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Наиболее распространенные виды рака: Раковая опухоль — это самостоятельное новообразование, которое может возникнуть и от повышенного давления...
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Slanguage -
Clash, brunch, pollutician, smog, transceiver, flush, transistor, medicare, bit, cinemaddict.
7. Stress interchange
Assignment 16.
Pronounce the following pairs of words paying attention to the stress.
An accent – to accent , a conflict – to conflict, the export – to export, an extract - to extract, a contest – to contest, an object – to object, a progress – to progress, a protest – to protest, a present – to present, a rebel – to rebel, a record – to record, a survey – to survey, a transfer – to transfer, absent – to absent, frequent – to frequent
But: comment – to comment, process – to process, program – to program, focus – to focus, figure – to figure.
Seminar 4
Polysemy and Homonymy
I. Speak on the following topics.
1. Polysemy. Semantic structure of a polysemantic word.
2. Types of semantic structure.
3. Split polysemy.
4. Homonyms, their classifications.
5. Sources of homonymy
II. Do the following assignments.
Assignment 1
Group the pairs of words with the same meaning of the key word in columns.
Smart: smart clothes, a smart answer, a smart house, a smart garden, a smart officer, a smart blow, a smart punishment, a smart repartee.
Stubborn: a stubborn child, a stubborn look, a stubborn horse, stubborn resistance, a stubborn cough, stubborn depression, a stubborn fighting.
Sound: sound lungs, a sound scholar, a sound tennis-player, sound views, sound advice, sound criticism, a sound ship, a sound whipping.
Root: edible roots, the root of the tooth, the root of the matter, the root of the trouble, square root, the route of the evil, cube root.
Perform: to perform one’s duty, to perform an operation, to perform a dance, to perform a play, to perform well, to perform a vital service.
Kick: to kick the ball, to kick the dog, to kick off one’s slippers, to kick smb. downstairs, to kick off a discussion, to kick smb. out, to kick against the system, to kick the bucket.
Assignment 2.
Choose any polysemantic word that is well-known to you and illustrate its meanings with examples of your own. Prove that the meanings are related to each other.
Assignment 3.
Comment on the semantic development of words.
Starve, marshal, tide, ready, person, queen, clown, girl, china, jeans, meat, knight, write, hound.
Assignment 4.
Explain the logic of semantic transfer.
The mouth of a cave, astrakhan, the best pen of his epoch, tongues of flame, a musical ear, a Ford, not half as bad, to burn with a desire, madeira, a bookworm, a hooligan.
Assignment 5.
Find the homonyms proper to the following words and give their Russian equivalents.
Band –a company of musicians, seal – a warm-blooded, to bore – to make a long round hole, to hail – to greet, salute, cut – the result of cutting, cut – гравюра, рана, снижение,
Find the homophones to the following words and translate them into Russian.
Heir, dye, cent, sea, week, peace, sun, meat, steel, night, some, coarse, right, sight.
Find the homographs to the following words and translate both.
To bow – to bend the head or body, wind – air in motion, to tear – to pull apart by force, bear – a large, heavy animal with rough hair, to desert – to go away from a person or place.
Seminar 5
Synonyms and Antonyms.
Archaisms and Neologisms
I. Speak on the following topics.
1. Synonyms.
2. Antonyms
3. Lexical variants and paronyms
4. Archaisms
5. Neologisms
II. Do the following assignments.
Synonyms and Antonyms
Assignment 1.
Discriminate between Synonyms in the Following Synonymic Groups and Point Out a Synonymic Dominant:
Anger – indignation – wrath – fire – rage – fury
Mad – maniac(al) – crazy – crazed – insane – demented (сумасшедший)– deranged (behaving in a strange and uncontrolled way, often as a result of a mental illness)
Apartment – flat – rooms – lodgings – chambers (палата, салон, гостиная)– quarters (rooms or houses provided for people especially soldiers and their families) – tenement (a large building divided into a lot of small flats that can be rent cheaply)
Assignment 2.
Индивидуальные очистные сооружения: К классу индивидуальных очистных сооружений относят сооружения, пропускная способность которых...
Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...
Биохимия спиртового брожения: Основу технологии получения пива составляет спиртовое брожение, - при котором сахар превращается...
Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...
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