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Упражнение 11. Tell the group what you usually do,

2022-09-01 62
Упражнение 11. Tell the group what you usually do, 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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- when your teacher comes to the workshop;

- when you come home from the college;

- when your mother asks you to help her;

- when you have session;

- when you stay at the library;

- when you go to the canteen.



Упражнение 12. Tell each other some words about Omsk Aviation College using the Present Simple Tense.

Н. Е. Жуковский

Урок 1.2.4

The Past Simple Tense

Прошедшее неопределённое (простое) время


          для выражения действий повторяющихся, происходивших последовательно и имевших место в прошлом и не связанных с настоящим моментом.


Yesterday I went to the theatre.

С формой Past Indefinite часто употребляются слова и словосочетания: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week (month, year), (...,...) days ago, in 1990 и т.д.



с помощью прибавления окончания – ed управильных глаголов; у неправильных глаголов – II колонка

 а) - ed читается как [ t ] после глухих согласных (dressed), как [ d ] после звонких согласных и гласных (opened, played), как [ id ] после t и d: (counted, decided)


б) Глаголы, оканчивающиеся на у с предшествующей согласной, меняют у на i:


to study - studied (но: play - played).


в) В односложных и двусложных глаголах с краткой гласной удваивается конечная согласная: skip - skipped; travel – trave ll ed.

Вопросительная форма:                Отрицательная форма:

Did I (he, she, it, we, you, they) work?    I (he, she, it, we, you, they) did not work.



Упражнение 1. Напишите форму прошедшего времени глаголов:


to go, to have, to see, to take, to give, to put, to stand, to put on, to sit, to understand.


Упражнение 2. Перепишите предложения. Глаголы напишите в Past Simple.


1. The children sometimes work on a collective farm in summer. 2. We play football and other interesting games at the camp. 3. Mike goes to his circle early. 4. It always snows in winter. 5. The Ninth Form pupils clean the street in front of the school. 6. We often ski and skate in the park. 7. She always answers questions well.




       1. Yesterday (to be) the third of October. 2. It (to be) warm, and we (to play) ball in our yard. 3. Our dog (to be) with us too. 4. It (to like) the game. 5. He (to jump) and (to jump). 6. We (to have) five lessons yesterday. 7. After the lessons the pupils on duty (to water) the flowers and (to clean) the blackboard and other things. 8. When everything in the classroom (to look) clean, they (to go) home. 9. It (to be) half past three and they (to be) very hungry.



Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present или Past Simple.

1. I (to watch) television at seven o'clock every evening.

2. I (to watch) television yesterday.

3. She (to comb) her hair every morning.

4. Yesterday she (to comb) her hair.

5. They (not to rest) yesterday.

6. I usually (to walk) to my school but yesterday I (to take) a tram.

7. Yesterday he (to have) a holiday. He (not to go) to the office. He (to get) up at eleven o'clock, (to wash) his face, (to have) breakfast and (to go) for a walk.

8. As a rule my mother (to cook) dinner. But yesterday she (to decide) not to cook. She (to invite) us to the restaurant.

9. He (not to like) coffee. But yesterday he (to drink) a cup of coffee as he (to be) very tired.

10. You often (to take) your brother for a walk? - Yes. - Why you (not to take) him for a walk the day before yesterday? - He (to be) ill.


Упражнение 4. Перепишите тексты в Past Simple.



Не gets up at seven o'clock. He washes his face, cleans his teeth and combs. He goes to the kitchen and has his breakfast. For breakfast he has a cup of coffee and cheese. When the breakfast is over, he goes to the office. He takes a bus to get to his work.

At the office he works till two o'clock. At two o'clock he has dinner. He finishes his work at seven o'clock in the evening. He decides to walk a little after his working day. He returns home at nine. He doesn't want have supper, he only drinks tea. Suddenly he remembers that he has to phone his friend. He dials the numbers that he has to phone his friend. He dials the number but nobody answers. His friend is not at home. He goes to his room and decides to watch TV. When the TV program is over, he sleeps.



The weather is bad. There is no sun in the sky. Beth wakes up late in the morning. She doesn't want to leave the bed. She stays in her bed for some time. But Beth is hungry. She wants something to eat. She makes herself to get up, and goes to the bathroom. She washes and cleans her teeth. Beth goes to the kitchen and has her breakfast. After breakfast she thinks how to spend her day. Suddenly the telephone rings. Her friend Tom phones. Tom says he has two tickets to the theatre and he invites her to go and see the play. Beth thanks him and agrees to go to the theatre. The play begins at twelve. She has only two hours to dress and to get to the theatre. Beth doesn't know what to put on in such bad weather. She thinks for some minutes and chooses her new beautiful dress! The weather is bad but she is in a good mood.



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