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1. It’s the (less, lesser) of two evils.
2. Have you heard the (last, latest) news?
3. We have no (further, farther) information.
4. His (latest, last) words were: “The end”.
5. This is the town’s (oldest, eldest) house.
6. It’s the (furthest, farthest) point west.
7. Our youngest son doesn’t want to be a teacher unlike his (older, elder) brother.
8. Did you decide to expose it at the (last, latest) minute to influence the jury? (Rosenberg)
9. Stella listened as the rest of the verdicts were read, most of the charges classified as (less, lesser) or included crimes. (ibid.)
10. “Trust me Stella. By this time (nearest, next) week, your problems should all be behind you. (ibid.)
11. Once he agreed, they left, discussing Mario’s love life and his (last, latest) photography assignments on the drive to the Hobby airport. (ibid)
12. She circled around and took the chair (nearest, next) to him.
13. He handed Bishop the (last, latest) edition of the monthly bulletin Stolen Art Alert, compiled and distributed by the International Foundation for Art Research. (Truman)
14. At five-thirty that afternoon, Annabel turned the (last, latest) page of the mug-shot book placed before her by Steve Jordan. (ibid.)
15. The New York detectives completed their report, and after some discussion and a promise of (farther, further) cooperation, left. (ibid.)
16. It would be the (last, latest) time he would ever see her. (ibid.)
17. Unless there are (further, farther) questions, we’ll meet next at eight sharp Monday morning. (ibid.)
18. Lord knew, there were enough of those situations to be faced over the (nearest, next) seven days. (ibid.)
19. My pension won’t be large, but enough to live a comfortable life in a (less, lesser) expensive place. (ibid.)
20. He’d promised her a more senior job in the (near, nearer, nearest) future. (ibid.)
21. Pims was at the (far, farther, farthest) end of the bar when Lynn walked into Adiron dacks. (ibid.)
22. She was the (last, latest) to leave the hotel. (ibid.)
23. The skirt was hemmed several inches above the knee in the (last, latest) style, and Holly was wearing sheer black nylons and spike heels. (ibid.)
24. Carl Winters was standing in the (far, farther, farthest) corner of the booking room, leaning against the wall. (ibid.)
25. Lualle Maddox was in her (late, lost, latest) forties with ash blond hair and fair skin. (Tayor)
Exercise 1. Use the appropriate substantivised adjectives.
A just society is a human ideal. We would all like to live in a place where (rich) are not too rich and (poor) are not too poor; where no one would be shocked or embarrassed at the way (old) are cared for. (blind) would have as much opportunity (sighted). (deaf) would be able to develop their skills. (unemployed) would not depend on the state, because no one would be unemployed. (healthy) would take care of (sick). The most innocent people in society, (young) would be protected. In this happy place no one would feel depressed or distressed. Unfortunately, in the real world, life can be both distressing and depressing. So let’s be thankful for a sense of humour. I recently say a notice in an undertaker’s window and I wasn’t sure whether it was addressed to (living) or (dead). It said: “Once you’ve tried one of our funerals, you’ll never want to try another!”
Exercise 2. Point out all the substantivized adjectives and state whether they are fully or partially substantivized.
1. He basked in the company of the young. (Snow)
2. We must take the bitter along with the sweet. (Reade)
3.She warned the domestics not to touch the child, as Mrs. Osborne might be offended. (Thackeray)
4. It was a surprise to the optimistic: but it was even more of a surprise to the experienced. (Snow)
5. Oh, I know he is a right good fellow, but it belongs to the rank of the impossible. (Meade)
6. Imogen, turning her glance from one to the other of the ‘old dears”, only smiled. (Galsworthy)
7. How do I know what’s gone on between you? The rights and wrongs of it. I don’t want to know. (Wilson)
8. Willoughby was wearing greens, garrison hat and all his ribbons. (Heym)
9. They were like poor savages confronted with a beautuful white girl. (Murdoch)
10. This year I covered all the world and saw people in such numbers – it seems to me I saw everybody but the dead. (Bellow)
11. But they had been such innocents then. (Galsworthy)
12. The poor must stand togwther everywhere. (Dreiser)
13. I was soon to discover that Gevaert was never interested in what “inferiors” had to say. (Clark)
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