing to another

7. = various

8. A kind of education



b) отгадайте слова в чайнворде.


TESt 6

1. Chose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

1. While discussing educational systems of different countries, we use....

A. skills          В. a scheme с. the ways D. types

2. It is not difficult to use good... while eating.

A. manners      В. children  с. schemes D. speed

3. They want to take.... their education.

A. with           В. for         с. without D. up

4. To transmit a common cultural heritage is.... of general education.

A. made          В. received  с. the aim  D. the design

5. The children are taught skills they will use.... their life.

A. above         В. throughout с. though    D. thought

6. In most countries almost all young people... their general education

in secondary schools.

A. take up        В. offer       с. include  D. specialize

7. The system of education in Britain is divided into three stages:...,

secondary and further education.

A. vocational   В. general    с. primary D. special

8. British universities are... corporations, but they are mainly supported

by public funds.

A. independent В. different  с. various  D. unique

9. Each state in the USA  is in... of organizing and regulating its own

system of education.

A. responsible  В. nation     с. charge   D. system

10. High schools,... and senior, provide secondary education in the USA.

A. primary      В. elementary с. junior     D. vocational


2. Choose the proper form of the Infinitive and fill in the blanks.

1. We didnʼt expect you … it.

A. to do    В. to be done с. do    D. to have been done

2. The teacher wishes them... a composition about it.

A. to be written                В. to have been written

с. to write                        D. write

3. He believes them... this text well.

A. to translate       В. to be translated

с. translate            D. to have been translated

4. They suppose this material... in the article.

A. to use   В. to be used с. use   D. be used

5. He didn’t expect them... here.

A. to study                       В. to be studied с. to have been studied       D. study

6. The teacher made her... the lectures.

A. to attend                      В. attend

с. to have attended            D. to be attended

7. I saw him... this magazine yesterday.

A. to read В. to be reading  с. read   D. to have read

8. She finds them....

A. to have gone B. to be gone   с. to go  D. go

9. He thought you... these questions.

A. to answer                     В. to have been answered

C. answer                        D. to be answered

10. The teacher supposed the text about education... by the students.

A. to read  B. read  с. to be read  D. to have read

3. the text contains different mistakes: 2 — in spelling, 5 — in grammar. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the text.

In most western nations advanced general education is often called liberal education, which aim at broad mentall development and teach learners to study a problem from diferent sides. The branches of learn- ing that help in these development are called liberal arts. This branches includes the humanities, mathematics and the biological, physical and social sciences.



4. Answer these multiple-choice questions about the education in the UK and USA.

1. What stages is formal education in the USA divided into?

A. General and special education.

В. Elementary, special, adult education.

с. Elementary, secondary, higher education.

2. What stages is formal education in the UK divided into?

A. Primary, secondary and further education. В. Secondary and vocational education.

с. State and private schools.

3. At what age do pupils take GCSE examination in the UK?

A. Between the ages of 5 and 16. В. At the age of 15 or 16.

с. At the age of 11.

4. At what age do pupils take GCE examination in the UK?

A. Beyond the age of 16.

В. Between the ages of 14 and 15. с. Beyond the age of 10.

5. What kinds of schools provide secondary education in the USA?

A. Higher schools.

В. Junior and senior schools. с. Different kinds of colleges.

UNIt 7


Theme:   Science and Technology

Texts:     1. Science

2. Technology

Dialogues: 1. About Computers

2. About IBMC (International Business Machines Corporation)

Grammar Structures:

Complex Subject (сложное подлежащее)

  Test 7                                                                                          


EXErCISE 1. a) read, translate and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues:

1) a science, a scientist, scientific. Science deals with facts and the re- lationship among these facts. Some scientists try to solve difficult mathematical problems. They use different scientific methods;

2) to search, a researcher. Some scientists search for clues to the ori- gin of the universe. Researchers have examined this problem;

3) to investigate. Some researchers investigate why we act the way we do;

4) to unify. Scientists develop theories that help them order and unify the facts;

5) to attempt. Scientists attempt to solve mathematical problems;

6) to explain. Scientists try to explain different problems;

7) to prove. A theory becomes a part of scientific knowledge if it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true;

8) complicated, a complicated problem. Some scientists attempt to solve complicated mathematical problems;

9) to appear. Many new fields of science have appeared;

10) a boundary. The boundaries between scientific fields have become less and less clear;

11) closely interconnected. All sciences are closely interconnected;

12) a tool. Different kinds of tools and machines make our life easier;

13) a discovery, an invention. The discoveries and inventions of sci- entists also help shape our views about ourselves and our place in the universe;


14) to satisfy. Technology means the use of peopleʼs inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs;

15) a shelter. Since people have appeared on the earth, they have had to get food, clothes and shelter;

16) a steam engine. Industrial technology began with the development of the steam engine, the growth of factories, and the mass produc- tion of goods;

17) to contribute. Science has contributed much to modern technol- ogy;

18) nuclear, nuclear power. Some modern technologies, such as nucle- ar power production and space travel, depend heavily on science;

19) digital, a digital computer. Digital computers deal with numbers;

20) to refer. The word “computer” almost always refers to a digital computer;

21) a quantity, a physical quantity. Analog computers work with a physical quantity, such as weight, speed, temperature;

22) to measure. The thermometers measure the temperature;

23) liquid. They measure temperature in terms of the length of a thin line of liquid in a thermometer;

24) to process, to process the data. The computers are able to process the data;

25) a typewriter. IBM makes data processing systems, electronic com- puters, electric typewriters, dictation machines etc.

26) headquarters. IBMʼs headquarters are in Armonk, New york.

b) Watch out!

to search for  

Some scientists search for clues to the origin of the universe. Iʼm searching for my wallet.

EXE r CISE 2. a) read the words following the rules of reading. Pronounce correctly. Practise aloud:

[e] inv e ntion, inv e stigate, att e mpt, interconn e ct, sh e lter, e ngine, m ea sure, c e ll;

[æ] f a ct, ex a mine, a nimal, a ct, n a tional, overl a p, s a tisfy; [ɑ:] pl a nts;

[ʌ] st u dy, s u bject, str u cture, bec o me, disc o very; [ɔ:] headqu ar ters;

[ɒ] techn o logy, qu a ntity;

[u:] tr ue, comp u ter, t oo l, pr o ve, u nity;


[i:] fi e ld, d ea l, st ea m;

[ɪ] contribute, digital, liquid, since;

[ɜ:] s ea rch, res ea rch, ref er, w or d, univ er se;

[eɪ] w a y, s a me, rel a tionship, gr ea t, expl ai n, complic a ted; [aʊ] b ou ndary;

[ǝʊ] cl o sely, pr o cess, s o cial, gr o w; [ɪǝ]    app ea r, th eo ry, cl ea r;

[aɪ] t y pewriter, wide, tr y, divide, provide; [аɪǝ] sc ie nce, sc ie ntist, var ie ty.

b) look at the following pairs of words, and think if the underlined letters are pronounced in the same way, or if they are pronounced differently:

since — science; inv e ntion — sh e lter; a nimal — pl a nts; overl a p — s a tisfy; bec o me — disc o very; s u bject — u nify; headqu a rters — a ct; qu a n- tity — ex a mine; techn o logy — pr o ve; comp u ter — u nity; s ea rch — gr ea t; ref e r — univ er se; d ea l — st ea m; digital — liquid; s a me — complic a ted; pr o cess — s o cial; app ea r — cl ea r; t y pewriter — tr y; sc ie ntist — var ie ty.

EXErCISE 3. a) read the international words, mind the stress:

′Latin, fact, ′structure, mathe′matical, ′problem, syste′matic, ′meth- od, ′theory, ′principle, test, group, ′natural, ′social, ′technical, ′basis, tech'nology, ma′chine, ma′terial, in'dustrial, ′aspect, ′radio, tele′vision,

′telephone, communi′cation, ′metal, com′puter, type, ′symbol, ′hybrid,

′temperature, ther′mometer, ′business, ′centre, e′lectric, elect′ronic.

b) find the English equivalents for the following words and arrange them in pairs:

For example: principle — принцип

центр, бизнес, гибридный, электрический, электронный, тем- пература, термометр, латинский, систематический, проблема, ма- тематический, структура, факт, связь (коммуникация), компьютер, тип, символ, металл, метод, теория, тестировать, группа, есте- ственный (натуральный), общественный (социальный), промыш- ленный, аспект, телефон, радио, телевидение, материал, машина, технический, основа, технология.

EXErCISE 4. a) translate, analyse the words with different suffixes and divide the following words into the three groups: nouns, adjectives and adverbs:

relationship, scientist, structure, researcher, mathematical, system- atic, observation, general, scientific, experimentally, natural, social,


technical, numerous, closely, influence, invention, generally, industrial, development, production, different, television, communication, com- puter, digital, physical, temperature, international, producer, electric, electronic, dictation.

b) Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words:

re-    search         -ly inter- experiment   -al

close          -ion

invent         -ment

general       -ent develop

product differ digit nation

с)  the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

1. examine the structure of the cells SEARCH.

2. A... computer is a common one DIGIT.

3. This theory was..... proved EXPERIMENT.

4. He has won a prize at the..... conference NATION.

5. When we speak about computers, we...... mean digital computers



EXErCISE 5. a) try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column В to form meaningful phrases:

А                         В

1) broad                a) word

2) systematic          b) problem

3) natural               c) theory

4) Latin                 d) principle

5) different            e) groups

6) general              f) methods

7) major                g) field

8) industrial           h) objects

9) scientific            i) technology

10) mathematical      g) sciences


b) Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right:

to cover...            clues

to deal with...      the cells

to come from...    the problem to search for...  tools

to examine...        the field

to investigate...     facts

to develop...         the word

to divide into...    a theory

to provide…        groups

to shape…           the basis

to invent…          the views


EXErCISE 6. a) translate the following word combinations. Pay attention to the prepositions.

Comes from, the field of knowledge, deals with facts, among these facts, a wide variety of subjects, search for clues to the origin of the uni- verse, consist of general principles, a part of scientific knowledge, can be divided into, new fields of science, at the same time, the boundaries be- tween scientific fields, numerous areas of science, influence on our lives, the basis of modern technology, inventions of scientists, our views about, in the universe, on the earth, through the ages, speak of technology, about 200 years ago, with the development of the steam engine, the growth of factories, production of goods, aspect of peopleʼs lives, the development of the car, contributed much to modern technology, for example, from iron, for centuries, the structure of the metal.

b) fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions.

Many tasks performed... people are now done... computers. They provide scientists... an understanding... nature. They help search... clues

... the origin... the universe. They give people who work... words an effec- tive way... creating documents. these and other reasons, the computer

is one.... the most interesting and important machines ever invented.


EXErCISE 7. Divide the following words into three groups which describe

a) science, b) technology, c) computers:

tools, steam engine, knowledge, systematic methods, a theory, an- alog, digital, natural sciences, technical sciences, discoveries, to explain,


a printer, a mouse, television, radio, numbers, researchers, scientists, so- cial sciences.


EXErCISE 8. a) Decide which word is the odd one out in each of the fol- lowing groups of words:

1) natural, social, digital, technical;

2) digital, natural, analog, hybrid;

3) theories, tools, machines, materials;

4) radio, knowledge, telephone, television;

5) the universe, plants, trees, animals.

b) find the names for the groups of words. fill in each of the spaces:

1) natural, social, technical —...;

2) digital, analog, hybrid —...;

3) radio, television, telephone —...;

4) tools, machines, materials —...;

5) plants, animals, trees —....


EXErCISE 9. a) translate the following definitions of the words.

1. Science is the study of knowledge which can be made into a sys- tem, and which usually depends on seeing and testing facts and stating general natural laws.

2. Technology is a branch of knowledge dealing with scientific and industrial methods and their practical use in industry.

3. Research is a serious and detailed study of a subject that is aimed at learning new facts, scientific laws, testing ideas etc.

4. A shelter is a building or something of the kind that gives protec- tion.

5. A typewriter is a machine that prints letters.

b) the following words also appear in the texts and dialogues. Match each one with its correct definition:

to prove, to process, to unify, to explain, to appear

1) to combine parts of something to form a single whole;

2) to make clear or easy to understand, usually by speaking or writing;

3) to become able to be seen, to come into sight;

4) to show to be true by means of facts, documents, information etc;

5) to put (information, numbers etc) into a computer for examina- tion.



EXErCISE 10. a) Study the Use of the Complex Subject.


1. He is said to study here. (Говорят, что он учится здесь.)

2. Не is believed to have studied here. (Полагают, что он учился здесь.)

3. Не seems to know her very well. (Кажется, что он знает ее очень хорошо.)

4. Не appears to have investigated this problem better than others. (По-видимому, он исследовал эту проблему лучше, чем другие.)

5. Не seems to be preparing for the exams. (Кажется, он готовится к экзаменам.)

6. Не is sure to соте. (он обязательно придет.)

7. Не is likely to have done it. (Похоже, что он сделал это.)

b) read the sentences, point out the Complex Subject, translate into rus- sian.

1. Science is believed to be the broad field of knowledge that deals with facts and the relationship among these facts. 2. The word “science” is sure to have come from the Latin word “scientia”. 3. This scientist is supposed to deal with this investigation. 4. Researchers are expected to use systematic methods of study. 5. He is said to be researching this prob- lem now. 6. Do you happen to know his sisterʼs name? 7. He appears to be an intelligent person. 8. They seem to have entered this university. 9. you are unlikely to enter this college. 10. She is certain to have prepared a re- port.




EXErCISE 11. transform the sentences according to the models to prac- tise the use of the Complex Subject.

a) Model: It is expected that he will enter the university. He is expected to enter the university.

1. It is known that the scientific knowledge will grow. 2. It is believed that the scientific knowledge has become more complicated. 3. It is said that he will come in a week. 4. It is expected that he will test it experimen- tally. 5. It is known that he is a good physicist.

b) Model: Will he take part in the conference? — Yes, he is certain to take part in it.

1. Will Mr Brown come to our computer centre? 2. Will he apologize to her? 3. Will he congratulate me on my birthday? 4. Will they buy new computers? 5. Will Mr Mitchell come to Russia again?

c) Model: Do you know James Mitchell? — Yes, I happen to know him.

1. Do you know this researcher? 2. Did you meet him in Moscow?

3. Did you see this new film? 4. Does James know this scientist? 5. Did you see her?


EXErCISE 12. fill in the blanks to practise the use of the Complex Sub- ject. the words in brackets will help you.

1. He... to come to the conference (несомненно). 2. you... to know this city better than we (по-видимому). 3. Their plans... to change in the future (вероятно). 4. They... to agree with you (определенно). 5. She... to give you this book (вряд ли). 6. Do you... to know him (случайно)?

7. He... to be right (оказался). 8. He... to be a good researcher (говорят).

9. He... to have done this experiment (известно). 10. They... to be well- informed citizens (полагают).


EXErCISE 13. Make up sentences according to the models to practise the use of the Complex Subject.

a) Model: Несомненно, они исследуют эту проблему (to be certain). They are certain to investigate this problem.

1. Вероятно, они купят цифровой компьютер (to be likely).

2. они обязательно измеряют температуру (to be sure). 3. Малове- роятно, что они придут сегодня (to be unlikely). 4. он определенно сделает это (to be certain). 5. Вряд ли он поступит в этот колледж (to be unlikely).


b) Model: Кажется, он учится здесь (to seem). Не seems to study here.

1. Кажется, он купил компьютер (to seem). 2. оказывается, он пытался переводить текст (to prove). 3. он случайно встретил ее на улице (to happen). 4. Казалось, что они его уже забыли (to seem).

5. Эксперимент оказался удачным (to prove).


EXErCISE 14. Analyse the use of the Complex Subject in the following proverb.

An early riser is sure to be in luck.


EXErCISE 15. read the text, try to focus on its essential facts and choose the most suitable heading below for each paragraph:

1) The Fields of Scientific Research; 2) Different Groups of Sciences;

3) The Importance of Science; 4) What Is Science?; 5) Methods of Sci- entific Research.


The word “science” comes from the Latin word “scientia”, which means “knowledge”. Science covers the broad field of knowledge that deals with facts and the relationship among these facts.

Scientists study a wide variety of subjects. Some scientists search for clues to the origin of the universe and examine the structure of the cells of living plants and animals. Other researchers investigate why we act the way we do, or try to solve complicated mathematical problems.

Scientists use systematic methods of study to make observations and collect facts. They develop theories that help them order and unify facts. Scientific theories consist of general principles or laws that attempt to explain how and why something happens or has happened. A theory is considered to become a part of scientific knowledge if it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true.

Scientific study can be divided into the three major groups: the natu- ral, social and technical sciences. As scientific knowledge has grown and become more complicated, many new fields of science have appeared. At the same time, the boundaries between scientific fields have become less and less clear. Numerous areas of science overlap each other and it is often hard to tell where one science ends and another begins. All sciences are closely interconnected.



Science has great influence on our lives. It provides the basis of mod- ern technology — the tools and machines that make our life and work easier. The discoveries and inventions of scientists also help shape our view about ourselves and our place in the universe.

EXErCISE 16. read and give a summary of the text.

T EC h N o l o g Y

Technology means the use of peopleʼs inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs. Since people have appeared on the earth they have had to get food, clothes and shelter. Through the ages people have invented tools, machines and materials to make work easier.

Nowadays, when people speak of technology, they generally mean industrial technology. Industrial technology began about 200 years ago with the development of the steam engine, the growth of factories and the mass production of goods. It influenced different aspects of peopleʼs lives. The development of the car influenced where people lived and worked. Radio and television changed their leisure time. The telephone revolu- tionized communication.

Science has contributed much to modern technology. Science at- tempts to explain how and why things happen. Technology makes things happen. But not all technology is based on science. For example, people had made different objects from iron for centuries before they learnt the structure of the metal. But some modern technologies, such as nuclear power production and space travel, depend heavily on science.


EXErCISE 17. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combi- nations are used in the texts:

comes from, deals with, a wide variety of, search for, principles and laws, how and why, to be true, at the same time, less and less clear, over- lap each other, are closely interconnected, easier, through the ages.


EXErCISE 18. find in the texts English equivalents for these words and word combinations:

означает, охватывает, взаимосвязь, широкое разнообразие, ищут разгадки, происхождение Вселенной, структура клеток, сложный, собирать факты, упорядочить и обобщить, общие прин- ципы, пытаются объяснить, как и почему, что-то произошло, соот- ветствующий действительности, основные группы,  общественные


науки, в то же самое время, все менее и менее четкие, многочис- ленный, тесно взаимосвязаны, она обеспечивает, открытия, изо- бретения, формировать наши взгляды, о себе, удовлетворять соб- ственные нужды, они должны были, кров, на протяжении веков, инструменты, чтобы сделать, в настоящее время, тому назад, па- ровой двигатель, рост, массовое производство товаров, время до- суга, произвел революцию, сделала большой вклад, например, из железа, в течение веков, очень сильно, зависит.

EXErCISE 19. a) find in the texts the words which have the similar mean- ings as the following words:

wide, to research, to attempt, to believe, to examine, main, complex, difficult, to start, big, a motor, various, to study.

b) find in the texts the words which have the opposite meanings to the fol- lowing words:

narrow, easy, practice, to try, artificial, old, more, to begin, small, more different, little.

c) read, translate the sentences, change the words in italics into the words with similar and opposite meanings.

1. He happened to meet her in that broad street. 2. They are inves- tigating complex problems. 3. It was a very difficult experiment. 4. They started researching this problem. 5. It was a big contribution.

EXErCISE 20. fill in the gaps with the missing words in the following sen- tences. the first letter of each word has been given to help you.

1. Science d... with a variety of subjects. 2. Scientists s... for the an- swers to the different questions. 3. The structure of the cells is e... by the scientists. 4. Different theories u... the facts. 5. The b... of some scien- tific fields are not clear. 6. The natural, social and technical sciences are closely i.... 7. T... the ages people have invented tools, machines and ma- terials to make work easier. 8. Science c... much to modern technology.

9. Some modern technologies d... on science. 10. During our l... time we watch TV.


EXErCISE 21. fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the where neces- sary.

... most common type of... computer is... digital computer....... largest

digital computers are... parts of... computer system that fill..... large room.


... smallest digital computers — some so small they can pass through... eye of... needle — are found inside... watches,... pocket calculators and

... other devices.

EXE r CISE 22. a) r e ad and s ta t e t he func tion of t he v erbs to be, to ha v e.

All digital computers have two basic parts: a memory and a processor. The memory is receiving data and holding them until they are needed. The memory is made up of a big collection of switches (переключатели). The processor is changing data into useful information by converting numbers into other numbers. It reads numbers from the memory, per- forms basic arithmetic calculations and puts the answer back into the memory. The processor is performing this activity over and over again until the desired result is achieved. Both the memory and the processor are electronic.

b) fill in the blanks with the verbs to be, to have.

People... used calculating devices since ancient times. The first elec- tronic digital computer... built in 1946. The large room... filled with the computer. Since then rapid improvement in computer technology... led to the development of smaller, more powerful and less expensive com- puters. But computers... not able to think. A user... to tell the computer in very simple terms exactly what to do with the data it receives. A list of instructions for a computer to follow... called a program.

EXErCISE 23. find in the texts, translate and analyse:

a) grammar form with the ending -ing:

the cells of living plants

b) grammar forms with the ending -ed: complicated  problems  have invented has  happened                         it influenced

is considered                    people lived and worked

has been tested                  television changed

it proved                          the telephone revolutionized

can be divided                  has contributed

have appeared                   is based on are closely interconnected

c) grammar forms with the ending -s:

comes from                      peopleʼs inventions

which means                    the structure of the cells


science covers                   the cells of living plants

that deals with facts           other researchers

among these facts              systematic methods

scientists                          to make observations a wide variety of subjects to collect facts search for clues                                to develop theories

major groups                    their needs

new fields                        clothes

the boundaries                  the ages

numerous areas                 200 years

one science ends               factories

another science begins        production of goods our lives different aspects

it provides the basis           peopleʼs lives the tools and machines science attempts discoveries                                       things

inventions of scientists       different objects our views   for centuries

technology means              modern technologies

EXErCISE 24. a) translate the sentences, pay attention to the use of dif- ferent conjunctions.

1. Scientists are investigating different problems because they want to find the clues to the origin of the universe. 2. If you investigate this problem, you will find the clue to the problem. 3. After you investigate this problem, you will find the clue to this problem. 4. It is known that he is a good researcher. 5. When we came, they were solving the problem.

b) fill in the blanks with the proper conjunctions.

1. I am happy,... I have bought a computer. 2...... the theory has been

tested experimentally, it becomes a part of scientific knowledge. 3........ sci-

entific knowledge has grown and become more complicated, many new fields of science have appeared. 4. It is known......................................................................... the telephone revolu-

tionized communication. 5....... people speak of modern technology, they

generally mean industrial technology.

EXErCISE 25. Mind the word order. a) Extend the following sentences with the words given in brackets.

1. Scientists solve problems (complicated, some, mathematical, to, try).


2. Researchers make observations (facts, and, collect).

3. The boundaries have become clear (fields, scientific, between, less).

4. Science has influence on lives (our, great).

5. Technology makes life easier (our, and, work, modern).

b) Put the words in the following sentences in order. the first word in each sentence is in italics.

1. interconnected, sciences, All, closely, are.

2. provides, Science, of, technology, modern, the, basis.

3. people, the, ages, Through, tools, invented, have, machines, ma- terials, and.

4. influenced, aspects, peopleʼs, of, different, Industrial, technology, lives.

5. our, time, Radio, television, and, leisure, changed.

c) give possible beginnings of the sentences.

1.... means knowledge. 2.... plants and animals. 3...... proved to be

true. 4.... interconnected. 5...... to satisfy their needs.

d) Complete the following sentences in a logical way.

1. The word “science” comes from...

2. Science deals with...

3. Scientists study...

4. Some scientists search for...

5. Other researchers solve...

6. Scientific theories consist of...

7. A theory becomes...

8. Scientific study can be divided into...

9. The boundaries between scientific fields have become...

10. Science provides...

11. Technology means...

12. Industrial technology began...

13. Technology influenced...

14. Science attempts to explain...

15. Technology makes...

EXErCISE 26. Make up general and disjunctive questions and answer them according to the models.

a) Model: Science covers the broad field of knowledge.

Does science cover the broad field of knowledge? — Yes, it does.


Science covers the broad field of knowledge, doesnʼt it? — Yes, it does.

1. Science deals with the facts and the relationship among these facts.

2. A theory becomes a part of scientific knowledge. 3. Science attempts to explain how and why things happen. 4. Technology makes things happen.

5. Technology influences different aspects of peopleʼs lives.

b) Model: Scientists study a wide variety of subjects.

Do scientists study a wide variety of subjects? — Yes, they do. Scientists study a wide variety of subjects, donʼt they? — Yes, they do.

1. Some scientists search for clues to the origin of the universe. 2. Sci- entists examine the structure of the cells of living plants and animals.

3. Other researchers investigate why we act the way we do. 4. They solve complicated mathematical problems. 5. Scientists use systematic meth- ods of study.


EXErCISE 27. Make up special questions according to the models and answer them.

a) Model: Technology influences all aspects of peopleʼs life. What does technology influence?

1. Science provides the basis of modern technology. 2. Technology means the use of peopleʼs inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs.

3. This scientist uses systematic methods of study. 4. He usually tests any theory experimentally. 5. He proves it to be true.

b) Model: Scientists can study a wide variety of subjects. What can scientists study?

1. The scientists can examine the structure of the cells of living plants and animals. 2. The scientists can solve different mathematical problems.

3. Scientists can use systematic methods of study. 4. They can make ob- servations. 5. They can develop theories.


EXErCISE 28. Make up questions the answers to which will be the words in italics. the words in brackets will help you.

1. The word “science” means “knowledge” (what). 2. The scientists can order facts (what). 3. The scientists can unify facts (what). 4. They usually test the theory experimentally (what). 5. Technology influences different aspects of our life (what).


EXErCISE 29. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Add some more information.

1. Scientists study a wide variety of subjects. 2. Scientific study can be divided into two major groups. 3. Many new fields of science have ap- peared. 4. Numerous areas of science overlap each other. 5. Science has great influence on our lives.


EXErCISE 30. translate the following sentences from russian into Eng- lish. You will have a story on the topic as a pattern.

1. слово science происходит от латинского слова scientia, кото- рое означает «наука». 2. Ученые изучают широкий круг проблем.

3. некоторые ученые ищут разгадку происхождения  Вселенной.

4. Другие изучают строение клетки. 5. некоторые исследуют при- чины нашего поведения. 6. Ученые используют систематические методы изучения проблем. 7. науки могут быть разделены на три главные группы: естественные, общественные, технические науки.

8. но границы между научными областями становятся все менее  и менее четкими. 9. Все науки тесно взаимосвязаны. 10. наука ока- зывает огромное влияние на нашу жизнь. 11. она является основой современной технологии. 12. сегодня, когда люди говорят о тех- нологии, они имеют в виду промышленную технологию. 13. Про- мышленная технология начала свое существование около 200 лет назад с появлением парового двигателя, ростом фабрик и массо- вым производством товаров. 14. радио и телевидение изменили наш досуг; телефон произвел революцию в общении. 15. открытия и изобретения ученых помогают нам формировать наши взгляды о себе и о нашем месте во Вселенной.


EXErCISE 31. Make up your own story on the topic. Speak on the follow- ing points of the plan. the words and phrases will help you make your story to be logical and interesting.

1. What Is Science?

The word “science” comes from Science covers

2. The Fields of Science Research

The scientists search for The scientists examine The scientists investigate The scientists solve


3. Different Groups of Sciences Sciences can be divided into Scientific knowledge has become Different sciences overlap

All sciences are interconnected

4. Science and Technology Science provides Technology means Industrial technology began

Science and technology influence


EXErCISE 32. Answer the following questions about science and techno- logy.

1. What is science?

2. What is technology?

3. Are they interconnected?

4. Is all technology based on science?

5. What modern technologies depend heavily on science?

6. When did industrial technology begin?

7. When was a steam engine invented?

8. Who invented the steam engine?

9. When was radio invented?

10. Who invented the radio?

11. When was television invented?

12. Who invented the television?

13. When was a telephone invented?

14. Who invented the telephone?

15. When was the first car invented?

16. When was the first digital computer invented?

17. Who invented the first digital computer?

18. What famous scientists do you know?

19. What famous inventors do you know?

20. What scientific field are you interested in? Why?



a) r e ad and tr ansla t e t he follo wing d ia logue.

b) Memorize and dramatize the dialogue.

c) Act out a similar dialogue.


A B o U t C o MPUtEr S

A.: They say, you have bought a computer.

B.: yes, now I have got my own computer.

A.: That's fine. And what type of a computer have you got?

B.: The most common type, a digital one.

A.: By the way, do you know what it means — “a digital computer”?

B.: It goes without saying. Digital computers deal with numbers. All data — pictures, sounds, symbols and words — are translated into numbers inside the computer.

A.: yes, you are right. Digital computers are so widespread that the word “computer” almost always refers to a digital computer. But there are 3 types of computers: digital, analog and hybrid...

B.: Sorry for interrupting you. I do know about it. Analog computers work with a physical quantity, such as weight, speed, tempera- ture. They solve problems by measuring a quantity in terms of another quantity. Do you understand it?

A.: yes, certainly, for example, they measure temperature in terms of the length of a thin line of liquid in a thermometer.

B.: Good for you. And when are you going to buy a computer? you know so much about the computers.

A.: you see, I havenʼt got such a large amount of money.

B.: Take it easy. you may use my computer. A.: Thanks a lot.

B.: you are welcome.

EXErCISE 34. Act as an interpreter.

A B o U t IBMC

(International Business Machines Corporation)

Robert Brown, an American from New york, works in one of the firms of the International Business Machines Corporation (IBMC). He has come on a visit to Russia, and now he is speaking with the head of one of the computer centres Sergei Volkov.

— Мистер Браун, вы работаете в корпорации IBM?

— А какие виды электронного оборудования вы производите?

— yes, I do. It is one of the worldʼs largest producers of electronic office machines.

— IBM makes data-processing sys- tems, electronic computers, electric typewriters, dictation machines etc.


— Мистер Браун, а как называлась ваша корпорация раньше?

— А когда ваша корпорация получила название IBMC?

— IBMC has grown out of an earlier form, the Computing-Tabulating- Recording Co (CTRC).

— It adopted its present name in 1924.

— Кто возглавляет IBMC? — Thomas J. Watson was the firmʼs

chief executive for 42 years. IBMʼs headquarters are in Armonk, New york.

— В нашем компьютерном центре есть такие компьютеры вашей корпорации.

— Безусловно. Всегда пожалуйста.

— May I have a look at them?



— Thanks a lot.


EXErCISE 35. Arrange role plays on the following subjects. Be as im- aginative as you can.

1. you are at an international scientific conference for the first time. you meet a famous American scientist there and have a talk with him.

2. you are in a shop. you are buying a computer. you are talking with a shop assistant.


EXErCISE 36. Imagine the context in which you may use the following phrases. Dramatize the situations.

1. Who is the producer of this TV set?

2. Such a complicated problem!

3. Whose car is this?


EXErCISE 37. talk on one of these topics. Can you keep talking for one minute?

1. The Importance of Science.

2. The Importance of Modern Technologies.

3. Different Kinds of Transport in Our Life.

4. The Telephone in your Life.

5. your Computer.



EXErCISE 38. Discuss the following proverbs together with your friend and say if you agree with them.

1. Knowledge is power.

2. Time brings wisdom.


EXErCISE 39. Enjoy Yourself!

а) отгадайте слова в лайнворде.

1. = to attempt

2. Opposite to “less”

3. To show to be true by means of facts, documents, information

4. Opposite to “solid”

5. A building or something of the kind that gives protection

6. = to investigate

7. Opposite to “easy”

8. A machine that prints letters

b) отгадайте слова в чайнворде.


TESt 7

1. Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

1. The scientists solve... of complicated mathematical problems.

A. origin   В. variety  с. universe D. cell

2. The researchers always try to... the facts.

A. refer     В. measure с. satisfy   D. unify

3. Different kinds of sciences... each other.

A. search   В. overlap с. attempt  D. appear



4. make our life and work easier.

A. principles  В. laws       с. tools          D. facts

5. People had to get food, clothes and....

A. shelter   В. machines  с. cars            D. technologies

6. Science is.... much to modern technology.

A. doing     В. making  с. contributing D. explaining

7. Digital computers... with numbers.

A. deal       В. refer     с. solve         D. measure

8. Analog computers work with a physical....

A. weight   В. size       с. quantity     D. temperature

9. Computers help.... for clues to the origin of the universe.

A. search    В. solve     с. research     D. investigate

10. Many tasks performed by people are now done.... computers.

A. among   В. between с. of             D. by

2. fill in the blanks. the words in brackets will help you.

1. They.... to buy a digital computer (вероятно).

A. is likely  В. are likely с. are sure D. is sure

2. They.... to measure the temperature (обязательно).

A. are likely В. is sure   с. are sure D. is likely

3. He.... to come today (маловероятно).

A. are likely В. is likely с. is unlikely D. are likely

4. He.... to meet her in the street (случайно).

A. happened В. seemed с. seems   D. proves

5. She.... to do it (определенно).

A. are certain В. is certain с. certainly D. is likely

6. He.... to enter this university (вряд ли).

A. are unlikely В. is sure   с. are sure D. is unlikely

7. He.... to solve this problem (оказывается).

A. seemed   В. seems   с. proved  D. happened

8. They.... to forget about him (казалось).

A. seemed   В. proved  с. happened D. seem

9. The experiment.... to be a success (оказалось).

A. prove     В. proves  с. proved  D. is proved


10. Do you... to know him? (случайно)

A. happened В. happen  с. proved D. prove

3. the text contains different mistakes: 2 — in spelling, 5 — in grammar. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the text.

Computers has changed the way people work. Many tasks performing by a large number of people is done now by computers. They provide scit- ists with an understanding of nature. A computer produce new informa- tion so quikly that they are change peopleʼs views of the world.

4. Answer these multiple-choice questions about science and technology.

1. When does a theory become a part of scientific knowledge?

A. After experiments. В. After tests.

с. After it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true.

2. What do scientific theories consist of?

A. Different technologies. В. Observations and facts.

с. General principles and laws.

3. Why have many new fields of science appeared?

A. Because scientific knowledge has grown and become more complicated.

В. Because sciences influence our lives. с. Because it proved to be true.

4. When did industrial technology begin?

A. With the development of the radio.

В. With the development of the computer.

с. With the development of the steam engine.

5. Where are IBMCʼs headquarters?

A. In Washington. В. In Las Vegas. с. In New york.

UNIt 8


Theme:   Arts

Texts:     1. Theatre

2. Music

Dialogues: 1. About Painting

2. Film Industry

Grammar Structures:

Subjunctive Mood. Conditional Clauses (сослагательное наклонение. Условные придаточные предложения)

  Test 8                                                                                          

EXErCISE 1. a) read, translate and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues:

1) a stage, to stage. Performances are staged at the theatre;

2) a script. Theatre includes everything that is involved in produc- tion, such as the script, the stage, the performing company and the audience;

3) a playwright. The theatre specialists include a playwright, per- formers, a director, a scene designer, a costumier, a lighting de- signer and various technicians;

4) make-up. A director of the theatre integrates all aspects of pro- duction including scenery, costumes, make-up, lighting, sound effects, music and dancing;

5) a puppet, a puppet theatre. There are different kinds of theatres, such as drama theatres, musical theatres, puppet theatres, opera and ballet houses;

6) as soon as. People probably started singing as soon as language developed;

7) activities, social activities. People use music in personal and social activities;

8) to create. A famous playwright has created this play;

9) an awe, to awe. People use music in religious services to create a state of mystery and awe;

10) painting, to paint. I enjoy painting for many reasons;

11) to arrange. I like the way different artists arrange the paint on the surface;


12) fear, grief. The artists express some human emotions, such as fear, grief, happiness or love;

13) to reveal. The pictures reveal different human emotions;

14) justice. It is interesting to know what the artists felt about impor- tant events, including death, love, religion and social justice;

15) the plot. Do you remember the plot of this novel?

16) film. He tried to load the film into the camera;

17) an award. This film won several awards;

18) mood. Music helps set mood.

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