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Several types of communication are available for individuals working in the business environment.
Verbal communication is a type of communication that involves use of words for communicating. It may be oral, written and electronic.
Oral communication includes meetings, interviews, negotiations, group discussion, speeches, presentations, etc.
Written communication includes internal business memos, formal letters, agenda, reports, manuals and other various written communication forms.
The difference between oral and written communication can be enumerated as under:
- Ratio: According to a rough estimate, about 75% of total communication is oral whereas the rest is written.
- Data Safety: Data and information are safe in written communication while most of information is forgotten in oral communication.
- Nature of message: Written communication is used when the message is complex and oral communication is used for simple message.
- Legal Aspect: From legal point of view, oral communication is least reliable and written communication is much more reliable. For example, an oral promise may not be challenged in a court in general but a written promise can be challenged.
- Flow of information: Information can be transferred within a short period of time in oral communication but it takes more time in written communication.
- Non-verbal facilities: Oral communication can be supported by non-verbal facilities like gestures, postures etc. but such a support is impossible in written communication.
- Grammar & Accent: Oral communication required consideration for accent and pronunciation whereas written communication needs correct grammar and spelling.
Business technology has opened up new opportunities for business communication. Electronic communication methods include email, web conferencing, social networking, company websites, online chat and text messages. Electronic communication allows companies to send mass messages to several individuals quickly and at a low business cost.
2. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о видах деловых писем, правилах и особенностях их написания (Приложение 1). Письменно переведите деловое письмо и выполните задание к нему (Приложение 2).
3. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о правилах подготовки деловой презентации, особенностях выступления с публичной речью перед аудиторией (Приложение 3), а также с полезной лексикой, типовыми фразами для подготовки презентации (Приложение 4).
Составьте письменный текст презентации. Тематика презентации – описание компании, в которой работает студент, либо другой известной компании. Образец текста презентации о компании представлен в Приложении 5.
4. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о правилах написания резюме, его структуре и особенностях оформления (Приложение 6). Подготовьте в письменном виде резюме на английском языке для устройства на работу. Образец резюме представлен в Приложении 7. Резюме оформляется в печатном виде на листе A4.
Вариант 4.
1.Выполните работу с текстом.
а). Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
б). Составьте словарик к тексту.
в). Сформулируйте основное содержание текста в нескольких предложениях.
Nonverbal communication
The way you move, sit, walk, stand up, hold your head and carry yourself communicates a lot of information.
Gestures. We wave, point, beckon, and use our hands when we’re arguing or speaking animatedly. The meaning of gestures can be very different across cultures and regions, so it’s important to be careful to avoid misinterpretation. Very few gestures are universally understood and interpreted. What is perfectly acceptable in the United States may be rude, or even obscene, in other cultures. Facial expressionsfor happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust are the same across cultures.
Eye contact. The way you look at someone can communicate many things, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction.
In many Western societies, including the United States, a person who does not maintain 'good eye contact' is regarded as being slightly suspicious, or a 'shifty' character. Americans unconsciously associate people who avoid eye contact as unfriendly, insecure, untrustworthy, inattentive and impersonal. However, in contrast, Japanese children are taught in school to direct their gaze at the region of their teacher's Adam's apple or tie knot, and, as adults, Japanese lower their eyes when speaking to a superior, a gesture of respect.
Latin American cultures, as well as some African cultures, such as Nigeria, have longer looking time, but prolonged eye contact from an individual of lower status is considered disrespectful. In the US, it is considered rude to stare - regardless of who is looking atwhom. In contrast, the polite Englishman is taught to pay strict attention to a speaker, to listen carefully, and to blink his eyes to let the speaker know he or she has been understood as well as heard. Americans signal interest and comprehension by bobbing their heads or grunting.
A widening of the eyes can also be interpreted differently, depending on circumstances and culture. Take, for instance, the case of an American and a Chinese discussing the terms of a proposed contract. Regardless of the language in which the proposed contract is carried out, the US negotiator may interpret a Chinese person's widened eyes as an expression of astonishment instead of as a danger signal (its true meaning) of politely expressed anger.
2. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о видах деловых писем, правилах и особенностях их написания (Приложение 1). Письменно переведите деловое письмо и выполните задание к нему (Приложение 2).
3. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о правилах подготовки деловой презентации, особенностях выступления с публичной речью перед аудиторией (Приложение 3), а также с полезной лексикой, типовыми фразами для подготовки презентации (Приложение 4).
Составьте письменный текст презентации. Тематика презентации – описание компании, в которой работает студент, либо другой известной компании. Образец текста презентации о компании представлен в Приложении 5.
4. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о правилах написания резюме, его структуре и особенностях оформления (Приложение 6). Подготовьте в письменном виде резюме на английском языке для устройства на работу. Образец резюме представлен в Приложении 7. Резюме оформляется в печатном виде на листе A4.
Вариант 5.
1.Выполните работу с текстом.
а). Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
б). Составьте словарик к тексту.
в). Сформулируйте основное содержание текста в нескольких предложениях.
According to some authorities, the most important thing about introductions is that they be done. Almost any error you make will be forgiven; what may not be forgiven is failing to introduce someone at all.
Introductions in business are based on rank. The lower ranking person is introduced to the higher-ranking person. Perhaps easier to remember is that you say the name of the higher-ranking person first. Clients, senior executives or distinguished guests would be in this category. You introduce people to them. “Ms. Wilson (senior executive) I would like you to meet our new associate engineer, Tom Hill. Tom this is Ms. Wilson, our CEO.”
Everyone in the organization is introduced to a client or customer—the name of the customer is said first. “Robert Jones (your client) this is John Douglas, (your boss), senior vice president of Systems Industries. John, this is Robert Jones, Purchasing Agent, Silverstone Company.”
The name of an official or dignitary is said first, as, “Mayor Lee Brown I would like you to meet Mary McKinney”. A peer in your company is introduced to a peer from another company. Say the name of the person from outside your company first. A younger person is typically introduced to an older person. Say the older person’s name first. Introduce your spouse to your boss. The bosses name is said first. “Mr. Broderick, I would like to you to meet my husband, Martin Hammond. Martin, this is Mr. Broderick, my boss.” All guests, unless they are dignitaries or elderly, are introduced to the guest of honor.
Once again, the basis of business introductions is rank and then age, not gender.
Always stand when being introduced. It shows respect. Only if you are elderly, ill or physically unable to stand is it acceptable for you to remain seated while being introduced.
When introducing two people, include some information about each of them. Including extra information, such as their occupation, who their family is, mutual interests or how you know each other provides a base from which two people can start a conversation. If the gathering is a business function, the information you include usually something you know the other two will have in common, an occupational title, or something else that is work related.
2. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о видах деловых писем, правилах и особенностях их написания (Приложение 1). Письменно переведите деловое письмо и выполните задание к нему (Приложение 2).
3. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о правилах подготовки деловой презентации, особенностях выступления с публичной речью перед аудиторией (Приложение 3), а также с полезной лексикой, типовыми фразами для подготовки презентации (Приложение 4).
Составьте письменный текст презентации. Тематика презентации – описание компании, в которой работает студент, либо другой известной компании. Образец текста презентации о компании представлен в Приложении 5.
4. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о правилах написания резюме, его структуре и особенностях оформления (Приложение 6). Подготовьте в письменном виде резюме на английском языке для устройства на работу. Образец резюме представлен в Приложении 7. Резюме оформляется в печатном виде на листе A4.
Вариант 6.
1.Выполните работу с текстом.
а). Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
б). Составьте словарик к тексту.
в). Сформулируйте основное содержание текста в нескольких предложениях.
Tips for social etiquette
Social etiquette is important to use because it shows you are an educated individual concerned about your appearance and treatment of other people. Also, when you are in society it is frequently because of a particular event, so using etiquette will show your respect for those who invited you as well and will allow continued invitations to arrive in your mailbox.
There are some general rules to follow in order to engage in social etiquette conversation and be socially accepted.
Be Polite
Remember when you are in a social situation it is important to always be polite and respectful of other guests even if you disapprove of certain comments or other individuals are not being polite.
Make sure you follow the rules of social etiquette conversation and remember your manners, always saying thank you, you are welcome, please, and listening to others when they speak.
Ask Appropriate Questions
When you are socializing it is important to realize you are not at a debate and should steer away from questions that might cause one.
You do not want to cause a scene, so ask appropriate questions for the situation at hand, comment on the décor, and other surface topics that will keep the conversation going but will not cause any tension or anger to flare up.
Keep it Short
In social situations it is always important to understand the nature of social etiquette conversation and keep conversations short and socialize with everyone present. Remember, social etiquette conversation is pleasant and short. Exchange pleasantries with everyone in attendance.
Eye Contact and Personal Space
Making eye contact and allowing individuals their personal space is important in social etiquette conversation. This allows you to seem interested, polite and respectful of the other individual which are all social requirements.
2. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о видах деловых писем, правилах и особенностях их написания (Приложение 1). Письменно переведите деловое письмо и выполните задание к нему (Приложение 2).
3. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о правилах подготовки деловой презентации, особенностях выступления с публичной речью перед аудиторией (Приложение 3), а также с полезной лексикой, типовыми фразами для подготовки презентации (Приложение 4).
Составьте письменный текст презентации. Тематика презентации – описание компании, в которой работает студент, либо другой известной компании. Образец текста презентации о компании представлен в Приложении 5.
4. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о правилах написания резюме, его структуре и особенностях оформления (Приложение 6). Подготовьте в письменном виде резюме на английском языке для устройства на работу. Образец резюме представлен в Приложении 7. Резюме оформляется в печатном виде на листе A4.
Вариант 7.
1.Выполните работу с текстом.
а). Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
б). Составьте словарик к тексту.
в). Сформулируйте основное содержание текста в нескольких предложениях.
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