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III The Absolute Participle Construction with Participle II (non-prepositional)

2020-10-20 206
III The Absolute Participle Construction with Participle II (non-prepositional) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Абсолютный причастный оборот с Причастием II без предлога

E.g.: The preparation completed, we started off.

Когда приготовления были закончены, мы отправились в путь.

The Absolute Participle Construction with Participle II (non-prepositional) = = существительное или местоимение + P II.

Данный оборот в предложении выполняет функцию обстоятельства образа действия, причины, времени, условия.


He sat on the sofa, his legs crossed.

This said, he turned his back.

My attention distracted, I didn’t notice her.

This once done, he will repeat.


IV The Prepositional Absolute Participle Construction with Participle II

Абсолютный причастный оборот с Причастием II с предлогом

E.g.: She went on reading with her eyes fixed on the pages.

Она продолжала читать, и ее глаза были прикованы к страницам.

The Prepositional Absolute Participle Construction with Participle II = предлог with + существительное в именительном падеже + Participle II.

Данный оборот в предложении выполняет функцию обстоятельства образа действия.


It’s unhealthy to sleep with the windows shut.





ability |əˈbɪlɪti| – способность,возможность   hydroelectric station |hʌɪdrəʊɪˈlɛktrɪk| – гидроэлектростанция  
forms of energy – формы энергии   to drive – приводить в движение
heat |hiːt| – т епловая   turbine |ˈtəːbʌɪn| – турбина
mechanical |məˈkænɪkl| – механическая   to produce – производить, создавать, порождать  
electrical|ɪˈlɛktrɪk(ə)l| – электрическая (электро) in one’s turn – в свою очередь
chemical |ˈkemɪkl| – химическая to employ – использовать, применять  
atomic |əˈtɒmɪk| – атомная   source |sɔːs| – источник
solar |ˈsəʊlə| – солнечная generator |ˈdʒɛnəreɪtə| – источник энергии, генератор  
potential |pəˈtenʃl| – потенциальная (скрытая) kind |kaɪnd| – вид, род
kinetic |kɪˈnetɪk| – кинетическая   to harness |ˈhɑːnəs| – использовать
to change|tʃeɪn(d)ʒ|– менять, превращаться semiconductor |ˌsɛmɪkənˈdʌktə| – полупроводник
to turn |tɜːn| – меняться, превращаться   waterfall |ˈwɔːtəfɔːl| – водопад


Scientifically speaking, energy is the ability to do work. There are various forms of energy, such as: heat, mechanical, electrical, chemical, atomic and so on. One might also mention the two kinds of mechanical energy – potential and kinetic, potential energy being energy of position while kinetic energy is energy of motion. It is well known that one form of energy can be changed into another.

    Take a waterfall as an example. Water falling from its raised position, energy changes from potential to kinetic. If there is a hydroelectric station at the waterfall, the energy of the falling water is used to drive the turbines. The turbines, driven by the kinetic energy of the running water, turn electric generators, these generators producing electric energy. Thus, the mechanical energy of falling water is turned into electric energy. The electric energy, in its turn, may be transformed into any other necessary form.

When an object loses its potential energy, that energy is turned into kinetic energy. Thus, in the above-mentioned example when water is falling from its raised position, it certainly loses its potential energy, that energy changing into kinetic energy.

We have already seen that energy of some kind must be employed to generate the electric current. The sources of energy usually employed to produce current are either chemical, as in the battery, or mechanical, as in the electromagnetic generator. Chemical sources of current having a limited application, the great quantities of electric energy generated today come from various forms of mechanical energy.

Needless to say that rising standards of modern civilization and growing industrial applications result in an increasing need of energy. Every year we need more and more electric energy for the useful things that are done only owing to electricity. However, the energy sources of the world are decreasing at the same time as the energy needs of the world are increasing. These needs will continue to grow as more motors and melted metals are used in industry and more electric current is employed in our everyday life. As a result, it is necessary to find new sources of energy.

The sun is an unlimited source of energy. However, at present, only a little part of solar energy is being used directly. How can we employ solar energy directly to produce useful energy? This is a question which has interested scientists and inventors for a long time. Lavoisier and other great scientists of the past melted metals with the help of solar furnaces. Today solar furnaces illustrate just one of the numerous ways to harness the sun. Using semiconductors, scientists, for example, have transformed solar energy into electric energy.


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