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General education aims at producing intelligent, responsible, well- informed citizens. It is designed to transmit a common cultural heritage rather than to develop trained specialists.
Almost all elementary education is general education. In every coun- try primary school pupils are taught skills they will use throughout their life, such as reading, writing and arithmetic. They also receive instruction in different subjects, including geography, history etc. In most countries almost all young people continue their general education in secondary schools.
The aim of vocational education is primarily to prepare the students for a job. Some secondary schools specialize in vocational programmes.
Technical schools are vocational secondary schools where students are taught more technical subjects, such as carpentry, metalwork and electronics. Technical school students are required to take some general education courses and vocational training. Universities and separate pro- fessional schools prepare students for careers in such fields as agriculture, architecture, business, engineering, law, medicine, music, teaching etc.
EXErCISE 17. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combi- nations are used in the texts:
in its broadest sense, about themselves, to ride a bicycle, on their own initiative, are in charge of, at the head, on time, at the end, both... and..., to take up, an amount, throughout, carpentry.
EXErCISE 18. find in the texts English equivalents for these words and word combinations:
в широком смысле, обучаются навыкам, получают знания, о себе, полезная схема, пути (способы) обучения, официальный, неофициальный, повседневная жизнь, например, слушая, стара- ясь, с хорошими манерами, ездить на велосипеде, звонить по теле- фону, по их собственной инициативе, книжный магазин, сдавать экзамены, в большинстве стран, раннее детство, кто отвечает (не- сет ответственность), во главе, вовремя, с приблизительно одина- ковой скоростью, одноклассники, должны сдавать экзамены, сте- пень, оценка их успеха, одаренные дети, дети с физическими или умственными недостатками, обучение для взрослых, продолжить
после окончания школы, большое количество денег, граждане, об- щее образование, профессиональное образование, ставит целью, умный, ответственный, хорошо информированный, передавать общее культурное наследство, больше чем, подготовленные специ- алисты, начальное образование, на протяжении всей жизни, сред- ние школы, профессиональные программы, плотничное дело, сле- сарное дело, профессиональная подготовка, отдельный, техника, юриспруденция.
EXErCISE 19. a) find in the texts the words which have the similar mean- ings as the following words:
to contain, to believe, the means, to study, to get, a kind, to talk, data, various, to be responsible for, a diploma, to want, to continue.
b) find in the text the words which have the opposite meanings to the fol- lowing words:
informal, narrow, bad, different, the beginning, old, to give up, small, before.
c) read, translate the sentences, change the words in italics into the words with similar and opposite meanings.
1. This road is rather broad. 2. They study different subjects. 3. They want to continue their education. 4. The children are eating with good manners. 5. They were reading the text at the beginning of the lesson.
EXErCISE 20. fill in the gaps with the missing words in the following sen- tences. the first letter of each word has been given to help you.
1. T... their life people are learning different kinds of skills. 2. They g... knowledge about the world. 3. Weʼll discuss the education using one use- ful s... 4. Children learn to r... a bicycle. 5. On their own i... people may visit a museum. 6. The students have to p... exams. 7. They are in c... of education. 8. The students are working at about the same s. 9. Learners
may e... a degree. 10. His certificate is a m. of his success over the years.
EXErCISE 21. fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the where nec- essary.
At... secondary school... pupils are taught...... different subjects, such
as... mathematics,... history,... physics,... foreign languages etc. After...
finishing... 11th form of... secondary school,... lycee or gymnasium...
one can continue... education.... higher educational institutions offer... 5-year programme for... students in... variety of... fields, such as... law,
... medicine,... business etc.
EXE r CISE 22. a) r e ad and s ta t e t he func tion of t he v erbs to be, to ha v e.
In our country education is free at most schools. But there are some private primary and secondary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies. And even at some institutes and universities the students should pay for their education. My brother has graduated from a university. Now he is going to continue his education. He is preparing for the exams to a post-graduate course. He has to pay a great amount of money for his education.
b) fill in the blanks with the proper auxiliary verbs.
The educational system in Britain... developed over more than a hun- dred years. The National Education Act of 1944 provided three stages of education: primary, secondary and further education. Compulsory edu- cation begins at five, children... learning at infant schools. At seven chil- dren... attending junior schools. After a child... passed the eleven-plus examination (special tests), he may study at the secondary school. Fur- ther education may be academic or vocational. It is not free but different kinds of grants and scholarships... given to students.
EXErCISE 23. find in the texts, translate and analyse:
a) grammar forms with the ending -ing:
kinds of learning experiences
to gain understanding about the world a scheme for discussing
these ways of learning involves people in learning
by hearing and by trying to speak themselves in their learning
after leaving school
general education aims at producing such as reading, writing and arithmetic in different subjects, including geography
b) grammar forms with the ending -ed:
they have progressed for gifted children
for physically and mentally handicapped children programmers are provided
well-informed citizens it is designed
c) grammar forms with the ending -s:
education includes the school systems
different kinds all modern nations
to learn skills their citizens
these ways of learning general education aims at two types trained specialists informal education involves different subjects
with good manners secondary schools
to pass exams and tests vocational programmes schools, colleges, universities technical schools
in most countries technical subjects
learners study for careers
teachers in such fields
classmates over the years
EXErCISE 24. a) translate the sentences, pay attention to the use of dif- ferent conjunctions.
1. If we discuss education, weʼll speak about informal and formal edu- cation. 2. Education is informal when people try to get information or to learn skills on their own initiative without a teacher. 3. We consider that formal education is the instruction given at different kinds of schools, colleges, universities. 4. Teachers expect that learners will come in time.
5. Learners have to pass the exams, because they have to show the pro- gress in their learning.
b) fill in the blanks with the proper conjunctions.
1. you pass these exams, you will enter this university. 2. Learners
get a diploma or a certificate,..... it is a mark of their success over the years.
3. They take some general education courses and vocational training,...
they are technical school students. 4........ you want to take up your edu-
cation, you may enter different kinds of higher educational institutions.
5. We expect.... you will do it.
EXErCISE 25. Mind the word order. a) Extend the following sentences with the words given in brackets.
1. People gain knowledge (understanding, about, the world, and).
2. People get information (own, initiative, their, on, a teacher, with- out).
3. Most countries offer programmes (for, children, also, gifted, edu- cation, special).
4. People continue their education (school, after, leaving, to, want).
5. They receive instruction (in, also, different, subjects).
b) Put the words in the following sentences in order. the first word in each sentence is in italics.
1. are, into, two, These, types, divided, ways, of, learning.
2. are, in, learning, People, involved, their, daily, life, during.
3. formal, informal, are, There, two, of, types, education.
4. early, childhood, during, enter, People, formal, education, a sys- tem, of, their.
5. Learners, to, school, regularly, have, come, to.
c) give possible beginnings of the sentences.
1. about themselves.
2. without a teacher.
3. to pass tests or exams.
4. during their early childhood.
5. what to teach.
d) Complete the following sentences in a logical way.
1. Education includes...
2. People gain...
3. There are...
4. Informal education involves...
5. Children learn...
6. People get...
7. Formal education is...
8. People enter...
9. Teachers expect...
10. Learners have to...
11. General education aims...
12. Primary school pupils are taught...
13. Almost all young people continue...
14. Vocational education prepares...
15. Learners may earn...
EXErCISE 26. Make up general and disjunctive questions and answer them according to the models.
a) Model: Education includes different kinds of learning experiences. Does education include different kinds of learning experienc- es? — Yes, it does.
Education includes different kinds of learning experiences, doesnʼt it? — Yes, it does.
1. Informal education involves people in learning during their daily life. 2. This student comes to college regularly. 3. General education aims at producing intelligent, well-informed citizens. 4. Vocational education prepares the students for a job. 5. A student in a technical school takes some general education courses and vocational training.
b) Model: People gain knowledge about the world.
Do people gain knowledge about the world? — Yes, they do. People gain knowledge about the world, donʼt they? — Yes, they do.
1. People learn different kinds of skills. 2. People get information in the libraries, museums. 3. The students take tests and exams at the uni- versities. 4. People enter a system of formal education during their early childhood. 5. The students work at about the same speed as their class- mates.
EXErCISE 27. Make up special questions according to the models and answer them.
a) Model: People gain knowledge about the world. What do people gain?
1. Children learn to ride a bicycle. 2. People get information about themselves. 3. People visit libraries and museums. 4. They often watch a television show. 5. They usually pass tests.
b) Model: Education includes different kinds of learning experiences. What does education include?
1. A student in a technical school takes some general education courses and vocational training. 2. At the end of the learning a learner earns a diploma. 3. The student takes tests and exams regularly. 4. The school system in different countries provides both general and vocational education. 5. This country spends a large amount of money for formal education.
EXErCISE 28. Make up questions the answers to which will be the words in italics. the words in brackets will help you.
1. Informal education involves people in learning during their daily life (whom, when). 2. In most countries people enter a system of formal education during their early childhood (what, when). 3. Learners show how well they have progressed in their learning (what). 4. At the end of their learning learners earn a diploma, a certificate or a degree (what, when).
5. Most countries offer special education programmes (what).
EXErCISE 29. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Add some more information.
1. There are two types of education. 2. One useful scheme for discuss- ing education is to divide the ways of learning into two types. 3. Informal education involves people in learning during their daily life. 4. Formal education is the instructions given at different kinds of colleges. 5. At the end of learning learners do not earn a diploma or a certificate.
EXErCISE 30. translate the following sentences from russian into Eng- lish. You will have a story on the topic as a pattern.
1. В широком смысле образование — это способы, при помощи которых люди обучаются различным навыкам, получают знания о себе и об окружающем мире. 2. образование можно разделить на два вида: неофициальное и официальное. 3. Люди получают не- официальное образование в течение их повседневной жизни.
4. например, дети учатся говорить, просто слушая и стараясь гово- рить. 5. Иногда люди по своей собственной инициативе учатся раз- личным навыкам или получают информацию о чем-нибудь. 6. они могут пойти в библиотеку, в музей для получения информации, но при этом они не должны сдавать экзамены. 7. Можно также полу- чить официальное образование в различных школах, колледжах, университетах. 8. В большинстве стран люди поступают в систему официального образования в раннем детстве. 9. Учащиеся долж- ны регулярно посещать школу, приходить вовремя. 10. они также должны сдавать экзамены, чтобы показать, чему они научились.
11. В большинстве стран система образования включает как общее, так и профессиональное образование. 12. общее образование ста- вит своей целью передачу культурного наследия нации. 13. В боль- шинстве стран общее образование можно получить в начальных
и средних школах. 14. Целью профессионального образования яв- ляется подготовка обучающихся к получению профессии. 15. Про- фессиональное образование можно получить на среднем уровне — в средних специальных школах; на высоком уровне — в различных институтах, университетах.
EXErCISE 31. Make up your own story on the topic. Speak on the follow- ing points of the plan. the words and phrases will help you make your story to be logical and interesting.
1. What Is Education? Education includes People gain knowledge There are
2. Informal Education Informal education involves Children learn to speak Children learn to eat People get
They may visit They may watch
3. Formal Education People enter They come
They pass Learners earn
4. Different Kinds of Formal Education General education aims Vocational education prepares
Most countries offer special education programmes for Adult education programmes are provided for
EXErCISE 32. try to compare the educational systems of russia, the UK, the USA. Answer the questions and complete the grid (table 15).
Table 15
Questions | Russia | The UK | The USA |
1. Who is responsible for organiz- ing and regulating the educa- tional system? | |||
2. What stages is formal education divided into? | |||
3. What stages of formal educa- tion are compulsory in the country? | |||
4. Are there private schools in the country? | |||
5. In what types of schools can children get general education? | |||
6. In what types of educational institutions can people get vocational education? | |||
7. In what types of educational institutions can people get higher education? | |||
8. What are the specific features of the educational system in the country? |
a) r e ad and tr ansla t e t he follo wing d ia logue.
b) Memorize and dramatize the dialogue.
c) Act out a similar dialogue.
EDU C A t I o N I N th E UK
A.: Hi, Andrew! Arenʼt you in a hurry? Letʼs revise the material for the English classes.
B.: Hi, Danil! With pleasure. As far as I remember, we are to get information about the educational system in the UK.
A.: you are absolutely right. First of all we should memorize that the system of education in Britain is divided into the three stages: primary, secondary and further education.
B.: And donʼt forget that there are state and private schools in the UK.
A.: Good for you. But, you see, about 93 per cent of British children go to state-assisted schools. As far as I know, both primary and secondary education between the ages of 5 and 16 is compulsory in Britain.
B.: yes, I agree with you. And at the age 15 or 16 pupils take an ex- amination called the General Certificate of Secondary Educa- tion, abbreviated GCSE...
A.: Sorry for interrupting you. I want to add that most pupils who stay in school beyond the age of 16 prepare for the General Cer- tificate of Education examination on Advanced level, A level. It is abbreviated GCE. Well, and what about higher education?
B.: I know exactly that British universities are not part of the public system of education.
A.: Right! They are independent corporations, but they are mainly supported by public funds.
B.: And have you heard about the Open University?
A.: yes, it is unique in providing degree courses by correspondence for students working in their own homes. They are supported by books and broadcasts.
B.: Oh, you know so much about it. A.: Thanks for your assistance.
B.: It was no trouble at all.
EXErCISE 34. Act as an interpreter.
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