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Exercise 10. Translate into English. Pay attention to the use of the pronouns each and every.

2023-02-03 66
Exercise 10. Translate into English. Pay attention to the use of the pronouns each and every. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Каждый школьник знает правила дорожного движения.

2. Она встречала его на катке каждую субботу.

3. Известно, что почти каждый ребенок любит яблоки. Мы дали каждой девочке и каждому мальчику по яблоку.

4. Каждую неделю я проводил не­сколько дней в деревне.

5. Он продолжал смотреть на часы каждые пять минут.

6. Каждый студент должен знать свои обязанности.

7. Хотя в комнате никто не жил, тетя Керри убирала ее каждый день.

8. Каждый из нас должен был выполнить свою рабо­ту вовремя.

9. Когда он был студентом, он каждый год ездил на Урал.

10. У каждого близнеца был мяч.

11. Он пожал руку каждому гостю.

12. Он навещает нас каждое воскресенье.

13. Преподаватель сказал, что каждый из нас должен внимательно прочитать эту ста­тью.

14. На конференции  каждому дали блокнот и ручку.

15. Брюссель так же красив и романтичен, как Париж.

16. Он купил подарок каждому ребенку.

17. Иногда моя подруга звонит из Германии.

18. Почти всякий раз, как я вижу ее, на ней то же самое платье.

Both (of)/ either/ neither

    BOTH is used in affirmative sentences, to emphasize two objects or individuals as a whole unit. BOTH is used with a plural verb.  

    EITHER is usedin affirmative sentences, to emphasize any of two persons or things; it may also mean ‘each of two.’  

    NEITHER is used to express negation, in the meaning ‘оба нет.’ NEITHER is used with a singular verb.


Exercise 11. Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the use of both and neither and the verb forms.

1. Их обоих приняли в университет.

2. Они оба не согласны с вами.

3. Они оба не любят современную музыку.

4. Они оба сомневаются в этом.

5. Вы оба не знаете это правило.

6. Они оба пришли вовремя.

7. Мы оба не знали, что делать.

8. Мы оба растерялись.

9. Вы оба не видели этот фильм?

10. Они оба не могли понять ни слова.


Exercise12. Insert either, neither or both.

1. They ....... laughed and Dan looked down at his desk.

2. We were ....... in the room, but ....... of us spoke for some time.

3. Hatton entered the room, and he looked at her and hesitated, and then took the open book in ....... his hands and came to her side.

4. On ....... side the fields were beneficently tranquil. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

5. ‘Have you been listening at the door, Edgar?’ asked the mistress, in a tone particularly calculated to provoke her husband, implying ....... carelessness and contempt of his irritation. (E. Bronte)

6. I guess we’re ....... a little bit overtired.

7. The poured concrete urns on ....... side of the front door were planted with perennials that had died back to sticks. (S. Grafton)

8. He looked from Singer to Philip, but ....... answered.

9. They are ....... in custody. (Terry McMillan)

10. Hatton took ....... the plates in one hand, and Nevill’s hand in the other, and led the way from the room.

11. She expected men to talk about football and racing, and Philip knew nothing of ....... .

12. They were ....... running hard, but someone was ahead of them.

13. He spent a restless and un­settled vacation, quite out of touch with ....... of his two sisters.

14. ....... of the two women, perhaps, could have said why they were stopped in mid-argument.

15. I used to draw a comparison between him and Hindley Earnshaw, and perplex myself to explain satisfactorily why their conduct was so opposite in similar circumstances. They had ....... been fond husbands, and were ....... attached to their children and I could not see how they shouldn’t both have taken the same road, for good or evil. (E. Bronte)

16. Soames added: Well, I hope you’ll ....... enjoy yourselves.

17. Two matching sofas were arranged on ....... side of the marble fireplace. (S. Grafton)

18. Papa says you are a wicked man, and you hate ....... him and me; and Ellen says the same. (E. Bronte)

19. There isn’t any beginning, at least there isn’t any insanity in the family that I know of, at least on ....... side. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

20. She said he had only been twice, on horseback, accompanying his father; and ....... times he pretended to be quite knocked up for three or four days afterwards. (E. Bronte)



SOME and ANY are used with plural and uncountable nouns, usually when we are talking about unknown or uncertain amounts or numbers of things.

SOME is used... ANY is used...
Ø in affirmative sentences; Ø in sentences with a negative meaning (including such words as not; barely, hardly, never, rarely, scarcely, seldom; deny, fail, forbid, prohibit; impossible, unlikely);
Ø in questions where we expect agreement or the answer ‘yes’: · Didn’t John’s parents give him some money? (= I think/expect they did) · Hasn’t there been some discussion about the proposal? (= I think/ expect there has) Ø in other questions:   · Do you have any better ideas? · Has there been any discussion about the proposal yet?
Ø when we mean quite a large amount of or large number of something: · The talks went on at some length. (= a long time). Ø when we mean ‘all (of them), and it is not important which’:   · Any of the students could have answered the question.
Ø when we mean ‘not all’:   · Some people don’t like tea. Ø when any means ‘if there is/ are any’: · Any questions should be sent to the manager.
Ø in offers and requests in order to sound positive, expecting the answer ‘Yes’: · Shall I send you some details? · Can you buy some rice in town?  Ø commonly in ‘if’ clauses:     · If you have any problems, let me know. (‘some’ is possible, but is more positive, expecting problems)


Some and any can also be used to talk about a particular person or thing without mentioningthem specifically:

· There must be some way I can contact Jo. (= There must be a way, but I don’t know it.)

· Isn’t there any book here that will give me the information I want? (= There must be a book like this, but I can’t find out what/ where it is.)


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