Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...
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A conversation between a Russian student and an American student is taking place in the library.
— Привет, Джон. Что ты здесь делаешь?
— Замечательно. Знать историю любой страны полезно.
— Hi, Andrew. you see, I am read- ing a book on Russian history.
— you are absolutely right. It helps me to understand better your peo- ple's customs and traditions.
— У нашей страны очень богатая история.
— Тебе не все понятно? Могу я помочь?
— Если я не ошибаюсь,
к концу XVIII века русская аристократия приняла европейскую одежду и речь...
— I agree with you, but it is too complex.
— To tell the truth, I havenʼt quite got why in the 18th century French became the official language in your country.
— I see. It was during the reign of Catherine the Great, a period which was characterized by the great cultural growth.
— Да, но это было давно. — Well, in the 20th century the
main power became communism, an ideology of the Bolshevik party. And there was no freedom, no democracy...
— Трудно сказать. Я не уверен в этом. не все было так плохо... Мне бы не хотелось говорить об этом...
— Well, but it seems to me that it is better now. you can easily travel abroad, enjoy freedom of speech and religion...
EXErCISE 35. Arrange role plays on the following subjects. Be as imagi- native as you can.
1. At the Tourist Agency in Russia.
2. you are a guide to a foreigner.
EXErCISE 36. Imagine the context in which you may use the following phrases. Dramatize the situations.
1. How many domes has this cathedral?
2. I am proud of my Motherland.
3. Do you study in Moscow State University?
EXErCISE 37. talk on one of these topics. Can you keep talking for one minute?
1. The Rivers in Russia.
2. The Deepest Lake in the World.
3. The Population of Russia.
4. The President of Our Country.
5. Red Square.
6. Russia Is My Motherland.
EXErCISE 38. Discuss the following proverb together with уour friend and say if you agree with it.
There is no place like home.
EXErCISE 39. Enjoy Yourself!
a) отгадайте слова в лайнворде.
1. A river
2. The summers in Siberia are...
3. = territory
4. A large area of flat land
5. A large amount of money and possessions
6. To have a favourable opinion, especially of a course of action or type of behaviour
7. More than enough
8. An area which is far from the cen- tre of the city
b) отгадайте слова в чайнворде:
TESt 3
1. Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.
1. We are proud... the country.
A. in В. of с. on D. to
2. rivers include the Volga in Europe, the Yenisei, the Ob, the Lena in
A. abundant В. national с. major D. total
3. The greatest... of natural gas are located in Siberia and the Far East.
A. mineral В. concentrate с. deposits D. plains
4. The city was... restored after the Tartar invasion.
A. especially В. densely с. naturally D. gradually
5. St Basil ʼs Cathedral has many....
A. eagles В. domes с. chambers D. courts
6. The.... power is realized by the Federal Assembly.
A. executive В. judicial с. legislative D. federal
7. The Upper Chamber of the Federal Assembly is called the... of Fed-
A. Duma В. Council с. Court D. State
8. At the end of the 18th century the Russian aristocracy... the Euro-
pean clothes and speech.
A. approved В. appointed с. adopted D. destroyed
9. The period when Catherine the Great..... was characterized by the
great cultural growth.
A. reigned В. adopted с. ruined D. restored
10. Now we can easily travel abroad, enjoy.... of speech and religion.
A. abundant В. wealth с. court D. freedom
2. Choose the proper form of the Infinitive and fill in the blanks.
1. The museums.... are far from this place.
A. to visit В. visit с. to be visited D. to have visited
2. They want.... that book to him.
A. to be presented В. to present
с. present D. to have been presented
3. ministers is the President ʼs function.
A. to appoint В. to be appointed
с. to approve D. to be approved
4. this report, you should go to the library.
A. to appoint В. to be prepared
с. to prepare D. to be approved
5. the people of this country, you should study their customs and tra-
A. to prepare В. to be understood с. to understand D. to be prepared
6. The book... is interesting.
A. to be read В. to read с. have read D. have been read
7. I donʼt want... about this thing.
A. to talk В. say с. to have been said D. be told
8. They began... the monument in the centre of the city.
A. to develop В. to restore с. to be restored D. to attract
9. The flag... is approved by the Federal Assembly.
A. to adopt В. to be adopted
с. to symbolize D. to be symbolized
10. Thousands of tourists try... Baikal.
A. to have been visited В. to be visited с. to have visited D. to visit
3. the text contains different mistakes: 5 — in spelling, 6 — in grammar. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the text.
My Motherland is Russia. It is a very large and beatiful country. It extend from Arctic Ocean to Black Sea, from Baltic Sea to Pasific Ocean. On its vast teritory you can see highlands and lowlands, forests and gras- lands, rivers and lakes. More than 150 milion people live in our country. Turists from all over the world came to visit my country.
4. Answer these multiple-choice questions about russia.
1. What territory does the country occupy?
A. 90 million square kilometres. В. 17 million square kilometres. с. 150 million square kilometres.
2. What countries does Russia border?
A. Spain, China, Ukraine. В. Finland, China, Ukraine.
с. Finland, Mongolia, Norway.
3. What are the major rivers of Russia?
A. The Lena, the Volga, the Amur. В. The Lena, the Volga, the Ob.
с. The yenisei, the Volga, the Don.
4. Where is the world ʼs deepest lake situated?
A. In the European part of the country. В. In the Asian part of the country.
с. In the Northern part of the country.
5. Where is the most of the mineral wealth of Russia?
A. In Siberia and the Far East.
В. In the European part of the country. с. Near the Black Sea.
6. How many million people live in Russia?
A. More than 150 million people. В. More than 100 million people. с. More than 90 million people.
7. What part of the country is densely populated?
A. Siberia.
В. The Far East.
с. The European part of the country.
8. Who is the head of the state?
A. The President.
В. The Prime Minister. с. The king.
UNIt 4
Theme: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Texts: 1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2. London
Dialogues: 1. About the Climate of the UK
2. About Northern Ireland
Structures: Gerund (Герундий)
Test 4
EXErCISE 1. a) read, translate and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues:
1) united, the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom of Great Brit- ain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies a territory of the British Isles;
2) an island. The UK includes 5,500 islands;
3) a coast. The UK is situated off the northwestern coast of Europe;
4) to separate, separated. The UK is separated from the Continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover;
5) to surround, surrounding. The British Isles are surrounded by wa- ter;
6) to influence. The surrounding waters influence the climate of the country;
7) thistle, daffodil, leek, shamrock. The national emblems of different parts of the UK are red rose, thistle, daffodil, leek and shamrock;
8) to describe. It is necessary to describe each part of the country;
9) to mention. Donʼt mention it!
10) a peninsula. The southern peninsula is washed by the English Channel;
11) to flow. Many rivers are flowing through Great Britain;
12) a tributary. Some rivers have tributaries;
13) swift. As a rule the rivers in the mountains are swift;
14) busy. The Thames is a busy river;
15) to be worth. This country is worth seeing;
16) to continue. She continued to write a letter;
17) a cross. The flag of the UK is made up of three crosses;
18) a patron saint. St George is the patron saint of England;
19) upright. The red cross is upright;
20) a background. The upright red cross is against a white background;
21) a habit. He smokes and has some more bad habits;
22) to succeed in. He has succeeded in business;
23) to depend upon. This country doesn’t depend upon the industry of other countries;
24) to manufacture. The firm manufactures cars;
25) changeable. The weather is very changeable because of the winds;
26) humid. This country has a very humid climate;
27) to melt. The snow melts quickly, because it is warm;
28) to assist. Please assist me to find information on the subject;
29) to miss. Her sister has gone to another country, and she misses her very much;
30) an emerald. She has got a ring with emeralds.
31) the Trinity. The shamrock is an illustration of the Christian doc- trine of the Trinity.
b) Watch out!
to be worth doing | |
The country is worth seeing. The country is worth visiting. |
c) r e ad t he g e ogr a phic a l name s:
Atlantic Ocean [ǝt'læntɪk 'ǝʊʃǝn]
Атлантический океан
Belfast [bel'fɑ:st] г. Белфаст (столица Северной Ирландии)
Britain ['brɪtn] Британия
British Isles ['brɪtɪsh 'aɪlz] Британские острова
Cardiff ['kɑ:dɪf] г. Кардифф (cтолица Уэльса)
Clyde [klaɪd] р. Клайд
Edinburgh ['edɪnbǝrǝ] г. Эдинбург (столица Шотландии) England ['ıŋɡlǝnd] Англия
English Channel ['ɪŋɡlɪʃ 'tʃænl]
пролив Ла-Манш
(в Великобритании принято его название Английский канал)
Europe ['jʊǝrǝp] Европа
Glasgow ['ɡlɑ:zɡǝʊ] г. Глазго (крупный промышленный
центр и порт Шотландии)
Great Britain ['ɡreɪt 'brɪtn] Великобритания
Gulf Stream ['ɡʌlf 'stri:m] Гольфстрим (система теплых
течений в северной части Атлантического океана)
Highland Britain ['haɪlǝnd 'brɪtn]
гористая часть Великобритании
Ireland ['aɪǝlǝnd] Ирландия
Irish Sea ['aɪǝrɪʃ 'si:] Ирландское море
Lake District ['leɪk 'dɪstrɪkt] озерный край, озерный округ
(живописный район гор и озер на северо-западе Англии)
London ['lʌndǝn] Лондон
Lowland Britain ['ləʊlǝnd 'brɪtn]
низменная часть Великобритании
Newcastle ['nju:kɑ:sl] г. ньюкасл
North Channel ['nɔ:Ө 'tʃænl] северный канал (пролив) Scotland ['skɒtlǝnd] Шотландия
Severn ['sevɜ:n] р. северн
Snowdonia [snəʊ'dəʊnjǝ] сноудония (парк в горном районе
Spey [speɪ] р. спей
St George Channel [sn 'dӡɜ:dӡ 'tʃænl]
Strait of Dover ['streɪt ǝv 'dəʊvǝ]
пролив (канал) святого Георгия
пролив Па-де-Кале (Дуврский пролив)
Taff [tæf] p. Тафф
Thames [temz] p. Темза
Trent [trent] p. Трент
Tyne [taɪn] p. Тайн
Ulster ['ʌlstǝ] ольстер (область на севере Ирландии)
Wales [weɪlz] Уэльс
Wye [waɪ] р. Уай
EXErCISE 2. a) read the words following the rules of reading. Pronounce correctly. Practise aloud.
[eɪ] p a tron, ch a ngeable, str ai t, s ai nt, r ei gn; [ǝʊ] t o tal, c o ast, o cean, fl ow;
[aɪ] united, island, climate, describe, comprise, I rish; [aʊ] surr ou nd
[æ] ch a nnel, d a ffodil, sh a mrock, b a ckground, h a bit, m a nuf a cture; [ɒ] Sc o ttish, cr o ss;
[i:] s ea, l ee k, succ ee d; [ju:] h u mid;
[e] s e parate, prot e ction, m e ntion, W e lsh, dep e nd, m e lt, e merald; [ɪ] influence, thistle, peninsula, tributary, swift, continue, assist,
miss, Trinity; [ʌ] u pright;
[ɜ:] s u rface, w or th.
b) look at the following pairs of words and think if the underlined letters are pronounced in the same way, or if they are pronounced differently:
f ou r — with ou t; ag ai nst — cert ai nly; w a ter — inv a ders; s ea — ar ea; history — climate; thr ou ghout — c ou ntry; describe — without; s ea — ea stern; b u sy — u pright; thr ee — l ee k; n a me — n a tional; fl a g — c a pital; h a nd — h a bit.
EXErCISE 3. a) read the international words, mind the stress:
'territory, 'total, 'Europe, At'lantic, 'ocean, 'continent, pro'tection, 'national, 'emblem, 'region, 'million, official, 'central, flag, di'agonal, 'cen- tre, 'port, in'dustrial, bаnk, fi'nancial, his'torical, park, ho'tel, to dis'cuss, 'conference, 'climate, 'variant, 'person, 'visit, infor'mation, 'poet, 'legend, to 'illustrate, 'Christian, club, 'meeting.
b) find the English equivalents for the following words and arrange them in pairs:
For example: territory — территория
климат, гостиница, эмблема, промышленный, христианский, человек, национальный, район, конференция, иллюстрировать, легенда, информация, центр, порт, общий, банк, финансовый, исторический, обсуждать, поэт, клуб, собрание, флаг, централь- ный, посещение, миллион, континент, защита, океан, диагональ- ный, парк, Европа, Атлантический, вариант.
EXErCISE 4. a) translate, analyse the words with different suffixes and divide the following words into the two groups: nouns and adjectives:
separation, important, importance, protection, invader, influence, national, business, continuous, central, successful, changeable, change-
less, assistance, worthless, worthy, total, diagonal, industrial, official, population, financial, historical.
b) Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words:
in- success -able -ness un- change -ful -ence
protect -ent -ion depend -al
с) the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space:
1. A Scottish person has to listen... to understand Londoner CARE- FUL.
2. Every part of the country has its... emblem NATION.
3. Lowlands comprise... and eastern England SOUTH.
4. The UK is one of the important... centres of the world COM- MERCE.
5. The UK doesnʼt depend upon economies and... manufacturing of other countries INDUSTRy.
d) read the following sentences and say what part of speech the words in italics are:
1. The waters influence the climate greatly. 2. The Gulf Stream and warm southwestern winds influence the climate. 3. The influence of the warm winds is great. 4. There is a cross on the flag. 5. The lines are crossed in the middle of the display.
EXErCISE 5. a) try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column В to form meaningful phrases:
1) official a) Sea
2) southern b) Ireland
3) national c) сoast
4) Irish d) Kingdom
5) Atlantic e) Isles
6) total f) area
7) British g) Ocean
8) Northern h) emblem
9) United i) peninsula
10) northwestern j) language
b) Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right:
to occupy... the climate to influence... the country
to describe... a conversation
to continue... a territory
EXErCISE 6. a) translate the following word combinations. Pay attention to the prepositions.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, a terri- tory of the British Isles, with the total area, the coast of Europe, between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, is separated from the сontinent, is washed by the sea, the protection against the invaders, are flowing through Great Britain, the river with tributaries, the population of the UK, for a long time, one of the centres, the centre of the world.
b) fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions.
1. The UK occupies the territory... the British Isles... the total area
... 244,100 sq km. 2. The UK is separated... the Continent... the English Channel. 3. Many rivers are flowing... Great Britain. 4. Will you take part... the conference... the UK? 5. Britain is visited... winds... different parts... the world.
EXErCISE 7. Divide the following words into three groups which describe:
a) surface, b) climate, c) flag:
upright, changeable, mild, diagonal, longest, swiftest, humid, red, white, national, total, hot, cold, the lake, rivers, a cross, the wind, the Gulf Stream, weather, background, rain, snow, the patron saints, tributaries.
EXErCISE 8. a) Decide which word is the odd one out in each of the fol- lowing groups of words:
1) humid, mild, diagonal, changeable;
2) red, white, hot, blue;
3) banks, offices, palaces, flags;
4) English, Irish, British, American;
5) to wash, to surround, to miss, to separate
b) find the names for the groups of words. fill in each of the spaces:
1) winter, summer, autumn, spring —...;
2) Scottish, Welsh, Irish, English —...;
3) the daffodil, the rose, the shamrock, the thistle —...;
4) the sea, the ocean, the river, the lake —...;
5) England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales —....
EXErCISE 9. a) translate the following definitions of the words.
1. An island is a piece of land which is surrounded by water.
2. A peninsula is a piece of land which is almost completely sur- rounded by water, but is joined to a larger mass of land.
3. An ocean is the great mass of salt water that covers most of the Earthʼs surface.
4. A strait is a narrow passage of water between two areas of land which connects two seas.
5. A channel is a narrow sea passage which connects two seas.
b) the following words also appear in the texts and dialogues. Match each one with its correct definition:
emerald, to melt, coast, shamrock, daffodil
1) a very common bell-shaped pale yellow flower of early spring;
2) a plant that has three leaves on each stem;
3) the land on or close to the edge of the sea;
4) to become liquid;
5) a bright green precious stone.
EXErCISE 10. a) Compare the use of the gerund and the Infinitive.
1. Подлежащее
To read is useful. (Чтение / читать полезно.)
Reading is useful. (Чтение / читать полезно.)
2. Составная часть сказуемого
We began to read this book. (Мы начали читать эту книгу.) We began reading this book. (Мы начали читать эту книгу.)
3. Дополнение
I like to read. (Я люблю читать.) I like reading. (Я люблю читать.)
4. Определение
This is the book to be read. (Это книга, которую необходимо прочитать.)
I have the wish of reading this book. (У меня есть желание
почитать эту книгу.)
5. Обстоятельство
То know English well, you should study hard. (Чтобы знать английский язык хорошо, вы должны усердно учиться.) After reading this book, I returned it to the library. (После чтения этой книги / После того как я прочитал эту книгу, я вернул ее в библиотеку.)
I canʼt explain it without reading this book. (Я не могу объяснить это, не прочитав эту книгу.)
b) read the sentences, state the function of the gerund, translate into russian.
1. Spending your free time is better in one of the parks of the West End.
2. The UK continues succeeding in commerce. 3. All well-known streets in London, such as Whitehall, Downing Street, Fleet Street, are worth seeing.
4. We canʼt speak about Northern Ireland without mentioning Southern Ireland, an independent republic. 5. I liked the idea of visiting the capital of Wales, Cardiff. 6. Designing St Paulʼs Cathedral was done by the famous architect, Sir Christopher Wren. 7. Christopher Wren started rebuilding the churches of London after the Great Fire of 1666. 8. Many rich people like spending their free time in the West End. 9. After reading the legend I can explain why the shamrock is the national emblem of Northern Ireland.
10. They have the wish of spending their time in highlands.
EXErCISE 11. transform the sentences according to the model to prac- tise the use of the gerund.
Model: To spend your free time is better in one of the parks of the West End.
Spending your free time is better in one of the parks of the West End.
1. Christopher Wren finished to build St Paulʼs Cathedral in 1701.
2. A Scottish person should listen carefully if he wants to understand a Londoner. 3. The UK continues to succeed in commerce. 4. The English people have the habit to name the East End the hands of London. 5. The City succeeds to remain the financial centre of the UK.
EXErCISE 12. fill in the gaps with the proper form of the gerund (the verb is given in brackets at the end of each sentence) to practise the use of the gerund.
1. Many houses in Glasgow need..., because they are not suitable for... (rebuild, live). 2. After... Wars of the Roses between two houses:
House of york and House of Lancaster in the 15th century, a red rose became the national emblem of England (wage). 3. On... the daffodil and the leek as national emblems of Wales, many Welshmen began... either a daffodil or a leek on their jackets (choose, wear). 4. Ch. Wren invented new ways of... traditional English materials of building (use). 5. Every night at 10 pm at the Tower of London the ceremony of... the Tower for the night takes place (close).
EXErCISE 13. Make up sentences according to the model to practise the use of the gerund.
Model: Мы не можем описывать страну, не упоминая о ее рельефе (без упоминания о ее рельефе).
We canʼt describe the country without mentioning its surface.
1. Трудно понять традиции и обычаи народа, не изучая его историю. 2. Трудно изучать английский язык, не посещая англо- язычную страну. 3. После церемонии закрытия ворот Тауэра на ночь никто не может подойти к Тауэру, не показав пропуск. 4. не- возможно рассказать о Лондоне, не упомянув о трех самых знаме- нитых зданиях. 5. невозможно представить Англию без дождя.
EXErCISE 14. Analyse the use of the gerund in the following proverbs and sayings.
1. Seeing is believing. 2. By asking one comes to Rome. 3. Saying is one thing, and doing — another. 4. Speaking without thinking is shooting without aiming.
EXErCISE 15. read the text, try to focus on its essential facts and choose the most suitable heading below for each paragraph:
1) Four Parts of the UK; 2) The Territory of the British Isles; 3) The Flag of the UK; 4) Economics of the UK; 5) The Population of the UK;
6) The Surface of Great Britain; 7) The Head of the State.
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