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A B o U t th E NAME S o f th E S t A t ES

2021-06-30 744
A B o U t th E NAME S o f th E S t A t ES 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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James Mitchell, an American from Las Vegas with a bachelorʼs degree in Geography, has come on a visit to Russia. A conversation is taking place between him and a Russian student, Alex by name.

— Мистер Митчелл, вы из какого штата?

— А почему ваш штат так называется? Что обозначает это слово?



— неужели? Это прекрасно. Мистер Митчелл, а вы говорите по-испански?

— I am from Las Vegas, Nevada.


— you see “Nevada” is a Span- ish word, meaning “covered with snow”. It is not cold in my area. Snow melts quickly. But even from my house you can see snow- capped Rocky Mountains.

— Just a little. A lot of Mexicans live in our city.




— А много еще штатов названы по-испански?


— Да, я знаю об этом. например, штат Мичиган получил свое название от индейцев и означает «Большое озеро».


— Здорово! Так все интересно. Мистер Митчелл, мне бы хотелось поговорить с вами как-нибудь еще.

— Not many, but still “Califor- nia” is the Spanish name which means “heat of the oven”. “Colo- rado” is the Spanish name for

the river, which means “coloured red”. Besides, the names of many states have the Indian origin.

— Good for you. And there is a legend about the origin of the

name “Alabama”, it came from a warlike tribe of Indians. Once they came to the banks of the

river and said: “Alabama!”, which meant “Here we rest”.

— you are welcome.


EXErCISE 35. Arrange role plays on the following subjects. Be as imagi- native as you can.

1. you are a guide in Washington, D.C.

2. you are an American. you are on a visit to Russia. you are invited to one of the colleges. Now you are among Russian students, they are ask- ing you questions about you and your country.


EXErCISE 36. Imagine the context in which you may use the following phrases. Dramatize the situations.

1. Why is it called so?

2. What language do you speak? Are you a Mexican?

3. Where are you from?


EXErCISE 37. talk on one of these topics. Can you keep talking for one minute?

1. The Rivers in the USA.

2. The Five Great Lakes.

3. The Population of the USA.



4. The Great Seal.

5. The Places of Interest in Washington.

6. The Climate of the USA.


EXErCISE 38. Discuss the following proverb together with your friend and say if you agree with it.

East or West, home is best.


EXErCISE 39. Enjoy Yourself!

a) oтгадайте слова в лайнворде.

1. A word opposite to the word “peace”

2. A word similar to “a stove”

3. From what the bread is made

4. A great wish

5. Having a skill, power to do something

6. A kind of a degree

7. A means of transport to come from Moscow to Washington

8. To make short


b) отгадайте слова в чайнворде.


TESt 5

1. Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

1. The USA is the third largest country in the world in....

A. area               В. natural resources

с. population       D. coal



2. It also includes... in the northwestern part of North America.

A. Alaska В. California  с. Hawaii  D. Nevada

3. The Rocky Mountains are in the....

A. east       В. west         с. north     D. south

4. The Lake Ontario is located in the... part of the USA.

A. northwestern  с. northeastern В. southwestern     D. southeastern

5. It has vast areas of... soil.

A. natural    В. large      с. abundant  D. fertile

6. The nation's founders spoke....

A. Spanish   В. Italian   с. English    D. Russian

7. The name of the capital should not be mixed.... with a state on the

Pacific Coast.

A. down       В. out        с. up           D. aside

8. The capital is... no other city of the USA.

A. love          В. resemble  с. like           D. name after

9. The weather in the USA is very....

A. mild         В. cold     с. changeable D. similar

10. The word “Michigan” means....

A. heat of the oven       В. a large lake

с. coloured red             D. covered with snow

2. Choose the proper form of the Participle I or Participle II and fill in the blanks:

1. The tops of the mountains are... with snow.

A. covering                 В. having covered

с. covered                   D. having been covered

2. The lakes are.... by natural channels.

A. connecting              В. connected

с. having connected      D. having been connected

3. The channels.... by rapids are long.

A. cutting  В. cut    с. having cut  D. connected

4. The place for the capital was... aside by the federal government.

A. set        В. setting с. having set  D. having been set



5. There are thirteen stripes on the American flag... thirteen original states.

A. having been represented    В. represented

с. representing                     D. having represented

6. The... population took part in the process of government.

A. involving                        В. being involved

с. involved                          D. having been involved

7. by the mountain chains from the north to the south, the country is

visited by winds from the north and from the south.

A. crossing                          В. being crossed

с. having crossed                  D. having been crossed

8. He has not... to get the information.

A. managed                         В. managing

с. being managed                 D. having been managed

9. The word “Nevada” is a Spanish word,... “covered with snow”.

A. meant                             В. meaning

с. having meant                   D. having been meant

10. The winds.... from the north are very cold.

A. blowing                          В. having been blown

с. blown                             D. visited


3. the text contains different mistakes: 1 — in spelling, 6 — in grammar. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the text.

The building of the Capitol have got its name from the temple (храм) in Rome. The Capitol consist of a central building with a great dome and two galeries. Under the dome there are a monumental hall calling the Rotunda. There are 540 rooms in these huge building. The Capitol Build- ing stand on the Capitol Hill, the highest point of the city, thatʼs why the Capitol Building is seen from any point of the capital.


4. Answer these multiple-choice questions about the United States of America.

1. What territory does USA occupy?

A. About nine thousand four hundred square kilometres. В. About nine million four hundred square kilometres.

с. About nine million four hundred thousand square kilometres.



2. What countries does the USA border?

A. Canada, Mongolia. В. Mexico, Spain.

с. Canada, Mexico.

3. What are the major rivers of the USA?

A. The Mississippi, the Columbia, the Colorado. В. The Missouri, the Ohio, the Niagara.

с. The Columbia, the Colorado, the California.

4. How many million people live in the USA?

A. About two hundred fifty thousand people. В. About two hundred fifty million people. с. About fifty million people.

5. Where is the capital of the country located?

A. Between the states of New Jersey and New york. В. Between the states of Virginia and Maryland.

с. Between the states of Washington and Oregon.

6. In what part of the country is it very hot?

A. Inland southwest.

В. On the Pacific Coast. с. On the Atlantic Coast.

7. What part of the country has the tropical climate?

A. Hawaii.

В. The Pacific Coast. с. The Atlantic Coast.

8. Who is the head of the State?

A. The King.

В. The President. с. The Queen.



Theme:    Education

UNIt 6

Texts:      1. Informal and Formal Education

2. General and Vocational Education

Dialogues: Grammar

Grammar Structures:

1. Education in the UK

2. Education in the USA

Complex Object (сложное дополнение)

  Test 6                                                                                          

EXErCISE 1. a) read, translate and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues:

1) experience, learning experiences. Education includes different kinds of learning experiences;

2) a sense, in the broadest sense. In its broadest sense, education is the ways in which people get knowledge and understanding about the world and about themselves;

3) a skill, to learn skills. The pupils are learning different skills;

4) to gain, to gain knowledge. The people gain knowledge about the world;

5) a scheme. Weʼll use this scheme while discussing the problem;

6) formal, informal. We’ll discuss formal and informal education;

7) daily, daily life. People are involved in learning during their daily life;

8) manner, with good manners. Children are taught to eat with good manners;

9) to ride, to ride a horse, to ride a bicycle. Children learn to ride a bicycle;

10) to pass, to pass an exam. At the university he has to pass different kinds of exams;

11) to be in charge of. The Minister of Education is in charge of educa- tion at all the levels;

12) to expect. I expect she will pass the exam;

13) to provide. They provide this country with natural gas;

14) both... and... Education includes both informal and formal ways of learning;



15) vocational education. School systems provide both general and vo- cational education;

16) gifted, physical or mentally handicapped. Most countries provide education both for gifted and for physically or mentally handi- capped children;

17) an adult. The country provides education both for children and for adults;

18) an aim, to aim. The aim of vocational education is to prepare the students for a job;

19) intelligent. She is a very intelligent student;

20) responsible. The Minister of Education is responsible for educa- tion at different levels;

21) to transmit. The information is transmitted from one computer to another through a telephone line;

22) a heritage, a cultural heritage. The aim of general education is to transmit a common cultural heritage;

23) carpentry. At technical schools students are taught carpentry, metalwork and electronics;

24) to require. The regulations require that all students shall attend at least 90 per cent of the lectures;

25) further, further education. On leaving school adults may take up further education;

26) compulsory. Primary and secondary education is compulsory in most countries;

27) beyond. The pupils who stay in school at the age of 16 and beyond this age, will prepare for the General Certificate of Education ex- amination on Advanced Level;

28) to support. The higher school in the UK is mainly supported by public funds;

29) by correspondence. The Open University in the UK provides de- gree courses by correspondence;

30) instead. Itʼs too wet to go for a walk, letʼs go to the swimming pool instead;

31) junior, senior. High schools in the USA may be junior and senior.

32) to earn. He earns a lot of money.

b) Watch out!

both... and...                                                           

We visited both Washington, D.C. and New York.

Education includes both formal and informal ways of learning.


EXErCISE 2. a) read the words following the rules of reading. Pronounce correctly. Practise aloud:

[e] s e nse, exp e ct, int e lligent, h e ritage, inst ea d; [æ] m a nner, ex a m, h a ndicapped, a dult;

[ɑ:] p a ss, ch a rge, c a rpentry; [ʌ] comp u lsory, c u ltural;

[ɔ:] br oa d, f or mal, inf or mal, supp or t;

[ɒ] kn o wledge, resp o nsible, bey o nd, corresp o ndence, o ffer; [u:] j u nior;

[i:] sch e me, s e nior;

[ɪ] skill, gifted, transmit; [ɜ:] l ear ning, f ur ther;

[eɪ] g ai n, d ai ly, voc a tional, education, a im; [ǝʊ] b o th;

[ɪǝ] exp e rience; [aɪ] ride, provide; [аɪǝ] requ ire.

b) look at the following pairs of words and think if the underlined letters are pronounced in the same way, or if they are pronounced differently:

p a ss — m a nner; s e nse — exp e rience; ride — transmit; comp u lsory — j u nior; b o th — o ffer; kn o wledge — corresp o ndence; a dult — ch a rge; w a tch — h a ndicapped; l ear ning — inst ea d; bicycle — gifted; certificate — skill; library — provide; l a nguage — ex a m; s a me — a im; c a r — c a rpentry.


EXErCISE 3. a) read the international words, mind the stress:

′formal, dis′cuss, ′telephone, i′nitiative, ′visit, mu′seum, ′television, snow, ′video, ′radio, ′programme, test, e'xam, inst′ruction,  ′college,

uni′versity, ′system, type, ′regularly, dip′loma, cer′tificate, ′modern, ′na- tion,′special, in′form, de′sign,′cultural,′specialist, arith′metic, ge′ography,

′history, ′student, ′technical, elect′ronics, course, pro′fessional, ca′reer,

agri′culture, ′architecture, ′business, ′medicine, ma′terial, infor′mation,

′public, corpo′ration, u′nique, ′organize, ′institute.

b) find the English equivalents for the following words and arrange them in pairs:

For example: formal — официальный

студент, профессиональный, технический, электроника, курс, институт, организовывать, колледж, университет, шоу, видео, ра-


дио, система, тип, регулярно, диплом, сертификат, информировать, специальный, нация, современный, программа, тест, экзамен, ин- струкция, обсуждать (дискутировать), телефон, инициатива, теле- видение, музей, посещать (наносить визит), дизайн, история, гео- графия, арифметика, культурный, специалист, карьера, сельское хозяйство (агрокультура), архитектура, бизнес, медицина, корпо- рация, уникальный, публичный, информация, материал.


EXErCISE 4. a) translate, analyse the words with different suffixes and divide the following words into the three groups: nouns, adjectives and adverbs:

informal, formal, education, different, experience, useful, language, simply, teacher, television, instruction, childhood, learner, regularly, na- tion, general, vocational, special, physically, mentally, intelligent, cul- tural, heritage, specialist, primarily, technical, professional, agriculture, architecture, pleasure, educational, absolutely, public, independent, cor- poration, mainly, correspondence, assistance, Russian, American, con- versation, national, attendance.

b) Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words:

in- differ -ent
ir- use -ful
  teach -er
  learn -ly
  regular -ist

c) t he w or ds in c a pita ls a t t he end of e ach of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

1. The British universities are... of the public system of education DEPEND.

2. expect students to pass the exam TEACH.

3. Students should come to college...... REGULAR.

4. Pupils are taught.... subjects DIFFER.

5. study various subjects with the teacher at the head LEARN.



EXErCISE 5. a) try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column В to form meaningful phrases:

A                    В

1) different        a) childhood

2) formal           b) scheme

3) useful            c) amount

4) large              d) education

5) intelligent      e) subjects

6) young            f) heritage

7) good              g) manners

8) early              h) schools

9) cultural          i) citizens

10) technical        j) people

b) Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right:

to include...      subjects

to involve...      knowledge

to learn...         a call

to gain...          a show

to ride...           exams

to make...         a bicycle

to get...            people

to visit...          skills

to watch...        information

to pass...           a shop

to enter...         the university

to earn...          a diploma money

EXErCISE 6. a) translate the following word combinations. Pay attention to the prepositions.

About the world, about themselves, for discussing, to divide into, dur- ing their daily life, for example, by hearing, by trying, in the same formal manner, with good manners, on their own initiative, without a teacher, look at a videotape, listen to the radio, at different kinds of schools, in most countries, a system of formal education, during their early child- hood, in this type of education, in charge of education, with the teachers at the head, to come to school, in their learning, at the end of their learn- ing, the school systems of all modern nations, for gifted children, after


leaving school, a large amount of time, aims at producing, in secondary schools, the aim of vocational education, for a job, between the ages of 5 and 16, agree with you, at the age of 15, beyond the age of 16, by public funds, by correspondence, in their own homes, about it, is responsible for, at all stages, by name.

b) fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions.

I study... the college. It is rather far... my house and I go there... bus. I have classes... 15.00.... leaving the college I have a large amount... time. I go shopping together... my brother. My brother is a pupil, he goes

... school. His school is... our house. shopping we do our homework.

Then... the evening we watch TV, listen the radio.


EXErCISE 7. Divide the following words into three groups which describe:

a) informal education, b) formal education, c) special education:

library, museum, a teacher, schools, colleges, universities, a video- tape, a television show, informal manner, to pass exams, a certificate, a diploma, a degree, gifted children, adults, handicapped children, gen- eral education, vocational education.


EXErCISE 8. a) Decide which word is the odd one out in each of the fol- lowing groups of words:

a school, a museum, a college, a university; a pupil, a learner, a teacher, a student;

a test, a diploma, a degree, a certificate; geography, history, arithmetic, heritage; carpentry, metalwork, electronics, writing.

b) find the names for the groups of words. fill in each of the spaces:

a school, a college, a university.........; geography, history, arithmetic;

a diploma, a certificate, a degree........;

general education, vocational education, special education...........;

elementary education, secondary education, higher education —....


EXErCISE 9. a) translate the following definitions of the words.

1. A skill is a special ability to do something well, especially as gained by learning and practice.

2. A sense is good and especially practical understanding.


3. A manner is the way or method in which something is done or happen.

4. An adult is a fully grown person, especially a person over an age stated by law, usually 18 or 21.

5. A heritage is an object, custom, or quality which is passed down over many years within a nation, social group, or family, and is thought of as something valuable and important which belongs to all its members.

b) the following words also appear in the texts and dialogues. Match each one with its correct definition:

carpentry, to transmit, experience, to gain, intelligent

1) the art of work of a person who is skilled at making and repairing wooden objects, especially one who does this as a job;

2) having or showing powers of learning, reasoning, or understand- ing;

3) to send or pass from one person, place, thing to another;

4) knowledge or skill which comes from practice in an activity or do- ing something for a long time, rather than from books;

5) to get something useful, wanted.


EXErCISE 10. a) Study the use of the Complex object:


1. I heard him sing a song. (Я слышал, как он пел песню.)

2. не saw her walk along the street. (он видел, как она шла вдоль улицы.)



3. She made him do it. (она заставила его сделать это.)

We know him to study here. (Мы знаем, что он учится здесь.) We know him to have studied here. (Мы знаем, что он учился здесь.)

We consider formal education to be the instruction given at differ- ent kinds of schools, colleges, universities. (Мы полагаем, что официальное образование — это образование, которое дают в различных школах, колледжах, университетах.)

They believe this material to be used in the article. (они полагают, что этот материал будет использован в статье.)

I wish this material to be used in your compositions. (Я хочу, чтобы этот материал использовался в ваших сочинениях.)

4. I want them to come to me. (Я хочу, чтобы они пришли ко мне.)

5. She allowed the book to be put on the shelf. (она разрешила, чтобы книгу поставили на полку.)

b) read the sentences, point out the Complex object, translate into rus- sian.

1. We consider education to be the ways in which people learn skills, gain knowledge and understanding about the world and about them- selves. 2. Teachers expect learners to come to school regularly and on time. 3. Teachers suppose learners to work at about the same speed as their classmates. 4. Teachers wish learners to pass exams successfully.

5. Teachers want them to take up their education after leaving school.

6. He wants the material about the educational system to be memorized.

7. The parents made him enter this university. 8. They expected us to support him. 9. We know him to have entered the university. 10. I heard Mr Brown congratulate Jane on her birthday.


EXErCISE 11. transform the sentences according to the models to prac- tise the use of the Complex object.

a) Model: Has Mary filled in the form? (to see) — Yes, I saw her fill.

1. Has Mr Brown congratulated Jane on her birthday? (to hear) 2. Did Peter come in? (to watch) 3. Did John apologize to her? (to hear) 4. Has James done it? (to feel) 5. Did Mary write a composition? (to see)

b) Model: We expect that they will come tomorrow. We expect them to come tomorrow.


1. The parents suppose that their son will pass that exam. 2. The gov- ernment considers that the vocational education develops trained special- ists. 3. They believe that the general education transmits cultural heritage.

4. We know that primary school pupils are taught such skills as reading, writing and arithmetic. 5. We know that they also receive instruction in different subjects.


EXErCISE 12. fill in the gaps to practise the use of the Complex object (the verb is given in brackets at the end of each sentence).

1. They saw him... the street (to cross). 2. We think him... a composi- tion (to write). 3. We think the composition... by him (to write). 4. The mother made her daughter... the text (to translate). 5. The mother sup- poses the children... TV (to watch). 6. The teacher supposes the students

... the material about the educational system in the country (to study).

7. The teacher supposed the material about the educational system... by the students (to study). 8. Mary allowed the book... into the bookcase (to put). 9. They expected him... the exam (to pass). 10. I know her... texts very well (to translate).


EXErCISE 13. Make up sentences according to the models to practise the use of the Complex object.

a) Model: Мы не ожидали, что он придет. We didnʼt expect him to come.

1. Мы не предполагали, что вы сделаете это. 2. Преподаватель хочет, чтобы они написали сочинение об этом. 3. Я желаю, чтобы вы поступили в этот университет. 4. он считает, что она переведет этот текст хорошо. 5. Я не ожидал, что они учатся здесь.

b) Model: Преподаватель заставил студентов посещать лекции. The teacher made the students attend lectures.

1. Мать заставила дочь почистить ковер. 2. она заставила его спеть. 3. он заставил ее написать статью. 4. Я заставил его встать и выйти. 5. он заставил нас ответить на вопросы.


EXErCISE 14. Analyse the use of the Complex object in the following sentence.

We know them to be hand and glove.



EXErCISE 15. read the text, try to focus on its essential facts and choose the most suitable heading below for each paragraph:

1) What Is Education; 2) Formal Education; 3) Informal Education;

4) Different Kinds of Formal Education.

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