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Ex.1 Put the following words in the right order to make a statement.

2017-09-30 561
Ex.1 Put the following words in the right order to make a statement. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Mrs. Winter the little girl to the next village

with a message one December day sent


So as you see there are two variants of one and the same sentence.

A sentence that makes a statement begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.


Ex.2 Reading the story rearrange the words to make the statements.


1. my car| I parked| in the centre of the village

2. near a bus stop| an old man | I saw

3. beautiful village| what a | I exclaimed

4. live here | how many people

5. seventeen people| there are | the old man said

6. here| have you lived| how long

7. all my life | I have lived here

8. isn’t it | it’s a quiet sort of place

9. here | a quiet life | we live

10. a cinema | we don’t have | or a theatre

11. our school | five years ago | was closed

12. only one shop | we have

13. calls | a bus | once a day

14. here | in 55 BC | came | the Romans

15. since then | has happened | nothing

Ex.3 Read the following sentences; use the chart to figure out their structure

Subject Predicate Object Adverbial modifier of
manner place time

E dith has a lot of friends. S + P + O

N oris works in the garden. __________________________

G eorge works as a pilot. __________________________

L eon travels a lot. __________________________

I rine loves flowers. __________________________

S arah lives in a village. __________________________

H eather wakes at seven. __________________________


W illiam loves singing in the shower. __________________________

O live adores travelling around the country. __________________________

R ichard hates cooking together with his wife. __________________________

D orothy can’t stand someone singing bad. __________________________

O rlando is an actor. __________________________

R ose is beautiful. __________________________

D ick looks like a star. __________________________

E dward is abroad. __________________________

R emember all of them!!!


Ex.4 Read this story and rearrange the words in each sentence in the right order.

So please don’t complain!

1. the local school| attends| my son Tim

2. went| to his school| my wife and I| yesterday

3. we| to his teachers| spoke

4. Tim’s school report| we collected

5. very good| wasn’t| Tim’s report

6. in every subject| were| his marks| low

7. was waiting| outside| anxiously for us| Tim

8. my report| how was| eagerly| he asked

9. very good| it wasn’t| I said

10. you| harder| must try

11. seems| that boy Ogilvy| very clever

12. good marks| he got| in all subjects

13. clever parents| Ogilvy| has| Tim said


Ex.5. Underline the sentences that are negative in the story.


Any statement can be positive and negative.

+ Since then everything has been the same.

- Since then anything hasn’t been changed.

Since then nothing has happened.

There are two means of negative sentence constructions in English:

(1) with the help of ‘not’-particle - Since then anything has not been changed.

(2) with the help of such words as no/ neither/ nobody/ never/ nothing. -Since then nothing has happened.

Dogs can’t fly. I don’t know why.
Ex. 1. Make negative sentences.

1. Milk is white. (red) 2. The children are at school. (at home) 3. Max has been to Japan. (Egypt) 4. You must give this letter to Erica. (her mother) 5. I’ll be here tomorrow. 6. I could talk when I was 2. (swim) 7. We were in London yesterday. (Birmingham) 8. I’m Scottish. (English)



To make a negative sentence we put NOT after an auxiliary verb.


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