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Dance – draw – drive – play chess/bridge – play the piano – remember faces – remember names – ride a horse – sing – speak French – understand Maths
Ex. 3 Write 5 things that you probably won’t do next week.
Go to New York – get married – get rich – play football – become a President – write a poem – buy a car – make a cake – read Shakespeare – climb Mount Everest
If there is no auxiliary verb, we use do/does/did + not + infinitive
Ex.4 Make negative sentences
1. Cats eat meat. (potatoes) – Cats don’t eat potatoes. 2. Shakespeare lived in London. (New York) 3. Dictionaries tell you about words. (phonebooks) 4. The earth goes round the Sun. (the Moon) 5. Most Algerians speak Arabic. (Russian) 6. Fridges keep food cold. (cookers) 7. John knows my parents. (my sister)
Ex. 5 Make negatives. Mind auxiliary verbs and do/does/did
1. Karl Marx discovered America. 2. Shakespeare was French. 3. Austrians speak Japanese. Roses are green. Cats can fly. George Washington lived in Russia. Fridges run on petrol. The Sun goes round the Earth. Telescopes make things smaller. There are 17 players in a rugby team. Bananas grow in Scotland.
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, We use NO with a noun or
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds, gerund to mean ‘not any’ or
November! ‘ not a/an’
Ex.6 Not and no. Correct ( ✓ ) or not ( ✗ )?
1. I like football but no rugby. 2. I emailed her, but there was not reply. 3. I phoned her, but there wasn’t any reply. 4. There is no milk in the fridge. 5. He’s someone who has not friends. 6. They worked slowly but no very carefully. 7. I’m afraid I don’t have an answer. 8. Not my son is starting school, my daughter is.
We use NOT to make There is no reason not to discuss it.
A word, expression or clause negative.
Ex. 7 Put in not or no
1. We speak German in the office but … at home. 2. There is … parking in this street. 3. Sorry I can’t pay. I’ve got … money. 4. She was … able to understand him. 5. They had … butter left in the shop. 6. They repaired my watch, but … properly. 7. We’ve got … time to talk now. 8. I can come round, but … tonight. 9. They did … want to help. 10. She’s a woman with … sense of humour. 11. … music after 10 o’clock.
Ex.8 Negatives with nobody, never etc. Make the sentences negative.
1. I do the washing up every night. (not) 2. I found something to eat. (nothing) 3. I agree with you. (not) 4. He cleans his shoes. (never) 5. Somebody left a message. (nobody) 6. There’s somewhere to eat in town. (nowhere) 7. I like your new glasses. (not) 8. I understood. (nothing) 9. Something happened. (nothing) 10. Sally likes singing. (not) 11. Somebody wants to sing. (Nobody) 12. My mother drives fast. (never) 13. We’ll get there. (never) 14. We’ll get there. (not)
Ex. 9 Read the poem, write one yourself.
I’m getting older.
There isn’t time to do everything.
I can’t speak German
Or climb mountains.
I can see
I’m not going to be a ballet dancer
Or an opera singer.
I’ll never discover a new planet
Or run a two-hour marathon
Or write the novel of the century.
But I’ll do something good.
Just wait and see.
Ex.10 Translate into English
Вы не знаете этих девушек. Бекки и Мери не уборщицы. Они вовсе никакие не подруги. Их никогда не видели вместе. Бекки — студентка медицинского колледжа, но она никогда не будет хорошим врачом. Она не любит работать. Мэри тоже не любит работать. У девушек совсем нет денег. Они плохо спят. Они чувствуют себя нехорошо. Девушки не соблюдают здоровый образ жизни. Ни одна из них не ходит в спортзал. Бекки и Мэри никогда не приходят сюда. Они не хотят приходить.
Certain types of sentences require the inverted order of words. These are:
(1) Interrogative sentences.
(2) Sentences introduced by there.
(3) Compound sentences beginning with so or neither.
(4) Simple exclamatory sentences expressing wish.
- Is anyone at home?
- There is someone in the room. I heard someone knocking.
- So did I! Let’s call the police!
- Be it so! How clever you are!
there + глагол to be в личной форме + subject + AM of place |
+ | There is a book on the table. | There are some books on the table. |
- | There is no book on the table. | There aren’t any books on the table. |
? | Is there a book on the table? | Are there any books on the table? |
Ex.1 Rewrite the following in the plural:
1. There is a sentence on the blackboard. 2. Is there a desk in the room? 3. There is not any book on the table. 4. Is there a dictionary on the chair? 5. There is a match in the box. 6. There is a girl in the picture. 7. There is no child in their family.
Ex. 2 Write the interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences:
1. There is a telegram on the table. 2. There is a cinema near our house. 3. There are many mistakes in his dictation. 4. There is much paper in his bag. 5. There is some ink in my pen. 6. There are two sofas in the room. 7. There are a lot of children in the park.
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