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Ask a question according to the model working in pairs. Use the Indefinite Tenses.

2022-02-11 63
Ask a question according to the model working in pairs. Use the Indefinite Tenses. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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– He was allowed to take any books.

Really? Was he allowed to take any books?

1. We will be allowed to use these computers.

2. The seamen are allowed to go ashore.

3. The watch officer was allowed to alter the course.

4. The visitors are allowed to smoke here.

5. I will be allowed to take this exam beforehand.

6. They were allowed to enter the port.

7. She is allowed to take part in this sport competition.

8. The cadets will be allowed to go sightseeing.

9. They were allowed to launch a life-boat.

10. The students are allowed to come to this meeting.

11. The dockers will be allowed to work overtime.

12. We are allowed to have shipboard training on board merchant ships.

2. Use the equivalent of the modal verb may in the necessary grammar tense: is / am / are allowed to; was / were allowed to; will be allowed to.

1. You may get underway (yesterday).

2. The watch officer may plot this course (in 5 minutes).

3. They may repair this equipment (usually).

4. The seamen may take their documents (last week).

5. The cadets may go ashore (tomorrow).

6. I may stay on the bridge (today).

7. He may switch on this device (2 hours ago).

8. She may use this computer (in the future).

9. The docker may leave the ship (an hour ago).

10. The visitors may smoke here (usually).

11. He may correct this chart (tomorrow).

Ask a special question.

1. He will be allowed to come to this lecture. – When?

2. They were allowed to do the city. – Why?

3. We are allowed to stay in the chartroom. – Where?

4. The ship will be allowed to call at this port. – When?

5. The watch officer is allowed to contact the shore station. – What station?

6. I was allowed to take this exam again. – How?

7. She will be allowed to use radio telephone. – Why?

8. The ship is allowed to get underway. – How?

9. The seamen were allowed to go ashore. – When?

10. The second mate will be allowed to take the visitors to the bridge. – Where?

11. I am allowed to use this computer here. – Where?

12. The agent was allowed to see some documents. – What documents?

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Ему разрешили заменить этот прибор.

2. Мне разрешат выполнять обязанности вахтенного помощника.

3. Нам разрешают работать в этой лаборатории.

4. Курсантам разрешили сойти на берег.

5. Им не разрешают брать с собой мобильные телефоны.

6. Судну не разрешат зайти в этот порт.

7. Мне не разрешили остаться на мостике.

8. Почему курсантам разрешают курить у входа в университет?

9. Когда им разрешили пользоваться этим прибором?

10. Нам не разрешают опаздывать.

11. Вам не разрешается покидать каюты.

12. Морякам разрешат осмотреть город.


Can (could)



is / am / are able to manage(s) to is / am / are allowed to have to has to is / am / are to
was / were able to managed to was / were allowed to had to was / were to
will be able to will manage to will be allowed to will have to  

1. Use the necessary modal verb or its equivalent.

1. The explorers had not enough fresh water, so they … obtain it from icebergs.

2. Our next port of call is Portsmouth. We … arrive at this port on Tuesday.

3. Our captain is an experienced navigator. When he comes on board tomorrow, he … solve this problem.

4. We … get any data in that library, while we were working at our reports.

5. They … not … reach their port of destination in time due to foggy and cloudy weather.

6. We have provisions only for 3 days, so we … refresh them at the nearest port.

7. The Indians had no fire-arms, so they … not … hamper the course of the Spaniards.

8. The seamen stayed on the island for 1 week and … describe it in details.

9. They … arrange the new expedition to North Pole next year.

10. When … we … anchor at the entrance to the port? – In 2 hours.

11. Why … they … force their way through the ice packs in their last voyage?

12. Where … the explorers … come across huge icebergs?

13.  He was very clever, he … devise a new way of sending messages.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Когда они смогут достичь южного полушария?

2. Вам разрешат работать с современными приборами.

3. Моряки не смогли остановить течь в трюме.

4. Им не пришлось следовать дальше на юг.

5. Лоцману придется остаться на борту?

6. Мы не смогли близко подойти к коралловому рифу.

7. Судну разрешили бросить якорь в этой бухте.

8. Судам не разрешают пересекать канал.

9. Мне приходится вставать рано.

10. Ему удалось спасти моряков с этого судна.

11. Как вы сможете решить эту задачу?

12. Мы должны выйти из порта в 9 утра.

13. Они могли мешать нашему курсу.

14. Вы сможете хорошо говорить по-английски.


1. Практическая грамматика английского языка для моряков: рабочая тетрадь / автор-сост. Н. А. Гогина. – 2-е изд. – М.: Транслит, 2013. – 224 с.

2. Dooley, J. Grammarway 3 / J. Dooley, V. Evans. – 2nd impression. – Newbury, Berkshire: Express Publishing, 2007. – 272 p.

3. Swan, M. Oxford English Grammar Course. Basic / M. Swan, C. Walter. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. – 362 p.


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