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Lesson 1. Theatre and drama, types of play

2017-09-26 518
Lesson 1. Theatre and drama, types of play 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Read the following utterances. Do you agree or disagree with the statements? Give your reasons.

A: You ask me if I love theatre. Oh no, I am not interested in it at all. Theatre is our past and now is a time of television and video. I think that young people don’t like going to the theatre.

B: What do I think of theatre? I can’t say that I am a theatre-goer; but sometimes when I have free time, I go to the theatre with my friends, but only to our musical theatre, as I am sure that theatre is for our amusement and entertainment. When I am at the theatre I don’t want to think much, I only want to rest, to laugh and enjoy myself.

C: I love theatre very much, and my friends consider me to be a theatre-fan. I am fond of watching comedies, dramas and even tragedies; but I also watch ballets and listen to operas occasionally. They are difficult for me. I understand that this is bad, but in our town there is no opera-house and children are not taught to understand this art. It’s a pity.

D: My thoughts about theatre? Well, I think that this kind of art is dying now, because nobody is interested in the fact that young people don’t like it. Though in our town there are some theatres, it is difficult for teenagers to see a play. Such plays are not staged in our theatres. This is bad. I think that something should be done to change the situation. Each town should have a theatre.


cast (n, v) repertory company/theatre
cast list types of theatres
casting civic theatre
company commercial theatre
do/put on/produce (a play) private theatre
drama regional theatre
drama class/course/club subsidized theatre
drama critic types of play
drama school comedy
drama student farce
dramatic art historical play/drama
dramatist musical comedy
first night/first performance musical
go to the theatre straight play
matinee thriller
playwright tragedy
repertory, repertoire tragic-comedy
in repertory/repertoire variety show
the stage version The Bolshoi Theatre
on the stage The Children’s Theatre
performance The Drama Theatre
morning performance The Mariinsky Theatre
afternoon performance The Moscow Art Theatre
evening performance The Musical Comedy Theatre
premiere The Puppet Theatre
production The Opera House
theatre The Opera and Ballet Theatre
theatre party The Variety Theatre
theatregoer The Young people’s Theatre


Give your associations with the word “Theatre”.

T roupe, H ouse full, E ncore, A …, T …, R …, E

2.What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘theatre’? Fill in the mind map.


Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1) I’m very interested in the theatre.

2) He’s written several books on the Elizabethan theatre.

3) She has devoted her life to the theatre.

4) It’s interesting but it’s not good theatre.

5) There are a lot of good theatres in Moscow.

6) A new theatre is being built in the city centre.

7) I’ll see you outside the theatre at a quarter past seven.

8) David’s organizing/arranging a theatre party.

9) I’m very interested in drama.

10) He’s written several books on Elizabethan drama.

11) The Gorky Theatre is considered by many people to be the best in Saint Petersburg.

12) The Royal Shakespeare Company are divided between the country and the capital, playing concurrently at two theatres for most of the year.

13) The Royal Shakespeare Company are doing three of the history plays/histories this reason.

14) Straight plays do not usually run as long as farces and musicals.

15) - Have you seen “My Fair Lady”?

- You mean the stage version?

- No, the film. I didn’t think you were old enough to have seen it on the stage.

4. Fill in the table with the definitions and exemplary sentences given below.

Definition Example



· The type of play or film

· A building, room, or outside structure with rows of seats from which people can watch a performance

· A play in a theatre or on television or radio

· The writing or performance of plays, opera, etc., written to be performed in public

· Plays and acting generally

Exemplary sentences:

· She made her career in the theatre.

· She studied English and drama at college.

· She’s been in several television dramas.

· Yesterday we watched a historical drama.

· The Lyceum Theatre was renovated last spring.



*Mind the use. E.g. I’m interested in drama/ the theatre.


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