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Марта - умер Иосиф Сталин в СССР, в России

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Марта - умер Иосиф Сталин в СССР, в России 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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6 лет спустя речи Уинстона Черчилля, Осуждающая Коммунизм и СССР

умирает лидер СССР и коммунизма, Иосиф Сталин в СССР, в России






5 = Five [ файф ],  Fife [файф]

MI5 = МИ5 (МиФайф) (5 O'Clock  = Файф О Клок === 5/Five/Fife/Файф/5/Пять


5 марта = Синк-Марс = Файф Мач = 5th March


День Рождения 5 Марта: Знак Зодиака — Рыбы - Астрология


Дате 5 марта знак зодиака соответствует Рыбы, и в этот день рождаются очень легкие и непоседливые натуры. Они крайне чувствительны и эмоциональны, что неудивительно, если учесть, 5 марта — какой знак зодиака, при этом умны и очень гибки в своем подходе к реальности.



March 5th Zodiac

As Pisces born on March 5th, you are well known for your sensitivity, intuition and self sacrifice.


Рыбы, Созвездие Рыб

Pisces, Zodiac



Рыбы (Созвездие Рыб в Круге Зодиака)

Pisces (Zodiak)








Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richilieu, ("Aramis"? role)

Арманд Жан де Плесси, Кардинал Ришелье ("Арамис"? роль в "3х Мушкетёрах" А.Дюма)


Арман Жан дю Плесси, кардинал Ришелье,  

имеет его список карьерного роста как список событий из его жизни

как рыба плескалась, двигаясь и плавая в живой воде Франции.


Кардинал Ришелее,

Арманд Жан де Плесси, Armand Jean du Plessis 

плыл по жизни и карьере "как рыбка" (as a fish, a pisces),

делая свою карьеру,

"падая и вставая вновь и вновь", "заново".


5 марта = Созвездие Рыб


Созвездие Рыб

Constellation Of Pisces



(Fishes = Pisces === Plessis)


Александр Дюма мог "разделить" образ "Арамиса" как "мушкетёра и военного",

от и до и от. Вот - жизнь мушкетёра и военного. Вот, он же, как священник и Кардинал Ришелье. И эта "двоякость разделения", когда человек порой введёт внутренние споры с самим собой, молодым и полным идей. Где светкость власти и власть и быт диктуют поведение. И это разделение нужно показать самому себе границы от себя молодого,

с идеями молодых: ты тот же самый? тот же? что с тобой произошло и с нашими идеалами молодости?


И ответ себе молодому, глубинный и изнури: Я по прежнему служу Франции и Королю Франции, как Присягал, и, как я это понимаю.



Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richilieu, ("Aramis"? role)

Cardinal Richelieu,

Armand Jean de Plessis, Armand Jean du Plessis 

sailed through life and career

"like a fish" (as a fish, a pisces),

making your career,

"falling and rising again and again",



Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richilieu,  

he has his career growth list as list of events from his life

as a fish splashed, moving and swiming in a water of life in France.


fish рыба

fishes рыбы

Pieces Рыбы (Созвездие Рыб)

Plessis Плесси (du Plessis = де Плесси)

[ples] = плес, плёс = pond with a water, a lake

[Pleskastsia] = a water moved, a person swim in a water, waves moved



splash, dabble, splatter


(брызгать, барахтаться, журчать)

splash - брызгать, плескать

dabble - барахтаться, плескаться

splatter - журчать, плескаться

lap - лакать, плескаться






Созвездие Рыб

Constellation Of Pisces



(Fishes = Pisces === Plessis)



Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richilieu, ("Aramis"? role)



Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richilieu, ("Aramis"? role)


Alexander Dumas could "share" the image of "Aramis" as " musketeer and military",

from and to and from. This is the life of a musketeer and a soldier. Here he is, like the priest and Cardinal Richelieu. And this "twofold division", when a person sometimes introduces internal disputes with himself, young and full of ideas. Where the secularism of power and power and life dictate behavior. And this division needs to show itself the boundaries of itself.,

with the ideas of the young: are you the same? the same? what happened to you and our ideals of youth?


And answer yourself young, deep and inside: I still serve France and the King of France, as I swore, and as I understand it.




5 Five Fife Файф


Находим отлик ассоциаций: Британская Принцесса Леди Дафф, Герцогиня Файф

 Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Fife




 Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Fife

Британская Принцесса Александра,

Герцогиня Файф,  

Леди Файф

была 5ая в очереди наследования

Британского Престола



Александра (герцогиня Файф)

Александра Виктория Альберта Эдвина Луиза

Alexandra Victoria Alberta Edwina Louise


Из Википедии,


Принцесса Александра, 2-я герцогиня Файф

 (англ. Princess Alexandra, 2nd Duchess of Fife)


Принцесса Александра, 2-я герцогиня Файф

 (англ. Princess Alexandra, 2nd Duchess of Fife,

при рождении леди Александра Виктория Альберта Эдвина Луиза Дафф,

англ. Lady Alexandra Victoria Alberta Edwina Louise Duff;

17 мая 1891 — 26 февраля 1959)

— член британской королевской семьи,

внучка короля Эдуарда VII


На момент своего рождения она была пятой в линии наследования.


Вместе со своей сестрой

Александра была потомком короля Вильгельма IV

и его племянницы королевы Виктории.


В 1900 году

отцу Александры было пожаловано второе герцогство

с тем же названием,

которое, в отличие от первого, могло быть унаследовано его дочерьми;

таким образом,

Александра стала наследницей титула отца.


5 ноября 1905 года

король Эдуард VII дал свой старшей дочери титул королевской принцессы.

Он распорядился опубликовать в официальном обращении, что

 леди Александра Дафф и её сестре леди Мод Дафф

присуждается титул Её высочество принцесса Александра.


Приблизительно в 1910 году

принцесса Александра была тайно помовлена

с принцем Христофором Греческим,

сыном короля Георга I и его жены Ольги Константиновны.  

Однако родители жениха помолвку не одобрили, и вскоре она была расторгнута.


(Поскольку отец принца Кристофера был младшим братом бабушки принцессы Александры по материнской линии, эта обнадеживающая пара были двоюродные брат и сестра, кузены (1ые кузены удалённые 1 раз по колену)).


12 января 1912 года скончался отец Александры, 1-й герцог Файф, и согласно распоряжению 1900 года она стала 2-й герцогиней Файф в своём праве, пэром Соединённого Королевства.



15 октября 1913 года в Королевской часовне Сент-Джеймсского дворца (Лондон) принцесса Александра вышла замуж за принца Артура, единственного сына Артура Уильяма Патрика, герцога Коннаутского и Страхарнского. Супруги были двоюродными дядей и племянницей. После свадьбы Александре был присуждён титул Её Королевское высочество принцесса Артур Коннаутская, герцогиня Файф.


Дальнейшая жизнь


Во время Первой мировой войны

принцесса Артур Коннаутская

работала медсестрой

в госпитале Св. Марии в Паддингтоне.


Когда Артур в 1920 годы

был назначен генерал-губернатором в Южно-Африканский Союз,

она сопроводила его в Преторию,

попутно работая

в больницах.


После войны пара возвратилась в Англию.

В 1914 году у них родился сын Аластер Коннаутский,

ставший в 1942 году после смерти деда герцогом Коннаутским,

но умерший в следующем году.



(в Годы 2ой Мировой Войны с 1939 года, 

британская принцесса

работала как

старшая сестра отделения по расчистке раненых 2ой Лондонской больницы общего профиля в Лондоне)



Принцесса Александра

умерла в своём доме близ Примроуз-Хилл, Лондон,

26 февраля 1959 года.

Она была похоронена в часовне Мар-Лодж.


Поскольку её единственный сын скончался раньше,

титул герцога Файф перешел

к её племяннику Джеймсу Карнеги (1929—2015).


Награды и титулы


17 мая 1891 — 5 ноября 1905: Леди Александра Дафф

5 ноября 1905 — 22 января 1912: Её Высочество принцесса Александра Файф

22 января 1912 — 15 октября 1913: Её Высочество принцесса Александра, герцогиня Файф

15 октября 1913 — 26 февраля 1959: Её Королевское Высочество принцесса Артур Коннаутская, герцогиня Файф




Королевский Красный Крест (1 класс)

Орден Святого Иоанна Иерусалимского

Королевский семейный орден короля Эдварда VII

Королевский семейный орден короля Георга V[3]



Александра (герцогиня Файф)




Princess Alexandra, 2nd Duchess of Fife


Princess Arthur of Connaught, 2nd Duchess of Fife, RRC, GCStJ (Alexandra Victoria Alberta Edwina Louise Duff; Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Fife before marriage; 17 May 1891 – 26 February 1959) was a granddaughter of King Edward VII and great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria.


Alexandra's father was Alexander Duff, 1st Duke of Fife. Having succeeded his father as the 6th Earl Fife, he was elevated to Duke of Fife and Marquess of Macduff in the Peerage of the United Kingdom on his marriage in 1889 to Princess Louise of Wales, the eldest daughter of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, the future Edward VII. Princess Louise accordingly became the Duchess of Fife.


Alexandra was born at East Sheen Lodge, Richmond on 17 May 1891.


As a female-line granddaughter of the British monarch, Alexandra was not entitled to the title of "Princess", nor to the style of Her Royal Highness. Instead she was styled Lady Alexandra Duff, as the daughter of a duke, even though


she was born fifth in the line of succession to the British throne.


Alexandra and her sister were unique among British princesses in that they were descended from both William IV (through his mistress, Dorothea Jordan), and William IV's niece, Queen Victoria, who succeeded him because he left no legitimate issue.


She was baptised at the Chapel Royal, St James's Palace on 29 June 1891 by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Edward White Benson. Her godparents were Queen Victoria and the Prince and Princess of Wales


Princess Alexandra


Princess Alexandra

On 9 November 1905, King Edward VII declared his eldest daughter Princess Royal. He further ordered Garter King of Arms to gazette Lady Alexandra Duff and her sister Lady Maud Duff with the style and attribute of Highness and the style of Princess prefixed to their respective Christian names, with precedence immediately after all members of the British Royal Family bearing the style of Royal Highness. From that point, Her Highness Princess Alexandra held her title and rank, not from her ducal father, but from the decree issued by will of the sovereign (her grandfather).


Around 1910, Alexandra became secretly engaged to Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark, a son of King George I of the Hellenes. The engagement was terminated when their disapproving parents learned of the liaison. As Prince Christopher's father was a younger brother of Princess Alexandra's maternal grandmother, the hopeful couple were first cousins once removed


(Поскольку отец принца Кристофера был младшим братом бабушки принцессы Александры по материнской линии, эта обнадеживающая пара были двоюродные кузины.)



On 15 October 1913, Princess Alexandra married her first cousin, once removed,[3] Prince Arthur of Connaught at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace, London.[4]


The bride's attendants were:[5]


Princess Mary, daughter of King George V.

Princess Mary of Teck and Princess Helena of Teck, daughters of Prince Adolphus, Duke of Teck (brother of Queen Mary).

Princess May of Teck, daughter of Prince Alexander of Teck (brother of Queen Mary) and Princess Alice of Albany.

Princess Maud, the bride's sister.

Prince Arthur of Connaught was the only son of the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, third son of Queen Victoria and thus a younger brother of her maternal grandfather, King Edward VII. As such, Arthur and Alexandra were first cousins once removed.


After their marriage, Alexandra was referred to as HRH Princess Arthur of Connaught, in accordance with the tradition that a wife normally shares the title and style of her husband.


With her husband, Alexandra also carried out royal engagements on behalf of her uncle, King George V, and later for her cousin, King George VI. She also served as a Counsellor of State between 1937 and 1944.


Nursing career


Braemar, Mar Lodge Estate, St Ninian's Chapel – Grave of the 2nd Duchess of Fife (1891–1959)


Princess Arthur of Connaught with her only son Alastair.

World War I gave to Princess Arthur of Connaught the opportunity to embrace a vocation of nursing in which she subsequently made a highly successful career. In 1915 she joined the staff of St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, as a full-time nurse and worked untiringly in this capacity until the armistice. After the war she continued her training at St. Mary's, becoming a state registered nurse in 1919 and being awarded a first prize for a paper on eclampsia. She also served in Queen Charlotte's Hospital where she specialized in gynaecology, receiving a certificate of merit. Throughout these years Princess Arthur increasingly impressed her superiors by her technical skill and practical efficiency.


When her husband was appointed governor-general of the Union of South Africa, Princess Arthur ably seconded him and shared his popularity. Her tact and friendliness made her many friends among the South Africans, who also greatly admired the interest which she displayed in hospitals, child welfare, and maternity work throughout the Union. To these subjects she brought her exceptional personal knowledge and experience, which enabled her to make many effective and valuable suggestions.


On her return to London in 1923, Princess Arthur resumed her nursing career at University College Hospital, where she was known as Nurse Marjorie, and subsequently at Charing Cross Hospital. At this time she was specializing in surgery, proving herself a competent, dependable, and imperturbable theatre sister, who was capable of performing minor operations herself and of instructing juniors in their duties. Her services to the nursing profession were recognized in July 1925, when she was awarded the badge of the Royal Red Cross by George V.


The outbreak of

World War II

in 1939

afforded Princess Arthur further scope

for her nursing abilities.

She refused the offer of a post as matron of a hospital in the country,

preferring to become


sister-in-charge of the casualty clearing station of the Second London General Hospital.


(в Годы 2ой Мировой Войны с 1939 года, 

британская принцесса

работала как

старшая сестра отделения по расчистке раненых 2ой Лондонской больницы общего профиля в Лондоне)


Shortly thereafter, she opened the Fife Nursing Home in Bentinck Street which she personally equipped, financed, and administered as matron for ten years with great competence. [6]


On 26 April 1943

her only child, Alastair, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, died unexpectedly while in Canada, which came as "a crushing blow and a great shock" to her.



In 1949

the multiple-rheumatoid-arthritis,

from which Princess Arthur had suffered for many years,

rendered her completely crippled and necessitated the closing of her nursing-home.


She retired to her house near Regent's Park where


she wrote for private circulation

two autobiographical fragments

in a vivid and entertaining style:


A Nurse's Story (1955)                         and

Egypt and Khartoum (1956)    ,


in which she gave a graphic account of the shipwreck of

SS Delhi

which ran aground in fog and heavy seas in 1911

 – Princess Arthur, her sister and mother nearly died

but her father Alexander Duff, 1st Duke of Fife subsequently died as a result of his injuries.

She was engaged on a further volume on big-game hunting in South Africa when she died at her London home on 26 February 1959.


At her special request she was cremated, and her ashes were laid in St Ninian's Chapel, Braemar on the Mar Lodge estate.


(По ее особому желанию она была кремирована, и ее прах был положен в часовне Святого Ниниана, Бремар, в поместье Мар Лодж.)


Titles, styles, honours and arms


Titles and styles


17 May 1891 – 9 November 1905: Lady Alexandra Duff

9 November 1905 – 29 January 1912: Her Highness Princess Alexandra

29 January 1912 – 15 October 1913: Her Highness Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Fife

15 October 1913 – 26 February 1959: Her Royal Highness Princess Arthur of Connaught, Duchess of Fife




Royal Red Cross

Dame Grand Cross of the Most Venerable Order of St John of Jerusalem (elevated from Dame of Justice)

Royal Family Order of King Edward VII

Royal Family Order of King George V


Honorary military appointments


Colonel-in-chief, Royal Army Pay Corps

Political Appointment

Counselor of State {1944}


Princess Alexandra, 2nd Duchess of Fife



5 марта в истории человечества Земли

события, люди, рождения, смерти, свадьбы


March 5 in Earth's human history

events, people, births, deaths, weddings


sward [суод]  газон

sword [сод]     меч, шпага




Перевод Яндекса





ward [вод]


камера (chamber)

опека (custody)

отделение (branch)

приход (parish)

питомец (pet)

воспитанник (pupil)

больничная палата (hospital ward)


hospital ward - больничная палата






sward [суод]

sward - газон


газон       (lawn [лон])

травостой (herbage [хёбейг])

дерн    (turf [туф])

дернина (sod [сод])

луг         (meadow [мидоу])



lawn, grass, sward, turf (лужайка, трава, дерн)


grass [грас] 






sword, blade (шпага, клинок)


sword [сод]




Шпага — холодное колюще-рубящее или колющее оружие, разновидность меча, состоящее из длинного, прямого одно-двухлезвийного или граненого клинка и рукояти с дужкой и гардой различной формы. В спортивном фехтовании существуют также рапира и эспадрон. Но если рапира возникла как облегченная шпага, то эспадрон имеет независимое происхождение.





From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Henri Coiffier de Ruze, Marquis of Cinq-Mars


The Execution of Cinq-Mars and de Thou.


Henri Coiffier de Ruze, Marquis of Cinq-Mars (1620 – 12 September 1642) was a favourite of King Louis XIII of France, who led the last and most nearly successful of many conspiracies against the Cardinal Richelieu, the king's powerful first minister.


Cinq-Mars was the son of Marshal Antoine Coiffier de Ruze, marquis d'Effiat, a close friend of Cardinal Richelieu, who took the boy under his protection on his father's death in 1632.



As the son of the marquis d'Effiat, a famous Superintendent of Finances who was also a good friend of Richelieu's, Cinq-Mars came to court very early.


In 1639,

after the exile of the royal favourite Marie de Hautefort,

Richelieu introduced the young Cinq-Mars to Louis,

hoping he would find favour with the king,

thus allowing Richelieu to exercise even greater control over the king.


Cinq-Mars indeed quickly established himself as a royal favourite, and was raised to Grand Squire of France.


The cardinal believed he could easily control Cinq-Mars, but instead Cinq-Mars pressed the king for important favours and tried to convince the king to have Richelieu executed.


In 1641,

Cinq-Mars was active in the Comte de Soissons' rebellion, but the effort failed.


The next year,

he conspired again with the king's brother, Gaston, Duke of Orleans,

to try to get support

for the rebellion from Philip IV, the king of Spain;


Richelieu's spy service caught him doing so.



Richelieu had Cinq-Mars imprisoned and beheaded in the Place des Terreaux in Lyon,

along with his accomplice, Francois Auguste de Thou.


The French writer, Tallemant, relates that


the king showed no emotions concerning the execution:

he said

 "Je voudrais bien voir la grimace qu'il fait à cette heure sur cet échafaud"

 ('I would like to see the grimace he is now making on this scaffold').

("I would like to see the grimace he makes at this hour on this scaffold.")

("Я хотел бы видеть гримасу, которую он делает в этот час на этом эшафоте")


The Marquis of Cinq-Mars' last words were,

"Mon Dieu! Qu’est-ce que ce monde".

("Jesus Christ! What is this world")

("Боже мой! Что это за мир")




Alfred de Vigny wrote a novel Cinq-Mars, inspired by the story of the marquis, and published in 1826. Charles Gounod wrote an opera of the same name which premiered on April 5, 1877.


Barbara Strozzi composed a cantata about the execution of the marquis ("Il lamento sul Rodano severo").


A famous historical painting by Paul Delaroche shows Cardinal Richelieu in a gorgeous barge, preceding the boat carrying Cinq-Mars and De Thou to their execution.


Historical accounts are Jeanne-Pauline Basserie, La conjuration de Cinq-Mars (Paris, 1896) and Anais Bazin, Histoire de France sous Louis XIII (Paris).


External links


Cinq-Mars at Project Gutenberg

Historiettes (in 17th century French)

Detailed history: Conspiration et mort de Cinq-Mars (in French)


 1642: Henri Coiffier de Ruze, Marquis of Cinq-Mars, Executed Today, September 12, 2012, retrieved May 24, 2018

 Cinq-Mars; ou, Une conjuration sous Louis XIII; précédée de réflexions sur la vérité dans l'art, accompagnée de documents historiques. Online (Archive.org)

 Vol I (1840), Vol III, Livre IX

Henri Coiffier de Ruzé, Marquis of Cinq-Mars


Henri Coiffier de Ruze, Marquis of Cinq-Mars



Ришельё, Арман Жан дю Плесси



Cardinal de Richelieu





На обортной стороне картины надписи



BR 496




БР 496





R - Richelieu

P - Ришелье



R - Richelieu - governor of the town Le Havre (1637)


"The fine church organs [of Le Havre Cathedral in Le Havre] were the gift of the Cardinal de Richelieu in 1637, when he was governor of the town."

P - Ришелье - губернатор города Гавр во Франции (1637)

"Прекрасные церковные органы [ Гаврскому Собору (Le Havre Cathedral] в Гавре ]

были подарены кардиналом де Ришелье в 1637 году, когда он был губернатором города [ Гавр ]."


Le Havre Cathedral


Ещё с Википедии:

"Крепостные укрепления в Гавре были вновь усилены в XVI веке, когда губернатором города был кардинал Ришелье."

взято из Википедии:

"Гавр" (Гавр, Франция / Le Havre, France)







BR 496

БР 496



Richelieu Bacchus




Cardinal de Richelieu



I mean, as some 1st versa


BR - British Royalty

BR 496  "Bacchus Richelieu"


B - Benini

B.R. (name and surname of The Artist)

B.R. (name and surname of Owner)

B.R. (name and surname The Expert)

B.R. (name of Palace/House/Organization/village/town/


B.R. = Б.Р. может быть аббвиатура

художник картины

владелец картины (продавец или покупатель)

место, где хранилось и откуда картина (горд, деревня, замок, название дома)

эксперт, оценщик картины и её состояния и стоимости

и другие версии



Р - Ришелье попадает под букву R

Havre Гавр идёт в связке с Импенем Ришелье через Гаврский Собор

с подношением церковного органа Собору в подарок от Ришелье.


Это не обязательно, что это именно так, но стоит проверить, как версию и некую возможность некой истории.


Кстати! Порой музейные запасники избавляются от хранящихся там экспонатов, часть иногда продаются. Часть утилизируются. Отчего может иногда быть и история, что нечто, переданное работниками музея на утилизацию и на уничтожение, кто-то вдруг взял и сохранил (книги, картины, вещи), порой даже и случайно, не специально.


"Музеи мира. 100 шедевров - Page 29 - Google Books Result

М. Терешина - 2017 - ‎Reference

Так, благодаря Людвигу Баварскому художественное собрание музея... десятков картин были конфискованы из Кунстхаллеи впоследствии уничтожены.... эпохи классицизма, романтизма, импрессионизма и раннего модернизма."






Cardinal de Richelieu




From Wikipedia 


Cardinal Richelieu


Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis, Duke of Richelieu (9 September 1585 – 4 December 1642), commonly referred to as Cardinal Richelieu

Cardinal de Richelieu


Richelieu Bacchus      

 the art items

by Bernini,

two famous

Bacchanales of Nicolas Poussin,...



Cardinal de Richelieu

Governor of Le Harve town in 1637


Richelieu has been depicted in popular fiction frequently, most notably as the lead villain in Alexandre Dumas's novel The Three Musketeers and its numerous film adaptations.



Cardinal de Richelieu




Le Havre



Le Havre Cathedral



"The fine church organs were the gift of the Cardinal de Richelieu in 1637, when he was governor of the town."


Le Havre Cathedral



Гавр (Le Havre)




Ришельё, Арман Жан дю Плесси, Герцог Ришельё (Ришелье)

Armand-Jean du Plessis, duc de Richelieu;

9 сентября 1585, Париж — 4 декабря 1642, Париж),

также известен как кардинал Ришельё или Красный кардинал (фр. l'Eminence rouge) — кардинал Римско-католической церкви, аристократ и государственный деятель Франции. Кардинал Ришельё занимал посты государственных секретарей по военным и иностранным делам с 1616 по 1617 год и был главой правительства (первым министром короля) с 1624 года до своей смерти.


Ришельё, Арман Жан дю Плесси




Le Havre




From Wikipedia


Le Havre

Commune in France

Le Havre

is a major port in northern France's Normandy region,

where the Seine River meets the English Channel.

It's joined to the city across the estuary, Honfleur, by the Pont de Normandie cable-stayed bridge. Following WWII, Le Havre's heavily damaged city center was famously redesigned by Belgian architect Auguste Perret. Today it features many landmark examples of reinforced-concrete architecture.  

The name Le Havre means "the harbour" or "the port".

Its inhabitants are known as Havrais or Havraises.

Le Havre is located 50 kilometres (31 miles) west of Rouen on the shore of the English Channel and at the mouth of the Seine. Numerous roads link to Le Havre with the main access roads being the A29 autoroute from Amiens and the A13 autoroute from Paris linking to the A131 autoroute.


The city and port Le Havre

were founded by King Francis I in 1517. 

(16th century)


After the 1944 bombings

the firm of Auguste Perret began to rebuild the city in concrete.


City rebuilt after 1945.

Plan of Le Havre and its town centre rebuilt after the Second World War

Largely destroyed during the Second World War, the city was rebuilt according to the plans of the architect Auguste Perret between 1945 and 1964.


Only the town hall and the Church of Saint Joseph (107m high) were personally designed by Auguste Perret. In commending the reconstruction work UNESCO listed the city of Le Havre on 15 July 2005 as a World Heritage Site

Its port is the second largest in France, after that of Marseille, for total traffic, and the largest French container port.

In 2005 UNESCO inscribed the central city of Le Havre as a World Heritage Site.


The Andre Malraux Modern Art Museum

 is the second of France for the number of impressionist paintings.



History (article 1st)



Main articles: History of Le Havre and Timeline of Le Havre


Le Havre in the late 19th century

When founded in 1517, the city was named Franciscopolis after Francis I of France. It was subsequently named Le Havre-de-Grâce ("Harbor of Grace"; hence Havre de Grace, Maryland). Its construction was ordered to replace the ancient harbours of Honfleur and Harfleur whose utility had decreased due to silting.


The history of the city is inextricably linked to its harbour. In the 18th century, as trade from the West Indies was added to that of France and Europe, Le Havre began to grow. On 19 November 1793, the city changed its name to Hâvre de Marat and later Hâvre-Marat in honor of the recently deceased Jean-Paul Marat, who was seen as a martyr of the French Revolution. By early 1795, however, Marat's memory had become somewhat tarnished, and on January 13, 1795, Hâvre-Marat changed its name once more to simply Le Havre, its modern name. During the 19th century, it became an industrial center.


At the end of World War I Le Havre played a major role as the transit port used to wind up affairs after the war.[50]


The city was devastated during the Battle of Normandy when 5,000 people were killed and 12,000 homes were totally destroyed before its capture in Operation Astonia. The center was rebuilt in a modernist style by Auguste Perret.




The name of the town was attested in 1489,

even before it was founded by Francois I

in the form le Hable de Grace


Ville de Grace in 1516,

 two years before its official founding.


 The learned and transient name of


in tribute to the same king,


is encountered in some documents then that of

Havre Marat,

referring to

Jean-Paul Marat

during the French Revolution but was not imposed.


However it explains why the complementary determinant -de-Grace was not restored. This qualifier undoubtedly referred to the Chapel of Notre Dame located at the site of the cathedral of the same name. The chapel faced the Chapel Notre Dame de Grace of Honfleur across the estuary. The common noun havre meaning "port" was out of use at the end of the 18th or beginning of the


19th centuries but is still preserved in the phrase havre de paix meaning "safe haven".

It is generally considered a loan

from Middle Dutch from the 12th century.

A Germanic origin can explain the "aspiration" of the initial h.


New research however focuses on the fact that

 the term was attested very early (12th century) and in Norman texts in the forms


Hable, hafne, havene, havne, and haule

makes a Dutch origin unlikely.


 By contrast, a Scandinavian etymology is relevant given the old Scandinavian

 (hofn (2dots.. above o)) (genitive hafnar) or


meaning "natural harbour" or "haven"

and probably dates back to the ancient Scandinavian stafn


Le Havre



From Wikipedia



Le Havre Cathedral (French: Cathedrale Notre-Dame du Havre)

is a Roman Catholic church in Le Havre, France.


The cathedral was previously a parish church dating from the 16th and 17th centuries,

and is the oldest of the very few buildings in central Le Havre to have survived the devastation of World War II.


The belltower dates from around 1520 and the main facade is Baroque. The building was kept unusually low because of the difficulties posed by the unstable ground.


The fine church organs

 were the gift of the

Cardinal de Richelieu

in 1637,

when he was governor of the town.




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