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Ю.Н. Сидоренко
И.Н. Чурилова
Учебное пособие для бакалавров энергетических специальностей
всех форм обучения
Издательство ОмГТУ
УДК 811.111(075)
ББК 81.432.1я73
Ю. М.Калашникова, канд. филол. наук, ст. преподаватель кафедры
иностранных языков ОмА МВД России;
Т. А.Галкина, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры
иностранных языков СибАДИ
Сидоренко, Ю. Н.
С34 Английский язык: учеб. пособие для бакалавров энергетических специальностей всех форм обучения/Ю.Н. Сидоренко,
И. Н. Чурилова; Минобрнауки России, ОмГТУ. – Омск: Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2019. – 85 с.
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов очного, вечернего и заочного отделений энергетических специальностей технического вуза. Каждый раздел содержит грамматический материал, а также тексты для обучения чтению, переводу и аннотированию. Кроме того, представлены дополнительные упражнения для самостоятельной работы.
УДК 811.111(075)
ББК 81.432.1я73
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета
Омского государственного технического университета
© ОмГТУ, 2019 |
П редислови е…………………………………………………………….. | 4 |
Part I. My future job | |
Unit 1. My Speciality………………………………………………………………... | 5 |
Unit 2.Generators……………………………………………………………………. | 9 |
Unit 3.Transformers…………………………………………………………………. | 12 |
Part II. Grammar (Verbals) | |
Unit 4. Participle. Text. Electrical Current Serves Us In A Thousand Ways……….. | 15 |
Unit 5. Participle Constructions. Text. Energy……………………………………... | 21 |
Unit 6. Gerund. Text. Lightning…………………………………………………...... | 26 |
Unit 7. Gerundial Construction. Text. Atmospheric Electricity…………………...... | 31 |
Unit 8. Infinitive. Text. From the History of Electricity…………………………….. | 35 |
Unit 9. Infinitive Constructions. Text. Electric Current…………………………..... | 40 |
Part III. Material for reading practice | |
Unit 10. Electric circuit……………………………………………………………… | 46 |
Unit 11. Potential difference, electromotive force and resistance…………………... | 51 |
Unit 12. The heating effect of an electric current…………………………………… | 55 |
Unit 13. The magnetic effect on an electric current…………………………………. | 59 |
Unit 14.Generators…………………………………………………………………... | 63 |
Unit 15. Electric motor………………………………………………………….. | 67 |
Abstract……………………………………………………………………………... | 76 |
Additional texts for abstract……………………………………………………… | 79 |
Библиографический список …………………………………………………….. | 85 |
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 2-го курса Энергетического института, изучающих английский язык. Актуальность издания данного учебного пособия определяется необходимостью обеспечения студентов учебным материалом для освоения английской терминологии по энергетическим специальностям.
Учебное пособие состоит из 15 уроков и включает в себя темы профессионального характера. Выбранные темы соответствуют содержанию профессиональной деятельности студентов, обучающихся в энергетическом институте. В учебное пособие включены терминология, текстовый материал, лексические упражнения, позволяющие студентам достичь определенного уровня языковой компетенции в таких сферах как электрооборудование и электрохозяйство предприятий, организаций и учреждений, электроснабжение, теплоэнергетика и электроэнергетика. Упражнения направлены на формирование и развитие навыков чтения.
Пособие обладает логично выстроенной системой упражнений, позволяющих осуществлять познавательную и коммуникативную деятельность, развивать способности к профессиональному взаимодействию.
Part I. My future job
My Speciality
to train specialists |treɪn ˈspeʃəlɪsts| – готовить специалистов | transmission |tranzˈmɪʃ(ə)n| line – линия передач |
information-measuring technique |ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n ˈmeʒərɪŋ tɛkˈniːk|– информационно - измерительная техника | distribution |dɪstrɪˈbjuːʃ(ə)n| – распределение |
industrial electronics |ɪnˈdʌstrɪəl ɪlɛkˈtrɒnɪks| – промышленная электроника | the Unified Power Grid |ˈjuːnɪfaɪd ˈpaʊə ɡrɪd| – объединенная энергосистема |
thermal energetics |ˈθəːm(ə)l ɛnəˈdʒɛtɪks | – теплоэнергетика | source of supply |sɔːs ɒv səˈplʌɪ | – источник снабжения |
electrical supply |səˈplʌɪ| of industrial enterprises |ˈentəpraɪzɪz| and cities – электроснабжение промышленных предприятий и городов | consumer |kənˈsjuːmə| – потребитель |
to deal with |diːl| – иметь дело с..., заниматься | to get practical |ˈpræktɪkl| skill – получать практические навыки |
power system |ˈpaʊə ˈsɪstəm| – энергосистема | connecting link |kəˈnektɪŋ lɪŋk| – связующее звено |
accumulating system | əˈkjuːmjəleɪtɪŋ ˈsɪstəm| – накопительная система | theoretical foundations of electrical engineering– теоретические основы электротехники |
Form the word combinations
1. practical 2. thermal 3. electric 4. connecting 5. transmission 6. to train 7. distribution | a) link b) skill c) line d) specialists e) system f) energetics g) supply |
Read the text and be ready to answer the questions
My Speciality
I am a second year student of the Omsk Technical University which was founded in 1942. I entered the Energy Institute as I got interested in electrical engineering at school.
The Energy Institute trains engineers of the following specialities: industrial electronics, electrical supply of industrial enterprises and cities, information measuring technique, thermal energetics, electrical equipment. All the specialities deal with electrical engineering.
Electrical engineering is a field of science dealing with designing and operating electrical power systems. An electrical power system consists of three principal components: generating stations, transmission lines and distribution systems.
The sources of energy include generators of thermal power stations, hydro or atomic power stations which form the Unified Power Grid.
At present the transmission of energy over long distances is mainly provided over transmission lines. The transmission lines are the connecting links between all the generating stations and the distribution systems. In most cases the distribution of energy is done by means of cables which are laid directly in the city underground, sometimes overhead or in some other way. Thus, electric energy flows from a source of supply to a consumer in an endless stream.
A proper understanding of electrical engineering needs a good knowledge of mathematics and physics.
Therefore, the department pays particular attention to training mathematics, physics and theoretical foundations of electrical engineering.
The students get practical skills of their future work in well equipped laboratories.
The graduates of our department work at designing institutes, big power stations, plants and factories and power systems in Siberia and all our great country.
Fig.1. Unified power grid
4. Answer the questions:
1. Where do you study?
2. When was our University founded?
3. What specialists does the Energy Institute train?
4. What principal courses are the students taught?
5. What does electrical engineering deal with?
6. What does an electrical power system consist of?
7. What are the generating stations?
8. What do the generating stations form?
9. How is the transmission of energy provided?
10. What is a transmission line?
11. What is a distribution system?
12. Where do students get practical skills of their future work?
13. What do the graduates of our speciality deal with?
14. Where do the graduates of electrical engineering department work?
to convert |kənˈvɜːt| – превращать, преобразовывать | compound |ˈkɒmpaʊnd| – смешанный, составной |
to turn |tɜːn| – вращать, поворачивать | series |ˈsɪəriːz| – последовательный |
outside |ˌaʊtˈsaɪd| – внешний, наружный | to excite |ɪkˈsʌɪt| – возбуждать |
armature |ˈɑːmətʃə| – якорь | manufacturing process |ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃərɪŋ ˈprəʊsɛs|– производственный процесс |
coil – катушка | circuit |ˈsəːkɪt| – электрическая цепь |
wire |ˈwaɪə| – провод, проволока | terminal |ˈtəːmɪn(ə)l| – зажим, вывод, клемма |
shunt |ʃʌnt| – шунтированный, параллельно соединённый | winding |ˈwʌɪndɪŋ| – катушка |
A device for converting mechanical energy into electric energy is called a generator.
A generator must be turned by some outside source of mechanical energy, such as water power, for example.
The generator consists of the following principal parts: an armature and an electromagnet.
The armature is a moving coil of copper wire. The electromagnet is used to produce the magnetic field.
There are three general types of a generator: the shunt, the compound and the series.
In the shunt type the field circuit is connected across the armature terminals in shunt with the load. The shunt generator excites its own field.
The compound generator is similar to the shunt type, but has an additional field winding connected in series with the armature or with the load.
In the series generator the field winding is connected in series with the armature and the external circuit.
Large d.c. generators are used in certain manufacturing processes, such as steel making.
Generators of small capacities are used for various special purposes such as welding, automobile generators, communication systems, train lighting, etc.
Fig.2. Generator
Answer the questions
1. What is a generator?
2. What is used to turn the generator?
3. What principal parts does the generator consist of?
4. What is an armature?
5. What is an electromagnet used for?
6. What general types of generators do you know?
7. What is the shunt generator?
8. What is the compound generator?
9. What is the series generator?
10. Where are the generators used?
voltage |ˈvəʊltɪdʒ|– напряжение | primary |ˈprʌɪm(ə)ri| – первичный |
to increase |ɪnˈkriːs| – увеличивать(ся), повышать(ся) | secondary |ˈsɛk(ə)nd(ə)ri| – вторичный |
to decrease |dɪˈkriːs| – уменьшать(ся), понижать(ся) | step-up transformer |trænsˈfɔːmə| – повышающий трансформатор |
winding |ˈwʌɪndɪŋ| – обмотка, катушка | step-down transformer – понижающий трансформатор |
core |kɔː| – сердечник | induction |ɪnˈdʌkʃ(ə)n| – индукция, индукционный |
The transformer is a device for changing the electric current from one voltage to another. It is used for increasing or decreasing voltage. A simple transformer is a kind of induction coil. In its usual form a transformer has no moving parts.
The principal parts of a transformer are coils and an iron core.
The coil which is supplied with current is called the primary winding or "primary", for short. The winding from which the current is taken is called the secondary winding or "secondary", for short.
Тhе primary winding is connected to the source of supply and the secondary winding is connected to the load.
The core consists of thin sheets of steel. In a large power station the voltage is usually increased by means of a step-up transformer for transmission over long distances.
At the place where power is needed, the voltage is decreased by means of a step-down transformer to a value suitable for use in consuming devices.
Large transformers are used in lоng-distance transmission lines. Two or more kinds of transformers are used in all radio and television sets.
Fig.3. Transformer
Answer the questions
1. What is a transformer?
2. Has the transformer moving parts?
3. What parts does the transformer consist of?
4. What is a primary winding?
5. What do we call a secondary winding?
6. What is the core?
7. What transformer is used to step-up the voltage?
8. What is the step-down transformer used for?
9. Where are large transformers used?
10. Are transformers used in radio and television sets?
Part II
Grammar (Verbals)
The Participle
The form | Active | Passive |
Simple Participle | reading | being read (3форма) |
Perfect Participle | having read (3 ф.) | having been read (3 ф.) |
Simultaneous actions P I Simple Active Making a tour of England we were struck by its “park like” appearance. P I Simple Passive The monument being erected now on this square will be soon unveiled. | Prior Actions P I Perfect Active Having decided to get a general idea of the country we began to study the map. P I Perfect Passive Having been presented with five gold coins, Judy went shopping. |
Functions of the Participle
Kind of the Participle | English version | Translation | Notes | |
1.Attribute(определение) – стоит рядом с определяемым существительным и характеризует его. Отвечает на вопросы: какой? какая? какие?
| ||||
Participle I Active | The reading boy is my brother. | Читающий мальчик - мой брат. | Делающий (при-частие действительного залога несовершенного вида) | |
Participle I Passive | The book being read is on the table. | Читаемая книга- на столе. | делаемый(причастие страдательного залога несовершенного вида). | |
Participle II | The magazine read by my mother was given to me. | Журнал, прочитанный мамой, был отдан мне. | сделанный(причастие страдательного залога совершенного вида). | |
2. Adverbial modifier (обстоятельство) – стоит до или после группы подлежащее + сказуемое(+ дополнение) и характеризует все предложение.
| ||||
Participle I Active | Reading in the library I saw my friend | Читая в библиотеке я увидел моего друга. | делая (деепричастие действительного залога несовершенного вида) | |
Participle I Passive | Being read the composition was corrected | Когда сочинение читали (во время чтения), его исправляли. | а). глагол - сказуемое придаточного предложения; б).существительное с предлогом. | |
Participle II | When read the book was given to the library. | После того, как книгу прочитали, её вернули в библиотеку. | а) глагол - сказуемое придаточного предложения; б). существительное с предлогом. | |
Perfect Participle Active | Having read the text I began to do exercises. | Прочитав текст, я начал выполнять упражнения. | Сделав (деепричастие действительного залога несовершенного вида) | |
Perfect Participle Passive | Having being read the poem was learnt by heart. | Когда (после прочтения) стихотворение прочитали, его выучили наизусть. | а) глагол - сказуемое придаточного предложения; б) существительное с предлогом. | |
3. Part of the simple verbal predicate (часть простого глагольного сказуемого)– выражает действие, совершаемое подлежащим. Стоит после глаголов to be и to have в личной форме во временах группы Continuous, Perfect и Passive Voice.
| ||||
Participle I Active | He is reading a book. | Он читает книгу. | Личная форма глагола в нужном времени и наклонении | |
Participle I Passive | The story is being read by him. | История читается им. | ||
Participle II | I have read this book. | Я прочитал книгу. | ||
I was given a difficult task. | Мне дали трудное задание. |
Self-Training Exercises
Electrical Current Serves Us In A Thousand Ways
source |sɔːs| – источник | furnace |ˈfəːnɪs| – печь |
contribution|kɒntrɪˈbjuːʃ(ə)n| – вклад | to make use of – использовать |
application|aplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n| – применение | everyday life – повседневная жизнь |
to imagine |ɪˈmædʒɪn| – представить | to measure |ˈmɛʒə| – измерять |
as for – что касается | to serve |səːv| – служить, обслуживать |
current |ˈkʌr(ə)nt| – ток | to |trænsˈfɔːrm| – преобразовывать |
device |dɪˈvaɪs| – прибор | owing to |ˈəʊɪŋ| – благодаря |
to be familiar with |fəˈmɪlɪə| – хорошо знать | to weigh |weɪ| – весить |
to do without – обходиться без | to heat |hiːt| – нагревать |
to mention |ˈmɛnʃ(ə)n| – отмечать | pyrometer |pʌɪˈrɒmɪtə| – пирометр |
The electric current was born in the year 1800 when Volta constructed the first source of continuous current. Since that time numerous scientists and inventors, Russian and foreign, have greatly contributed to its further development and practical application.
As a result, we cannot imagine modern civilization without the electric current. We can’t imagine how people could do without the electric lamp, without vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, washing machines and other electrically operated devices that are widely used today. In fact, telephones, lifts, electric trams and trains, radio and television have been made possible only owing to the electric current.
The student reading this article is certainly familiar with the important part which the electric current plays in our everyday life. From the moment when he gets up in the morning until he goes to bed at night, he widely uses electric energy. Only going to the Institute either on foot or by bicycle, can he do without electricity. In fact, it is well known that electric current is necessary for the operation of trolley-buses and modern trains.
During the day he (that is the reading student) will also use some electrical devices, working in the laboratory, making use of the telephone, the lift, the tram and so on. As for the evening, if he studies or reads, by an electric lamp, watches television, goes to the theatre or cinema, he certainly uses electricity.
Some people are more familiar with the various applications of the electric current in their everyday life than they are with its numerous industrial applications. However, electric energy finds its most important use in industry. Take, for example, the electric motor, transforming electric energy into mechanical energy. It finds a wide application at every mill and factory. As for the electric crane, it can easily lift objects weighing thousands of tons.
A good example which is illustrating an important industrial use of the electric current is the electrically heated furnace. Great masses of metal melted in such furnaces flow like water. Speaking of the melted metals, we might mention one more device using electricity – that is the electric pyrometer. The temperature of hot flowing metals can be easily measured owing to the electric pyrometer.
These are only some of the various industrial applications of the electric current serving us in a thousand ways.
Retell the text.
ability |əˈbɪlɪti| – способность,возможность | hydroelectric station |hʌɪdrəʊɪˈlɛktrɪk| – гидроэлектростанция |
forms of energy – формы энергии | to drive – приводить в движение |
heat |hiːt| – т епловая | turbine |ˈtəːbʌɪn| – турбина |
mechanical |məˈkænɪkl| – механическая | to produce – производить, создавать, порождать |
electrical|ɪˈlɛktrɪk(ə)l| – электрическая (электро) | in one’s turn – в свою очередь |
chemical |ˈkemɪkl| – химическая | to employ – использовать, применять |
atomic |əˈtɒmɪk| – атомная | source |sɔːs| – источник |
solar |ˈsəʊlə| – солнечная | generator |ˈdʒɛnəreɪtə| – источник энергии, генератор |
potential |pəˈtenʃl| – потенциальная (скрытая) | kind |kaɪnd| – вид, род |
kinetic |kɪˈnetɪk| – кинетическая | to harness |ˈhɑːnəs| – использовать |
to change|tʃeɪn(d)ʒ|– менять, превращаться | semiconductor |ˌsɛmɪkənˈdʌktə| – полупроводник |
to turn |tɜːn| – меняться, превращаться | waterfall |ˈwɔːtəfɔːl| – водопад |
Scientifically speaking, energy is the ability to do work. There are various forms of energy, such as: heat, mechanical, electrical, chemical, atomic and so on. One might also mention the two kinds of mechanical energy – potential and kinetic, potential energy being energy of position while kinetic energy is energy of motion. It is well known that one form of energy can be changed into another.
Take a waterfall as an example. Water falling from its raised position, energy changes from potential to kinetic. If there is a hydroelectric station at the waterfall, the energy of the falling water is used to drive the turbines. The turbines, driven by the kinetic energy of the running water, turn electric generators, these generators producing electric energy. Thus, the mechanical energy of falling water is turned into electric energy. The electric energy, in its turn, may be transformed into any other necessary form.
When an object loses its potential energy, that energy is turned into kinetic energy. Thus, in the above-mentioned example when water is falling from its raised position, it certainly loses its potential energy, that energy changing into kinetic energy.
We have already seen that energy of some kind must be employed to generate the electric current. The sources of energy usually employed to produce current are either chemical, as in the battery, or mechanical, as in the electromagnetic generator. Chemical sources of current having a limited application, the great quantities of electric energy generated today come from various forms of mechanical energy.
Needless to say that rising standards of modern civilization and growing industrial applications result in an increasing need of energy. Every year we need more and more electric energy for the useful things that are done only owing to electricity. However, the energy sources of the world are decreasing at the same time as the energy needs of the world are increasing. These needs will continue to grow as more motors and melted metals are used in industry and more electric current is employed in our everyday life. As a result, it is necessary to find new sources of energy.
The sun is an unlimited source of energy. However, at present, only a little part of solar energy is being used directly. How can we employ solar energy directly to produce useful energy? This is a question which has interested scientists and inventors for a long time. Lavoisier and other great scientists of the past melted metals with the help of solar furnaces. Today solar furnaces illustrate just one of the numerous ways to harness the sun. Using semiconductors, scientists, for example, have transformed solar energy into electric energy.
Retell the text
The Gerund
Герундий представляет собой неличную глагольную форму, выражающую название действия и обладающую как свойствами существительного, так и свойствами глагола. В русском языке соответствующая форма отсутствует.
Герундий имеет формы времени и залога:
The form | Active | Passive |
Simple Gerund | reading | being read (3 ф.) |
Perfect Gerund | having read (3 ф.) | having been read (3 ф.) |
Simultaneous action | Prior action |
Simple Gerund Active Simple Gerund Passive | Perfect Gerund Active Perfect Gerund Passive |
E.g.: I am surprised at hearing this Я удивлен слышать это.
I don’t remember having seen him before. Я не помню, чтобы я его раньше видел.
Признаки герундия
Перед герундием (в отличие от причастия) могут стоять:
1. предлог (by, in, of, without, on, instead of, in addition to, for, after, before и др.): Excuse me for being so late. Извините, что я так опоздал.
2. притяжательное местоимение (my, your, her, his, its, our, their): I don’t mind your going there. Я не против того, чтобы ты туда пошел.
3. существительное в притяжательном падеже: I don’t mind Peter ’ s going there Я не против того, чтобы Петр туда пошел.
Functions of the Gerund
English version | Translation | Notes |
1. Subject (подлежащее) – выражает лицо (или предмет), которое совершает действие, выраженное сказуемым.
| ||
Reading English books is useful for our students. | Чтение(читать) английских книг- полезно нашим студентам. | Существительное, неопределенная форма глагола (НФГ) |
2. Predicate (сказуемое) – выражает действие, совершаемое подлежащим:
| ||
a) part of the compound nominal predicate (часть составного именного сказуемого) – стоит после глагола to be в личной форм; | ||
Deciding is acting. | Решение- это действие. | Существительное |
The profession of a builder is building houses, plants, towns. | Профессия строителя заключается в том, чтобы стоить дома, заводы, города. | НФГ со словами «заключается в том, чтобы», «состоит в том, чтобы» |
b) part of the compound verbal aspective predicate (часть составного глагольного аспектного сказуемого) – стоит после аспектных глаголов, выражающих начало, продолжение и окончание действия (to begin, to start, to continue, to go on, to finish, to stop etc.). | ||
He went on constructing models. | Он продолжил конструировать(конструирование) модели. | С неопределенная форма глагола, существительное |
3. Object (дополнение)– стоит после глагола (кроме to be и аспектных) или прилагательного. | ||
a) direct object– без предлога; | ||
I remember having visited this place some years ago. | Я помню, что посещал это место несколько лен назад. | Придаточное дополнительное предложение. |
b) indirect object– с предлогом. | ||
They are fond of playing chess | Они любят играть (игру) в шахматы. | |
4. Attribute (определение) – стоит после определяемого существительного с предлогом of или for. Отвечает на вопросы: какой? какая? какие?
| ||
We used this method of using the scientific data. | Мы использовали этот метод изучения научных данных. | |
5. Adverbial modifier (обстоятельство) – стоит до или после группы подлежащее + сказуемое (+ дополнение) и характеризует все предложение. Герундий в функции обстоятельства употребляется с предлогом.
| ||
On coming to the laboratory he began a new experiment. | Придя (после прихода) в лабораторию, он начал новый эксперимент. | Деепричастие, существительное с предлогом |
lightning |ˈlaɪtnɪŋ| – молния | to solve – решать | |
flash |flæʃ| – вспышка | to result |rɪˈzʌlt| – приводить к | |
indeed |ɪnˈdiːd| – кроме того | discharge |dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ| – разряд | |
thunderstorm |ˈθʌndəstɔːm| – гроза | charge |tʃɑːdʒ| – заряд | |
spark |spɑːk| – вспышка | danger |ˈdeɪn(d)ʒə| – опасность | |
thunder |ˈθʌndə| – гром | dangerous |ˈdeɪndʒərəs| – опасный | |
to destroy – разрушать | conductor |kənˈdʌktə| – проводник | |
phenomenon (phenomena) |fɪˈnɒmɪnən| – явление | to conduct |kənˈdʌkt| – проводить | |
to throw |θrəʊ| – кидать, бросать | to provide |prəˈvʌɪd| – обеспечивать, снабжать | |
powerful |ˈpaʊəfʊl| – мощный | path |pɑːθ| – путь, контур эл. цепи | |
property |ˈprɒpəti| – свойство | achievement |əˈtʃiːvmənt| – достижение | |
to name after – называть в честь | observation |ɒbzəˈveɪʃ(ə)n| – наблюдение | |
to invent – придумывать, изобретать | to take interest in – интересоваться |
The lightning flash is certainly the earliest manifestation of electricity known to a man, although for a long time nobody knew that lighting and atmospheric electricity are one and the same thing. Indeed, for thousands of years people knew nothing about thunderstorms. However, they saw long sparks falling from the dark sky and heard thunder. They knew that these sparks could kill people or strike their houses and destroy them. Trying to understand that dangerous phenomenon, they imagined things and invented numerous stories.
Take the early Scandinavians as an example! They thought that thunderstorms were produced by Thor, the god of thunder. Besides his throwing both thunder and lightning at some people, he was a hammer-thrower. According to the story his powerful hammer had the property of always coming back to his hands after it had been thrown. The fifth day of the week, that is Thursday, was named after him. A story like that invented by those early Scandinavians could be also heard from other peoples.
However, time flies. Thunderstorms have long stopped being a problem that scientists tried to solve. All know, at present, that lighting is a very great flash of light resulting from a discharge of atmospheric electricity either between charged clouds or between a charged cloud and the earth.
Even now some people do not like being out during a thunderstorm. Dark clouds cover the sky, turning day into night. There are lighting flashes followed by thunder which can be heard for kilometers around. Needless to say, there is always some danger in a thunderstorm for a very high building or a man standing in the open field.
Many years ago people learned to protect their houses from thunderstorms. Coming down from a charged cloud to the earth, lightning usually strikes the nearest conductor. Therefore, it is necessary to provide an easy path along which electrons are conducted to the earth. That Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning conductor is a well-known fact. The lightning conductor, familiar to anybody at present, is a metal device protecting building from lightning strokes by conducting the electrical charges to the earth.
Franklin’s achievements in the field of electricity were known to Lomonosov who, in his turn, made experiments of his own. Among other scientific problems that Lomonosov studied was also that of atmospheric electricity. It greatly interested both Lomonosov and his friend Professor Rihman. Both of them tried to solve the problem in question. They made numerous experiments and observations without thinking of the possible danger. In order to get better results Rihman constructed the first electrical measuring device in the world. However, making experiments of that kind was so dangerous that Professor Rihman was killed by a stroke of lightning during one of his observations.
As for Franklin’s well-known kite experiment, you will find it in the following lesson.
Gerundial Construction
Noun, possessive pronoun | + | Gerund |
Подлежащее | + | Сказуемое |
Придаточное предложение |
Герундиальный оборот представляет собой один сложный член предложения и выполняет функции: подлежащего, дополнения (беспредложного или предложного), определения или обстоятельства.
Atmospheric Electricity
electricity |ˌɪlɛkˈtrɪsɪti| – электричество | manifestation |ˌmanɪfɛˈsteɪʃ(ə)n| – проявление, пример |
in order to – для того чтобы | kite |kaɪt| – воздушный змей |
to burn |bɜːn| – сжигать | jar |dʒɑː| – банка |
coal |kəʊl| – уголь | famous |ˈfeɪməs| – знаменитый |
instead of |ɪnˈstɛd| – вместо, взамен | string |strɪŋ| – веревка |
valuable |ˈvæljuəbl| – ценный | key |kiː| – ключ |
substance |ˈsʌbst(ə)ns| – вещество | to electrify |ɪˈlɛktrɪfʌɪ| – электризовать, заряжать электрическим током |
to contain |kənˈteɪn| – содержать | to prove |pruːv| – доказывать |
in this connection – в этой связи | to wet – мочить |
to develop |dɪˈvɛləp| – разрабатывать | thus |ðʌs| – так, таким образом |
to harness |ˈhɑːnəs| – использовать(об энергии) | to protect – защищать |
to require |rɪˈkwʌɪə| – требовать | installation |ɪnstəˈleɪʃ(ə)n| – установка |
power |ˈpaʊə| – энергия, мощность | discovery – открытие |
in question |ˈkwɛstʃ(ə)n| – данный, рассматриваемый | field |fiːld| – область, сфера деятельности |
Atmospheric Electricity
Electricity plays such an important part in modern life that in order to get it, men have been burning millions of tons of coal. Coal is burned instead of its being mainly used as a source of valuable chemical substances which it contains. Therefore, finding new sources of electric energy is a most important problem that scientists and engineers try to solve. In this connection one might ask: “Is it possible to develop methods of harnessing lightning?” In other words, could atmospheric electricity be changed into useful energy?
Indeed, hundreds of millions of volts are required for a lightning spark about one and a half kilometer long. However, this does not represent very much energy because of the intervals between single thunderstorms. As for the power spent in producing lightning flashes all over the world, it is only about 1\10 000 of the power got by mankind from the sun, both in the form of light and that of heat. Thus, the source in question may interest only the scientists of the future.
It has already been mentioned (see Lesson 4) that atmospheric electricity is the earliest manifestation of electricity known to a man. However, nobody understood that phenomenon and its properties until Benjamin Franklin made his kite experiment. On studying the Leyden jar (for long years the only known condenser), Franklin began thinking that lightning was a strong spark of electricity. He began experimenting in order to draw electricity from the clouds to the earth. The story about his famous kite is known all over the world.
On a stormy day Franklin and his son went into the country taking with them some necessary things such as: a kite with a long string, a key and so on. The key was connected to the lower end of the string. “If lightning is the same as electricity,” he thought, “then some of its sparks must come down the kite string to the key.” Soon the kite was flying high among the clouds where lightning flashed. However, the kite having been raised, some time passed before there was any proof of its being electrified. Then the rain fell and wetted the string. The wet string conducted the electricity from the clouds down the string to the key. Franklin and his son both saw electric sparks which grew bigger and stronger. Thus, it was proved that lightning is a discharge of electricity like that got from the batteries of Leyden jars.
Trying to develop a method of protecting buildings during thunderstorms, Franklin continued studying that problem and invented the lightning conductor. He wrote necessary instructions for the installation of his invention, the principle of his lightning conductor being in use until now. Thus, protecting buildings from lightning strokes was the first discovery in the field of electricity employed for the good of mankind.
Translate into Russian.
(a) the only son; the only example known; the only method of solving the problem; only you can do it for me; coal is not only a source of heat, but also a source of valuable chemical substances; the letter was sent only yesterday;
(b) many students were present; at the present time; the present article; he is in Moscow at present; that is all for the present; good-bye for the present.
The Infinitive
Инфинитив (неопределенная форма глагола) – это неличная форма глагола, которая выражает действие безотносительно к лицу и числу.
Формальный признак инфинитива – частица «to» (to ask, to write).
Формы инфинитива
Functions of the Infinitive
Function | Examples | Translation | Notes |
1. Subject. | To acquire knowledge is everybody’ s duty | Приобретать знания – долг каждого. | а) переводится инфинитивом. б) переводится существительным. |
2. Object | He likes to spend his holiday in the South. He forced her to go with him. | Он любит (что?) проводить каникулы на юге. Он заставил, чтобы она пошла с ним. | а) инфинитивом. б) придаточным предложением. |
3. Part of the compound nominal predicate | The arm of our research is to find the necessary data. | Цель нашей исследовательской работы заключается в том, чтобы найти необходимые данные. | Глагол to be переводится «заключается в том, чтобы» или совсем не переводится. |
4. Attribute | Subsances to resist the flow of current are called insulators. Не was the first come. The problem to be solved is of great importance. | Вещества, которые оказывают сопротивление току, называются изоляторами Он вошел первым. Задача, которая должна быть (будет) решена имеет большое значение. | Переводится глаголом – сказуемым определительного придаточного предложения обычно после слов «the first, the second, …, the last» обычно переводится личной формой глагола «to be» причем в том времени в котором был глагол «to be», причем сам глагол «to be» не переводится. Переводится определительным придаточным предложением причем его сказуемое имеет модальное значение долженствования, или относится к будущему времени. |
at rest – в состоянии покоя | try the experiment |ɪkˈspɛrɪm(ə)nt| – проводить эксперимент |
static |ˈstætɪk| – статический, не динамический | generate |ˈdʒɛnəreɪt| – вырабатывать |
condition |kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n| – режим | unit – единица измерения |
in motion |ˈməʊʃ(ə)n| – в движении | continuous current |kənˈtɪnjʊəs| – непрерывный ток |
to flow |fləʊ| – струиться, течь | dissimilar metals |dɪˈsɪmɪlə| – разнородные металлы |
as well as – так же как, а также | steady |ˈstɛdi| – неизменный, постоянный |
behaviour |bɪˈheɪvjə| – режим (работы) | to increase |ɪnˈkriːs| – увеличивать, усиливать |
previously |ˈpriːvɪəsli| – ранее | thus |ðʌs| – так, таким образом |
rubbing |ˈrʌbɪŋ| – трение, натирание | voltaic |vɒlˈteɪɪk| – гальванический |
substance |ˈsʌbst(ə)ns| – вещество, нечто реальное | pile – батарея |
to discharge |dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ| – разряжать(ся) | layer |ˈleɪə| – слой |
in no time – быстро | copper – медь |
unlike charges |ˈtʃɑːdʒɪz| – разноименные заряды | to moisten |ˈmɔɪs(ə)n| – увлажнять, смачивать |
electric current |ˈkʌr(ə)nt| – электрический ток | wire |ˈwaɪə| – электрический провод |
There are two types of electricity, namely, electricity at rest or in a static condition and electricity in motion, that is, the electric current. Both of them are made up of electric charges, static charges being at rest, while electric current flows and does work. Thus they differ in their ability to serve mankind as well as in their behaviour.
Let us first turn our attention to static electricity. For a long time it was the only electrical phenomenon to be observed by man. As previously mentioned at least 2,500 years ago, or so, the Greeks knew how to get electricity by rubbing substances. However, for practical purposes static electricity was not much more useful than lightning. Indeed, the electricity to be obtained by rubbing objects cannot be used to light lamps, to boil water, to ru
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