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Содержание учебного материала
Лексика: Слова, клише и выражения по темам:
Тема 6.1 Праздничный стол.
Тема 6.2 Что такое фондю?
Грамматика: Participle I. Continuous Tenses. Местоимения every, each, other/another, one(s).
Фонетика: Интонационные модели разделительных вопросов.
Методические указания по изучению раздела 6.
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст на русский язык.
What Is a Fondue?
Have you ever eaten a fondue? If not, we can help you. We are going to make a fondue together now. Something from the history of the name of this dish. Fondue is a French word for "melted" because the principle of its preparing is based on cheese or fat melting. First of all we advise you to choose wine and cheese for preparing a tasty dish. A Swiss cheese fondue is normally made from the Swiss cheese Emmentaler and Gruyere, but any hard cheese can be used. You could take cheddar, for example. You need alcohol in a fondue, not just for flavour, but to lower the boiling point and stop the protein in the cheese from curdling. Use dry Swiss white wine if you can, or a Riesling.
Don't forget about the fondue set, it consists of a cast-iron set, a tablemat stand and special forks.
Then take 1 large garlic clove, peeled and cut in half, 400 ml dry white wine, 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice, 350 g grated cheese Gruyere and 350 g grated cheese Emmentaler, 1 tablespoon corn flour, 2 tablespoons kirsch and a large pinch of ground nutmeg. For serving you should have 1 — 2 French sticks and/or a bowl of freshly boiled small new potatoes and green salad. (Per serving for six 499 calories, protein 34 g, carbohydrate 3 g, fat 35 g, saturated fat 22 g, fibre trace, added sugar none, salt 1.34 g.)
1) Rub the sides and base of the fondue pot with the cut garlic. Pour in the wine and lemon juice and heat on the point of simmering.
2) Turn the heat down low and add the cheese, a handful at time, stirring well with a large wooden fork or spoon. Stir slowly and continuously over a low heat so the mixture just bubbles gently. The cheese will take a good few minutes to melt into the wine, but be patient and you'll end up with a lovely smooth sauce.
3) When all the cheese has been added, blend the corn flour and kirsch in a small bowl and then mix into the pot. Stir until the mixture is smooth. Season with pepper and nutmeg. Transfer to the fondue burner at the table and serve with the chunks of bread and/or potatoes for dipping, and a big green salad to eat after the fondue is finished.
This recipe is good enough as a main course (4 — 6 servings) or an appetizer (12 servings). It takes you 10 minutes for preparation and 15 minutes for cooking.
Fondue etiquette. During the meal stir the fondue from time to time in a figure eight. Keeping it on the move will stop it becoming lumpy and sticking to the bottom. If the mixture gets too thick, add a little warmed wine and stir well, but don't ever let the fondue boil.
When the fondue is nearly finished, there will be a crusty layer of cheese on the bottom. Scrape this out and divide it between the guests, it's delicious. You can serve the bread lightly baked or toasted, but day-old bread is best for dipping.
Don't ever drink water with a fondue as this causes violent indigestion. The water coagulates the cheese into a solid mass giving you terrible stomach pains. Do as the Swiss do — drink white wine or hot tea.
Словарь к тексту
fondue фондю (блюдо из кусочков мяса, рыбы, сыра или фруктов, готовится в кипящем масле или вине на открытом огне непосредственно на столе в специальном приборе)
cheese fondue фондю из сыра
to melt плавиться
Emmentaler эмменталь (сорт светло- желтого твердого неострого швейцарского сыра с крупными дырками)
Gruyere грюер (сорт твердого швейцарского сыра с запахом орехов)
boiling point температура кипения
protein f'prautein] белок
to curdle сворачиваться
Riesling рислинг (сладкое или сухое белое вино с легким цветочным вкусом)
fondue set набор для приготовления
cast-iron set чугунный котелок с горелкой
tablemat stand подставка (для котелка)
clove долька
grated тертый
kirsch вишневая наливка
pinch щепотка
ground молотый
nutmeg тертый мускатный орех
French stick багет (французский длинный
батон хлеба)
calorie калория
carbohydrate углевод
saturated насыщенный
fibre клетчатка
trace след
to rub тереть
simmering закипание
handful горсть
to stir мешать, перемешивать
to bubble кипеть
smooth однородный
burner горелка
chunk кусок, ломоть
to dip макать
lumpy комковатый
to stick прилипать
crusty хрустящий
violent сильный
indigestion несварение, нарушение пищеварения
to coagulate свертывать, коагулировать
Лексические упражнения
1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям:
любой твердый сыр; не только для аромата; чтобы понизить точку кипения; не забудьте о наборе для приготовления фондю; очищенный и разрезанный пополам; для подачи вам следует иметь 1 — 2 багета; этот рецепт хорош (годится) для второго блюда или для закуски; вам потребуется 10 минут для подготовки и 15 минут для приготовления; мешайте фондю время от времени в виде цифры восемь; если смесь становится очень густой; не позволяйте фондю кипеть; хрустящий слой сыра на дне; это вызывает сильное несварение; вода коагулирует сыр в твердую массу; сильные желудочные боли.
2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:
1. What kind of cheese is normally fondue made of?
2. Do you need alcohol in a fondue?
3. Which wine is better for a Swiss fondue?
4. What does a fondue set consist of?
5. How many ingredients should you have for a fondue?
6. Could you name all of these ingredients?
7. How long does it take you for preparation and for cooking?
8. Why should you stir the fondue from time to time?
9. What should we do if the mixture (fondue) gets too thick?
10. Day-old bread is best for dipping, isn't it?
11. Which is better, to drink water, white wine or hot tea with a fondue?
12. Would you like to taste this Swiss fondue?
13. Do you want to become a good cook of Swiss fondue?
3. Прочитайте диалог по ролям и переведите, используя лексику раздела:
Making Cabbage Rolls
Jane: Most of all I like cooking salads. What about you? Olga: As for me, I prefer making meat dishes. Jane: What did you cook last?
Olga: 1 made cabbage rolls last Sunday for my sister's birthday party. It's her favourite dish.
Jane: Can it be called golubtsy?
Olga: Yes. Both of these names are for the same dish.
Jane: I like it too. Do you boil cabbage leaves?
Olga: I place whole head in a large kettle with boiling water and boil it 2 — 3 minutes.
Jane: And how do you prepare the filling?
Olga: I saute[3] meat with onion, add rice, eggs, salt and pepper, place three tablespoons of this mixture on each cabbage leaf and wrap it.
Jane: And what kind of mixture do you pour over the cabbage rolls?
Olga: I mix tomatoes, bouillon, sugar, salt and pepper.
Jane: Do you cook them in oven?
Olga: Yes, about one hour, turning occasionally.
Грамматические упражнения
1. Образуйте Participle I и Participle II от следующих глаголов:
to cook — готовить,... — готовящий,... — приготовленный
to boil — кипятить (кипеть),... — кипящий,... — прокипяченный
to fry — жарить,... — жарящий,... — зажаренный
to read — читать,... — читающий,... — прочитанный
to order — заказывать,... — заказывающий,... — заказанный
to add — добавлять,... — добавляющий,... — добавленный
to use — использовать,... — использующий,... — использованный
to recommend — рекомендовать,... — рекомендующий,... — рекомендованный
2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous:
1. Mother (to cook) very tasty soups. 2. Look! Children (to play) in the yard. 3. Nick (to make) breakfast every morning. 4. I can't speak to you now as I (to do) my homework. 5. They (not to watch) TV at the moment, they (to read) newspapers. 6. I usually (to have) dinner after work. 7. My parents (to have) dinner now. 8. You (to cook) every day? 9. You (to cook) meal now? 10. My brother (not to play) computer games now, he (to watch) TV. 11. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) a composition. 12. Look! The baby (to sleep). He always (to sleep) after dinner.
3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous:
1. When I (to see) him yesterday, he (to speak) to his teacher. 2. When my sister (to wash up) yesterday, she (to break) a cup. 3. Mother (to have) breakfast at 8 o'clock yesterday. 4. I (to have) dinner at the restaurant last Sunday. 5. When I (to prepare) breakfast in the morning, I (to cut) my finger. 6. When you (to ring up) my sister yesterday, she (to sleep). 7. I (to cook) meat soup last Monday. 8. When my grandparents (to come) to visit me last Monday, I (to cook) meat soup. 9. When I (to open) the door, my friends (to sit) at table and (to have) dinner. 10. When Nick entered the bar, the barman (to stand) behind the counter and (to make) cocktails. 11.... you (to work) at 3 o'clock yesterday? — No, I (to have) a rest. 12. My friend (to phone) me yesterday from London. 13. When he (to phone) me, I (to have) tea with my friends. 14. I (to prepare) dishes for the evening party the whole yesterday's afternoon. 15. My brother (to translate) an article from a newspaper the whole Saturday's evening.
4. Вставьте местоимения each, every, all, everything, everybody/everyone.
1. Wash... potato carefully. 2. We go out... Sunday's night. 3.... looks tired today. 4. He does... to help me. 5.... my friends study at college. 6. She knows... in her block of flats. 7. I spent... the money yesterday. 8.... student of our group takes part in this concert. 9.... woman wants to have a family and children. 10.... of the cups has a different design. 11.... time I see her she has a different dress on. 12.... likes music.
5. Вставьте местоимение other или another:
1. Can I have... cup of tea? 2. Where are the... students? 3. We can do that... time. 4. You have got two sons. One is here, where is the...? 5. Give me... apple. They are so juicy. 6. He has got two cars, one is red and the... is white.
6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение местоимения one (ones):
1. То cross the street, one must wait for a green light. 2. What apples will you take? — The red ones. 3. This salad is better than the one we had yesterday. 4. Don't buy those potatoes. Buy the other ones. 5.1 need one of these streets. 6. It's one of the best shops in our town. 7. These spoons are dirty. Can we have some clean ones? 8. These chocolates are nice. Would you like one? 9. This boy is one of her brothers. 10. One should always come to classes in time. 11. One can do it easily.
Вопросы для самопроверки к разделу 6.
1. Как образуется Participle I?
2. В каких случаях употребляется Participle I?
3. Как образуются времена группы Continuous?
4. Какой вспомогательный глагол в этой группе времён? Назовите его формы.
5. В каких предложениях требуется вспомогательный глагол в этом времени?
6. Какие действия обозначает глагол во времени Present Continuous?
7. Какие действия обозначает глагол во времени Past Continuous?
8. Какие действия обозначает глагол во времени Future Continuous?
9. В каком времени глагол обозначает действия, происходящие в момент речи?
10. В каком времени глагол обозначает действия, происходившие в определённый момент в прошлом?
11. В каком времени глагол обозначает действия, которые будут привычными в будущем?
12. Объясните разницу в употреблении слов every и each.
13. Объясните разницу в употреблении слов other и another.
14. Назовите случаи употребления слова one(s).
Раздел 7. Обслуживание.
Содержание учебного материала
Лексика: Слова, клише и выражения по темам:
Тема 7.1 Планирование меню.
Тема 7.2 Сервировка стола.
Тема 7.3 Выбор правильного вина.
Грамматика: Perfect Tenses. Многозначность глаголов: be, have. Предлоги.
Фонетика: Нейтральные звуки.
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