What Is a Biochemistry Laboratory? — КиберПедия 

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What Is a Biochemistry Laboratory?

2017-09-28 556
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A biochemistry laboratory is an area in which a biochemist studies the chemical processes within liv- ing organisms. Traditional biochemistry examines the chemistry of reactions catalyzed by enzymes, but bio- chemical research has expanded to cover topics of signal transduction, transport within cells, and mo- lecular interactions.

All biochemistry labs have the basic components of science research labs, such a pH meter, a balance for weighing out chemicals, a variety of buffers and other chemicals, and refrigerators and freezers for storing supplies. They also have a special freezer kept at -94° F (-70° C) for the long-term storage of proteins and tissues. Such facilities have centrifuges and access to an ultracentrifuge. An ice machine is generally es- sential for generating ice to keep enzymes and re- agents chilled and stable. Virtually all biochemistry labs have gel electrophoresis supplies for examining proteins, along with the equipment for running West- ern blots.

For biochemistry research, a spectrophotometer is frequently necessary to measure protein concentra- tions or enzyme reactions. Usually, a UV-Vis spectro- photometer suffices, but some labs require a fluores-

cence spectrophotometer for more specialized applica- tions.

Other biochemistry labs may have more special- ized equipment, like particular chromatography equipment. This type of technology separates mole- cules. For instance, the lab may have a high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) system to separate peptides or conduct enzyme assays on small mole- cules. Another type of instrument one might have is a gas chromatography (GC) system. This unit separates volatile compounds.

A protein biochemistry laboratory may have a fast-pressure liquid chromatography (FPLC) system to purify large amounts of protein to study. It would have a variety of gel matrices, with differing chemical properties to use with the FPLC to separate the pro- teins. There would be glass columns of varying pro- portions to hold the matrices. Protein biochemistry

laboratories generally have a cold room, so that pro- teins can be isolated and pu- rified at cold temperatures to keep them stable.

The techniques of ge- netic engineering involve manipulating DNA or RNA in microorganisms, so ster- ile conditions are required. Such a lab would have a sterile hood that can be wiped down with ethanol

and has a germicidal lamp. It blows sterile air across its work surface.

The lab would have agar, which forms a gel that the microorganisms grow on. There would be a variety of other of supplies for media, and antibiotics for growing up the genetically-altered microorganisms. It would have incubators and shakers that could be warmed up to grow bacteria or yeast. Also necessary is access to an autoclave, to sterilize the supplies for growth and RNA manipulation, and to destroy the re- combinant material after the experiments are finished.

A medical biochemistry laboratory would have many of the items of other biochemistry labs, depend- ing on its specialty. The difference would be in the source of the material for study.


signal transduction буфер
transport within cells холодильник
and molecular interactions ультрацентрифуга
buffer центрифуга
refrigerator Преобразование сигнала
freezer Электрофоретический гель
centrifuge Внутриклеточный транспорт
ultracentrifuge Вестерн-блоттинг
gel electrophoresis sup- plies спектрофотометр


Find the appropriate Russian equivalent to English term.

Western blots Молекулярное взаимодейст- вие
spectrophotometer Морозильная камера
UV-Vis spectrophotometer suffices   агар
fluorescence spectropho- tometer газовая хроматография
high-pressure liquid chro- matography (HPLC) sys- tem жидкостная хроматография низкого давления
gas chromatography (GC) system межклеточный материал
volatile compounds бактерицидная лампа
fast-pressure liquid chro- matography (FPLC) sys- tem   инкубатор
matrices автоклав
  sterile hood Аналитический спектрофото- метр с видимой и ультрафио- летовой областью
germicidal lamp шейкер
agar стерильный вытяжной шкаф
  incubator жидкостная хроматография высокого давления
shaker летучее соединение
  autoclave Флуоресцентный спектрофо- тометр


There are many laboratory devices in the biochemistry laboratory. Try to match the definition of the equipment with the picture:

1. A device for immune-enzyme analysis: con- sists of a computer and a vertical spectrophotometer.

2. Weigher: is used for weighting of substances.

3. Collector: collects fraction in chromatography.

4. Spectrophotometer: measures optical density.

5. pH instrument: for measuring of pH.

6. Centrifuge: for sedimentation.

7. Instrument for electrophoresis.



2. 5.






12. As you know usually in work a biochemist uses different methods. Try to make a plan of the labo- ratory work using all instruments from Ex.10.

13. Look at the picture and say what is what? Where can theay be used?

Chemical dishes: funnel, flask, plastic glass, gra- dated cylinder, test tube, automatic pipet, spouts.


14. Make your investigation. Design a plan for preparing caustic potash solution using all pictures from Ex.13.

15. As you know usually in work biochemist use different methods. Translate the plan of laboratory work.

Белки как одни из основных биополимеров нашего организма являются объектом биохимиче- ских исследований. При анализе белковых раство- ров одной из задач является выделение индивиду- альных белков. Плазма крови, полученная путём центрифугирования, используется в таких иссле- дованиях в качестве сырья. На первом этапе про- водят электрофоретическое разделение исходной смеси. Электрофорез с использованием полиакри- ламидного геля позволяет получить до 33 полос относительно индивидуальных белков. Для под- тверждения гомогенности полученных зон белков проводят хроматографическое разделение отдель- ных зон. Для сбора фракций используют автома- тический коллектор. Обычно регистрация сигнала (оптическая плотность и т.д.) производится авто-

матически и также автоматически выводится хро- матограмма. При отсутствии автоматической ре- гистрации, после сбора фракций измеряется опти- ческая плотность отдельной фракции с использо- ванием спектрофотометра. После этого строится графическая зависимость оптической плотности от номера фракции, т.е. хроматографический про- филь или хроматограмма.

Очищенные таким образом белки могут быть использованы для дальнейших исследований. На- пример, иммуноглобулины входят в состав конъю- гатов с ферментом пероксидазой хрена, которые используются в иммуноферментном анализе. Кро- ме того, белки подвергаются модификации, т.е. изменению физических и(или) химических свойств, для создания новых биопрепаратов. Мо- дификация проводится с использованием рН-метра для постоянного контроля изменения ионных ха- рактеристик раствора.


16. Investigation work. Try to use your labora- tory to carry out any of experiment with the help of these methods. Make photos and show them to your group. Make the presentation on the following topics:

1) Electrochemical methods

2) Chromatographic methods

3) Spectral methods

4) Radiometric methods


17. Write a story “Once I accidentally leaked the solution into the mass spectrometer…”

Unit 11

Immune System. Immunology

Why do we need an immune system?

Nowadays we have many supplements (БАД) on the market. Can all they replace our immune system?

In what context have you heard about immune system in your everyday life?

Look at the picture and say if you know all parts of the immune system. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

1. Read the text and translate it properly.


A magnificent protector

Inside your body there is an amazing protection mechanism called the immune system. It is designed to defend you against millions of bacteria, mi- crobes, viruses, toxins and parasites that would love to invade your body. To understand the power of the immune system, all that you have to do is to have a look at one’s death. That sounds gross, but it will show you important things about your immune sys- tem.

When something dies, its immune system (along with everything else) shuts down. In a matter of hours, the body is invaded by all sorts of bacteria, microbes, parasites... None of these things are able to get in when your immune system is working, but the mo- ment your immune system stops the door is wide open. Once you die it only takes a few weeks for these organisms to completely dismantle your body and carry it away, until all that's left is a skeleton. Obvi- ously your immune system is doing something amaz- ing to keep all of that dismantling from happening when you are alive.

When a virus or bacteria (also known generically as a germ) invades your body and reproduces, it nor- mally causes problems. Generally the germ's presence produces some side effect that makes you sick. For example, the strep throat bacteria (Streptococcus) re-

leases a toxin that causes inflammation in your throat. The polio virus releases toxins that destroy nerve cells (often leading to paralysis). Some bacteria are benign or beneficial (for example, we all have millions of bacteria in our intestines and they help digest food), but many are harmful ones; they get into the body or the bloodstream.

The job of your immune system is to protect your body from these infections. The immune system pro- tects you in three different ways. First and foremost, it creates a barrier that prevents bacteria and viruses from entering your body. Then, if a bacteria or virus does get into the body, the immune system tries to de- tect and eliminate it before it can make itself at home and reproduce. Thirdly, when the virus or bacteria is able to reproduce and start causing problems, your immune system is in charge of eliminating it.

There are many diseases that, if you catch them once, you will never catch again. Measles is a good example, as is chicken pox. What happens with these diseases is that they make it into your body and start reproducing. The immune system gears up to elimi- nate them. Cells recognize the virus and produce anti- bodies for it. This process takes time, but the disease runs it course and is eventually eliminated.

A vaccine is a weakened form of a disease. It is ei- ther a killed form of the disease, or it is a similar but less virulent strain. Once inside your body your im- mune system mounts the same defense, but because the disease is different or weaker you get few or no symptoms of the disease. Now, when the real disease

invades your body, your body is able to eliminate it immediately.

Many diseases cannot be cured by vaccines, how- ever. The common cold and influenza are two good examples. These diseases either mutate so quickly or have so many different strains in the wild that it is im- possible to inject all of them into your body. Each time you get the flu, for example, you are getting a

release (v) reproduce (v) shut down (v) small intestine spleen subclavian vein wide

thoracic duct throat. thymus tonsil

vaccine[vǽksi:n] virulentstrain

different strain of the same disease. Thus, it’s only our immune system which helps us to be defended.



2. Translate the following sentences from Rus- sian into English using the words from vocabulary.

1) Ученые считают, что возникновение вре- доносных раковых опухолей – это следствие мно- гоклеточного строения организма.

a matter of hours adenoids amazing antibody appendix

be in charge of benign beneficial bloodstream bone marrow catch a disease cold

cure (v) defend (v) defended defense detect (v)

digest (v) dismantle (v) flu

germ harmful infection inflammation influenza invade (v)

large intestine lymph nodes lymphatic duct make smb sick mutate (v) payer’s patches prevent (v) protection

2) При попадании в организм бактерии на- чинают активно размножаться, а продуктами их жизнедеятельности являются токсины, несущие огромный вред.

3) У пациента поднялась температура, все симптомы говорили о воспалении, вызванном ин- фекцией.

4) Доктор, у меня есть риск заболеть полио- миелитом?

5) Еще в детстве вам должны были поста- вить вакцину против этой болезни. Если вы прохо- дили вакцинацию, вы исключаетесь из группы риска.

6) Вирус гриппа быстро мутирует.

7) Более 30 лет назад были открыты анти- тела, и доказано, что они способствуют ускоре- нию иммунного ответа при повторном контакте с


8) Селезенка тоже является частью иммун- ной системы.


3. Give the definitions to at least three of the fol- lowing terms:

Adenoids, bone marrow, large intestine, lymph nodes, lymphatic duct, payer’s patches, small intes- tine, spleen, subclavian vein, thoracic duct, throat, thymus.


4. Fill in the gaps in these sentences:

1) Inside your body there is an amaz- ingcalled the immune system.

2) Obviously your immune system is doing something amazing to keep all of thatfrom happening when you are alive.

10) These diseases eitherquickly or have so many different strains in the wild.


5. Answer the questions about this text.

1) What is the immune system? What is the basic function of the immune system?

2) How can we understand the power of the immune system?

3) What happens when somebody dies?

4) What are the synonyms of the word “vi- rus”?

5) What happens when the germ invades one’s body?

6) What are benign bacteria?

7) How many ways of the immune system protection can you name?

8) Are there the diseases which you catch

3) Whenor

invades your body and

once and then never again?

reproduces, it normally causes problems.

4) The strep throat bacteria releases a that causes inflammation in your throat.

5) The job of your immune system is to protect your body from these.

6) If a bacteria or virus does get into the body,

9) What is a vaccine? How does it work?

10) Are there any vaccines unable to be cured by vaccines?

11) What happens each time you get flu?


6. Speak on the new facts you found in the text.

the immune system tries to


What wondered you or what information was new for

before it can make itself at home and reproduce.

7) recognize the virus and produce an- tibodies for it.

8) A vaccine is a weakened form of a.

9) Many diseases cannot beby vac- cines.

you? Can you add any other information about the immune system?

7. Do you agree with the following statements? Choose one of them, explain and expand your idea and create a small report.

1) The strep throat bacteria (Streptococcus) re- leases a toxin that causes inflammation in your throat.

2) The Immune system doesn’t work against vi- ruses. It deals only with cells.

3) Bacteria have no nucleus.

4) Erythrocytes are not the part of immune sys-


5) Bacteria and viruses work in the same way.

6) A vaccine is a form of a disease.


8. Make a plan of this text.Add key words in it if necessary.

9. Retell this text using your plan.

10. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the

Future Perfect Tense.

o'clock. 10) She new words for the spelling test, which her teacher is going to give tomorrow.


11. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Future Indefinite, the Future Perfect, the Present In- definite or the Present Perfect Tense.

1) By 8 o'clock they (have) dinner. 2) By the end of the week he (finish) the translation. 3) Before you (come) I (do) all the work. 4) She (look) through the article by 12 o'clock. 5) They (receive) our letter by Monday. 6) By the time we (get) to the forest the rain (stop). 7) 1 think he (answer) the letter by this time. 8) We (begin) to work after we (read) all the instructions.

9) We (not do) anything until he (take) necessary steps.

10) The committee (prepare) the plan by tomorrow. 11) I suppose when my letter (reach) you I already (return) from your voyage. 12) He (pass) an exam after he (learn) all the material. 13) I am afraid they (not dis-


tidy up pack

learn type buy

paint receive cook see

cuss) all the questions by the time they (come). 14) We (not be able) to start the experiment before we (obtain) the necessary data. 15) The secretary already (look) through all the papers before the boss (come). 16) My train (leave) by the time you (come) to the station.

1) She _ an urgent paper for the conference. 2) Bobhis room by his mother coming. 3) He already

a portrait for the exhibition. 4) Peter _ dinner by the time his wife comes. 5) Shea wedding dress by


12. Translate into English.

1) Боюсь, к тому времени, когда вы придете с деньгами, они уже все распродадут. 2) Позвоните

the time her wedding takes place. 6) They

by the

мне после того, как вы прочитаете книгу. 3) Мы

time we come here. 7) Iletter by the end of the week. 8) The train is to leave at nine o'clock. They

сделаем все упражнения к его приходу, а затем все вместе поедем на каток (skatingrink). 4) Я напишу

their suitcase by that time. 9) I

the film by 9

ему после того, как увижусь с его родителями. 5)

Наш завод выпустит (produce) новый автомобиль к концу года. 6) Не знаю, напишет ли он статью к первому сентября. Если она будет готова к этому времени, мы ее напечатаем. 7) Я уже уйду в театр, если вы придете так поздно. 8) Боюсь, вы опоздае- те. Они уже закончат переговоры (talks) к 5 часам.

9) К сожалению, вы его не застанете. К этому вре- мени он уже уедет на вокзал. 10) К воскресенью они закончат ремонт (repairs) и переедут на новую квартиру.


13. Open the brackets and use the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

1) They already (rehearse) for an hour when we come. 2) I (work) in this company for 10 years next April. 3) By next year he (writing) the novel for three years. 4) The thieves are sure that they (drive) for 6 hours when the police discover the robbery in the morning. 5) They (study) for 3 hours when you come.


14. Read the text and translate.


Immunology is a branch of biomedical science that covers the study of all aspects of the immune sys- tem in all organisms. It deals with the physiological functioning of the immune system in states of both health and disease; malfunctions of the immune sys- tem in immunological disorders; the physical, chemi- cal and physiological characteristics of the compo-

nents of the immune system in vitro, in situ, and in vivo.

Even before the concept of immunity was devel- oped, numerous early physicians characterized organs that would later prove to be part of the immune sys- tem. When health conditions warrant, immune system organs including the thymus, spleen, portions of bone marrow, lymph nodes and secondary lymphatic tissues can be surgically excised for examination while pa- tients are still alive.


sical im- munology studies the relation- ship be- tween the body sys- tems, pathogens, and im-

munity. The earliest written mention of immunity can be traced back to the plague of Athens in 430 BCE.

The study of the molecular and cellular compo- nents that comprise the immune system, including their function and interaction, is the central science of immunology.

In the 21st century, immunology has broadened its horizons with much research being performed in the more specialized niches of immunology. This in- cludes the immunological function of cells, organs and

systems not normally associated with the immune sys- tem, as well as the function of the immune system outside classical models of immunity.



7) Which organ is NOT part of the immune sys-


8) What is a specialist in immunology called?


15. Give the definitions to at least three of the fol- lowing words:

- immunology

- immune system

- in vitro

- in situ (на месте нахождения)

- in vivo

- classical immunology


16. Write out the sentences expressing the main ideas of each logical part of the text.

17. Check your knowledge about the immune system? Do you know the answers to these ques- tions?

1) Is a monocyte a red or white blood cell?

2) What is the largest lymphoid structure?

3) What common allergic disorder was named for the illness first described in those exposed to the farmlands of England?

4) What is a substance that can cause a person to become sensitive to, and produce antibodies against it?

5) What type of immunity is developed through exposure to a disease?

6) Which part of the body does NOT contain lymph nodes?

If there are problems in answering this, you can find the solutions in the end of this unit.

18. Speak on the new facts you found. What won- dered you or what information was new for you? Can you add some other information about the history of immunology or some interesting immunological facts?

19. Read the text.

A useful vitamin

You'd have to eat a couple dozen oranges to get the same effect as one Vitamin C tablet that contains 500 mg of Vitamin C. Perhaps everyone knows that vitamin C and immune system of humans are inter- connected principles. Ascorbic acid is a nutrient that has been shown to have a strong jolt on human health. Researchers originally in-

tended that considerable doses of Vitamin C can re- duce the severity and the rate of the common cold due to its using in oxida- tion-reduction in the human body.

Vitamin C is on the top

Vitamin Deficienc y disease Overdose disease Good sources
    Vitamin A Night- blindness , Hyperk- eratosis, and Kera- tomalacia     Hypervita minosis A   Orange vegetables carrots, pumpkin, squash, spinach
    Vitamin B1 Beriberi, Wernicke - Korsakof fsyndrom e   Drowsiness or muscle relaxation.   Oatmeal, brown rice, vegetables, cauliflower, pota- toes, liver, eggs
  Vitamin B2   Ariboflav inosis   Dairy products, ba- nanas, popcorn, green beans, as- paragus
  Vitamin B3   Pellagra Liver dam- age and other prob- lems Meat, fish, eggs, many vegetables, mushrooms, tree nuts
Vitamin B5 Paresthes ia Diarrhea, nausea and heartburn. Meat, broccoli, avocados
Vitamin Anemia, Impairment Meat, vegetables,


of immune boosters list and there are many reasons for that. Perhaps, the greatest number of nutrient in- vestigations was devoted to vitamin C and immune system. Ascorbic acid addendums are inexpensive to make, and it is very good that vitamin C is available naturally in many vegetables and fruits. There is an- other possibility to get Ascorbic acid - you can buy at any chemist's shop vitamin-C-fortified version. Now let's take a brief review of vitamin C and immune sys- tem benefit of it.

Ascorbic acid increases the infection-fighting production antibodies and white blood cells and in- creases interferon levels, the antibody that covers sur- face of cells, which are favorable for the viruses` en- try. Vitamin C diminished the cardiovascular disease risk with the help of raising HDL levels cholesterol while decreasing blood pressure and importunate with the proceeding during which fat is transformed to plaque in the human arteries. It is also interesting about vitamin C and immune system that people who have diets with higher vitamin C concentration have lower rates of prostate, colon and even breast cancer.


20. Study this text and express it in your words not using any plan.

21. Study the list of vitamins and explain in your words what vitamins we need for healthy lifestyle and what problems the lack or overdose of vitamins can cause.

Each vitamin is typically used in multiple reac- tions, and, therefore, most have multiple functions.

Vitamin Deficienc y disease Overdose disease Good sources
Vitamin D Ricketsan dOsteom alacia Hypervita minosis D Fish, eggs, liver, mushrooms
  Vitamin E Defi- ciency is very rare; mild hemo- lytic anemia in newborn infants.   Increased congestive heart fail- ure seen in one large randomized study.   Manyfruitsandvege tables
  Vitamin K   Bleeding diathesis Increases coagulation in patients taking warfarin.   Leafy green vege- tables such as spin- ach

Vitamin Deficienc y disease Overdose disease Good sources
B6 periphera lneuropat hy. of propriocep- tion, nerve damage tree nuts, bananas
Vitamin B7 Dermatiti s, enteritis   Raw egg yolk, liver, peanuts, cer- tain vegetables
    Vitamin B9 Mega- loblast and Defi- ciency during preg- nancy is associ- ated with birth de- fects, such as neural tube de- fects     May mask symptoms of vitamin B12 defi- ciency; other ef- fects.     Leafy vegetables, pasta, bread, cereal, liver
Vitamin B12 Megalobl asticane mia Acne-like rash Meat and other animal products
Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin C megadosag Many fruits and vegetables, liver


22. Translate the text into English using the vocabulary and grammar patterns you have learned.

Иммунная система — подсистема, сущест- вующая у позвоночных животных и объединяю- щая органы и ткани, которые защищают организм

от заболеваний. Иммунная система распознает множество разнообразных возбудителей: от

вирусов до паразитических червей, и отличает их от биомолекул собственных клеток. Распознавание возбудителей усложняется их адаптацией и эволюционным развитием новых методов успеш- ного инфицирования организма-хозяина.

Конечной целью иммунной системы является уничтожение чужеродного агента. Этим достига- ется биологическая индивидуальность организма. В иммунной системе развитых организмов суще- ствует множество способов обнаружения и удале- ния чужеродных агентов, этот процесс называется иммунным ответом.


23. Make a conversation according to this situation:

You are working out a new supplement (БАД) for stimulating human’s immune system. You have to assure your colleagues that your medicine is the most effective one.

Your partner’s aim is to ask you as much as pos- sible about the supplement`s effects on immune sys- tem.


24. Creative composition.

You are one of the white blood cells. Some anti- gen has infiltrated your master’s body. What are your actions?


Answers to the questions in exercise 19.

a. White. A monocyte is a white blood cell found in lymph nodes, the spleen, and bone mar-

row. It is a phagocytic cell that engulfs and kills bacteria and plays a role in killing tumor cells.

b. Spleen. The spleen is located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen, behind the stomach. Red blood cells are filtered through the spleen, where old blood cells are destroyed.

c. Hay fever. It was originally called 'farmer's lung' and was caused by an allergic reaction to the fungi and spores in the hay.

D. Antigen.

e. Acquired active immunity. In acquired ac- tive immunity, antibodies are produced that protect the body upon second exposure.

f. Feet. Lymph nodes provide one of the most important defense mechanisms for the body.

G. Brain.

h. Immunologist. The emergence of AIDS in the 1980s has prompted extensive research and an expanded understanding of the immune system.

Unit 12 AIDS/ HIV

What are viruses AID and HIV? Do you know if there is any difference?

Do these viruses influence on our immune system? Do you know how?

What are the main symptoms of AIDS?

1. Read the following text and translate.

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История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...

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