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To shiver – to shake - to tremble - to shudder – to quiver
smell – scent – odour – aroma
weak – feeble – fragile
to discuss – to argue – to debate – to dispute
She was shaking with joy. His legs were shaking with fatigue. Her body was shaking with sobs. His hand shook as he was filling the glass. The old house shook in the storm.
The dark frightened her and her hands trembled. Trembling, she clung to Magnus’s arm. His hands trembled with oversmoking. He trembled at the sound of bursting bombs. She was all out of breath as she rang the bell with trembling fingers.
I was quivering and tingling from head to foot. She finished breathless, quivering all over with the effort of keeping her voice controlled. The boy’s lips quivered as he tried not to cry. Sister Conrick put an arm around Mrs.Lambert’s quivering shoulders and held the woman to her as though she was a frightened child.
She shivered at the sound of the bell. He came into the house snow-covered and shivering. Such thoughts may make you shiver at first.
She shuddered with disgust at the thought of his coming back. She shrank down to the floor I n terror and loathing and shuddered.
Assignment 3.
Within the following synonymic groups single out words with emotive connotations.
Fear – terror – horror
Look – stare – glare – glance – gaze
Love – admire – adore – worship
Alone – single – solitary – lonely
Assignment 4.
Single out the denotative and connotative components of meanings in the examples given below.
At the little lady’s command they all three smiled.
George, on hearing the story grinned.
2) Forsyte – the best palate in London. The palate that in a sense had made his fortune – the fortunes of the celebrated tea men, Forsyte and Treffry…
June, of course, had not seen this, but , though not yet nineteen, she was notorious.
3)Noticing that they were no longer alone, he turned and again began examining the painting.
June had gone, James had said he would be lonely.
4)I am surprised at you.
He was astonished at the woman’s determination.
Assignment 5
Find antonyms to the words given below.
Good, deep, narrow, clever, young, to love, to give, strong, evil, to die, to open, clean, darkness, sad.
Archaisms and Neologisms.
Assignment 1 .
Translate the following words and divide them into archaisms and historisms.
To chide, bloomers, to slay, hansom, billow, landau, beauteous, breastplate, Berlin, betwixt, lone, oft, steed, prairie shooter.
Assignment 2.
Read the following words and try to guess their meanings, then consult a dictionary .
Welfare-mother, neighbour-watch, heliport, boot-sale, fresher, bananas, Eurocrat, infomercials, Oxbridge, loadsamoney.
Assignment 3.
Classify the following neologisms according to the ways they are formed.
Phonological neologisms |
Borrowings |
Semantic neologisms | Syntactical neologisms
| |
Morphological | Phraseological | |||
A free-fall, me-first-ism, umbrella, to bottle-feed, perestroika, a rah-rah, yuppie, a youth-quake, teeny-weeny, all-or-none, sexism, Irangate, TGIF, sheepskin, middle-of-the roader, to headhunt, danceaholic, DINKs, whiz kid, punkster, sleeping policeman, all-at-onceness, talk-n’-chalk, dolce vita, know-how.
Assignment 4.
Explain the meanings of the following neologisms taking into account the meaning of a component common to each group
a) In – inside (is used with nouns to form adjectives)
In-city, in-house, in-car, in-college, in-flight
b) In – the most fashionable, modern ( is used before nouns to form nouns)
In-language, in-crowd, in-group, in-thing.
c) In - as a second component in a compound word – a protest, strike or any kind of a meeting (is used after verbs to form nouns)
Sit-in, laugh-in, paint-in, teach-in, read-in
Assignment 5.
Form neologisms on analogy with the following examples and translate them.
Water-proof (doesn’t let water pass through it): burglar, germ, depression.
Sea-sick (feel ill when at sea): home, train, plane.
To job-hop (to change jobs very often): museum, bar, bed, party.
User-friendly: reader, audience, teacher.
1. Give examples of native words of the common Indo-European word-stock (cognates in Latin, Greek, German, Russian) and the common Germanic word-stock (cognates in Gothic, German, etc.), characterize their peculiarities.
2. Give examples of borrowings, etymological hybrids and doublets. Characterize them according to their origin (source) and degree of assimilation. Find international words.
Механическое удерживание земляных масс: Механическое удерживание земляных масс на склоне обеспечивают контрфорсными сооружениями различных конструкций...
Своеобразие русской архитектуры: Основной материал – дерево – быстрота постройки, но недолговечность и необходимость деления...
Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...
Эмиссия газов от очистных сооружений канализации: В последние годы внимание мирового сообщества сосредоточено на экологических проблемах...
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