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Практика: Covering letter I
Песня: Lucky
1. Прочитайте и исправьте предложения (данная информация ложная):
Пример: The sun goes round the earth. The sun doesn’t go round the earth. The earth goes round the sun.
1. The sun rises in the west.
2. Mice catch cats.
3. Carpenters (плотники) make things from metal.
4. My English teacher speaks seven foreign languages.
5. Violinist plays the piano.
6. My group mates study medicine.
2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple:
1. She (to learn) English.
2. I (to like) music.
3. My brother (to go) to school.
4. Michael (to do) his lessons every day.
5. She (to live) in the hostel.
6. After supper my sister (to go) for a walk with the dog.
7. We (to visit) our grandparents very often.
8. The girl (to sing) very well.
9. My father (to work) at musical school.
10. I usually (to have) dinner at 5 o’clock.
11. He (to want) to become a teacher.
12. Our mother (to come) home very late.
13. His brother (to go) in for sports.
14. She (to like) reading very much.
15. They often (to take) a bus to get to the University.
3. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму в Present Simple:
Ken Woodson ___________________ (not go) to work: he only ______________ (leave) his home town to go on holiday in the Caribbean. But Ken is a millionaire. He _____________ (write) books about money, and how to make a lot of it. His new book is called “Easy Money: How to make money without getting out of bed”. Ken _________ (live) in a large house near London. He ____________ (get up) at about eight o’clock in the morning, and ______________ (have breakfast) with his family. After breakfast, he ____________ (drive) his children to school, and _____________ (read) the newspaper in the garden until lunchtime. After lunch he _____________ (buy) and ____________ (sell) on the Internet. He ______________ (finish) work at four o’clock when his children come home. “I’ve got a simple system for making money,” Ken __________ (say). “It _______________ (not work) for everybody … but it ______________ (work) for me!”
4. Напишите вопросы о Кене:
1. (Where/ live)
2. (When/ get up)
3. (What/ do/ after breakfast)
4. (Where/ read the newspaper)
5. (Where/ go on holiday)
6. (What/ do after lunch)
5. Задайте правильно вопрос, используя вопросительное слово в скобках:
1. Irina feels tired. (Why?)
2. They want to buy some presents for their friends. (Where?)
3. Michel wants to catch the 6 o’clock train. (Why?)
4. Julia prefers to have lunch in the canteen. (Why?)
5. Every evening Peter walks with his dog. (Where?)
6. As a rule I get up early every morning. (Why?)
7. Snow melts (таять) in spring. (Why?)
8. He studies English in London (Where?)
9. I hate loud and noisy music. (Why?)
10. Ann usually helps her little brother with mathematics. (How?)
11. The Browns always go to the seaside in summer. (Where?)
12. Jane plays the piano every evening. (When?)
6. Перед прочтением текста ответьте на вопрос: Who can you call a friend?
Слово | Транскрипция | Перевод | Пример |
loyalty | ['lɔɪəltɪ] | верность | I always value loyalty in people |
playfellow | ['pleɪˌfeləu] | партнёр в развлечениях | What’s the difference between a playfellow and a helpmate? |
helpmate | ['helpmeɪt] | помощник | |
to stress | [stres] | подчеркивать | She stressed the most important things |
dear | [dɪə] | дорогой | My parents are very dear to me |
to make friends | подружиться | I hope they will make friends | |
hazel | [heɪzəl] | светло-карий | My brother has got hazel eyes |
sincere | [sɪn'sɪə] | искренний | Are you a sincere person? |
open-hearted | [ˌəupən'hɑːtɪd] | открытый | You don’t often meet open-hearted people now |
amusing | [ə'mjuːzɪŋ] | забавный, занимательный | The cat is very amusing |
to let down | предавать | He easily lets people down | |
to cool down | остынуть, охладеть | She needs some time to cool down | |
to keep away from | держаться подальше | You should keep away from her – she is really angry. | |
drawback | ['drɔːbæk] | недостаток | The work has a lot of drawbacks |
exception | [ɪk'sepʃən] | исключение | What exceptions from this rule do you know? |
to permit | ['pɜːmɪt] | разрешать | Your mother will not permit to take the dog home |
to interfere | [ˌɪntə'fɪə] | мешать, вмешиваться | Don’t interfere with me! |
My friend
To begin with, a man can have different friends. The English say that man’s best friend is his dog. Sometimes we say that books are our best friends. I think I am not a person who makes friends too quickly or too easily. I agree that the old friend is better than the two new ones. I am loyal to the friends I make and I expect the same loyalty in turn. I’d like to stress that a real friend is not only a playfellow or a helpmate. As the proverb puts it, a friend in need is a friend indeed. To my mind, a friend is a person dear to you, whom you trust and respect. I am lucky to have got such a friend as Helen. I made friends with her in the kindergarten and our friendship has been lasting since. |
At first I would like to tell you a few words about Helen’s appearance. She is a very good-looking girl, with beautiful blond hair and bright wide-opened hazel eyes. You need just to have a look at her to understand that she is a kind, sincere and open-hearted girl. She is lively, amusing and always interesting. She is always the centre of attention, but she is well-balanced and doesn’t let it go to her head. If she promises something, she always keeps her word. I am sure she will never let me down. |
We have many common interests. We both like reading books, going to the theatre, playing tennis. We both dream to become musicians. Moreover, our tastes do not differ, in fact, they are the same. Lena often helps me with my English as she did better than me at school. |
Sometimes she is too quick to get angry and too slow to cool down. When she loses her temper, it is better to keep away from her. In fact, any person has certain drawbacks, and neither she nor I are the exceptions from this general rule. But we do our best not to permit them to interfere with our friendship which I hope will last forever. |
7. В какой части текста можно найти следующую информацию:
1. Helen’s appearance.
2. Helen’s studies.
3. The author’s opinion about friendship.
4. Helen’s character.
5. Similarities between two friends
6. Proverbs and sayings about friends
8. Ответьте на вопросы:
o When did the author make friends with her best friend? What's the friend's name?
o What does Helen look like?
o What can you say about her character? What does the author appreciate in her?
o Are the girls different? Similar?
o What is loyalty? Do you think it's important?
9. Закончите предложения:
1. A friend in need …
2. Man’s best friend is…
3. The old friend is…
4. A real friend is…
С каким высказыванием Вы согласны / не согласны? Почему? Дайте распространенный ответ.
10. Пройдите тест «Are you a good friend?» и прокомментируйте результат:
1. Your friend wants to borrow your new trainers but you don’t want to lend them to anyone. What do you say?
a) “Buy your own trainers!”
b) “Sorry, but I don’t want to lend them to anyone.”
c) “Yes, of course.”
2. When you are alone in your friend’s bedroom, you see her dairy. Do you read it?
a) Yes.
b) No. That’s a terrible thing to do.
c) I read a little but then I stop.
3. Your friend phones you at 7 p.m. He is very upset because he can’t study for a test. You have tickets to go and see your favourite band in concert tonight. Do you:
a) Tell him to start studying earlier next time?
b) Miss the concert and go and help him?
c) Get up early to help him in the morning?
4. You see your best friend’s boy/girlfriend kissing someone else. Do you tell him/her?
a) No. It’s none of my business.
b) Yes.
c) No. I don’t want to upset him/her.
5. You and your best friend try to get into a music band. They ask him/her to play, but not you. What do you do?
a) Tell him/her not to join the team.
b) Say, “Well done!” and go and watch all the matches.
c) Be angry for a few days, then go and watch all the matches.
Mostly a: You don’t have many friends, do you? You are very selfish. Friendship can be fun, but sometimes it’s hard work.
Mostly b: You’re the best friend in the world. When your friend is happy, you’re happy too.
Mostly c: You have lots of friends, but maybe you don’t have one special friend. It’s a good idea to be more honest with your friends.
11. Прочитайте информацию ниже и узнайте, что такое covering letter и для чего его писать:
Сопроводительное письмо (covering letter), очень важная составляющая ваших документов при поиске работы. Именно с этого текста начинается ваше знакомство с потенциальным работодателем. Именно этот документ формирует первое впечатление и то настроение, с которым работодатель будет изучать ваше резюме. Поэтому стоит уделить составлению covering letter особое внимание.
Его цель – объяснить HR-менеджеру, почему вы высылаете свое резюме на вакансию в данной компании, и указать, какая информация из резюме демонстрирует, что вы подходящий кандидат на эту позицию.
Умелое использование сопроводительного письма предоставляет кандидату ряд преимуществ:
Резюме – «презентационный материал», который вы высылаете в десятки компаний. В сопроводительном письме можно указать причины, по которым вы обращаетесь именно к данному работодателю, и то, чем вас привлекает открытая вакансия.
Грамотно составленное сопроводительное письмо поможет вашему резюме выделиться в массе других обращений, ежедневно получаемых сотрудниками службы персонала.
12. Работа с песней:
v Проверьте, знаете ли вы слова в рамке:
knock lonely tears lost spin win makeup |
v Послушайте песню и отметьте глаголы, которые вы слышите в 3 лице единственном числе. Запишите эту форму:
wake up | |
knock | |
wait for | |
cry | |
miss | |
spin | |
keep | |
happen | |
come | |
do |
v Послушайте припев и впишите пропущенные слова:
She's so lucky, she's __________
But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking
If there's nothing missing __________
Then why do these tears come _________
Lost in an image, in a dream
But there's no one there to wake her up
And the world is spinning, and she keeps on winning
But tell me what happens when it stops?
They go…
"Isn't she ________, this Hollywood girl?"
And they say…
v Послушайте песню еще раз и отметьте строчки ниже в том порядке, в каком слышите:
Knock, knock, knock on the door | |
"Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" | |
This is a story about a girl named Lucky… | |
It's you they're all waiting for | |
"Best actress, and the winner is…Lucky!" | |
Early morning, she wakes up | |
"Oh my god…here she comes!" | |
It's time for makeup, perfect smile | |
She is so lucky, but why does she cry? | |
outside the arena waiting for Lucky" | |
If there's nothing missing in her life | |
They go… | |
Why do tears come at night? | |
And they say… | |
Isn't she lucky, this Hollywood girl? | |
"I'm Roger Johnson for Pop News standing |
Test yourself
1. Изучите информацию в таблице и выполните упражнения:
City | Job | Languages | Hobbies | |
Oleg | Yekaterinburg | Fashion design student | Russian, German | Cooking, ballet, reading |
John | New York | English teacher | English, French | Watching football, playing the guitar |
Maria | London | Secretary | English, Chinese, Spanish | Painting, going to the gym |
Nastya | Moscow | Music teacher | Russian, English | Playing tennis, playing the violin |
2. Используя Present Simple и информацию об Олеге, закончите предложения:
1. He ______________ (live) in Yekaterinburg.
2. He ______________ (study) fashion design.
3. He ______________(speak) Russian and German.
4. He ______________ (like) cooking and ballet.
4 |
3. Напишите предложения о Джоне, Марии и Насте:
1. John _______________________________ (teach).
2. He __________________________________ (live).
3. _____________________________________ (speak).
4. _____________________________________(play).
5. Maria ________________________________(live).
6. She __________________________________(speak).
7. ______________________________________ (work).
8. __________________________________ (go to the gym).
9. Nastya ________________________________ (speak).
10. She __________________________________ (live).
11. ______________________________________ (teach).
12. ______________________________________ (play).
12 |
4. Используя информацию об Олеге и Джоне напишите правильные короткие ответы:
1. Does Oleg come from Japan? ___________________________________________
2. Does he study economics? ___________________________________________
3. Does he speak English? ___________________________________________
4. Does he like ballet? ___________________________________________
5. Does John come from the USA? __________________________________________
6. Does he teach English?
7. Does he speak Chinese? ___________________________________________
8. Does he play the guitar? ___________________________________________
8 |
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