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Edit the following for ordering the references in a reference list.

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Edit the following for ordering the references in a reference list. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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25. Choose the sequence of numbers that indicates the correct order of the four references. (Note: The numbers that indicates the correct order of the four references. (Note: The numbers are not part of APA style but are use here for brevity.)

1. Bandura, A. (1973). Aggression: A social learning analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

2. Bandura, A., & Menlove, F. L. (1968). Factors determining vicarious extinction and avoidance behavior through symbolic modeling. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 8, 99-108.

3. Bandura, A. (1965). Influence of models’ reinforcement contingencies on the acquisition of imitative responses. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, 589-595.

4. Bandura, A., & Walters, R. H. (1963). Social learning and personality development. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

a. leave as is (i.e., 1,2,3,4)

b. 1,3,2,4

c. 3,1,2,4

d. 4,3,2,1


26. Edit the following for the typing of a reference list: Garcia, J. (1981). The logic and limits of mental aptitude testing. American Psychologist, 36, 1172-1180. Kamin, L. (1974). The science and politics of I.Q. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

a. Leave as is

b. Garcia, J. (1981). The logic and limits of mental aptitude testing. American Psychologist, 36, 1172-1180. Kamin, L. (1974). The science and politics of I.Q. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

c. Garcia, J. (1981). The logic a nd limits of mental aptitude testing. American Psychologist,

36 1172-1180. Kamin, L. (1974). The science and politics of I.Q. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

d. Garcia, J. (1981). The logic a nd limits of mental aptitude testing. American Psychologist, 36, 1172-1180. Kamin, L. (1974). The science and politics of I.Q. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.


Edit the following for the use of pronouns:

27. The team achieved a 38% improvement in their scores after undergoing imagery training.

a. Leave as is

b. The team achieved a 38% improvement in its scores after undergoing imagery training.

c. The team achieved a 38% improvement in each of their scores after undergoing imagery training.

d. The team achieved a 38% improvement in scores after undergoing imagery training.


Identify the error in the following quotation:

28. Zwycewicz (1976) concluded the following: “Children appear to employ the same schemata as adults. Like adults, they are predisposed to structure intragroup relations with an ordering schema more readily than with a grouping schema. Thus, their readiness to arrange inanimate stimuli along a vertical dimension as opposed to a horizontal dimension is seen as well with social stimuli.” (p. 61)

a. There are no errors.

b. The quote should not be in block form.

c. The quote does not need quotation marks.

d. There is no need to cite the page number.


Edit the following for a quotation of a source:

29. Zwycewicz (1976) concluded that “children appear to employ the same schemata as adults. Like adults, they are predisposed to structure intragroup relations with an ordering schema more readily than with a grouping schema.”

a. Leave as is.

b. The quote should be in block form.

c. A page number should be cited.

d. Quotation marks are not necessary.


30. From the examples below, identify the correct form of citation:

a. According to McMahon (1988), math ability is acquired.

b. Individual differences in memory have been found (Gelfand, 1987).

c. In 1988, Scarano found that androgynous women respond to self-worth dilemmas differently than do stereotypic women.

d. Lavin (1986) observed that TV serves as a surrogate parent for some young adults. Lavin found that “soap addicts” have limited parental contact.

e. All of the above are correct.


Edit the following for the expression of numbers:

31. Of the companies that participated, twenty-four were service companies, eleven were high-technology companies, and eight were heavy-industry companies.

a. Leave as is

b. Of the companies that participated, 24 were service companies, eleven where high-technology companies, and eight were heavy industry companies.

c. Of the companies that participated, 24 were service companies, 11 were high-technology companies, and eight were heavy industry companies.

d. Of the companies that participated, 24 were service companies, 11 were high-technology companies, and 8 were heavy industry companies.


32. There were twenty 6-year-olds, eighteen 10-year-olds, and twenty -four 14-year-olds.

a. Leave as is

b. There were 10 6-year-olds, 18 ten-year-olds, and 24 14-year-olds.

c. There were 20 six-year-olds, 18 ten-year-olds, and 24 fourteen-year-olds.

d. There were twenty six-year-olds, eighteen 10-year-olds, and twenty-four 14-year-olds.


33. The survey had a sampling error of four %

a. Leave as is.

b. The survey had a sampling error of four percent.

c. The survey had a sampling error of 4%.

d. The survey had a sampling error of 4 percent.


Edit the following for the expression of ordinal numbers:

34. The 6th and 12th graders in each of the treatment conditions returned for a 5th session in which the performance measures were taken.

a. Leave as is

b. The sixth and 12th graders in each of the treatment conditions returned for a 5th

session in which the performance measures were taken.

c. The sixth and twelfth graders in each of the treatment conditions returned for a fifth session in which the performance measures were taken.

d. The 6th and 12th graders in each of the treatment conditions returned for a fifth session in which the performance measures were taken.


Edit the following for the use of statistical symbols:

35. We first conducted a pilot study to determine the % of participants who could complete the task with different time limits.

a. Leave as is

b. We first conducted a pilot study to determine the percentage of participants who could complete the task with different time limits.

c. We first conducted a pilot study to determine the % age of participants who could complete the task with different time limits.

d. We first conducted a pilot study to determine the percentage (%) of participants who could complete the task with different time limits.


36. Within a paragraph or sentence, identify elements in a series by

a. Arabic numerals in parentheses.

b. Arabic numerals underlined.

c. Lowercase letters in parentheses.

d. Lowercase letters followed by a colon.


37. When citing the source of a direct quotation,

a. it is not necessary to give source information in text as it will be given in the references list.

b. the citation may be enclosed in parentheses and is always placed immediately after the quotation mark.

c. the citation is enclosed in parentheses after the final period of the quotation if the quoted passage is set off in a block and not put in quotation marks.

d. b and c are correct.


38. Cite personal communications

a. in the text.

b. In the reference list.

c. Do not cite personal communications

d. Do a and b.


39. When quoting,

a. Provide the author’s name in the text.

b. Provide the year and page citation in the text.

c. Included a complete reference in the reference list

d. Do only a and c

e. Do a, b, and c.


40. At the end of a block quote,

a. Cite the quoted source in parentheses after the final punctuation mark.

b. Cite the quoted source in parentheses before the final punctuation mark.

c. Use a footnote with a superscript number and cite the quoted source in the footnote.

d. None of the above is correct.


41. A reference list entry should have

a. The author’s surname and initials in in verted order (e.g., McMahon, P.M.).

b. The title of the article, page number, ISBN code, and book title.

c. The author’s surname only.

d. Only b and c.

42. A writer must be careful when using the pronouns this, that, these, and those. The writer can eliminate or reduce the vagueness of these pronouns by

a. Referring the reader to a specific previous sentence.

b. Using them to modify a noun (e.g., this frenulum, that hypothalamus, these electrodes, those mice).

c. Using them frequently.

d. Clarify what is being referred to for the reader.

e. All of the above except c may be done.

43. Which abbreviations are used only in parentheses?

a. vs., kg, i.e.

b. i.e., cf., viz.

c. e.g., etc., p.

d. none of the above

e. all of the above


44. When a work has more than two authors and fewer than six authors, cite

a. All of the authors every time the reference occurs in text.

b. All of the authors the first time the reference occurs in text; use the surname of th

e first author followed by et al. in subsequent citations.

c. The surname of the first author followed by et al. every time the reference occurs in text.

d. None of the above


45. Each entry in the reference list must be

a. Relevant to other entries.

b. Cited in text.

c. Published in a credible journal.

d. All of the above.


46. Which of the following sentences is an example of correct agreement between subject and verb?

a. The percentage of correct responses increase with practice.

b. The data indicate that Brenda was correct.

c. The phenomena occurs every 100 years.

d. Neither the participants nor the confederate were in the perfumery.


47. The dash is used

a. To indicate a sudden interruption in

the continuity of a sentence.

b. In APA articles only with permission of the technical editor.

c. Frequently in APA articles in the statistical section.

d. By Type A psychologists.


48. When a work has two authors, cite

a. Only one name every time the reference occurs in text.

b. Both names the first time the reference o ccurs in text and only one thereafter.

c. Both names every time the reference occurs in text.

d. None of the above is correct.


49. One space should follow

a. Commas, colons, and semicolons.

b. Periods of the initials in personal names (e.g., J. R. Zhang).

c. Periods that separate parts of a reference.

d. All of the above.

e. None of the above.


50. In general, use abbreviations

a. If the readers is more familiar with the abbreviation than with the complete word or words being used.

b. For long technical terms.

c. If considerable space can be saved and repetition avoided.

d. Answers a and c of the above are correct.

e. All of the above are correct.


51. Which of the following should be used to designate the number of members in part of a total sample?

a. N

b. n

c. n

d. N


52. Consistency of verb tense helps to smooth expression. Select the preferred d match of paper section with verb tense from the choices below:

a. conclusion: present tense

b. literature review: present tense

c. Results: past tense

d. Method: past tense

e. All of the above except b


53. The present tense is usually appropriate when you are

a. Presenting past research

b. Describing the demographic details of the subjects.

c. Discussing results and presenting conclusions.

d. Describing the results.

e. The present tense is never used.

54. The general rule on expressing numbers is

a. Use words to express all numbers.

b. Use figures to express all numbers.

c. Use words to express number below 10 and figures to express numbers 10 and above.

d. Use figures to express numbers in tables and graphs and words to express numbers in the text.



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