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Тест: “ Are you a future sport star?
Практика: Application form
1. Поставьте местоимения в объектный падеж и переведите предложения.
1. Let (we) celebrate the anniversary.
2. Let (she) sing a song.
3. Let (we) play football.
4. Let (they) make a cake.
5. Let (we) phone my grandparents.
6. Let (he) read the book.
7. Let (I) be alone.
2. Предложите, что можно сделать в следующих ситуациях
a. In a free evening
b. Problems at university (you and your friend can’t pass English exam)
c. You and your friend want to move to another country
d. Birthday party
e. To organize concert for teachers
3. Сделайте высказывания отрицательными:
o Read now!
o Call up John!
o Print this document!
o Play from the beginning!
o Answer my question!
o Go to the University!
o Continue!
4. Изучите новые слова, прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: What place does sport take in your life?
Слово | Транскрипция | Перевод | Пример |
various | ['vɛərɪəs] | разный, разнообразный | You can find various points of view on this problem |
sound | [saund] | здоровый | He is safe and sound |
experience | [ɪk'spɪərɪənts] | опыт | Do you have the necessary experience for this job? |
competition | [ˌkɔmpə'tɪʃən] | соревнование | Did you watch that competition yesterday? |
waste | [weɪst] | тратить зря | Don’t waste your time! |
to offer | ['ɔfə] | предлагать | What can you offer? |
equipment | [ɪ'kwɪpmənt] | оборудование | What equipment do you need for that sport? |
coach | [kəuʧ] | тренер | Do you have a good coach? |
tobogganing | [tə'bɔgəniŋ] | санный спорт | Is he fond of tobogganing? |
to provide | [prə'vaɪd] | обеспечивать, предоставлять | Can the university provide the opportunity for sport events? |
opportunity | [ˌɔpə'tjuːnətɪ] | возможность | |
track and field | легкая атлетика | Does your father like watching track and field events? | |
to spread | [spred] | распространять | |
to be in favour | ['feɪvə] | быть популярным | What sport is in favour in your country? |
exciting | [ɪk'saɪtɪŋ] | волнующий, интересный | I think football is really exciting |
Sport in my life
Most of our contemporaries pay much attention to fitness. Being the best way to it, various sorts and sporting activities are growing in popularity. Sport is very important in our life. First of all, it helps us in everyday life. The Greeks used to say, “A sound mind is in a sound body”. Millions of people who go in for sports know from their own experience that this famous saying is true. At the same time a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Some of them realize that sport is useful but prefer watching sport competitions on TV to going in for sports themselves. Some people consider sport just a waste of time. |
Still many people go in for sport activities. There is a great network of sport clubs offering a great choice of sports. They have necessary facilities, equipment and coaching. The most popular outdoor winter sports are shooting, hunting, ice-hockey, skiing, and tobogganing. Some people greatly enjoy figure-skating and ski-jumping. Summer provides excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, cycling and many other sports. Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interest, this game is played in all the countries of the world. Other popular games are volleyball, basketball, badminton, and tennis. All year round many people do boxing, wrestling, athletics, gymnastics and track and field events. Chess is the most popular among indoor games. |
The ability to play games well is highly appreciated among the English people. Most Englishmen consider themselves good sportsmen. This is not surprising because England has been the house of sports for centuries. Cricket, golf, tennis and football are English national games. Almost every Englishman plays cricket and football, every large town in England has a cricket club. Football, namely soccer, has spread all over the world. Tennis probably takes the first place in public favour. In London every park has grounds for playing tennis. |
I do not know anything more exciting than tennis; in my opinion, tennis is the most interesting kind of sports. I have been playing tennis since childhood. It helps me to become stronger and physically developed. By the way, going in for sports always makes people more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. |
5. В какой части текста можно найти информацию:
1. The author’s favourite sport
2. Outdoor winter sports
3. Popular sports in England
4. The author’s opinion about sport
5. National games in Britain
6. Придумайте заголовок к каждой части текста
7. Выберите верный вариант ответа (возможно несколько правильных ответов):
1. English national games are:
a) football;
b) hockey;
c) golf.
2. In the saying “A sound mind is in a sound body” the word sound means:
a) healthy
b) loud
c) young
3. In summer you have a great opportunity to take:
a) cycling
b) tobogganing
c) track and field
4. Going in for sports makes people:
a) stronger
b) more disciplined
c) healthier
5. English people are fond of:
a) cricket;
b) gymnastics;
c) tennis
8. Подготовьте рассказ про спорт в вашей жизни.
9. Пройдите тест “ Are you a future sport star?” и прокомментируйте результат:
1. It’s time for football practice, but it’s raining outside. What do you do?
a) Go out and play football in the rain. (3)
b) Stay at home and watch TV. (1)
c) Go to the gym instead. (2)
2. Your team loses a match. What do you do?
a) Give up now. You are never going to be famous. (1)
b) Train every day and try harder next time. (3)
c) Get very angry and blame the referee. (2)
3. You earn a lot of money very quickly. What do you do?
a) Go out shopping and buy designer clothes, a new house and a fast car. (1)
b) Buy some things that you want and put the rest in the bank. (3)
c) Give it all to friends and family. (2)
4. You are tired after a match, but lots of people are waiting for your autograph. What do you do?
a) Ignore them all and go home. (2)
b) Stop and talk to some of them and sign their autographs. (3)
c) Be very rude to them and tell them to go away. (1)
5. The newspapers write a terrible story about you that isn’t true. What do you do?
a) Get very depressed, because you want everyone to love you. (2)
b) Write angry letters to the newspaper, complaining about the story. (1)
c) Don’t get upset. Nobody believes what the newspapers say. (3)
5-7 points: Never! You are very lazy and have a very bad attitude to fame and fortune.
8-11 points: You are a very good sports player but you are not a future sports star. You must train more and be more patient to be famous.
12-15 points: You can be a star. Work hard and focus on sport and you can be the number one!
10. Перед вами анкета для приема на работу (Application form). Прочитайте и заполните ее:
Application form
Personal NAME________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________ Phone No.______________________________ Do you have a valid driving license YES NO Marital status _________________________ No. of dependents_______________________ EDUCATION _____________________________________________________ Name of School Year graduated Course Taken or Degree LANGUAGES Russian Excellent Good Fair English German French others _______________________________________ EXPERIENCE (Give present or last position first) Company Address Type of business/ industry employed (month & year) Position(s) held Supervisor's name Describe your duties Why did you leave |
Test yourself
1. Попросите на английском вашего друга:
o Помочь вам
o Перевести английский текст
o Присоединиться к вам вечером на вечеринке
o Передать вам ноты
o Следовать за вами
5 |
2. Измените предложения, используя местоимения в скобках:
o Let’s buy these biscuits (she)
o Let’s do this exercise at home (he)
o Let’s rehearse in the evening (they)
o Let’s go to the library (we)
o Let’s help them (I)
5 |
3. Переведите предложения, используя Let+дополнение:
o Давайте позавтракаем
o Давайте не будем смотреть этот фильм
o Давайте я куплю программу
o Пусть они придут к 6 часам
o Пусть он не смотрит в текст
5 |
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