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«Уральский государственный педагогический университет»
Институт иностранных языков
Кафедра английского языка, методики и переводоведения
Н.С. Руденко, Ю.В. Кузина, А.В. Дымова, В.Ю. Аксенова
Для направления
«050100 – Педагогическое образование»
(профиль:«Иностранный язык») и
«035700 – Лингвистика»
(профиль «Перевод и переводоведение»)
Екатеринбург 2014
Н.С. Руденко, доцент кафедры английского языка, методики и переводоведения УрГПУ;
Ю.В. Кузина, аспирант кафедры английского языка, методики и переводоведения УрГПУ
А.В. Дымова
В.Ю. Аксенова
Руденко Н.С., Кузина Ю.В., Дымова А.В., Аксенова В.Ю.
Discussing the Arts: Cinema and Theatre=Обсуждаем искусство: кино и театр [Текст]: методическое пособие по устной речи для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлению «050100 – Педагогическое образование» (профиль: «Иностранный язык»)и «035700 – Лингвистика» (профиль «Перевод и переводоведение») / Н.С. Руденко, Ю.В. Кузина, А.В. Дымова, В.Ю. Аксенова; Урал.гос.пед.ун-т. – Екатеринбург, 2014. – 190 с.
Учебное пособие адресовано студентам факультетов иностранных языков, изучающим английский язык как специальность. Пособие имеет целью помочь студентам выработать навыки и умения устной речи в рамках тем «Кино» и «Театр».
Печатается по решению совета Института иностранных языков; протокол № ___ от «___» _______________ 2014 г.
© Уральский государственный
педагогический университет, 2014
© Руденко Н.С., Кузина Ю.В., Дымова А.В, Аксенова В.Ю, 2014
Пояснительная записка
Настоящее пособие по дисциплине «Практический курс иностранного языка» для студентов третьего курса содержит дополнительный материал по темам «Cinema» и «Theatre» и имеет целью помочь студентам выработать навыки и умения устной речи в рамках данных тем. Пособие предназначено, главным образом, для аудиторной работы (76 часов), а также может быть использовано в процессе самостоятельной работы студентов с последующим контролем на аудиторных занятиях. Пособие подготовлено в соответствие с рабочей учебной программой по дисциплине «Практический курс иностранного языка» (английский язык).
Учебно-методическое пособие охватывает работу над всеми видами речевой деятельности: монологическую и диалогическую речь, чтение, аудирование, письмо, что позволяет развить все составляющие коммуникативной компетенции студентов. Пособие включает как наиболее употребительную лексику, так и частные слова и выражения по теме «Кино» и «Театр», что способствует значительному расширению словаря индивидуального пользования у студентов.
Пособие включает дополнительный лексический материал, текстовый материал и комплексную систему упражнений для отработки навыков и умений устной и письменной речи, а именно:
§ комплекс подготовительных и коммуникативных упражнений, направленных на активизацию языкового материала;
§ тренировочные переводы, нацеленные на тренировку и закрепление лексики;
§ тексты для чтения и аудирования и задания к ним, которые представляют обязательный и дополнительный материал по темам «Кино» и «Театр» и способствуют развитию различных стратегий чтения и аудирования;
§ задания для развития умений письменной речи, ориентированные на развитие коммуникативной компетенции в иноязычной письменной речи;
§ тексты для реферирования и интерпретации, которые носят проблемный характер и способствуют развитию критического мышления, исследовательской и дискурсивной компетенции;
§ задания для самостоятельной подготовки, связанные с ситуациями учебно-информационной, учебно-проектной, учебно-исследовательской и творческой деятельности обучающихся, носят как индивидуальный, так и групповой характер, способствуют поддержанию и совершенствованию практического уровня владения иностранным языком.
Все задания тематически выдержаны, что способствует более глубокому и всестороннему усвоению темы. Тексты сопровождаются комментарием, который позволяет обеспечить их наиболее полное понимание и восполнить недостаток фоновых знаний у студентов.
Каждая тема представлена пятью уроками. Структура урока включает следующие блоки, которые рекомендуется изучать последовательно:
§ предваряющая дискуссия по теме (Brainstorming);
§ работа с функциональным словарем, тренировочные упражнения и переводы (Vocabulary);
§ чтение текстов, работа с дополнительным словарем в текстах для чтения (Reading);
§ аудирование, работа с дополнительным словарем в аудио- и видеотекстах (Listening, Video);
§ активация функционального словаря в письменных заданиях (Writing);
§ самоконтроль сформированности лексических навыков (Progress Tests).
Изучение каждой темы завершается реферированием текста проблемного характера, что позволяет объективно оценить уровень сформированности коммуникативной компетенции в рамках изученных тем (Final Rendering). В качестве средства неформального оценивания рекомендуется проведение итогового межгруппового конкурса (Final Project).
Учебно-методическое пособие разработано таким образом, что может быть использовано на занятиях по практике устной речи выборочно, либо в полном объеме, порядок работы с материалом, представленным в пособии, может варьироваться в зависимости от целей занятия и интересов обучающихся.
PART I. | CINEMA…………………………………… | |
PART II. | THEATRE………………………………… | |
LESSON 1. | THEATRE AND DRAMA, TYPES OF PLAY………………………………………. | |
APPENDIX 4. | PROGRESS TESTS……………………………... | |
APPENDIX 5. | FINAL RENDERING…………………………... | |
APPENDIX 6. | FINAL PROJECT………………………………. | |
COMMENTARY…………………………………………….. | ||
REFERENCES………………………………………………. |
Discuss the following questions in your group:
1) Do you consider films to be a genuine art form?
2) To your mind did the film industry benefit as an art form from the introduction of visual effects, like green/blue screen, when whole scenes are shot in a studio and everything else is added in post-production using computer graphics?
3) How can you estimate the modern state of film affairs in Russia, the UK, and the USA?
cinema -кино movies -кино film (n, v) –фильм/снимать фильм, экранизировать motion picture (movie) –кинопленка, кинокартина script –сценарий (written form) screenplay –сценарий(includes acting instructions) shoot –снимать, фотографировать trailer –трейлер cast –распределять роли, давать роль credit titles (credits) –титры с перечислением участников постановки final cut –окончательный монтаж score –ставить отметки, резко критиковать OST –Original Soundtrack – оригинальный саундтрек/песня dub –дублировать,дубляж | subtitles –субтитры props –реквизит, имущество film o graphy – фильмография (a list of films ob one director or actor) film review – обзор фильма film release –выход фильма, первый показ film editing –монтаж фильма special effects (SFX/SPFX/FX) optical effects (fade in black/ dissolve to) –оптические эффекты (растворяться в темноте) mechanical effects (stunt) –механические эффекты (трюк, фокус) visual effects (Visual FX/VFX) –визуальный эффект fast/slow motion –быстрое/замедленное движение blue/green screen (keying) –голубой/зеленый фон matte –маска, каше, заслонка для спецэффектов |
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the list below; explain your choice.
1) It’s heavy raining outside and I’ve already got two tickets to
the ___cinema_________ this evening.
2) And what have you expected? That your way to the centre of the city in autumn is going to be marvellous?
3) The ____ movie score ________ of this film was quite a large one.
4) It’s not even close to the number in the original source.
5) The ___film_________ we’ve created is aimed at a broad audience and we’re hoping that it is not going to be a disappointment to the fans of the previous parts.
6) You gotta be kidding me!
7) No, I’m telling you he’s gonna be there for reals, so let’s move it, otherwise we’ll be late for the __movies________.
8) Since the date of the __casting__________ premier was near, our crew was working hard, __shooting__________ as many scenes a day as possible.
9) Anyway the __OST__________ was fantastic; even though I’m not very keen on instrumental music I especially enjoyed the composition by Hans Zimmer.
10) Oh my, the ___script_________ of this film was brilliant, I couldn’t predict the ending, it was unexpected, emotional, and probably the best one I’ve ever seen. Moreover, the ___motion picture_________had an extraordinary amount of songs performed by famous bands like Coldplay and Muse.
List of words: cinema, film, movies, motion picture, cast, to shoot, movie score, OST, script.
2. Match the word (1-10) with its definition (a-j).
1. Credit titles 2. Final cut 3. Release 4. Stunt 5. Green screen 6. To shoot 7. Matte 8. To set 9. To dub 10. Script | a)an acrobatic or dangerous piece of action in a film or television program; |
b)to film or photograph; | |
c)a verb that says where the story of a film is located/based; | |
d)a mask used to obscure part of an image in a film and allow another image to be substituted, combining the two; | |
e)a written text for the use of the performers in films and plays; | |
f)to provide (a film) with a soundtrack in a different language from the original; | |
g)a list of those responsible for the production of a film or television program; | |
h)a film or other product made available to the public; | |
i)the final edited version of a film, approved by the director and producer; | |
j)a blue (or green) background in front of which moving subjects are filmed and which allows a separately filmed background to be added to the final image. |
G, 2 - i, 3 - h, 4 - a, 5 - d, 6 - b, 7 - j, 8 - c, 9 - f, 10 - e
11. | 12. | ||||||||
10. | |||||||||
9. | |||||||||
7. | 8. | ||||||||
5. | 6. | ||||||||
4. | |||||||||
3. | |||||||||
1. | 2. |
Across | Down |
1. | 2. |
5. What do you know about the history of filmmaking? Match the names of the prominent persons from the left column (1-7) with the description of their achievements from the right column (a-h). Be careful! There’s one name that has 2 descriptions.
1. Robert William Paul -b 2. Charlie Chaplin - g 3. Thomas Edison – d, f 4. Sergei Eisenstein - h 5. Dan BarryandCharles Tait - e 6. AugusteandLouis Lumière - c 7. Georges Méliès -a | a)presented the first movie to portray space travel; b)invented a film projector; c)are Europe’s main producers who invented a portable projector; d)introduced to the public the Kinetograph and the Kinetoscope; e)created the world’s first “feature length” film; f)never patented his devices; g)is a well-known comedian actor; h)is a Soviet film director and a developer of the intellectual montage. |
6. Read Part 1 of Text 1 and check your answers to ex. 5.
7. Find the following expressions in Part 1 of Text 1; give the English definition and the Russian translation.
1) an incandescent lamp(лампа накаливания) | 4) to patent(патентовать) | 7) reel(катушка, оборот) |
2) film snippet(отрывки фильма) | 5) vignettes(виньетки, a brief description ofsth) | 8) synchronous sound(синхронный, одновременный звук) |
3) to make feature films(снимать художественные фильмы) | 6) box office successes(кассовые успехи) |
13. For further extension of your knowledge watch an extract from the documentary entitled “Side by Side” (2012) produced by Keanu Reeves on the history of filmmaking. Read the following information before watching Video 1:
- DP (= a director of photography) –is the chief over the camera and lighting crews working on a film;
14. Answer the questions:
1) What does a standard camera use?
2) What’s meant by “dailies” in this movie?
3) Why the directors with digital cameras don’t use “ Cut! ”?
How were the computer programs for editing adopted?
4) What is CGI?
15. Fill in the gaps with the words or word combinations from the film. Read the sentences beforehand!
1) One of the simplest definitions of ____________ is the number of pixels that is recorded by the camera – the higher it is the more ____________.
2) The first HD ____________ was shot in 2002.
3) The final cut is determined by the director and the ____________, as well as the colour timers who became more involved in the ____________, especially with the advent of colour film.
4) The ____________ photochemically adjusts the balance of green, blue, red and brightness after the movie is shot and
5) In digital colour correction the colourist can change any kind of hue inside the so-called ____________.
6) Thomson Viper HD camera was able to shoot scenes
in ____________.
7) Genesis, created by the partnership of Panavision and Sony, was the first ____________ for shooting feature films.
8) The RED 1 ’s resolution, the way ____________, proved it was of the new generation of digital cameras.
9) Silicon Imaging (SI-2K) is a ____________ with a computer at the back of it.
10) Furthermore even when it was off the ____________, or the steady cam, or off the crane it no longer connected to the cameraman’s body, thus enabling him to be more free and creative, ____________ during the scene.
Discuss the following questions in your group:
1) How often do you watch movies in the original? Do you watch them in any other language aside from Russian and English?
2) Do you think that acting is a skill acquired through training or more of a natural talent?
3) Which profession related to the film industry is interesting to you? What are the pros and cons of it?
Director(режиссер) Producer(продюсер) Location Manager(менеджер натуральных сьемок, занимается поиском земель, зданий для проведения сьемок) Scriptwriter(сценарист) Director of Photography(оператор-постановщик) Art Director(художественный директор/редактор) Props Master(бутафор, реквизитор) Gaffer(главный осветитель) Film Editor(монтажер) Production Manager(менеджер по производству, директор картины) Sound R e cordist (оператор звукозаписи) Cameraman(кинооператор, фотограф) camera crew(съемочная команда) star (v), starring(сниматься в фильме, сниматься в главной роли) co-star(исполнитель ролей второго плана) crowd scene(массовка) microphone(микрофон) clapper, clapperboard(нумератор с хлопушкой) | Sound analog(аналоговый звук) digital(цифровой звук) camera lens(линза, оптическое стекло, объектив) focus(фокус) zoom(зум, увеличение изображения) tripod [ai](тренога, штатив) camera platform/dolly(операторская тележка) shot a close-up(крупный план) long shot(общий план) tracking shot(сопровождающая съемка, съемка в движении) lights exterior lighting(внешнее освещение) natural light(естественный свет) artificial light(искусственный свет) light stand/spotlight(штатив, прожектор) |
5. Read Text 2 carefully. Choose the correct title for each phase of the filmmaking process from the list given below:
- Production(производство)
- Idea and Development (идея и развитие)
- Distribution (распределение, распространение)
- Post-Production (послепроизводственный этап)
- Pre-Production (предварительная работа перед выпуском)
6. Find the equivalents of the following expressions in Text 2, give the Russian translation:
1) trouble (complications) | 3) future (adj.) (would-be) | 5) essential (crucial, core) |
2) the previous phase (a predecessor) | 4) a chain of sketches (script, plan, schedule) | 6) unnatural (artificial) |
(interview by Joe McCabe, “FEARnet”)
12. Read the following information before listening to Audio 1:
- ‘Archie’ – an American comic book about teenage life;
- Chris (= Christopher Nolan) – a British film director.
13. Listen to Audio 1. Choose whether the following statements are true or false, explain your choice:
1) The speaker wasn’t fond of comic books in his childhood. | T / F |
2) The speaker’s sisters enjoyed reading ‘ Batman’. | T / F |
3) For a certain period of time the actor had a thought of turning down the role of the Joker. | T / F |
4) Tim Burton asked the star to act in his film. | T / F |
5) Chris was open for the actor’s interpretations. | T / F |
6) The speaker cared to explain the difference from Jack Nicholson’s portrayal of the character. | T / F |
14. Listen to Audio 1 one more time. Check your answers to ex. 12. Guess who the speaker is.
(interview by Peter Travers, “Rolling Stone Movies”)
15.Read the following information before listening to Audio 2:
- Martin Freeman – a famous actor;
- Mark (= Mark Gatiss) – an English screenwriter;
- Steven (= Steven Moffat) – a famous series producer;
- Limelight – the focus of public attention;
- Asperger’s (= Asperger’s syndrome) – a rare and relatively mild autistic disorder characterized by awkwardness in social interaction, pedantry in speech, and preoccupation with very narrow interests.
16. Listen to Part 1 of Audio 2. Fill in the gaps.
Peter Travers: Alright, people, you have just seen a scene from “ Sherlock ”, which is in (1) ________________________ on PBS’s masterpiece mystery. And Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays Sherlock, brilliantly, I have to say, is here to prove that he’s just as brilliant when he’s not playing Sherlock…
The speaker: Oh, God, no, Peter…
Peter Travers: Yes, do it…
The speaker: I can’t…
Peter Travers: Did you have any moment of hesitation when you
(2) ________________________?
The speaker: Oh, huge, I mean, not when I was offered it, because by then I’ve read the script. And when I first heard of the idea, I think both Martin Freeman and I, both kinda flinched at the idea of
(3) ________________________ which is so iconic and so untouchably brilliant in its original form was sort of distasteful. It smacked of a cash cow, some kind of horrible cultural kind of cannibalism, pop-eating itself, if you will. And I just, I really (4) ________________________. I was also a little bit nervous about the idea of stepping into the limelight. Realizing by playing an iconic figure, I think it’s the 75th or 76th incarnation line. So, you know, well, (5) ________________________, yeah, I had a lot of actors have done this before…
Peter Travers: Really? I only knew of Basil Rathbone…
The speaker: And Jeremy Brett, you must know…
Peter Travers: Jeremy Brett…
The speaker: Robert Stephens, and it just goes on and on…
Peter Travers: And this guy, Robert Downey Junior…
The speaker: That little, yeah, that kinda, yeah…
Peter Travers: What?
The speaker: Yeah, I hope he does well, he’s got a lot of promise. Ehm…I, you know, I kinda went into lots of trepidation, but then
(6) ________________________ and just completely fell in love with it.
Peter Travers: There’s something about the voice, the tenor of it.
The speaker: I think, well, I mean I went back to the original books, it was so: how do you prepare for the role. I’ve read the book, ‘cause I knew that was exactly what had driven Mark and Steven for this
(7) ________________________. And we had a lot to establish that was our own to a tailor and an author and yet at the same time I had to bring, in my mind, I had to bring an element of
(8) ________________________, or at least other timeliness to him. And coming from the posh boarding-school, looking the way I do, I mean, I’ve done some period dramas, you know, I think, I think
(9) ________________________ and I think that’s what Mark and Steven wanted to use me for initially. And then I read for them, and they were like: “ Good, our instincts were very right”. And it’s been a marriage of bliss ever since, especially…
Peter Travers: How did you want to put yourself forward as this character?
The speaker: I would say, well, I have a first rule that
(10) ________________________ are as big kind of walls, so I go up, ok. That’s good for two and a half pages of
(11) ________________________, but you know, sharpened and polished into this entire narrative, and so I said about working on them a lot and I look at the action scenes as well, I also think about even the interaction and growth of the character, and where the relationships are developing. And I just can’t, I get itchy to do it, to be honest, I mean, this… it’s just very, they’re just really (12) ________________________…you just wanna get on and get playing really…
17. Listen to Part 1 of Audio 2 one more time. Check your answers to ex. 15. Guess who the speaker is.
18. Listen to Part 2 of Audio 2 and choose the correct answers to the following questions:
1) The speaker believes that Sherlock used to be an outsider at school because he:
a) was hurt by the classmates;
b) tried to hone some skills;
c) was a brilliant prodigy.
2) According to the speaker the friendship with Watson:
a) gives Sherlock a God complex;
b) humanizes Sherlock;
c) lets Sherlock’s guard down.
3) The character of Sherlock influenced the actor because he started:
a) to use the train from Cardiff to London;
b) to build imaginative pictures about the people around;
c) started to get into terrible troubles;
4) The actor’s aim in the first series was:
a) to become an icon for kids;
b) to make the books in demand;
c) to acquire a wonderful skill.
19. Listen to Part 2 of Audio 2 one more time. Check your answers to ex. 17.
(interview for “ Backstage ”)
20. Read the following information before listening to Audio 3:
- Aldo – the name of the character from the film “ InglouriousBasterds ”[1];
- Martial-art s – various sports, which originated chiefly in Japan, Korea, and China as forms of self-defense or attack, such as judo, karate, and kendo;
- Franchise – a general title or concept used for creating or marketing a series of products, typically films or television shows.
21. Listen to Audio 3 and answer the following questions:
1) What’s the speaker’s attitude towards casting? What is his job as a writer-director?
2) Does the speaker display a desire to drag as many movie stars into his films as possible or does he have a different approach?
3) What does the speaker mean when he says that he’s worked with genres that are “ virgin territory ” for him? Which films and genres does he mention?
4) On what condition is the speaker eager to take over an existing franchise? Which one did he want to take?
22. Listen to Audio 3 one more time. Check your answers to ex. 20. Guess who the speaker is.
What makes a good actor/actress? That’s his/her pronunciation and clear diction. The same goes to a would-be teacher. Try and repeat the tongue-twisters below to find out how good you are at it!
(from ‘Singin’ in the Rain’, 1952)
(from ‘The King’s Speech’, 2010)
(from ‘ Pinky and the Brain’, s03e46, 1997)
Discuss the following questions in your group:
1) What’s the title of your favourite film or series? Why are you fond of it?
2) Do you think that making a screen version of a book is a good idea? How many successful screen versions of novels do you know?
3) To your mind what’s the most promising film genre in Russia/the UK/the USA?
action film -боевик adventure film –приключенческий фильм comedy -комедия crime film –детективный фильм drama -драма horror film -ужастик musical- мюзикл mute film –немое кино science fiction film –научно-фантастический фильм thriller –боевик, ужастик tragedy -трагедия western –вестерн (о ковбоях) fantasy -фэнтэзи screen version (of the novel) –экранизация книги blockbuster –блокбастер (боевик) | independent film –независимый кинематограф black-and-white film – черно-белый фильм colour film– цветной фильм feature film –художественный фильм art house –фартхаус documentary film –документальный фильм educational film – учебный фильм historical film –исторический фильм full-length film –полнометражный фильм short-length film –короткометражный фильм (40-50мин) 3D / 3-D (3-dimensional) 2D / 2-D (2-dimensional) Cartoon –мультик series (TV series) –телесериал |
1. In the table below you can see the age-rating systems ( возрастные ограничения к просмотру фильмов ) of the UK, the USA and Russia. Discuss them with a partner pointing out the following things:
- any similarities of the three systems;
- peculiarities of each one;
- which one of them is the most efficient to your mind, give reasons to your answers.
· U (Universal)– One cannot predict what might upset a particular child; a ‘U’ film should be suitable for audiences aged 3 and older. · PG (Parental Guidance) – General viewing but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. · 12A (12 Accompanied)– Recommended for 12 years and older. People under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult. Nobody younger than 12 may rent or buy a ‘12’ rated video. · 15 – Suitable only for 15 years and older. Nobody younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema, rent or buy it. · 18 – Suitable only for adults. Nobody younger than 18 may see an ‘18’ film in a cinema, rent or buy it. These films may contain extreme gore (кровь), violence (жестокость) or sexually explicit c o ntent. · R18 (Restricted 18) – To be shown only in specially licensed cinemas and to adults that are older than 18 years old. These films contain pornographic content. |
· G (General Audiences) – All ages admitted. These films may not contain rude language. · PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) –These films are generally inappropriate for young children and may contain milder swear words (ругательства), crude or suggestive humor, infrequent horror moments or mild violence. · PG-13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned) – Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. These films may contain explicit language, drug innuendo, suggestive humor, political themes, long horror moments, blood. · R (Restricted) – Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. These films may contain strong violence often with blood and gore, strong horror scenes and explicit drug use. NC-17 (No One 17 and Under Admitted) – These films are adult and children are not admitted. These films may contain strong graphic violence with a large amount of blood or other elements that are strictly prohibited from viewing by minors (несовершеннолетние). |
· (0+) Фильмразрешёндляпоказавлюбойзрительскойаудитории(Film allowed for any age) – All ages are admitted. No age restrictions. · (6+) Фильмразрешёндетям, достигшим 6 лет (Film for those above 6) – Unsuitable for children under 6. · (12+) Детямдо 12 летфильмразрешёнвсопровожденииродителей(Film allowed for children under 12 if they’re accompanied by parents) – Parental guidance under 12 years. · (16+) Фильмразрешёндетямстарше 16 лет (Film for those above 16) – Unsuitable for children under 16. Film has violence, fear or excessive blood shed. · (18+) Фильмразрешёндетямстарше 18 лет (Film for those above 18) – Unsuitable for children under 18. Film has discrimination, violence or bare bodies. · Фильмы, которым отказано в классификации(Refused classification) – Banned (запрещенный). |
Match the columns.
1. Crime film 2. Blockbuster 3. Fantasy 4. Documentary film 5. Full-length film 6. Western 7. Thriller 8. Musical | a)a film of standard or customary length; b)a film with an exciting plot, typically involving crime or e spionage; c)a film, about cowboys in western North America, set especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; d)a film in which singing and dancing play an essential part; e)a film that is very popular and successful, usually because it is very exciting; f)a film which focuses on the lives of criminals; dealing with crime and its detection; g)a genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure, especially in a setting other than the real world; h)a film that provides a factual report on a particular subject. |
F, 2 - e, 3 - g, 4 -h, 5 -a, 6 - c, 7 - b, 8 - d
4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the active vocabulary from Lesson 1, Lesson 2 and Lesson 3.
1) The music in the film (the musical score of the film) was breathtaking; moreover it matched the atmosphere of the film where the main character faces a series of challenges (drama), with lots of shooting scenes. Surely they must have added something after the film was shot with the help of the computer graphics (during the edit), but the cameraman’s choice of shots, like that one where the cameraman followed the main character (like tracking shot) during the car-chase, were brilliant. 2) A person who writes a script for a film (A script writer) probably does the hardest thing in the filmmaking process. There’s no denying that the process of getting a crew together, choosing the actors to play the main parts (casting the actors), getting it all on camera (shooting it) is no easy one, but to compose a plot, to think of an interesting twist at the end, creating complex, round characters, writing scene directions like to use the man-made light (artificial light), its position is the monumental work, the crucial one. If done negligently the whole output is ruined. 3) That movie was shot with the help of technology simulating the effect of depth by presenting slightly different views of a scene to each eye (in 3-D); you people really cannot imagine what I’ve experienced. Even though it was just a film about a criminal and a clever detective (a crime film), some shots were really impressive. But on the whole the amount of computer graphics (special effects) added after the shooting had been finished was not huge. 4) Despite the fact that this film was shorter than the average film (it was a short-length film), plus was not funded by any large company (it was not financed by a big company) it still evoked some deep feelings in me. And I’ve nearly forgotten to mention that it was not a colored film (it was a black-and-white film). 5) Pete’s never watched anything longer than a standard film, that is why watching a set episodes which have the same title (a TV-series) was so thrilling for him. Moreover, he had pointed out that the written form of the plot (a script) was well-structured, and all the actors playing the main characters (starred in the film) were doing their utmost. So, the end result (a final cut) produced a powerful effect on him. 6) Nowadays too many scenes are shot in studios, using a special screen (a green/blue screen) in order to substitute the actual background with computer generated one later (to obscure the image). But when I compare today’s blockbusters to some films shot in the 20th century I cannot say which ones have more value. Even the background music (the original soundtrack)I s more original in some instances. 7) When I watched the series of extracts from this film used to advance publicity (a trailer to this movie) to this scary movie (horror film)I was overjoyed. I truly believed it would meet my expectations. But in reality when the list with acknowledging contributor’s role (credit titles) were finally displayed at the end of a film I gave out a sigh of relieve. 8) When Mike saw some kids trying to shoot their own film he was inspired by them. So he went to the shop and bought a device to record video (a camera)and a three-legged stand for supporting that device (and a tripod) and wanted to shoot a film with the main plot being a quest for lost continents (shoot a fantasy). But as it turned out without a good crew he was unable to fulfill his dream.
D, 2 - f, 3 - g, 4 - a, 5 - c, 6 - e, 7 - b
8. Find the equivalents of the following expressions in Text 3, give the Russian translations. Use them in your summary.
1) scrupulous (meticulous) | 3) to make an effort (?) | 5) impulsive (impetuous) |
2) kindness and liberality (generosity and love) | 4) countless (boundless) | 6) gripping (spellbinding) |
9. Translate Paragraph 2 of Text 3 from English into Russian beginning with “Spirited Away is surely one of the finest…” up to “…on the less significant parts of the frame”.
TRANSLATION: «Унесенные духами» является одним из самых лучших анимированных фильмов, который базируется на традиционным устоях анимации, будучи созданным при помощи покадрового движения. Миядзаки начинал свою карьеру именно с такого стиля, однако, он все же реалист и одобряет использование компьютерной техники. Тем не менее, он рисует множество форм собственноручно. «Мы используем аппликационную анимацию и оцифровываем ее с целью придачи ей лучшего вида», сказан он мне в 2002 году, «но все начинается с зарисовки от руки». Это именно то, что я имею ввиду под щедростью и любовью. Миядзаки с коллегами очень щедры по отношению к тому, чтобы придавать огромное значение самым незначительным частям рамки.
Quentin Tarantino ’s Inglourious Basterds is a big, bold, audacious (дерзкий, смелый) war movie that will annoy some, startle others and demonstrate once again that he’s the real thing, a director of quixotic (донкихотский, нереальный) delights. For starters, he provides World War II with a much-needed alternative ending.
From the title, ripped off (вырванный) from a 1978 B-movie, to the Western sound of the EnnioMorricone opening music, the film embeds (внедряет, запечатлевает) Tarantino’s love of the movies. The deep, rich colors of 35mm film provide t a ctile (осязаемый) pleasure. A character at the beginning and end, not seen in between, brings the story full circle. The “basterds” themselves, savage (дикие войны) fighters dropped behind Nazi lines (фашистские линии), are an unmistakable nod to The Dirty Dozen (1967).
And above all, there are three iconic characters, drawn broadly and with love: the Hero, the Nazi and the Girl. These three, played by Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz and Melanie Laurent, are seen with that Tarantino’s knack of taking a character and making it The Character, definitive (окончательный), larger than life, approaching satire in its intensity. Let’s say they feel bigger than most of the people we meet in movies.
The story begins in Nazi-occupied France, early in the war, when the Nazi arrives at an isolated dairy farm (молочная ферма) where he believes the farmer is hiding Jews (евреи). He’s right, and a young woman named Shosanna – the Girl – flees into the woods. It is for this scene, and his performance (выступление) throughout the movie, that Christoph Waltz deserves an Oscar nomination. He creates a character unlike any Nazi — indeed, anyone at all — I’ve seen in a movie: evil, sardonic (злобный), ironic, mannered, absurd.
The Hero is Brad Pitt, starring as Lt. Aldo Raine. He is played by Pitt as a broad caricature of a hard-talking Southern boy who wants each of his men to bring him 100 Nazi scalps. For years, his band improbably survives in France and m a ssacres (резни) Nazis. Pitt’s version of Italian is worthy of a Marx brother[6].
A Tarantino film resists categorization. InglouriousBasterds is no more about war than Pulp Fiction (Криминальное Чтиво) is about — what the hell is it about? Of course nothing in the movie is possible, except that it’s so bloody entertaining.
After I saw Inglourious Basterds at Cannes (Канны, Франция), although I was writing a daily blog, I resisted giving an immediate opinion about it. I knew Tarantino had made a considerable film (важный фильм), but I wanted it to settle, and to see it again. I’m glad I did. Like a lot of real movies, you relish (наслаждаться, смаковать) it more the next time. Immediately after Pulp Fiction played at Cannes, Quentin asked me what I thought. “ It’s either the best film of the year or the worst film, ” I said. I hardly knew what the hell had happened to me. The answer was: the best film. Tarantino films have a way of growing on you. It’s not enough to see them once.
10. Match the phrases from Text 4 (1-7) with their definitions (a-g); use them in your summary. Try to translate the phrases into Russian.
1)Audacious 2)To rip off 3)Savage 4)Performance 5)To massacre 6)A considerable film 7)To relish | a)to steal something; b)acting in a film or in a play; c)to kill a lot of people; d)cruel, extremely violent; e)a motion picture that is worth reading; f)to get great pleasure and satisfaction from something; g)done with extreme confidence, despite risks and difficulties. |
1 - g,2 - a,3 - d, 4 - b, 5 -f, 6 - e, 7 - f
11. Find the equivalents of the following expressions in Text 4, give the Russian translations. Use them in your summary.
1) idealistic (quixotic) | 3) to link sth () | 5) to kill (to massacre) |
2) a cheap film (a B-movie) | 4) an ability to do sth (a knack of sth) | 6) to begin being liked () |
12. Translate Paragraph 7 of Text 4 from English into Russian beginning with “After I saw InglouriousBasterds at Cannes…” up to “…not enough to see them once”.
TRANSLATION: После того, как я посмотрел «Бесславные Ублюдки» в Каннах, хотя я писал ежедневный блог, я отказался давать отзыв о фильме сразу же. Да, я знал, что Тарантино создал величайший фильм, но я хотел переварить его, и посмотреть еще раз. И я очень рад, что я так сделал. Как и со многими ст о ящими фильмами, ты получаешь больше удовольствия именно от последующих просмотров. Сразу же после «Криминального Чтива», которое было показано в Каннах, Квентин спросил мое мнение о фильме. «Это либо лучший, либо худший фильма года», сказал я. Я ничерта не понимал, что происходило со мной. И ответ был: лучший фильм. Фильмы Тарантино имеют тенденцию въедаться в зрителя. Их не достаточно посмотреть лишь раз.
George Lucas ’ space epic (космический эпос) has colonized our imaginations, and it is hard to stand back and see it simply as a motion picture, because it has so completely become part of our memories. It’s as goofy (бестолковый) as a children’s tale, as shallow as an old Saturday afternoon serial, as corny (банальный) as Kansas in August…and a masterpiece. Those who analyze its philosophy do so, I imagine, with a smile in their minds. May the Force be with them.
Star Wars was a technical watershed (водосборный бассейн) that influenced many of the movies that came after. These films came along at a crucial moment in cinema history, when new methods were ripe for synthesis. They developed editing, married special effects, advanced sound, a new photographic style and a freedom from linear storytelling ( линейное повествование ). Star Wars effectively focused the industry on big-budget special-effects blockbusters, blasting off (отрываться от земли) a trend we are still living through. But you can’t blame it for what it did, you can only observe how well it did it.
It’s possible, however, that as we grow older we retain within the tastes of our earlier selves. How else to explain how much fun Star Wars is, even for those who think they don’t care for science fiction? It’s a good-hearted film in every single frame.
By now the ritual of classic film revival is well established: an older classic is brought out from the studio vaults, restored frame by frame, re-released (переиздан) in the best theaters, and then re-launched (запущен вновь)on home video. With this “special edition” of the Star Wars trilogy, Lucas has gone one step beyond. His special effects were so advanced in 1977 that they spun off (от «spin», получать дополнительную выгоду) an industry, including his own Industrial Light & Magic Co. (ILM), the computer wizards who do many of today’s best special effects.
Now Lucas has put ILM to work touching up the effects, including some that his limited 1977 budget left him unsatisfied with. Most of the changes are subtle; you’d need a side-by-side comparison (сравнение друг с другом) to see that a new shot is a little better. The improvements are well done, but they point up how well the effects were done to begin with: If the changes are not obvious, that’s because Star Wars got the look of the film so right in the first place. This was the first film to pan the camera (использовать панорамную съемку) across a star field: “ Space scenes had always been done with a fixed camera, and for a very good reason. It was more economical not to create a background of stars large enough to pan through. ”
Lucas fills his screen with loving touches. There are little alien rats hopping around the desert, and a chess game played with living creatures. And consider the details creating the presence, look and sound of Darth Vader, whose fanged face mask (маска с зубами-клыками), black cape and hollow breathing are the setting for James Earl Jones ’ cold voice of doom (голос судьбы, обреченности).
Seeing the film the first time, I was swept away (под впечатлением, очень заинтересованный), and have remained swept ever since. The film philosophies that will live forever are the simplest-seeming ones. They may have profound depths, but their surfaces are as clear to an audience as a beloved old story. The way I know this is because the stories that seem immortal (бессмертный)– The Odyssey, Don Quixote, Huckleberry Finn – are all the same: a brave but flawed hero, a quest (квест, поиск), colorful people and places, sidekicks (друзья, сторонники), the discovery of life’s underlying truths.
13. Match the phrases from Text 5 (1-7) with their definitions (a-g); use them in your summary. Try to translate the phrases into Russian.
1)Linear storytelling 2)To blast off 3)To re-launch 4)To spin off 5)A side-by-side comparison 6)To pan the camera 7)To be swept away | a)To shoot a panoramic view by moving the camera; b)to give rise to something; c)finding the similarities of two or more things by having them next to each other; d)to be involved in a story emotionally; e)to create something new based on something else that already exists; f)to sell a product again, maybe in a slightly different way from before; |
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