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The Use of the Articles with the Names of the places and organizations

2017-09-30 368
The Use of the Articles with the Names of the places and organizations 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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  Определенный артикль the Нет артикля
исторические события the French Revolution,  
названия политических и общественных организаций the Senate, the Houses of parliament, the United Nations, the police, the Government NATO, Parliament, Congress
общественные и исторические здания, церкви The Bank of England, The Winter Palace, The Tower of London Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace
документы the Constitution  
политические партии the Labor Party, the Tory  
газеты и журналы the Times, the Washington Post Pravda, Der Spiegel
сеть магазинов, компании   General Motors, Sony, Shell
корабли, поезда, космические корабли the Titanic, the Orient Express   Apollo, Challenger
театры, кинотеатры The Globe, the Bolshoy, the Odeon, the Arbat Her Majesty’s
музеи The British Meseum, the Hermitage, the Tate Gallery  
парки   Hyde Park, St. James’s Park
школы, колледжи, университеты The University of London Carnegy College, London University, Manchester Grammar School
гостиницы, рестораны The Hilton, the Cage Royal Leoni’s, Brown’s
станции, аэропорты   Heathrow, Sheremetyevo
названия стран, штатов, улиц   Yorkshire, Texas, Oxford, High Street

Some Peculiarities of the Article Usage

  No article The a Set expressions
Months, days May is a spring month. We’ll always remember the May of 1945. A cold May is a usual thing in St.Petersburg.  
Seasons I like winter. It was early spring. It happened in the spring of 1930. It was a beautiful spring.  
Day, night, morning, evening, afternoon Day is meant for work, night for sleep. The night was warm and beautiful. I spent a sleepless night. By day/ by night; At night/ at dawn/ daybreak/ sunrise/ sunset/ noon/ night; From morning till night; In the morning/ evening/afternoon;
Languages She knows English well. The English of America differs from the English of Great Britain.   What is the English for …?
Meals (lunch/dinner/ tea) Did you have dinner? The dinner we had today was very tasty. After a heavy breakfast we started for … To have breakfast/dinner/ supper    


  No article According to the rule
School/ college/ university To be at school/college/university To go to school/college/university To leave school/college To go to the school To leave the school (the building is meant)
Church In church/ at church The church was built in … There is a church in the city.
Prison/ jail To be in prison To be sent to prison To be put in prison Ken went to the prison to visit his brother.
Bed To go to bed/ to be in bed/ to stay in bed/ Her portrait was on the wall beside the bed. There is a bed…
Work To go to work/ to be at work/ to start work I like the work I’m doing.  
Home To go home/ to come home/ to be at home/ to stay at home/ to feel at home An orphans home/ a nursing home/ a maternity home
Town To town/ in town I was to go to the town I was born in.
Hospital To go to hospital/ to be in hospital When Ann was ill we went to the hospital to visit her.


1Short adjectives (1syllable) 2 Short adjective with the 2 type of reading

  comparative superlative     comparative superlative
  +er +est     +er +est
cheap cheaper cheapest   big +g +er = bigger +g +est = biggest
young younger youngest   fat +t +er = fatter +t +est = fattest
short shorter shortest   slim +m +er = slimmer +m +est = slimmest
wide wider widest   hot +t +er = hotter +t +est = hottest
small smaller smallest   thin +n +er = thinner +n +est = thinnest


3. Adjectives ending in er, ow, etc 4. Adjectives ending in y (2 syllables)


  comparative superlative     comparative superlative
  +er +est     +ier +est
clever cleverer cleverest   easy easier easiest
narrow narrower narrowest   heavy heavier heaviest
shallow shallower shallowest   early earlier earliest


good better best
bad worse worst
far Further, farther Furthest, farthest
much/many more most
little less least
old Older, elder Oldest, eldest


5 Adjectives ending on ous, ing, ful, ed (2 syllables ) and long adjectives (3/4 syllables)


  comparative superlative
  More + adjective Most + adjective
boring more boring most boring
famous more famous most famous
modern more modern most modern
polite more polite most polite
tired more tired most tired
expensive more expensive most expensive
comfortable more comfortable most comfortable













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