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Match the word (1-10) with its definition (a-j).

2017-09-26 578
Match the word (1-10) with its definition (a-j). 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Auditorium 2. Balcony 3. Box 4. Dress circle 5. Foyer 6. Gallery 7. House 8. Orchestra pit 9. Stalls 10. Wings a)the area in which musicians play their instruments;
b)the seats on the main floor;
c)an area of seats at an upper level;
d)the sides of a stage which cannot be seen by the people watching the play;
e)the part of the theatre where people who are watching and listening sit;
f)the first level of seats above the main floor;
g)a large open area just inside the entrance of a public building;
h)the people watching a performance;
i)a small area with seats that is separate from the other seats;
j)the highest floor that contains the cheapest seats.

5. Comment on the seating plans below pointing out the following things:

- similarities and differences of the four plans;

- view of the stage from each seating section;

- your preference for the theatre and the seat.

The Phoenix Theatre (London, UK)



The Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada)

The Merrill Auditorium (Portland, Maine, USA)


San Francisco Ballet (San Francisco, USA)

(to see the view of the stage from each section go to


Fill in the gaps.

1) Last night Mr. and Mrs. Smith went ____________ the theatre. When they approached ____________ the theatre, they saw some people standing ____________ the entrance, waiting ____________ their friends. First of all they came________________________ the box-office and asked ____________ two seats ____________ the dress-circle. But the dress-circle seats were sold ____________, and they were offered two seats ____________ the tenth row ____________ the stalls. Then they went ____________ the cloak-room and left their coats and hats ____________ the cloak-room attendant. After that they went ________________________ the usher and bought the programme. The usher showed them ____________ their seats.

2) What’s ________________________ the Opera and Ballet House tonight?

3) I am not much ____________ a theatre-goer.

4) My sister is fond ____________ ballet.

5) Did you buy tickets ____________ advance or ____________ the day ____________ the performance?

6) They couldn’t get tickets ____________ the first night ____________ “Hamlet” ____________Smoktunovsky____________ the leading part, because the house was sold ____________ long ____________ the performance.

7) This theatre is famous ____________ its excellent company.

8) I was completely carried ________________________ her wonderful acting; it was so true ____________ life.

9) We are going ____________ the theatre tomorrow. Would you like ____________ join us?

10) The play was a success ____________ public.

11) I have an extra ticket ____________ the matinee ____________ the Mussorgsky Opera and Ballet House.

12) The house was sold ____________ long ago ____________ the day ____________ the performance. So, I did not het the tickets.

7. Translate the sentences using the essential vocabulary.

1) Этот спектакль стоит посмотреть: декорации превосходны. 2) Он любил из зрительного зала смотреть сцены, в которых он сам не играл. 3) Зрительный зал включает в себя партер, бельэтаж, балкон и ложи. 4) Нам не удалось посмотреть балет «Щелкунчик», потому что все билеты были проданы за две недели до спектакля.5) Я купила два билета в Театр Оперы и Балета. 6) У нас была ложа во втором ярусе. 7) Освещение в этом спектакле ярко выявляет искусство и балетмейстера, и художника. 8) Когда занавес опустился, и в зале зажегся свет, раздался гром аплодисментов. 9) Мы договорились встретиться в фойе во время антракта. 10) За четверть часа до спектакля зрительный зал был почти полон. 11) Постановка была очень удачной и шла при переполненном зале. 12) Свет начал гаснуть, и зал затих. 13) Свет в зале погас, и занавес поднялся. 14) Мы сидели в задних рядах партера. 15) После репетиции мы пошли за кулисы, чтобы посмотреть на новые костюмы и декорации. 16) Эта пьеса была долгое время в репертуаре театра и шла при переполненном зале.


8. Read Text12 andgivetheequivalentstothefollowingwordsandexpressions.

1) финансовый (денежный) репутация)
2) великолепие 8) гобелен
3) балдахин 9) рискованное начинание
4) увенчивать 10) подвергать
5) выгодный (рентабельный) 11) принуждать
6) жалкий (грязный, запущенный) 12) объемное изображение 13) разбрасывать
7) плохая слава (дурная

9. Fill in the blanks with the words from ex. 8:

1) Their behaviour has brought ____________ on English football.

2) We admired the ____________ of the mountain scenery.

3) The house was ____________ by a tall chimney.

4) As a nurse in the war she was ____________ to many dangers.

5) The two companies have embarked on a joint ____________ to produce cars in America.

6) The walls of the banqueting hall were hung with ____________.

7) Our research has been ____________ by lack of cash.

8) How can they live in such ____________ conditions?

9) There were papers ____________ all over the floor.

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