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Exercise 1. Comment on the function of articles in the following sentences.

2023-02-03 75
Exercise 1. Comment on the function of articles in the following sentences. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Meg looked very like a rose herself, for all that was best and sweetest in heart and soul seemed to bloom into her face that day, making it fair and tender, with a charm more beautiful than beauty. Neither silk, lace, nor orange flowers would she have. (Louisa May Alcott)

2. Let a man do a man’s job. (Terry McMillan)

3. Then you’re convinced that the wrong man was executed. (Patricia D. Cornwell)

4. The June roses over the porch were awake bright and early on that morning, rejoicing with all their hearts in the cloudless sunshine, like friendly little neighbours, as they were. (Louisa May Alcott)

5. He thought she was the most attractive human creature he had ever seen. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

6. Cathy had been caught in the fact of plundering, or, at least, hunting out the nests of the grouse. The Heights were Heathcliff’s land, and he was reproving the poacher. (E. Bronte)

7. You can’t become prime minister at once. (Shaw)

8. ‘Oh, fie, silly child!’ I exclaimed. ‘If you had any griefs, you’d be ashamed to waste a tear on this little contrariety.’ (E. Bronte)

9. His life is not worth a farthing, and I won’t spend a farthing on him. (E. Bronte)

10. Many rooks, high up, came cawing home across the softly-woven sky. (D.H. Lawrence)  

11. I must remind you again that Adam had the blood of the peasant in his veins. (Eliot)

12. There began a battle between the husband and wifea fearful, bloody battle that ended only with the death of one. (D.H. Lawrence)

13. The sun was going down. Every open evening, the hills of Derbyshire were blazed over with red sunset. (D.H. Lawrence)

14. Much of the area was a flat, chalky gray contrasting sharply with the surrounding gray-green hills and a sky of pale blue. (S. Grafton)

15. It was another world from the river he knew, under that remote cool light; a world into which man had not entered, and unreal world, like some strange shore sighted by discovery. (John Galsworthy)

16. This is Professor Hallorsen, who was head of the expedition. (Galsworthy)

17. A man and woman came to the table. Mr. and Mrs. Business: dark suits, briefcases, smooth hair, round glasses. (Robert B. Parker)

18. I should be in a curious taking if I surrendered my heart to that young person, and the daughter turned out a second edition of the mother! (E. Bronte)

19. Winter ans summer a stove was burning in his room,                             stoked by Peter Saward’s landlady, a Miss Glashan, who also brought him his meals and did the cleaning. (Murdoch)

20. But there was nothing to be gained by infuriating William with reprimand, so he said gently: ‘Heaven and hell is what I deal in. Virtue and sin, forgiveness and punishment, good and evil, I’m afraid I can’t shut up about them.’ (Ken Follett)

21. A full moon rode between the elm trees and there was silence as of the grave.(Galsworthy)

22. She would never accept the hospitality of a stranger, never leave her door unlocked at night, never take kindness at face value. (Ken Follett)

23. Jo did not cry, though she was very near it once, and was only saved from a demonstration by the consciousness that Laurie was staring fixedly at her, with a comical mixture of merriment and emotion in his wicked black eyes. (Louisa May Alcott)

24. It’s human nature. (S. Grafton)

25. ‘I am going to be a beauty, aren’t I, Danny?’ (D. du Maurier)

26. On his way out, he paused to embrace Kit, with a tenderness that made Gladys’s eyes prickle, and brushed his lips against Lily’s white forehead. (K. Saunders)

27. He was a tall, thin man with a rather foxy face, the kind of face that seems to lack eyelashes. He walked with a stiff, brittle dignity, as if his head were on a wooden spring. (D.H. Lawrence)

28. I know he couldn’t love a Linton; and yet he’d be quite capable of marrying your fortune and expectations; avarice is growing with him a besetting sin. (E. Bronte)

29. About twelve o’clock, that night, was born the Catherine you saw at Wuthering Heights: a puny, seven months’ child; and two hours after the mother died, having never recovered sufficient consciousness to miss Heathcliff, or know Edgar. (E. Bronte)

30. And, as though he had uttered words of profound consolation, he was silent, eating brains with a fork and a piece of bread, and swallowing the bread. (John Galsworthy)

31. She knew William was at the dipping-hole, and it was the dread of her life lest he should get drowned. (D.H. Lawrence)

32. ‘Go out of the house!’ she commanded him in fury. (D.H. Lawrence)

33. In a towering rage, he sat down. (D.H. Lawrence)

34. Something in her proud, honourable soul had crystallized out hard as rock. (D.H. Lawrence)

35. His earliest recollection was of great branches of lilac, standing in white jars, and they filled the house with a wistful, poignant smell. (D. du Maurier)

36. At first, I expected there would be sad work persuading you to let me keep my word to Linton. (E. Bronte)

37. We talked little during the drive, for Lucy seemed to be fascinated by the winter weather. (Patricia D. Cornwell)

38. I was weary and felt a dull, implacable sadness that I did not have the strength to chase away. (Patricia D. Cornwell)

39. ‘Well, sir,’ returned I, ‘I hope you’ll consider that Mrs Heathcliff is accustomed to be looked after and waited on; and that she has been brought up like an only daughter, whom everyone was ready to serve.’ (E. Bronte)

40. She stated the obvious without emotion. (Patricia D. Cornwell)

41. Come, give me a true history of the event. (E. Bronte)

42.  Susan was the daughter of a minister and had abandoned religion long ago. (Patricia D. Cornwell)

43. Among the last to arrive were the leading citizens: the butcher, the baker, two leather tanners, two smiths, the cutler and the fletcher, all with their wives. (Ken Follett)

44. When I was prior of St-John-in-the-Forest I never had an escort, and I am still alive. (Ken Follett)

45. In France, which after all is the only civilized country in the world, Isabel would marry Gray without thinking twice about it. (W.S. Maugham)

46. I noticed on that occasion how much selfishness there is even in a love like Mr Linton’s, when he so regretted Catherine’s blessed release! (E. Bronte)

47. The children were put to bed at seven o’clock. (D.H. Lawrence)

48. He pitched onto the bed and rolled over on his face with a deadly fear that he was going mad. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

49. After dinner they went out on to the terrace to have coffee. (John Galsworthy)

50. ‘He’s safe and I’m free,’ she answered: ‘I should feel well – but,’ she continued with a bitterness she couldn’t conceal, ‘you have left me so long to struggle against death, alone, that I feel and see only death! I feel like death!’ (E. Bronte)

51. He took first honours in English Literature at Trinity College. (Jack Higgins)

52. Can you wait until evening? (R.B. Parker)

53.  ‘This is the only barber shop in the neighbourhood,’ the barber said. (S. Sheldon)

54. I believe I may assert that they were really in possession of deep and growing happiness. (E. Bronte)

55. We had lunch at a quarter to nine. (D. du Maurier)

56. It was late afternoon by the time his cart was finally filled and he headed back toward the ghetto. (S. Sheldon)

57. I have fought through a bitter life since I last heard your voice; and you must forgive me, for I struggled only for you. (E. Bronte)

58. Breakfast was hot gruel with salt. (Ken Follett)

59. It was midnight. (C. Bushnell)

60. It was a windy four-o’clock night with the leaves on the Champs-Elysees singing and falling, thin and wild. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

Exercise 2 . Insert articles where necessary. Comment on their functions.

1. The sun was setting over __ Santa Monica Bay, __ heavy orange ball against __ pale blue sky, red light reflecting back off the ocean’s glassy surface. (H. Fielding)

2. Julia spent __ happy morning in__ bed reading __ Sunday papers. She read first __ theatrical news, then __ gossip columns, after that __ women’s pages, and finally cast __ eye over __ headlines of __ world’s news. (W.S. Maugham)

3. The notion suited her and we fixed __ day. But when __ day came __ weather, which had been fine and warm, broke; __ sky was grey and __ drizzling rain was falling. I called up and asked her if she wouldn’t prefer to lunch in__ town. (W.S. Maugham)

4. Deborah Marie Phillips, __ daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Reed Andrew Phillips of Lansing, was married last week to Michael Bourke, __ son of Dr. and Mrs. Reginald Bourke of Chappaqua, New York. __ Rev. James Smith performed __ ceremony at __ Roman Catholic Church of Saint Anthony in Lansing. (M. Gabot)

5. This turned out to be __ Honorable Thornton Hancock, of Boston, __ ex-minister to __ Hague, __ author of __ erudite history of __ Middle Ages and __ last of __ distinguished, patriotic, and brilliant family. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

6. __ pale sun was fighting its way through the clouds. She suddenly realized it was __ dawn. (S. Sheldon)

7. __ following afternoon, as __ young Ivo was returning from__ town, he saw half a dozen men ride up to his father’s farm. (S. Sheldon)

8. Ronald Reagan was elected __ President of the United States and __ Wall Street had the busiest day in its history. (S. Sheldon)

9. When Lara arrived at the lobby of __ Claridge’s, Ronald Jones, __ manager, was there to greet her. (S. Sheldon)

10. There was another loud round of applause from __ audience. __ man was taking his place at __ piano at centre stage. __ conductor gave a down-beat and __ music began. (S. Sheldon)

11. I got __ word that one of the hotels is going to lose its license. The place is a gold mine. When __ news gets out, everyone is going to be after it. (S. Sheldon)

12. “There is going to be __ charity dinner at __ Waldorf on __ Saturday evening.” (S. Sheldon)

13. They landed at __ Marco Polo Airport in Venice thirty-five minutes later, where __ limousine waited to drive them the short distance to the dock. From the dock they would take a motorboat to __ island of Giudecca, where __ Cipriani Hotel was located. (S. Sheldon)

14. That was the moment when __ fictitious Rhys Williams was born. __ real Rhys Williams was __ uneducated, ignorant boy with no background, no breeding, no past, no future. But he had __ imagination, __ intelligence and __ fiery ambition. (S. Sheldon)

15. Every night, as soon as Walther was asleep, Anna would slip out of __ bed and creep into the nursery, ad sit and stare at the children until __ dawn started filtering into the room. Then she would turn and hurry back to __ bed before Walther awoke. (S. Sheldon)

16. He realized that Vivian was wrong for him, that it was out of the question for him to marry her. He was __ baronet, __ respected Member of Parliament, with __ brilliant future. He was part of __ Roffe dynasty, on the board of directors of the company. (S. Sheldon)

17. Outside, __ sky was gray and bleak, a foretaste of __ winter to come. (S. Sheldon)

18. __ iron shutters had been closed against __ late September sun, and __ draperies were drawn. (S. Sheldon)

19. There was __ long silence, stretching into minutes, as __ past surged into __ present, and flavoured it poignantly with __ remembered happiness. (K. Saunders)

20. When I woke __ next morning, just after six o’clock, and got up and went to the window there was __ foggy dew upon __ grass like __ frost, and __ trees were shrouded in __ white mist. There was __ chill in __ air and __ little, fresh wind, and __ cold, quiet smell of__ autumn. (D. du Maurier)

21. But then I happened to make __ somewhat startling success as __ playwright, and presently I became aware that Elliot regarded me with __ warmer feeling. (W.S. Maugham)

22. Her high principles led her to believe that __ man’s duty was to go to work in __ business where by __ energy and __ initiative he had __ chance of earning enough money to keep his wife and family in accordance with the standards of his station, give his sons such __ education as would enable them on reaching __ man’s estate to make __ honest living, and on his death leave his widow adequately provided for. (W.S. Maugham)

23. It was __ misty afternoon, but __ February sun shone dimly, and we could just distinguish __ two fir-trees in __ yard, and __ sparely scattered grave-stones. __ spring advanced, yet my master gathered no real strength. (E. Bronte)

24. __ feelings of __ man hereditarily sensitive to property accused her of __trespassing impudence.

25. The capricious creature probably wanted __ whipping to bring her to __ understanding of __ principle called mastery, which is in __ man.  

26. She even loved arithmetic and geography, __ English history and __ French grammar, which Judith had arranged that she should imbibe along with __ little Carters, from __ little Carters’ formidable governess. (A. Huxley)

27. Possibly the lot of __ millionaire is more genuinely pitiable, since he is deluded by the solace of false and fleering pleasures, while there may be __ compulsory wisdom contained in the destitution of __ peasant.

28. When __ Countess Dowager of Southdown fell foul of __ Corsican upstart … and showed that he was a coward and a tyrant not fit to live, one whose fall was predicted, etc., Pitt Crawley suddenly took up the cudgels in favor of __ Man of __ Destiny. He described __ First Consul as he saw him at Paris at the piece of Amiens, when he, Pitt Crawley, had __ gratification of making __ acquaintance of __ great and good Mr. Fox, __ statesman … who had always had __ highest opinion of __ Emperor Napoleon. (W.M. Thackeray)

29. What is there in a pair of pink cheeks and blue eyes forsooth? These dear moralists ask and hint wisely that __ gifts of genius, __ accomplishments of __ mind, __ mastery of Mangnall’s Questions, and __ lady-like knowledge of botany and geology … are far more valuable endowments for __ female than those fugitive charms which __ few years will inevitably tarnish. (W.M. Thackeray)

30. __ full moon … hang high in the sky, among __ silver dust of stars and was bosom in __ mysterious depths of __ dark water beneath.



Test I

1. It was __ heady experience. (S. Sheldon)

2. When Pop drew up the Rolls outside __ Hotel Beau Rivage at half past six in __ evening of the last day of August a gale was raging in from __ Atlantic that made even the sturdy blue fishing boats in the most sheltered corners of the little port look like a battered wreckage of half-drowned match-stalks. (H.E. Bates)

3. There was __ awkwardness between us that could not be ignored. (D. du Maurier)

4. Sam Roffe was __ last person to whom he could turn. (S. Sheldon)

5. It was nine o’clock when we finished __ breakfast and went out on the porch. __ night had made a sharp difference in the weather and there was __ autumn flavour in the air. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

6. “I’m __ head of the department and ….” (S. Sheldon)

7. This was __ real love, this warm peace and fulfillment… (K. Saunders)

8. I know __ Far East. (D. du Maurier)

9. There was __ silence as they listened to __ rain. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

10. In other words, she’s __ woman. (S. Sheldon)

11. I always thought this __ most attractive room. (D. du Maurier)

12. It was __ perfect night, with __ bright full moon and __ soft summer breeze. (S. Sheldon)

13. You went to war as a gentleman should, just as you went to__ school and __ college, because it was the thing to do. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

14. She had __ dinner meeting that evening with __ banker from Texas. (S. Sheldon)

15. Elizabeth realized that in Rio it was __ summer. (S. Sheldon)

16. He sat down on __ bed. (S. Sheldon)

17. Without those experiences you wouldn’t be __ Kelly I love so much. (P. Jordan)

18. “Excuse me, love.” It was __ northern English accent. (H. Fielding)

19. It gave me __ curious satisfaction, it acted upon me like a stimulant. (D. du Maurier)

20. I’ll take __ lemonade!... In a dirty glass! (N. Panama and Melvin Frank) 


Test II

1. Men have an extraordinary erroneous opinion of their position in__ nature; and __ error is ineradicable. (W.S. Maugham)

2. There was __ breathless silence. (K. Saunders)

3. I promise to tell __ truth, __ whole truth and nothing but __ truth.

4. But he was not __ man to let __ thing drop when he had set his mind to it. (W.S. Maugham)

5. For __ unwary, the boulevard was full of menace. (J.H. Chase)

6. After __ good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relations. (O. Wilde)

7. My wife, __ editor of __ magazine with __ massive circulation. How fantastic is that? I’m really proud of you, babe. (M. Gayle)

8. He stretched out his arms to __ crystalline, radiant sky. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

9. The thing to do was for him to come to__ jail with her at once to get Dick out. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

10. He … turned to have __ last look at the enchanted window above.

11. He had died of __ heart attack three days earlier. (S. Sheldon)

12. For one second he had been __ Maxim of another year, and I had been Rebecca. (D. du Maurier)

13. She suddenly realized why __ English so loved their tea. (H. Fielding)

14. He thinks I’m __ most wonderful girl in the world. (W.S. Maugham)

15. My father has a diamond bigger than __ Ritz-Carlton Hotel. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

16. It is __ warm fall night after a rain. (Th. Harris)

17. I should remember the rose garden in__ summer, and the birds that sang at __ dawn. (D. du Maurier)

18. He had a bungalow out at__ Palm Bay. (J.H. Chase)

19. The evening gathers now and the street is empty, the fan pattern of the cobbles shining in __ winter drizzle not cold enough to kill the smell of cats. (Th. Harris)

20.  Manderley had come alive in__ fashion I would not have believed possible. (D. du Maurier)

Test III

1. My long experience has convinced me that __ only basis of __ happy marriage is __ complete fidelity on both sides. (W.S. Maugham)

2. It was really disgraceful that __ man with __ charming wife and such __ sweet little girl should be willing to pick up __ woman in __ train. (W.S. Maugham)

3. They drove the rest of the journey in__  stormy silence. (W.S. Maugham)

4. __ lunch was a welcome break to __ long morning. (D. du Maurier)

5. We had __ glorious still summer’s day without __ cloud in __ blue sky. (D. du Maurier)

6. __ English spoke their native language so strangely. (S. Sheldon)

7. He rose to his feet and threw himself on __ bed in __ ecstasy of __ sentiment. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

8. She was __ only child, it seemed; her father owned and ran __ small engineering works at Swindon. (J. Fowles)

9. “What’ll happen if I kill him – will they throw me in__ jail?” (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

10. I suppose she was __ most beautiful creature I ever saw in my life. (D. du Maurier)

11. Dr. Doemling is __ head of__ psychology department at __ Baylor University. (Th. Harris)

12. __ shores of __ Mediterranean were littered with royalties from all parts of Europe: some lured there on account of the climate, some in exile, and some because __ scandalous past or __ unsuitable marriage made it more convenient for them to inhabit __ foreign country. (W.S. Maugham)

13. There never were men placed in such egoistic positions since – oh, since __ French Revolution. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

14. Last night we went to __ Chinese dinner at six and __ French dinner at nine, and I can feel __ sharks’ fins navigating unhappily in __ Burgundy. (P. Fleming)

15. He hadn’t mentioned that he was leaving __ town. (S. Sheldon)

16. It was very different when __ late Mrs. De Winter was alive. (D. du Maurier)

17. “This morning we received __ call from __ cleaning woman, __ Frau Mendler.” (S. Sheldon)

18. She had __ shrewdness and __ quick eye for __ absurd. (W.S. Maugham)

19. Get over to __ Sloan-Kettering Hospital. (S. Sheldon)

20. __ brilliant education she had – her youth passed in __ renaissance glory. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

Test IV

1. As Ivo walked toward Donatella, she looked at him with __ expression of such hatred on her face that for __ moment Ivo thought he must have entered __ wrong apartment. (S. Sheldon)

2. If one knew __ right people, anything could be done. (S. Sheldon)

3. __ weather was wet and cold for quite __ week, as it often can be in __ west country in__ early summer, and we did not go down to __ beach again. (D. du Maurier)

4. “Have you ever been in __ prison?” (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

5. It would be __ most popular move, you know, we all miss the Manderley gaiety. (D. du Maurier)

6. She’s __ acting editor at the moment. (M. Gayle)

7. Once Krendler called her at home on __ rainy winter night. (Th. Harris)

8. Dick felt fine – he was already well in advance of the day; arrived at where __ man should be at __ end of __ good dinner. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

9. You leave me in__ dark. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

10. Even __ midday sun would not penetrate the interlacing of those green leaves. (D. du Maurier)

11. We’re going to be bigger than __ Rothschilds. (S. Sheldon)

12. The private Boeing 707-320 was making its final approach to __ Kennedy Airport, gliding out of the stacked-up traffic pattern. (S. Sheldon)

13. __ old Julyan will be getting impatient. (D. du Maurier)

14. As Olivia looked down over __ Arizona, __ sun was setting, turning __ desert red. The great gash of __ Grand Canyon was already in __ darkness. (H. Fielding)

15. I don’t mind telling you that __ news was quite a shock, Lara. (S. Sheldon)

16. __ man is one of the toughest of animated creatures. Only the anthrax bacillus can stand so unfavourable __ environment for so long __ time. (H.L. Mencken)

17. I saw Bee watching Giles at__ dinner, who laughed louder than usual. (D. du Maurier)

18. I don’t suppose your wife wants to be pointed out as Mrs. de Winter, __ widow of __ murderer, of __ fellow who was hanged. (D. du Maurier)

19. She was sent to the offices of __ Roger Burnham on __ Wall Street. (S. Sheldon)

20. I can think of __ quality that would be more valuable. (W.S. Maugham)

Test V

1. Then __ door opened and __ man came into __ room. (D. du Maurier)

2. __ Dutch have hearty appetites. (S. Sheldon)

3. __ dark suspicion was born in John’s heart. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

4. “__ lunch is ready, shall we go in?” (D. du Maurier)

5. If __ rose at__ noon has lost __ beauty it had at__ dawn, __ beauty it had then was real. (W.S. Maugham)

6. They are __ most ungrateful people in the world. (W.S. Maugham)

7. In __ summer __ father and __ son walked downtown together to have their shoes shined. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

8. Stage five was probably the most delicate of them all. It consisted of __ heartbreaking farewell speech, __ generous parting gift and __ tearful arrivederci. (S. Sheldon)

9. It’s been __ wonderful summer for them, hasn’t it? (D. du Maurier)

10. “Maybe I’d be __ wrong husband for you, anyway.” (K. Saunders)

11. She is now __ head of music and drama at Highfields Community School in Hackney. (M. Gayle)

12. I went along through the drawing-room to fetch it, __ faithful Jasper at my heels. (D. du Maurier)

13. His origins recommended him to the American ladies of title to whom he brought letters, for he was of __ old Virginian family and through his mother traced his descent from one of the signatories of __ Declaration of __ Independence. (W.S. Maugham)

14. This is __ most distressing thing, Mrs. de Winter. (D. du Maurier)

15. Monsignor took him several times to see Thornton Hancock, and once or twice to the house of __ Mrs. Lawrence, __ type of Rome-haunting American whom Amory liked immediately. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

16. He slid back the bolt, opened the back door and stepped into the stifling heat of __ evening sun. (J.H. Chase)

17. If you will kindly call my husband at__ hospital. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

18. “Miss Warren asks to be excused, __ Doctor. She wants to lie down. She wants to have dinner upstairs tonight.” (F. Sc..Fitzgerald)

19. She looked down at the vast, empty darkness of __ Sahara. (H. Fielding)

20. One time he saw her in __ person; as he walked past __ Palace Hotel, __ magnificent Rolls curved into __ half-moon entrance. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)


Test VI

1. What good is a contract if __ man is unhappy in his heart? (S. Sheldon)

2. Realization flooded me at once, and my heart jumped in__ quick and sudden panic. (D. du Maurier)

3. She was dead, and one must not have thoughts about __ dead. (D. du Maurier)

4. We brought __ picnic lunch never thinking it would turn foggy. (D. du Maurier)

5. Clarice, __ daughter of somebody on the estate, __ nice quiet well-mannered girl, who, thank heaven, had never been in service before and had no alarming standards. (D. du Maurier)

6. An interrogation of Emily revealed that the girls had been to a party. Caitlin got the number for the house where the party had taken place and had spoken to __ Mrs. Felicio, who informed her that her house had been ruined by the party thrown by her son Mario. (M. Gayle)

7. So Rhys had been forced to make __ decision. (S. Sheldon)

8. I had __ most wonderful dad in the whole world. (M. Gayle)

9. She had __ beauty that endures, and __ smile that was not forgotten. (D. du Maurier)

10. It was __ dusk. (D. du Maurier)

11. Heidi could very well have been your last chance at __ real happiness. (M. Gabot)

12. You will have __ very quiet last evening. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

13. __ man like that must have __ past. He’s anxious toleave__ town. (J.H. Chase)

14. __ Home Secretary always said that __ justice must take its course. (D. du Maurier)

15. Hanging around he found not at all difficult; a crowd of little girls had grown up beautifully, __ amazing Sally Carrol foremost among them, and they enjoyed being swum with and danced with and made love to in the flower-filled summery evenings. (F.Sc. Fitzgerald)

16. When Michael went away to __ war Dolly pressed her to come and live in her house in __ Montagu Square. (W.S. Maugham)

17. There was __ modesty, __ unobtrusiveness about her that I found engaging, but if I was right in thinking that she had lived much alone I guessed that she had quietly observed the older persons she lived with and had formed decided opinions upon them. (W.S. Maugham)

18. “I’m going to give information about him to the district attorney that will certainly interest __ Grand Jury.” (S. Sheldon)

19. They were passing the pink palace of __ Beverly Hills Hotel now. (H. Fielding)

20. Seymour Bennett. He’s __ Chief of Staff at __ Midtown Hospital. (S. Sheldon)


Test VII

1. __ Colonel MacAndrew had __ very sketchy knowledge of business matters. (W.S. Maugham)

2. __ intelligent reader will easily see for himself where I have used this artifice, and he is at __ perfect liberty to reject it. (W.S. Maugham)

3. And then __ inevitable happened. (C. Bushnell)

4. Can’t you give __ wrong name? (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

5. When you’ve time to look about you, and when you happen to be in __ right mood, it’s a thing that makes you laugh inside to walk down these streets in the inner-outer suburbs and to think of the lives that go on there. (G. Orwell)

6. In spite of every incompatibility, she was still, she would always be to me, __ most attractive girl I had ever seen. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

7. On the pleasant shore of __ French Riviera, about half-way between __ Marseilles and __ Italian border, stands __ large, proud, rose-coloured hotel. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

8. The hotel is run by __ Miss Dupont – Mademoiselle Dupont. (H.E. Bates)

9. After __ breakfast I took my letters along to __ morning-room. (D. du Maurier)

10. But __ time has come – Dick, I must say frankly that I have been aware several times that you have had a drink when it was not the moment to have one. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

11. He had had __ satisfactory afternoon. (J.H. Chase)

12. I was there from__ start to__ finish. (D. du Maurier)

13. He was __ only American-born director with both __ interesting temperament and __ artistic conscience. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

14. Sophie wondered what __ dead, mythologized Lily-Josephine would think of the way __ Randalls had brought up her baby. (K. Saunders)

15. No one comes to the Riviera in__ summer. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

16. With her his imagination ran riot and that is why they rode to the highest hill and watched __ evil moon ride high. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

17. He stepped outside into __ pouring rain. (S. Sheldon)

18. “I had no idea you were in__ town.” (S. Sheldon)

19. Fewer people attend __ church regularly now than twenty years ago.

20. When __ man wants to murder __ tiger he calls it __ sport; when __ tiger wants to murder him, he calls it __ ferocity. (G.B. Shaw)


1. With __ rapidity that angered and amazed Jaffe, __ news that he had met a Vietnamese taxi-dancer at the Paradise Club in Cholon, and he had fallen in love with her and she came regularly to his house had spread throughout the Saigon European community in next to no time. (J.H. Chase)

2. __ reality is something __ human race doesn’t handle very well. (G. Vidal)

3. He had had __ solitary lunch prepared by Dong Ham, his cook and served by Haum, his houseboy. (J.H. Chase)

4. When Lara arrived at__ hospital six hours later, Howard Keller was waiting there for her. (S. Sheldon)

5. After all, I am __ American. (J.H. Chase)

6. James Earl Carter, Jr was elected __ President of __ United States. (S. Sheldon)

7. He thought of it with__ great pleasure. (J.H. Chase)

8. He said nothing of his life there, no word about himself, but he told me how __ sun set there, on __ spring afternoon, leaving a glow upon the headland. (D. du Maurier)

9. He took __ last look around the room. (J.H. Chase)

10. Quin smiled. “You’re not an outsider. You’re __ Randall now, God help you.” (K. Saunders)

11. __ leaden February sky had deepened to black. (K. Saunders)

12. It revealed __ wanton animal fury that struck fear into Adrian’s soul. (S. Fry)

13. She works in __ television.

14. You are __ most dramatic person I have known. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

15. The war began in__ summer following his freshman year. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

16. I wanted to be a traveler on the road, a bride in love with her husband. Not myself coming to Manderley for the first time, __ wife of Maxim de Winter. (D. du Maurier)

17. As for __ well-known Amory, he would write immortal literature if he were sure enough about anything to risk telling anyone else about it. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

18. They took a taxi to __ Ritz and had a drink. (W.S. Maugham)

19. He heard from below the shrieks of laughter, and smelled the vapid odor of hot chocolate and tea-cakes as he silently followed __ mother and__ daughter downstairs. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

20. Jack’s in__ Navy, like the good Devon-man – he is. (K. Saunders)


Test IX

1. To hold __ man __ woman has to appeal to the worst in him. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

2. In the fifteenth century they gathered __ insane and imprisoned them forever on houseboats, the ships of fools…. (S. Sheldon)

3. He obeyed, with__ professional disgust. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

4. Rosemary and her mother talked about plans for __ future. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

5. You’ll have __ late supper. (S. Sheldon)

6. I think she was __ only person in the house who stood in__ awe for me. (D. du Maurier)

7. Walther always managed to be out of__ town on business. (S. Sheldon)

8. This is, of course, one of the evils of __ East. (J.H. Chase)

9. He was staring at his wife with __ expression of __ utter hopelessness. (S. Sheldon)

10. He’d been a clever boy, had a scholarship for __ Sheffield Grammar School, and learned __ French and things. (D.H. Lawrence)

11. No one would guess meeting her that she was not __ kindest, __ most generous, __ most gifted person in the world. (D. du Maurier)

12. The game with Groton was played from three of __ snappy, exhilarating afternoon for into the crisp autumnal twilight… (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

13. The only physical disparity between __ Nicole at __ present and __ Nicole of five years before was simply that she was no longer a young girl. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

14. __ sun swam out into __ blue sea of __ sky and suddenly it was __ Swiss valley at its best. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

15. __ good conscience is __ continued Christmas. (B. Franklin)

16. A detective came to see Philip at __ hospital. (S. Sheldon)

17. We’re flying to __ Seychelles.

18. Then there was the thought that from tomorrow for __ possible four weeks I would be __ boss of __ International with a hundred and fifteen men and women working under me. (J.H. Chase)

19. “But Biffo thinks I should apply to St Matthew’s. He has a friend there he was in the war with, __ Professor Trefusis, supposed to be very good.” (S. Fry)

20. It was __ poker party that they found themselves __ week after Harry’s departure. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

Test X

1. __ anger and __ jealousy were things that could be conquered. (D. du Maurier)

2. He thought the big American would make her __ most suitable husband. (J.H. Chase)

3. It’s __ summer practically. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

4. He was __ man who accepted __ inevitable with __ belief that __ death was a release into __ better world and that at his age this release should be welcomed. (J.H. Chase)

5. __ Captain Searle, __ Kerrith harbour-master, called here yesterday, didn’t he? (D. du Maurier)

6. When he stepped out of Madame Kirstie’s establishment, __ chilly September wind was blowing. (S. Sheldon)

7. I’m afraid __ news has been a great shock to Mrs. Danvers. (D. du Maurier)

8. Beatrice stared at me in__ great distress, my blue frock over her arm. (D. du Maurier)

9. He told her that she was __ only woman he had ever loved and that he must go on loving her till __ end. (W.S. Maugham)

10. __ new, sweet Charlie simply vanished. __ real Charlie, she now saw, was __ warped, nasty creature. (K. Saunders)

11. When I married her I was told I was __ luckiest man
the world. (D. du Maurier)

12. When __ supper was over, and coffee essence had been served in the drawing room, Audrey showed Bruno the spare bedroom. (K. Saunders)

13. I had __ sick expectant feeling at the pit of my stomach. (D. du Maurier)

14. Kathy buzzed her. “There’s __ Mr. Adler on line two. Shall I tell him…?” (S. Sheldon)

15. Outside he inhaled damp snowflakes that he could no longer see against __ darkening sky. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

16. He confirmed this decision walking around the rays of __ late afternoon in his workroom. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

17. I sat on __ bed, plucking at the eiderdown, pulling a little feather out of a slit in one corner. (D. du Maurier)

18. The old graduate, __ president in ninety-eight, perches on a box and thinks how much simpler it was in his day. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

19. She is currently listed in critical condition at __ Beth Israel Hospital here in New York. (M. Gabot)

20. You are the only girl in__ town I like much. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)



Test XI

1. If you wandered down the little path on __ May evening after__ dinner it was just as though the shrubs had sweated in the air. (D. du Maurier)

2. There was __ full moon, low-hanging and veined with orange. (K. Saunders)

3. In addition to all these I can remember that Faustina O’Brian came there at least once and the Baedeker girls and __ young Brewer, who had his nose shot off in the war, and Mr Albrucksburger and Miss Haag, his fiancée, and Ardita Fitz-Peters and Mr P. Jewett, once __ head of __ American Legion, and Miss Claudia Hip, with __ man reputed to be her chauffeur, and __ prince of something, whom we called __ Duke, and whose name, if I ever knew it, I have forgotten. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

4. __ careful silence surrounded Mason Verger. (Th. Harris)

5. She refused to stop believing in __ essential, sweet Ralph of her childhood. (K. Saunders)

6. You were born at __ wrong time, in__ wrong place. (S. Sheldon)

7. Thirty minutes later, Lara’s secretary said, “There’s __ Mr. Hershey on line two, Miss Cameron.” (S. Sheldon)

8. Dr Anderson’s team is following up this suggestion with __ great energy. (S. Fry)

9. I intend to become __ most important real estate developer in this city. (S. Sheldon)

10. “Heavens no! Just __ friendly dinner!” (H. Fielding)

11. I see now that it wouldn’t have been hard, but she was __ wise nineteen and she must have seen that we were emotionally incompatible. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

12. He was like __ sponge, erasing __ past, soaking up __ future. (S. Sheldon)

13. He only writes about degenerates. I mean __ worthwhile English. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

14. But Percy and Kismine seemed to have inherited __ arrogant attitude in all its harsh magnificence from their father. __ chaste and consistent selfishness ran like a pattern through their every idea. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

15. As I lay in__ bed with __ moonlight coming through the window and hearing __ sound of__ sea breaking on __ shore, all these problems seemed overpowering until I took a look at them. (J.H. Chase)

16. He found her blue Ford Escort in __ car park. __ vehicle was locked and __ lights were off.

17.  Carlos, __ assistant manager, saw her and came running to her side. (S. Sheldon)

18. The trip to London was uneventful. The private 727 she had purchased took off in the morning and landed at __ Magec Terminal at __ Luton Airport outside London. (S. Sheldon)

19. On Thursday he came in sight of Myra’s house, on the half-hour after five, __ lateness which he fancied his mother would have favoured. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

20.  __ man is a beautiful machine that works very badly. He is like __ watch of which the most that can be said is that its cosmetic effect is good. (H.L. Mencken)

Test XII

1. __ good memory and __ tongue tied in __ middle is a combination which gives immortality to __ conversation. (M. Twain)

2. __ past is incredibly difficult to leave behind. (K. Saunders)

3. It was __ beastly January morning, with __ dirty yellowish-grey sky. (G. Orwell)

4. Sam Roffe, __ president of Roffe and Sons, __ second largest pharmaceutical company in the world, a multibillion-dollar dynasty that girdled __ globe. (S. Sheldon)

5. Theirs was __ brief beauty. (D. du Maurier)

6. I think you are __ most wonderful person I ever met – except my mother. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

7. “I’m not hungry,” Lara said stubbornly. “I had __ big breakfast.” (S. Sheldon)

8. I don’t think __ real love is ever tragic. Or wrong. (K. Saunders)

9. It was a colony of __ young, simple, and expensive. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

10. How do I know this is __ REAL Max Friedlander. (M. Gabot)

11. You are __ only person who had any influence over him. (W.S. Maugham)

12. __ old, pre-marital nervousness seized Mr. Charlton. (H.E. Bates)

13. __ afternoon had made them tranquil for a while, as if to give them __ deep memory for __ long parting __ next day promised. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

14. She remembered her father, seeing her off at__ Cork Airport after her last visit home. (K. Saunders)

15. While I slept my problems and my fears sat at __ foot of __ bed, waiting to greet me when I awake. (J.H. Chase)

16. And Sir Alec Nichols, whose mother had been __ Roffe. (S. Sheldon)

17. Gerda took me to __ Tate Gallery yesterday. (K. Saunders)

18. When he came into a room clad in his full purple regalia from__ thatch to__ toe, he resembled __ Turner sunset, and attracted both __ admiration and __ attention. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

19. “Look!” she pointed and they gazed in__ horror. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

20. __ man is the Only Animal that Blushes. Or needs to. (M. Twain)



1. She's got __ three things that matter in a wife: __ breeding, __ brains, and __ beauty. (D. du Maurier)

2. Ralph looked at his life – blitzed, defeated and occupied – and was dimly glad his feelings never went deep enough for __ real despair. (K. Saunders)

3. Rosemary was __ romantic. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

4. “Can you tell us where __ house called Roselands is? It belongs to __ doctor Baker, who’s retired and come to live there lately.” (D. du Maurier)

5. Reaching the sea wall she fell into __ communicative mood and no one to communicate with. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

6. It’s possible that I was __ wrong person for Nicole. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

7. All that remained of the charm and personality of __ Dick Humbird he had known. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

8. Every Sunday after that, Paul Martin took his wife and the twins to __ Sunnyvale club for lunch. (S. Sheldon)

9. It was __ late morning when he woke and found __ telephone beside his bed in __ hotel tolling frantically. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

10. Within two years Phys Williams was made __ manager of the shop where he worked. (S. Sheldon)

11. __ depression did not at first hit __ Riviera badly. I heard of two or three people who had lost a good deal, many villas remained closed for __ winter and several were put up for sale. The hotels were far from full and __ Casino at Monte Carlo complained that __ season was poor. (W.S. Maugham)

12. The stag line is __ most homogeneous mass of men. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

13. He, who opens __ school door, closes __ prison. (V. Hugo)

14. He whittled a popular tune of the moment with __ easy confidence. (D. du Maurier)

15. Then I turned and went down to__ breakfast. (D. du Maurier)

16. There at the head of the white platoon marched Allenby, __ football captain, slim and defiant, as if aware that this year the hopes of the college rested on him. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

17. “How would it be, I wonder, if you were to spend __ summer traveling with me?” (S. Fry)

18. She was nine and very fair and exquisitely made like Nicole, and in__ past Dick had worried about that. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

19. He sat down on__ bed, breathing and staring; thinking first the old selfish child’s thought that comes with the death of a parent. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

20. He had left when __ French had pulled out and President Diem had come to power. (J.H. Chase)


Test XIV

1. Norma Talmadge must be __ woman whom it would be a great privilege to know. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

2. God, the place was __ wilderness; lovely, yes, wild and lonely with __ beauty of its own, yes, but crying out for __ skill and __ care and __ money that he would never give to it, that I would not have though of giving to it — but for Rebecca. (D. du Maurier)

3. On the last night of his first term, Mr. Margotson, __ senior master, sent__ word to study hall that Amory was to come to his room at nine. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

4. Adrian sipped at __ wine. (S. Fry)

5. It took __ British a month to walk to it. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

6. Cartwright would be sixteen going on seventeen now of course, but __ Cartwright he would always know was thirteen going on fourteen. (S. Fry)

7. At__ Paddington station, she had to shake him awake. (K. Saunders)

8. Certainly she was __ most attractive woman Rosemary had ever met. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

9. They started back with __ hot sorrow streaming down upon them. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

10. We have __ late lunch of several chocolate bars and a shared can of Lilt. (M. Gayle)

11. When it was __ dusk the lamps would all be lit. (D. du Maurier)

12. __ clothes don’t make __ man, but clothes have got many __ man __ good job. (H.H. Vreeland)

13. She awakened in __ hospital. (S. Sheldon)

14. He was soon in charge of the French operation, and __ member of the board of directors. (S. Sheldon)

15. It always seems to be __ summer when I look back. (G. Orwell)

16. It was an oddly clear night when she went out, with slanting particles of thin sleet making white of __ blue-black sky. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

17. Dick got outof__ bed and into a robe. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

18. Pazzi was __ Pazzi and above all things ambitious, and he had a young and lovely wife with an ever-open beak. (Th. Harris)

19. “How did you know that?” Pazzi would consider a reference to recent newspaper coverage rude in__ extreme. (Th. Harris)

20. __ great art is as irrational as __ great music. It is mad with its own loveliness. (G.J. Nathan)


Test XV

1. He had __ knowledge and __ real love of beautiful objects. (W.S. Maugham)

2. Often __ man can play __ helpless child in front of __ woman, but he can almost never bring it off when he feels most like __ helpless child. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

3. Of course__ French always sleep with their windows shut, don’t they? (D. du Maurier)

4. And then recently it occurred to me that ever since it happened it’s like I’ve been looking at it __ wrong way. (M. Gayle)

5. It was a landscape by Daumier, lit by __ chill winter moon. (S. Sheldon)

6. __ sunshine is delicious, __ rain is refreshing, __ wind braces up, __ snow is exhilarating; there is no such thing as __ bad weather, only different kinds of __ good weather. (J. Ruskin)

7. St. Midas’ is __ most expensive and __ most exclusive boys’ preparatory school in the world. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

8. “In effect,” Alec reminded him dryly, “Elizabeth is already __ president.” (S. Sheldon)

9. He’s going to be given __ good supper for his work tonight. (D. du Maurier)

10. On the way back to the hotel __ old Gausse said not __ word. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

11. He was leaving in__ morning and they had agreed to take a long farewell trot by __ cold moonlight. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

12. She sat between __ old, fat, bald and loquacious Cabinet Minister who took a great deal of trouble to entertain her, and __ young Duke of Westreys who looked like __ stable boy and who flattered himself that he knew French slang better than __ Frenchman. (W.S. Maugham)

13. The issue of __ future, dramatically revised, was suddenly between them. (K. Saunders)

14. My grandfather had bettered himself a good deal by marrying the seedsman’s widow, and __ Father had been educated at __ Walton Grammar School. (G. Orwell)

15. Walther was seated on the edge of __ bed, holding her hand. (S. Sheldon)

16. Kyanzo was __ sole supplier of gasoline in the whole town.

17. __  McKiscos had been invited to sit at the captain’s table. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

18. But the strained faces of the children, looking from__ parent to__ parent, made him want to grind her grinning mask into jelly. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

19. I felt __ icy chill start up my spine. (J.H. Chase)

20. The young man was regarding his embarkation with__ aloof cynicism as Doctor Diver approached. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)


Test XVI

1. It wasn’t half as good as she knocked up herself of __ Sunday morning, she decided, but it wasn’t bad really and she said, in __ strong English accent: “Very nice indeed.” (H.E. Bates)

2. As Elizabeth grew older, she came to know what it meant to be __ daughter of Sam Roffe. (S. Sheldon)

3. Sam Roffe was __ last male heir of the Roffe dynasty. (S. Sheldon)

4. He did extraordinary well in __ war. He was __ captain before he went to the front, and following __ Argonne battles he got his majority and the command of the divisional machine-guns. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

5. Ma sat in__ silent admiration at these few but impressively fluent words. (H.E. Bates)

6. I found this family idealism discouraging; even my brash confidence couldn’t compete with __ dead. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

7. __ famous Paul, __ concessionaire, had not arrived, but Claude, who was checking stock, broke off his work with no improper surprise to make Abe a pick-me-up. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

8. __ God has no intention of setting __ limit to the efforts of __ man to conquer __ space. (Pius XII)

9. I sometimes have to go to__ bed for days. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

10. Sometimes I think I’m __ most selfish person in the world. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

11. At that moment the door opened and Firth announced that __ luncheon was served. (D. du Maurier)

12. He reached Innsbruck at__ dusk, sent his bags up to a hotel and walked into__ town. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

13. Angelica is good in __ early summer, especially when you’re thirsty. (G. Orwell)

14. In front of him beneath __ dingy sky was Beaumont Hamel. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

15. Yes, she could warmly recommend the niece of an old friend, __ Miss Dorothy Curtis, educated at Somerville but prepared to care for a small child, because the sea air would be good for her asthma. (K. Saunders)

16. I thought I would give myself a holiday, and I went to __ Louvre.

17. In__ cold, Widgett’s face looked even odder. (H. Fielding)

18. It means having __ active knowledge of the race’s experience. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

19. But __ Mediterranean beach is not a place for playing on.

20. __ speech is __ power: __ speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel. (R.W. Emerson)



1. There’s __ real pain in her voice. (M. Gayle)

2. For some time Michael had been turning over in his mind __ possibility that Dolly de Vries might put up __ money they needed, but he was shrewd enough to know while she might do it for Julia she would not do it for him. (W.S. Maugham)

3. __ man who never makes a mistake never does anything. (H. Fielding)

4. I’m __ only child. (S. Sheldon)

5. “You really are __ perfect wife, you know,” Stanford said. (C. Bushnell)

6. “Thank you,” Lara said. She replaced the receiver. She had obviously called __ wrong broker. (S. Sheldon)

7. Keller was suddenly quiet. He knew he was facing one of __ most important decisions of his life, and it had nothing to do with money. (S. Sheldon)

8. They flew to Paris in a private jet, and had __ superb dinner. (S. Sheldon)

9. __ night when they rode up the slope and watched __ cold moon float through the clouds, he lost a further part of him that nothing could restore. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

10. She had __ wild winter and arrived in__ country in March. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

11. You will be __ president of the company. (S. Sheldon)

12. One night they walked while __ moon rose and poured a great burden of glory over the garden until it seemed fairyland with Amory and Eleanor. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

13. It was part of a tribute to the Earl of Shaftsbury: a grateful nation honours the man who abolished child labour. Alfred Gilbert, __ sculptor, positioned Eros with his bow and arrow aiming up __ Shaftsbury Avenue. (S. Fry)

14. Elliot had just finished telling me all this when __ mother and__ daughter came in. (W.S. Maugham)

15. For he was gayer than I had thought, more tender than I had dreamed, youthful and ardent in a hundred happy ways, not __ Maxim I had first met, not __ stranger who sat alone at the table in the restaurant. (D. du Maurier)

16. He entertained with __ magnificence that never overstepped the bounds of __ good taste. (W.S. Maugham)

17. “There’s __ Mr. Randall coming up in the lift. Your author.” (K. Saunders)

18. He spent years burrowing away in the library of __ British Museum. (W.S. Maugham)

19. “Do you know __ young Adrian?” (S. Fry)

20. __ most people sell their souls and live with __ good conscience on __ proceeds. (L.S. Smith)



1. __ chill went down my spine as it strangely does when I am confronted with __ deep and genuine human emotion. (W.S. Maugham)

2. __ well-dressed American had come in with two women. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

3. You are __ only person I know who still cares about Harrison and his wife patching things up. (M. Gabot)

4. At six o’clock on __ rainy September morning, the reconstruction of the hotel began. (S. Sheldon)

5. She was __ perfect hostess, __ perfect Mrs. Sam Roffe. (S. Sheldon)

6. Isn’t it __ most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen? (S. Sheldon)

7. The jig-saw pieces came together __ piece by__ piece, and __ real Rebecca took shape and form before me, stepping from her shadow world like __ living figure from __ picture frame. (D. du Maurier)

8. I ordered __  large coffee and a couple of frankfurters. (G. Orwell)

9. As he approached the promenade, __ stars began to come through __ white crests of __ high Alps. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

10. Anna was having __ breakfast on the terrace of __ Tennerhof Hotel on the second day when Walther Gassner joined her. (S. Sheldon)

11. Alec had taken her to a play at __ Old Vic, and then to dinner at __ Mirabelle. (S. Sheldon)

12. It’s hard on him and hard on you that we can’t let __ past lie quiet. (D. du Maurier)

13. __ university should be a place of __ light, of __ liberty, and of __ learning. (B. Disraeli)

14. After what seemed hours, __ bright-orange sun peeped over the eastern horizon and there was an expectant stir from the crowd. (S. Sheldon)

15. I am going to spend __ summer at the seaside with __Mrs. Charles Paterson and tutor her daughter who is to enter__ college in__ autumn. (J. Webster)

16. “You mean you – want to become __ president?” (S. Sheldon)

17. __ little Helena was of age, and had suddenly grasped that she was sole mistress of her millions. (K. Saunders)

18. A pleasant, solid-looking young man, phlegmatic in __ extreme, Brough would have guessed, reliable, solid, trustworthy, an excellent foil for his sister’s far more vulnerable ands fragile personality. (P. Jordan)

19. Kaethe had touched __ material truth. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

20. __ White House is the finest prison in the world. (H.S. Truman)

Test XIX

1. We came round the sweep of the drive and Manderley was before us, serene and peaceful in the hollow of the lawns, surprising me as it always did, with __ perfect symmetry and__ grace and __ great simplicity. (D. du Maurier)

2. I’ve wasted eight years teaching __ rich the ABC’s of human decency, but I’m not done. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

3. “What am I supposed to do? I suffer from the problem of never thinking that I’ve met __ right person. So I take people out.” (C. Bushnell)

4. __ Mrs. Bispam, an overcordial little lady whom I met at__ tea the other day, told me that her son, he is at Yale, wrote her that all the boys there wore their summer underwear all during__ winter. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

5. __ Mont Blanc should have been an easy climb this time of the year, __ early September. Sam had tried __ climb before, but storms had kept him from reaching __ peak. (S. Sheldon)

6. She was __ most eagerly awaited child in the world. (S. Sheldon)

7. “You want __ Martini?” said Suraya. (H. Fielding)

8. Dudley left __ town. (C. Bushnell)

9. They had __ tranquil supper, with Dick drinking much beer and being cheerful

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