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2019-08-07 573
Подберите разделы вебсайта (1–6) и отрывки из новостей ( A – F ). Переведите письменно . 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1     Business News      ___

2     People in business ___

3     Work and life                    ___

4     Business advice     ___

5     Questionnaire        ___

6     Contact us             ___

A    A certain amount of pressure brings out the best in our work. In the initial stages of stress there is a sensation of excitement and increased mental concentration. However, too much stress is negative. It is bad for you, your company and your family…

B    Inditex, one of the world’s largest fashion groups, has opened 300 shops in Spain in the last four years and net profits this year have risen again…

C    We always like to hear from you. E-mail us with your views and comments.

D    When you think of farming do you think of worms? Simon Taylor does. As a business worm farming has low start-up costs and a potential market of fishermen using around 250 tons of worms every year…

E     Is modern business too stressful? This week we want to know what you think about stress in the workplace. Answer these questions…

F     I think you should change your job. Your boss shouldn’t talk to you like that and it’s time to look for a new position with a better salary…

10. Прочтите статью и вставьте предложения (a-g). Переведите письменно. Одно предложение лишнее. Составьте план пересказа с ключевыми словами. Перескажите основное содержание, выскажите свое мнение.

a     who is also a doctor

b     They say that a healthy body is a healthy mind

c     Business people should stop taking exercise

d     any exertion is not recommended

e     Just enjoy lazing around

f      They are also less likely to suffer from professional stress

g     the subtitle of his book is How best to use your energies

(1) ____________, but according to a German expert it is lazy people who lead longer and healthier lives. Professor Peter Axt recommends avoiding strenuous activity like aerobics or working out in a gym. ‘People who prefer to laze in a hammock instead of running a marathon or who take a midday nap instead of playing squash have a better chance of living into old age,’ says this scientist. (2)_____________.

He cowrote On the Joy of Laziness with his daughter, (3)___________. In the book he advises people to ‘waste half your time. (4)____________.’ Those who get up early in the morning usually feel stressed for the rest of the day, so his advice is to take it easy.

However, Professor Axt stresses that laziness is only one of the keys to a longer life. In fact, (5)_____________. He argues that if you are too fat, you need more energy to maintain body functions, and is in favour of moderate exercise like ‘meditative’ jogging or brisk walks to ‘relax body and spirit at the same time’.

On the other hand, (6)______________, especially for middle-aged people who should be particularly careful about doing too much sport. Professor Axt believes we have only a limited amount of energy, and people who use up their supply more quickly live shorter lives. ‘Research shows that people who run distances into their 50s are using up energy they need for other purposes.’

Вам нужно оставить сообщение на автоответчике. Вы хотите, чтобы коллега встретил вас в аэропорту. Ниже информация о Вашем рейсе. Напишите текст сообщения.

  Flight Number: LF 375 Airline: Lufthansa Date: 11 July Departure: Paris 1535 Arrival: Warsaw 1805  


Для того чтобы правильно выполнить контрольное задание 2, необходимо повторить следующие разделы грамматики, которые были изучены в курсе иностранного языка, используя рекомендованные учебники и источники.

1 Определительные и дополнительные придаточные предложения (союзные); придаточные обстоятельственные предложения времени и условия.

2 Формы сослагательного наклонения (The Subjunctive Mood).

3 Союзы условных предложений. Условные предложения (Conditional Sentences) трех типов. Нулевой тип (Zero Conditional) – закономерность, логика, совет. Первый тип (First Conditional / Conditional I) – предсказание, прогноз, намерение, обещание (в настоящем / будущем / прошлом). Второй тип (Second Conditional /Conditional II) – маловероятное, практически невыполнимое условие (в настоящем или будущем). Третий тип (Third Conditional / Conditional III) – невыполнимое, нереальное условие в прошлом.

4 Эмфатические грамматические средства. Инверсия. Усилительные конструкции (emphatic constructions). Оборот "it is… that". Усилительное и заместительное do.


Основные темы для изучения лексики и развития навыков аудирования, говорения, чтения и письменной речи.

1 Типы деловых встреч. Правила и формулы этикета. Типы переговоров. Правила выдвижения предложений и выражения согласия/отказа.

2 Телефонные переговоры. Правила и формулы этикета.

3 Виды деловых документов. Особенности различных видов деловых писем: извещение, запрос, жалоба и др. Типы деловой переписки. Структура деловых писем. Электронная почта. Внутренняя переписка: меморандум.

4 Резюме и заявление на вакансию Характеристика-рекомендация. Черты делового человека.

5 Собеседование при приеме на работу

6 Основные правила подготовки и проведения деловой презентации. Подготовка презентации компании и продукта, выпускаемого компанией.



1 Прочитайте текст презентации о компании и переведите на русский язык. Составьте план пересказа с ключевыми словами. Перескажите основное содержание, выскажите свое мнение.

Hi. I’m Frank Godwin, I’m Managing Director of Godwin Advertising and I’d like to tell you something about my company. As you know, we are looking for new investment to help us expand our activities, and I very much hope that some of you here today will see what an exciting opportunity this is for you to invest with us.

So, first I’m going to give you some general information about the company. Then I’ll go on to explain how we plan to expand in the future. And finally, I’ll add in some figures so you know what you can expect to gain from your investment. Let me start with some background.

We are best known as a manufacturer of cigarette lighters. But as you know, not so many people in the US smoke cigarettes these days. Sales of cigarette lighters are down. Ten years ago, our sales of lighters totalled 160 million dollars; but today, our sales are only 120 million. Ten years ago, we employed twelve hundred people at our main factory in Detroit in the US. Now, we employ only seven hundred fifty in that factory. However, we think we can still sell this product, and our strategy is to move into new markets in Europe, Russia and China. For example, we now have a factory in China where we make lighters for the Chinese market. At present, our sales in China come to only eight million dollars, but this is a very big market and we expect sales to increase rapidly.

At the same time, we have decided to move into new industry sectors. We are using our experience and expertise in making lighters to develop new products with similar technology. For example, we are now developing a new kind of lighter which you can use to light a barbecue or a fire when camping. We plan to go still further and to sell other kinds of camping equipment. We even plan to sell such products as clothing and luggage in the future, which is something completely new for us.

So – how do we plan to do all this? Let me give you a more detailed look at our plans…

2 Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы к тексту.

1     Who is Mr Godwin presenting to?

       a) visitors                                      b)investors             c) customers

2     The first part of Mr Godwin’s presentation is about …

       a) general company information   b) employment      c) finance

3     What kind of company is it?

       a) manufacturing                           b) retail                  c) services company

4     He explains that the company plans to …

       a) merge with another company   b) move to new offices in the USA

       c) move into new industry sectors

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