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Ø In English the predicate usually agrees with the subject even if the predicate is separated from its subject by prepositional phrases, relative clauses, brackets or commas. However, if the predicate is a long way from the subject but is closer to the predicative, it is possible to agree the predicate with the predicative. Compare:
· The most exciting event was the rowing finals.
· The most exciting event in the Sydney Olympics for most British viewers was (or were) the rowing finals.
Ø The same can apply after a subject clause introduced by ‘what’:
· What the Board needs to address now is (or are) the terms of redundancies.
Ø When there are two or more homogeneous subjects connected by the conjunction and or asyndetically, we usually use a plural verb:
· Jean and David are moving back to Australia.
Ø However, phrases connected by and can also be followed by singular verbs if we think of them as making up a single item, a close unit. Noun combinations of this kind have a fixed order of words:
· Meat pie and peas isTom’s favourite at the moment. (or Meat pie and peas are)
· Fish and chips is one of the most common English dishes. (but Fish and chips make a good meal.)
Otherphrases like this include needle and thread, research and development (or R and D), bacon and eggs, bread and butter, lemon and oil, cheese and wine, tripe and onions, sausage(s) and mash, etc.
Ø When two or more homogeneous subjects are expressed by infinitives the predicate is in the singular:
· To leave the quiet court, to gain the Strand, to hail a belated hansom was the work of a moment. (Thurston)
Ø When the predicate-verb precedes a number of subjects it is often in the singular, especially if the sentence begins with here or there:
· And here was a man, was experience and culture. (Galsworthy)
Ø If the subjects are of different number the predicate agrees with the subject that stands first.
· There was much traffic at night and many mules on the roads with boxes of ammunition on each of their pack saddles.
Ø When there are two homogeneous subjects connected by the conjunctions not only … but also, either ...or..., neither … nor…, or, nor weuse a singular verb if the last item is singular (although a plural verb is sometimes used in informal English), and a plural verb if it is plural:
· Either the station or the cinema is a good place to meet. (or ...are... in informal English)
· Either my brother or my parents are going to bring the sleeping bags.
Ø If the last item is singular and the previous item plural, we can use a singular or plural verb.
· Either the teachers or the principal is (or are) to blame for the accident.
· Whether interest rates or intervention were the chosen instrument, and in what combination, was probably a secondary question.
Ø When two subjects in the singular are connected by the conjunction as well as, the predicate is in the singular. However, if the subjects are of different person or number, the predicate agrees with the subject that stands first.
· Activity as well as cell structure is an essential condition of life. (Young)
Ø If a subject expressed by a noun is modified by two or more attributes connected by and, the predicate is in the singular when one person, thing, or idea is meant, and the predicate is in the plural if two or more persons, things, or ideas are meant.
· The complete and beautiful quiet was almost the quiet from beyond the grave. (Stone)
· Classical and light music have both their admirers.
Ø If the subject is expressed by the emphatic it the predicate is in the singular no matter what follows.
· It is only my friends who could help me.
Ø If the subject is expressed by a noun in the plural which is the title of a book, or the name of a newspaper or magazine, the predicate is usually in the singular.
· Hitchcock’s film ‘The Birds’ is based on a story by Daphne du Maurier.
Ø Some phrases with a plural form are thought of as a single thing and have a singular verb. These include phrases referring to measurements, amounts and quantities, time, distance:
· About three metres separates the runners in first and second places.
· The fifty pounds he gave me was soon spent.
Ø If the subject is expressed by a collective noun denoting a group or collection of similar individuals taken as a whole the predicate – verb is in the singular.
· Humanity was better than he thought.
· Mankind is all of us.
Ø If the subject is expressed by a noun of multitude, i.e. a collective noun denoting the individuals of the group taken separately the predicate-verb is in the plural.
· The police are asking them to come forward. (J.H. Chase)
Ø If the subject is expressed by a word-group consisting of two nouns connected by the preposition with, or the expression together with, the predicate-verb is in the singular:
· The president together with his cabinet members, is meeting the African Trade Delegation.
Ø If the subject is expressed by a group of words denoting arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, division), the predicate is usually singular; multiplication presents an exception as the verb may be in the singular or in the plural.
· Two and two is four.
· Six minus four is two.
· Twenty divided by five equals four.
· Twice two is (are) four.
Ø After per cent (also percent or %) we use a singular verb:
· An inflation rate of only 2 per cent makes a big difference to exports.
· Around 10 per cent of the forest is destroyed each year.
Ø However, in phrases where we can use of + plural noun we use a plural verb:
· I would say that about 50 per cent of the houses need major repairs.
· Of those interviewed, only 20 per cent (= of people interviewed) admit to smoking.
Ø But where we use a singular noun that can be thought of either as a whole unit or a collection of individuals, we can use a singular or plural verb:
· Some 80 per cent of the electorate is expected to vote. (or ...are expected...)
With any of, each of, either of, neither of, or none of and a plural noun we can use a singular or plural verb. However, we prefer a singular verb in careful written English. | · I don’t think any of them knows (or know) where the money is hidden. · Neither of the French athletes has (or have) won this year. |
With a/the majority of, a number of, a variety of, a lot of, plenty of, a mass of, all (of), or some (of) and a plural noun we use a plural verb. But if we say the number of, the variety of we use a singular verb. | · A number of refugees have been turned back at the border. · The number of books in the library has risen to over five million. |
With any of, none of, the majority of, a lot of, plenty of, all (of), some (of) and an uncountable noun we use a singular verb. | · All the furniture was destroyed in the fire. |
With each and every and a singular noun we use a singular verb. (For each of, see above.) | · Every room has its own bathroom. but · The boys have each drawn a picture. |
With everyone, everybody, everything (and similar words beginning any-, some- and no-) we use a singular verb. | · Practically everyone thinks that Judith should be given the job. |
With interrogative pronouns who, what we usually use a singular verb. But if the question refers to more than one person the predicate may be used in the plural. | · Who is coming? · What was there in him that made you trust him? but · Who were those people? |
With relative pronouns who, which, that the predicate agrees with their antecedents. | |
With the subject expressed by the word-group many a the verb is in the singular. | · Many an artist comes there. |
Exercise 21. Complete the sentences with either is/are or has/have. If both singular and plural forms are possible, write them both.
1. A number of shoppers ………. complained about the price increases.
2. I can assure you that everything ………. perfectly safe.
3. Either of the dentists ………. available. Which one do you want to see?
4. The majority of primary school teachers ………. women.
5. Each of Susan’s colleagues ………. sent her a personal letter of support.
6. Although some people find cricket boring, each match ………. different.
7. We've got two cars, but neither of them ………. particularly new.
8. All the office staff ……….agreed to work late tonight to get the job finished.
9. A lot of the pollution ………. caused by the paper factory on the edge of town.
10. None of the TV programmes ………. worth watching tonight.
11. Researchers have reported that neither of the so-called ‘environmentally friendly’ fuels ………. less damaging than petrol or diesel.
12. I hope everyone ………. a good holiday. See you next term.
13. The number of pupils in school with reading difficulties ………. fallen this year.
14. Some people ………. the strangest hobbies. My brother collects bottles!
15. None of the information ………. particularly useful to me.
16. What he’d really like us to buy him for his birthday ………. some new Nike trainers.
17. A large number of police officers ………. present at the demonstration last week in case of trouble.
18. At present 10,000 kilometres ………. the longest walking competition held in the Olympics.
19. Either the twins or John, the eldest brother, ………. going to make a speech at the Golden Wedding party.
20. Both my brother and sister ………. lived in this town all their lives.
21. Neither her sons nor her daughter ………. the piano.
22. Pollution, together with water erosion, ………. taking its toll on the buildings.
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