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One is used instead of repeating a singular countable noun when it is clear from the context what we are talking about:
· ‘Can I get you a drink?’ ‘It’s okay, I’ve already got one (= a drink).’
· ‘Is this your umbrella?’ ‘No, mine’s the big blue one (= umbrella).’
Ones can be used instead of repeating a plural noun:
· I think his best poems are his early ones (= poems).
· People who smoke aren’t the only ones (= people) affected by lung cancer.
NOTE: The form ONES is not used without additional information (e.g. small ones, ones with blue laces). Instead, SOME is used. Compare:
· We need new curtains. Okay, let’s buy green ones this time/...ones with flowers on:
· We need new curtains. Okay, let’s buy some. (not ...let’s buy ones.)
Ø instead of an uncountable noun (the prop-word originates from the numeral ‘one’):
· If you need any more paper, I’ll bring you some. (not ...one/ones.)
· I asked him to get apple juice, but he got orange. (not ...orange one/ones.)
Ø after a - instead we leave out a:
· Have we got any lemons? I need one for a meal I'm cooking. (not ...need a one...)
Ø after nouns used as adjectives:
· I thought I’d put the keys in my trouser pocket, but in fact they were in my jacket pocket. (not ...my jacket one)
Ø instead of using one/ones after conjoint form of possessive pronouns we prefer absolute form of possessive pronouns. However, a personal pronoun + one/ones is often heard in informal speech:
· I'd really like a watch like yours. (or ‘...like your one’ in informal speech)
Ø instead of using one to replace a definite object we prefer it, one replaces any object of the class. Compare:
· ‘I need a camera.’ ‘Why don’t you buy one’?
· ‘I like the camera.’ ‘So buy it.’
Ø one adjective is contrasted with another:
· His hands rested on the table between us, the right one on top of the left (Robert B. Parker Shrink Rap p. 1)
Ø when adjectives follow in enumeration;
Ø after a possessive pronoun followed by own.
Ø after which:
· When we buy medicines, we have no way of knowing which (ones) contain sugar.
Ø after adjectives in the comparative or superlative degrees:
· Look at that pumpkin! It’s the biggest (one) I’ve seen this year.
· If you buy a new car, remember that the most economical (ones) are often the smallest.
Ø after this, that, these, and those:
· The last test I did was quite easy, but some parts of this (one) are really difficult.
· Help yourself to grapes. These (ones) are the sweetest, but those (ones) taste best. (Note that some people think ‘those ones’ is incorrect, particularly in formal English.)
Ø after either, neither, another, each, the first/second/last/next, etc. (the forms without one/ones are more formal):
· Karl pointed to the paintings and said I could take either (one). (or ...either of them.)
· She cleared away the cups, washed each (one) thoroughly, and put them on the shelf.
Ø after the, the only, the main, and every:
· When you cook clams you shouldn't eat the ones that don't open.
· After I got the glasses home, I found that every one was broken.
Ø after adjectives:
· My shoes were so uncomfortable that I had to go out today and buy some new ones.
However, after colour adjectives we can often leave out one/ones in answers:
· ‘Have you decided which jumper to buy?’ ‘Yes, I think I’ll take the blue (one).’
Exercise20.If possible, replace the underlined words or phrases with one/ones.
1. Their marriage was a long and happy marriage.
2. We’ve got most of the equipment we need, but there are still some small pieces of equipment we have to buy.
3. Traffic is light in most of the city, but there is heavy traffic near the football stadium.
4. ‘Are these your shoes?’ ‘No, the blue shoes are mine.’
5. All the cakes look good, but I think I’ll have that cake on the left.
6. I was hoping to borrow a suit from Chris, but his suit doesn’t fit me.
7. If you're making a cup of coffee, could you make a cup of coffee for me?
8. If you're buying a newspaper from the shop, could you get a newspaper for me?
9. At present, the music industry is in a better financial state than the film industry.
10. Nowadays, many people have a mobile phone, but I’ve never used a mobile phone.
11. Have you seen that the clothes shop on the corner has re-opened as a shoe shop?
12. ‘Which oranges would you like?’ ‘Can I have those oranges, please?’
13. ‘We haven’t got any oranges.’ ‘I’ll buy some oranges when I go to the shop.’
14. The damage to the car was a problem, of course, but an easily solved problem.
15. He has interviewed my friends — the friends I have now and the friends who have been with me in former years.
16. Two more buses came up and pulled in behind the first bus.
17. My heart is beating so fast I wish I didn’t have a heart. (Terry McMillan)
18. ‘Some of these questions are stupid.’ ‘Which questions, Lovey?’ ‘You know which questions.’ (Terry McMillan)
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