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To leave school - оканчивать школу. When did you leave school?

2022-09-01 77
To leave school - оканчивать школу. When did you leave school? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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to take exams - сдавать экзамены. We take our exams in January and in June.

to pass exams - сдать экзамены. How did you pass your exams?

level pass - проходной балл. Level pass to our college was 9.

on foot - пешком. I go to my college on foot and usually return home by bus.

tо о ccupy - занимать. Our college occupies 3 buildings.

tо run - вести обучение. Our college runs an evening department.

а n hour - час учебных занятий. How many hours do you have every day?

a break - перемена. Our lunch break lasts 20 minutes.

с anteen - буфет, столовая. Our canteen is on the ground floor.

gym - спортивный зал. After studies we often go to the gym to play volleyball.

fiction - художественная литература. What kind of fiction do you like?

term - семестр. I work hard during the term.

equipment - оборудование. We got new equipment last year.

work shops - мастерские. There is modern equipment in our work shops.

academic year - учебный год. The academic year lasts ten months.        

to attend lectures - посещать лекции. Our group attends lectures on English music.

to do well - учиться хорошо. He does well and will be a good specialist.

hostel - общежитие. Our hostel occupies a new building.  



Упражнение 2. Прочтите и переведите текст.

My College

The Omsk aviation college named after N.E. Zhukovsky is one of the oldest educational institutions in Omsk.

It was founded in Zaporozhe in 1930. After beginning of the world war 2 in 1941 the Zaporozhe aviation technical school named after K.E. Voroshilov was evacuated in to Omsk. Some years later in 1948 it became the Omsk aviation technical school named after N.E. Zhukovsky. In 2009 the technical school became the college.

Nowadays it is one of the most well – known colleges in the city. Every year more than 2000 young people study here. They choose our college because there are many interesting and modern specialities in it: Software of Computer, Automated Control Systems, Welding, Automation of technological Processes, Aircraft Producing, Management, Economics, Machine Building Technology, Special Machines and Devises, Electric Machines and Apparatus.

It is situated in the center - in Lenin street 24 and the students can easily get to the college by different kinds of transport: by bus, by trolley bus, by taxi and even on foot.

Physical training is an important subject at our college. There are three gyms, one of them is tennis, swimming pool. The students play volleyball, football, tennis, basketball, table tennis, at the lessons. They are fond of wrestling, bodybuilding, swimming, skiing, athletics. There is a sports ground near our college and students go in for sports in the open air. A great number of them take part in different competitions, try to get good results and win. 

Our college has a library. It is on the second floor. It contains a lot of textbooks and fiction. It is opened from 8 am. till 6 p.m. in term time. There is a large and comfortable reading hall at our college and the students often do their homework there.

There is a college hall on the second floor where meetings, conferences and parties take place. We organize concerts, parties when we celebrate our holidays.

There are a lot of large and light laboratories and classrooms. They are equipped on the latest word of technique. We have 4 English classrooms, History, Geography, Chemistry, Russian classrooms and others. They are big and light. There are some computer classes which have more than 130 computers. The workshops where the students have practical training are on the ground floor.

If you enter the college and go to the left you can see a canteen. Here students and teachers have their lunch and dinner.

Our college has a museum. It was founded in 1980 on the initiative of E.N. Kostrikov. More than 600 exhibits are presented here and illustrate all history of our college. Our museum is visited by 1500 persons every year.



       Упражнение 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Where do you study?

2. When and where was the Omsk aviation college founded?

3. Where is your college situated?

4. How can you get to your college?

5. How much time does it take you to get there?

6. How many buildings does your college occupy?

7. Does your college run full-time and part-time departments?

8. What specialities are there at your college?


       Упражнение 4. Дайте краткие утвердительные и отрицательные ответы.


1. Does our college run full-time department? 2. Do our studies begin at 9 o’clock? 3. Do we usually have six hours? 4. Is there a small reading-hall at our college? 5. Do our labs have old equipment? 6. Will the academic year end in May? 7. Are you a full-time student? 8. Is our college not far from your block of flats?  9. Does our college occupy four buildings?    



       Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя новую лексику.                   


В прошлом году я окончил школу. Я сдал экзамены в колледж. Теперь я учусь в колледже. Я студент дневного отделения. Наш колледж занимает 3 больших и светлых здания. Занятия начинаются в 8 часов утра. Обычно у нас 4 пары в день. В 13 часов 5 минут у нас большая перемена. В колледже есть хорошая столовая, и мы обычно на большой перемене ходим в столовую. Я обедаю дома. Я живу близко от колледжа и хожу туда обычно пешком. На дорогу мне требуется 20 минут. Вечером я часто работаю в читальном зале нашего колледжа. Мне очень нравятся наши лаборатории с современным оборудованием. Я хочу стать хорошим специалистом и занимаюсь усердно.



       Упражнение 6. Посмотрите видеофильм «Я – студент Омского авиационного колледжа» и расскажите,

1. когда вы сдавали вступительные экзамены в колледж;

2. какие оценки вы получили;

3. как вы добираетесь до колледжа;

4. о распорядке дня в колледже;

5. о библиотеке;

6. о столовой;

7. о спортивном зале;

8. о лабораториях;

9. о музее;

10. oб истории колледжа.


Урок 1.1.2

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