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III . Как, при помощи каких префиксов и суффиксов образованы слова:

2021-05-27 165
III . Как, при помощи каких префиксов и суффиксов образованы слова: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Requirement; greatest; construction; development; building; inland; metal-worker; home- produced; impassible; network; geographical; historical.

IV. Найдите в тексте синонимы:

Enterprise (n); growth(n); start (v); connect (v); order (v); principle (a); work (n); very big (ad); finish (v); various (a).

V. Дополните предложения:

1. Russian people were building the railway using…

2. The track went through…

3. By 1913 the railway network consisted of…

4. The Russian railway system was the largest…

VI. Составьте предложения из имеющихся слов:

1. went, impassible, through, the railway, mountains, huge, wide, taiga, rivers.

2. People, home-produced, building, Russian, were, the railway, materials.                                                                            

 3. To imagine, it is, Russia, difficult, today, the railways, without.

4. Railway, was, in, system, Europe, the largest, the Russian.

VII. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How many workers were involved into the construction?

2. What were job and living conditions?

3. When was the work on the line completed?

VIII Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Условия работы и жизни были чрезвычайно тяжёлыми.
2. Линии принадлежали государственным и частным компаниям.
3. Железная дорога стала символом России



Необходимо перевести отрывок из текста " Railways in Japan: History and Nowadays, ", пользуясь приведённым словарём, а так же выполнить задания и отправить на проверку преподавателю. Предварительно прочитайте " Основы технического перевода по специальности ".

The history of railways in Japan began in the year of 1872, when the first train for public use passed between Tokyo and Yokohama. The railway was only 22 km long. Its construction was completed under the guidance of British engineers..
During World War II the construction of new railways was stopped. After the war the work was followed.. Japan considerably increased the railway traffic on trunk lines. The main line between Tokyo and Kobe, as well as other principle lines started double- tracking. The CTC was put into operation..The Shinkansen line was planned for construction to take over some part of the traffic and for running trains at higher speeds.
In our days the total length of Japanese railways is 27 thousand kilometers. By the way, all railways in Japan are left - side. All the railways are private. The state railway company (Japanese Railways, JR) was divided into the East Company and the West Company about 50 years ago.
At present different types of trains are running in different directions. The passenger trains in Japan fall into four classes; there are local trains, rapid trains, limited expresses and super high speed trains "Shinkansen" (or "bullet - train").

Упражнения 8


I Переведите слова:

Between, during, war, tracking, extensively, super high, divided, fare, half, hour, average, besides.

II Подберите синонимы в тексте:

Railroad, begin (v), continue (v), principle (a), nowadays (a), fast (a), project (v), sort (n), to start working.

III Подберите антонимы в тексте:

Destruction  (n), finish (v), last (a), old (a), before (ad), single (a), locally (ad), slow (a), similar (a), continue (v).

IV Переведите, обращая внимание нам значение слова " It ":

1. This line is very important; it carries a lot of traffic.

2. It is a new powerful locomotive.

3. It is necessary to inspect regularly the tracks.

4. It was the Tokyo- Yokohama railway that was the first for public use in Japan.

V Переведите, обращая внимание на пассивный залог:

1. This railway was constructed before World War II.

2. The tracks were renovated on Japanese railways.

3. The state railway company was divided into the East Company and the West Company.

4. The design of “Maglev” is much discussed.

5. The bullet-train is being repaired.

6. The construction of double track has been already finished.

7. The drawings of a new line will be completed next month.

VII Переведите на английский язык:

1. Линия Синкансен была введена в эксплуатацию в 1964 году.

2. Пассажирские поезда подразделяются на пригородные, скорые, и экспрессы.

3. Первый поезд для общего пользования прошёл по линии в 1872 году.

4. Работы по строительству железной дороги были приостановлены.

5. Плата за проезд зависит от комфортности и скорости поезда.

6. На этом маршруте используются высокоскоростные поезда.

7. На пригородных линиях поезда идут с небольшими интервалами.



Необходимо перевести отрывок из текста " Railways in Japan: History and Nowadays, ", пользуясь приведённым словарём, а так же выполнить задания и отправить на проверку преподавателю. Предварительно прочитайте " Основы технического перевода по специальности".

The "Shinkansen Kingdom" is a very special thing. It is separated of the rest of the world with a meter - high fence. It has special tickets, stations and safety requirements. One can buy a ticket either in an automate or in the booking office. You need to buy a special ticket to enter the “Shinkansen Kingdom”.
All the "Shinkansen" trains, in their turn, are divided into "Kodama" (running with frequent stops), "Hikari” (making a few stops on the way) and "Nozomi" (making no stops). The fares are all different and even the carriages are not alike. The fare of "Nozomi" is the highest of all.
The "Shinkansen" net consists of 6 routes:; from Tokyo to Osaka, from Osaka to Fukuoki and 5 lines connecting Tokyo with north and north - west. The trains never get from line to line and are of different colors. The time intervals between trains are from 15 minutes till half an hour. The trains do not operate by night time.
The average speed of "bullet - train" is 200 km an hour but any weather changes decrease the speed to 30 - 40 km/h. So, in the case of snow the station tracks and switches are treated with salt by means of special devices.


Упражнения 9


I Правильно прочитайте слова:

Between, during, war, tracking, extensively, super high, divided, fare, half, hour, average, besides.

II Переведите слова и словосочетания:

Railroad, begin (v), continue (v), principle (a), nowadays (a), fast (a), project (v), sort (n), to start working.

III Подберите антонимы:

Destruction (n), finish (v), last (a), old (a), before (ad), single (a), locally (ad), slow (a), similar (a), continue (v).

IV Переведите, обращая внимание на значение слова " It ":

1. This line is very important; it carries a lot of traffic.

2. It is a new powerful locomotive.

3. It is necessary to inspect regularly the tracks.

4. It was the Tokyo- Yokohama railway that was the first for public use in Japan.

V Переделайте предложения по образцу:

Model: British engineers completed the construction of the line. - The construction was completed under the guidance of British engineers. -

1. The government stopped the constructions of the new lines  

2. The Japanese engineers designed a lot of productive facilities.

3. The railway is increasing the capital investments in new equipment.

4. These workshops produce the special cars for super high speed trains.

5. The train will achieve the average speed of 200 km/h.

6. The express has made a few stops on the way.

VII Переведите на английский язык:

1. Линия Синкансен состоит из 6 маршрутов.

2. Пассажирские поезда в Японии подразделяются на пригородные, скорые, экспрессы и супер-скоростные.

3. Временные интервалы составляют от 15 минут до получаса.

4. Поезда не ходят по ночам.

5. Плата за проезд отличается в поездах различной комфортности.

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