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Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

2021-06-30 981
Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. People do this kind of activity... their leisure time.

A. on       В. during       с. of           D. among

2. Four general categories of hobbies may... each other.

A. take part В. enjoy          с. include    D. overlap

3. Each art form has many... for a hobby.

A. possibilities В. hobbyists с. items  D. games

4. Hobbyists can collect... any thing.

A. always В. especially   с. almost     D. increasingly

5. Learning... languages is his hobby.

A. Spanish В. English      с. foreign    D. Russian

6. to me, I am fond of collecting rare books.

A. if        В. when         с. while      D. as


7. I... this hobby with my friends.

A. collect В. attend             с. share     D. concentrate

8. Hobbies are... into different groups.

A. divided В. concentrated   с. collected D. attracted

9. Some book collections are vast with thousands of....

A. collectors В. volumes     с. hobbyists D. people

10. Some collections.... of several items.

A. consist    В. include   с. focus    D. concentrate

2. Choose the proper grammar form of the verb and fill in the blanks.

1. My friend.... a hobby long ago.

A. chose      В. have chosen с. has chosen    D. had chosen

2. A sports club usually... different kinds of activities.

A. has offered В. offers         с. were offered D. offer

3. Different kinds of hobbies... into four categories.

A. was divided В. are divided с. have divided D. divide

4. We.... that opera recently.

A. attended  B. had attended с. have attended D. attend

5. She.... a sweater all the evening yesterday.

A. knit        В. knits         с. was knitting D. is knitting

6. I.... the foreign languages now.

A. am learning В. was learning с. learnt    D. are learning

7. Handicrafts.... a lot of hobbyists.

A. attract     В. was attracted с. are attracted D. attracts

8. Nowadays many hobbyists.... in sports competitions.

A. takes part В. are taking part с. took part D. were taking part

9. My brother.... a model aeroplane on Sunday.

A. has made В. had made   с. made  D. makes

10. As a rule subject collections... on a particular subject.

A. concentrates            В. concentrating

с. concentrate              D. have concentrated



3. the text contains different mistakes: 3 — in grammar, 4 — in spelling. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the text.

I have choose a hobby recently. Hobbies differs like tastes. I like to go in for sports. Now I am attending one of the sports club. We go there together with my friend twice a weak. Not long ago we take part in the compition among diferent coleges.

4. Answer these multiple-choice questions about hobbies.

1. Why do people choose a hobby?

A. They want to have a rest.

B. They want to be busy.

с. They don’t want to relax.

2. Why do people collect books?

A. They can work skilfully with their hands. В. They are fond of reading.

с. They want to sell them.

3. Where do hobbyists find books for their collections?

A. In the museums. В. At jumble sales. с. In the libraries.

4. What do subject collections usually consist of?

A. Books on a particular subject.

В. Different editions of a single book. с. Books with different printing styles.

5. Whom do often book collectors present their collections?

A. To the libraries.

В. To the jumble sales.

с. To the computer centres.

UNIt 3


Theme:       Russia — My Motherland

Texts:         1. The Russian Federation

2. Moscow

Dialogues:  1. The State System of the Russian Federation

2. About the History of Russia


Structures:  Infinitive (Инфинитив)

  Test 3                                                                                          

EXErCISE 1. a) read, translate and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues:

1) to extend. Russia extends from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean;

2) total, a total area. The total area of Russia is 17 mln sq km;

3) to border. Russia borders many countries;

4) a surface. The surface of the country is various;

5) grasslands. On its territory you can see wide grasslands;

6) a plain. Russia is situated on two plains;

7) a chain, the mountain chain. The Urals, the mountain chains, separate Asia and Europe;

8) mild, a mild climate. The central part of Russia has a mild cli- mate;

9) abundant. Russia has abundant natural resources;

10) soil, fertile soils. Russia is rich in fertile soils;

11) supply, water supply. Russia has a great water supply;

12) wealth. Health is above wealth;

13) densely populated. The European part of the country is densely populated;

14) to prefer. I donʼt like to watch TV. I prefer to read books;

15) outskirts. We donʼt live in the city centre, we live on the outskirts;

16) a commander-in-chief. Our President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces;

17) to appoint. The President appoints ministers;

18) to approve. It must be approved by the Federal Assembly;

19) to adopt. The Russian flag was adopted in 1991;

20) a stripe. The flag has three stripes;


21) freedom. The red colour on the flag symbolizes the freedom;

22) an eagle. An eagle is a bird;

23) a fortress. Moscow was founded as a fortress;

24) an invasion. Moscow was ruined during the Tartar invasion;

25) gradually. The rare books were gradually collected by him;

26) to destroy. The city was destroyed by the fascists;

27) a bridge. There are a lot of bridges over the Moskva River;

28) an event, a historic event. Many historic events have left their trac- es on the cityʼs face;

29) a government. The Prime Minister is at the head of the govern- ment;

30) a cathedral. Moscow is known for its beautiful cathedrals;

31) abroad. I have never been abroad. I have travelled only in Russia;

32) a dome. Red Square is famous for its multidomed St Basil's Ca- thedral;

33) to be proud of. We are proud of our capital;

34) magnificent. We are proud of our beautiful and magnificent capi- tal;

35) legislative, executive, judicial. The federal government includes three branches: legislative, executive, judicial;

36) a chamber. The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers: the Council of Federation and the State Duma;

37) to belong. The executive power belongs to the government;

38) a court. The judicial power is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the regional courts;

39) useful. To know the history of any country is useful;

40) the reign, to reign. It was during the reign of Catherine the Great.

b) Watch out!

to be proud of                                               

I am proud of my father.

We are proud of our country.

c) read the geographical names:

Arctic Ocean [′ɑ:ktɪk 'əʊʃən]        северный Ледовитый океан Asia [′eɪʃǝ] Азия

Baikal [baɪ′kɑ:l]                         оз. Байкал

Baltic Sea [′bɔ:ltɪk� ′si:]              Балтийское море



Black Sea [′blæk ′si:]                   Черное море

Caucasus [′kɔ:kǝsǝs]                    Кавказ

China [′tʃaɪnǝ]                            Китай

Europe [′jʊǝrǝp]                         Европа

Far East [′fɑ:r ′i:st]                      Дальний Восток

Finland [′fɪnlǝnd]                       Финляндия

Lena [′leɪnǝ]                              р. Лена

Mongolia [mɒŋ′ɡəʊlıǝ]                Монголия

Ob [ɒb]                                     р. обь

Pacific Ocean [pǝ′sɪfɪk ′ǝʊʃǝn]      Тихий океан

Russian Federation [′rʌʃǝn fǝdǝ′reɪʃǝn]

российская Федерация

Siberia [saɪ′bɪǝrɪǝ]                      сибирь

Ukraine [ju:′kreɪn]                      Украина

Urals [′jʊǝrǝlz]                           Уральские горы

Volga [′vɒlɡǝ]                            р. Волга

yenisei [ j enɪ′seɪ]                       р. Енисей


EXErCISE 2. a) read the words following the rules of reading. Pronounce correctly. Practise aloud:

[e] t e rritory, w ea lth, Ass e mbly, ext e nd, ev e nt, st e ppe, l e gislative, ex e cutive;

[æ] c a pital, fl a g, g a s, n a tural, n a tional, nation a lity, l a nguage, gr a d- ually;

[ɑ:] gr a ssland, comm a nder, p a rt;

[ʌ] R u ssia, s u mmer, c ou ntry, c u ltural, g o vernment, ab u ndant; [ɔ:] w ar m, res ou rce, f o rtress, rest o re, abr o ad, c ou rt;

[ɒ] ad o pt, bel o ng, min o rity, horiz o ntal, dep o sit; [u:] appr o ve, incl u de;

[i:] fr ee dom, ea gle, cath e dral;

[ɪ] minister, bridge, magnificent, judicial; [ɜ:] w or ld, ea rth, s u rface, pref e r, f e rtile;

[eı] st a te, tr a ce, inv a sion, r ei gn, Feder a tion, pl ai n, ch ai n, ch a mber; [еǝ] v a rious;

[aʊ] t ow n, th ou sand, m ou ntain, ou tskirts, pr ou d;



[aɪ] mild, climate, stripe, suppl y; [ǝʊ] c o ld, o cean, m o st, t o tal, d o me.

b) look at the following pairs of words and think if the underlined letters are pronounced in the same way, or if they are pronounced differently:

t e rritory — cath e dral; minister — mild; d o me — ad o pt; w ar m — g a s; ad o pt — appr o ve; st a te — ch a mber; w or ld — t o tal; v a rious — ch a mber; ab u ndant — c u ltural; n a tional — nation a lity; horiz o ntal — c o untry; ea rth — ea gle; gr a dually — l a nguage; ex e cutive — ext e nd; gr a ssland — inv a sion; c ou rt — pr ou d.


EXErCISE 3. a) read the international words, mind the stress:

federation, ′Arctic, ′Europe, ′Asia, ′million, kilo′metres, ′territory, cli′matic, zone, ′central, conti′nental, ′natural, de′posits, gas, ′mineral,

′concentrate, ′ethnic, natio′nality, of′ficial, ′president,  com′mander,

′minister, As′sembly, flag, hori′zontal, ′national, rain, his′toric, in′dustrial,

′total, po′litical, ′centre, ′cultural, ′tourist, ′monument, ′theatre, mu′seum,

′gallery, uni′versity, ′History, ma′terial, ′complex, consti′tutional, aris′tocracy, ′period, ide′ology, ′party, de′mocracy.

b) find the English equivalents for the following words and arrange them in pairs:

For example: federation — федерация

национальный, центр, период, арктический, километры, Ев- ропа, Азия, концентрироваться, турист, общий, зона, террито- рия, континентальный, национальный, национальность, офици- альный, президент, разрушать, исторический, промышленный, партия, этнический, миллион, горизонтальный, климатический, центральный, натуральный, залежи, газ, минеральный, командир, министр, Ассамблея, флаг, политический, культурный, монумент, театр, музей, галерея, университет, история, материал, сложный, конституционный, аристократия, идеология, демократия.


EXErCISE 4. a) translate, analyse the words with different suffixes and di- vide the following words into the three groups: nouns, adjectives, adverbs:

Federation, Arctic, Baltic, Pacific, total, various, different, climat- ic, central, continental, abundant, natural, mineral, population, ethnic, minority, nationality, densely, official, language, federal, government, horizontal, European, Russian, freedom, invasion, gradually, historic,


beautiful, industrial, political, monument, educational, institution, university, scientist, magnificent, absolutely, certainly, naturally, com- mander, legislative, executive, judicial, constitutional, regional, Ameri- can, conversation, useful, tradition.

b) Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words:

in-  differ       -ent -ment continent -ence -dom govern -al


education -ful region


c) the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

1. To know the history of any country is... USE.

2. The red colour on the Russian flag symbolizes... FREE.

3. The head of the... is the Prime Minister GOVERN.

4. The climatic zones on the vast territory of Russia are... DIFFER.

5. Moscow State University is one of higher... institutions in Mos- cow EDUCATION.

d) read the following sentences and say what part of speech the words in italics are.

1. Russia borders many countries. 2. The Russian borders are very long. 3. Russia has a great water supply. 4. They supply this country with natural gas. 5. There are different climatic zones on the vast Russian ter- ritory.

EXErCISE 5. a) try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column В to form meaningful phrases:

A                      В

1) large             a) territory

2) total              b) deposit

3) official          c) stripes

4) wide             d) emblem

5) different        e) zones

6) natural          f) resources

7) Russian         g) flag


8) vast               h) grasslands

9) horizontal      i) language

10) national         j) area

b) Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right:

to border...        deposits

to include...       ministers

to appoint...       the city

to restore...        tourists

to attract...         countries


EXErCISE 6. translate the following word combinations. Pay attention to the prepositions.

Extends from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea, on its territory, on two plains, in our country, in Europe, a lot of rivers, on the vast area of our country, in the North, in summer, the central part of the country, in the South, in winter, the climate of Siberia, deposits of gas, three quar- ters of the mineral wealth, in Siberia, the population of Russia, most of Russiaʼs people, in cities, the official language of the country, the head of the state, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, must be approved by the Federal Assembly, the head of the government, in 1991, the capital of Russia, by Prince, on the Moskva River, during the Tartar invasion, in the 13th century, by fire, under its bridges, on the cityʼs face, one of the biggest cities, with the population of 9.5 million people, about 900 kilo- metres, from all over the world, the heart of Moscow, is named after, are proud of the capital, at last, for the History classes, about the state system, in brief, at the head of our country, belongs to the Government, is headed by the Prime Minister, is represented by the Constitutional Court.

b) fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions.

1. The city was destroyed... the Tartar invasion. 2. Moscow State University is named... the greatest Russian scientist. 3. The executive power belongs... the Government. 4. last they have got that letter.

5. Moscow is visited... tourists all over the world.

EXErCISE 7. Divide the following words into three groups which describe:

a) surface, b) climate, c) flag:

surface, cold, warm, grasslands, stripes, highlands, summer, to adopt, lakes, rivers, to symbolize, mountain chains, plains, continental, mild,


forests, freedom, sky, national symbol, climatic zones, lowlands, two- headed eagle, to separate.

EXErCISE 8. a) Decide which word is the odd one out in each of the fol- lowing groups of words:

1) cold, warm, continental, the sky;

2) to adopt, to symbolize, to separate, national emblems;

3) highlands, lakes, rivers, a two-headed eagle;

4) resources, deposits, outskirts, iron ore;

5) population, wealth, people, nationalities.

b) find the names for the groups of words. fill in each of the spaces:

1) highlands, lowlands, mountain chains, grasslands —...;

2) warm, mild, cold, continental —...;

3) gas, coal, iron ore, fertile soils —...;

4) Russian, American, English, Chinese —...;

5) the Volga, the yenisei, the Ob, the Lena —...

EXErCISE 9. a) translate the following definitions of the words.

1. A plain is a large area of flat land.

2. A grassland is an area covered mainly with grass, especially wild open land used for cattle to feed on.

3. Steppes are large areas of land without trees, especially that in Russia and part of Asia and southeast Europe.

4. Abundant means more than enough.

5. Wealth is a large amount of money and possessions.

b) the following words also appear in the texts and dialogues. Match each one with its correct definition:

to reign, to adopt, to approve, to appoint, to belong (to)

1) to choose for a position or job;

2) to have a favourable opinion, especially of a course of action or type of behaviour;

3) to approve formally;

4) to be the property of...;

5) to be the king or queen.

EXErCISE 10. a) Study the use of the Infinitive.

1. Подлежащее

To read is useful. (Чтение / читать полезно.)


2. Составная часть сказуемого

We began to read this book. (Мы начали читать эту книгу.)

3. Дополнение

I like to read. (Я люблю читать.)

4. Определение

There are many things in the world to make you happy. (Есть многое в мире, что может сделать вас счастливым.)

This is the book to be read. (Это книга, которую необходимо прочитать.)

5. Обстоятельство

То know English well, you should study hard. (Чтобы знать

английский хорошо, вы должны усердно учиться.)

b) read the sentences, state the function of the Infinitive, translate into russian.

1. To see the wide grasslands is interesting. 2. They began to describe the climate of Russia. 3. I want to visit my relatives. 4. He wants to col- lect stamps. 5. They have an idea to restore this monument. 6. To prepare a report about the natural resources of Russia I went to the library. 7. To know the history of any country is useful. 8. It helps me to understand better the peopleʼs customs and traditions. 9. I donʼt want to talk about it. 10. On the Russian flag there are three stripes (white, blue and red) to symbolize the earth, the sky, the freedom.

EXErCISE 11. transform the sentences according to the model to prac- tise the use of the Infinitive.

Model: The customs and traditions which we should study are very inter- esting.

The customs and traditions to be studied by us are very interest- ing.

1. The museum which they should visit is far from here. 2. The book which the students should read is interesting. 3. The report which I should prepare is about the climate of this country. 4. The ring which he should present is very beautiful. 5. The sweater which she should knit is a white colour.

EXErCISE 12. fill in the gaps to practise the use of the Infinitive.

1. They want... a report about the political structure of this country.

2.... ministers is the function of the President. 3. She began... a sweater.


4. The flag... is approved by the people. 5....... the people of the country,

you should know their customs and traditions.


EXErCISE 13. Make up sentences according to the model to practise the use of the Infinitive.

Model: Чтобы лучше знать историю, ты должен читать больше исторических книг.

То know the history better, you must read more historical books.

1. Чтобы понять народ этой страны, вы должны знать их обычаи и традиции. 2. Чтобы подготовить этот доклад, вы должны пойти в библиотеку. 3. Чтобы хорошо знать географию, вы должны из- учать карту. 4. Чтобы поступить в этот университет, вы должны хо- рошо подготовиться. 5. Чтобы получать хорошие оценки, я должен усердно учиться.

EXErCISE 14. Analyse the use of the Infinitive in the following proverbs and sayings.

1. Better to do well than to say well. 2. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 3. It is never too late to learn.

4. Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. 5. To be born with a silver spoon in oneʼs mouth.


EXErCISE 15. read the text, try to focus on its essential facts and choose the most suitable heading below for each paragraph:

1) The National Symbols; 2) The Territory of the Russian Federa- tion; 3) The Climate; 4) The Natural Resources; 5) The Population;

6) The Head of the State; 7) The Surface of the Country.

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