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Нижегородский филиал
Центр Языковой Подготовки
Т . А . Ненашева
Учебно-методическое пособие
Нижний Новгород
Г .
ББК 81.2 Англ 923
Ненашева, Т.А. Семинары по английской лексикологии (Seminars in English Lexicology): Учебно-методическое пособие для слушателей языкового центра НФ ГУ-ВШЭ - Нижний Новгород: НФ ГУ- ВШЭ, 2010. - 42 с.
Пособие представляет собой сборник практических заданий по некоторым темам для семинарских занятий по лексикологии и снабжено приложением, содержащим примерный лексикологический анализ текста, а также необходимые справочные данные.
Рецензент: к.ф.н., доц. Н.И.Смирнова
© Ненашева Татьяна Александровна, 2010
© Нижегородский филиал ГУ ВШЭ, 2010
Т . А . Ненашева
Учебно- методическое пособие
Семинар 1
Etymological Structure of the English Vocabulary
I. Speak on the following topics.
1. Native words, their classification and characteristics.
2. Latin borrowings in English.
3. French borrowings and their influence on the English vocabulary.
4. Celtic and Scandinavian borrowings.
5. Italian, German, Spanish and minor borrowings.
6. Assimilation of borrowings and types of assimilation.
II. Do the following assignments.
Use the Etymological Glossary on p. 25.
Assignment 1.
Subdivide the following native words into two groups according to their native element (words of common Indo-European word-stock and words of common Germanic word stock).
Apple, always, ask, above, any, be, blood, boat, bread, foot, keep, child, know, kind, can, drink, eat, ear, do, queen, eight, old, even, father, full, fish, young, go, girl, glad, green, he, heart, lady, hundred, house, I, let, like, lip, love, man, milk, mother, night, red, woman, widow.
Assignment 2.
Explain the etymology of the following words. Write them out in three columns according to the degree of assimilation.
Pen, ballet, ad hoc, monk, pupil, mulatto, table, mutton, war, cycle, esthete, taiga, bourgeoisie, mosquito, chocolate, rucksack, husband, kindergarten, pioneer, coup d’etat, police, phenomenon, data, cup, cordial, admire, skirt, sari, street, vis-à-vis, psychology, egg, pneumonia, sauerkraut, sky, chauffeur, architect, cherry, archaic, chronology, pneumatics, communiqué, café, portafogli, stiletto, eau-de-Cologne, garage, wine, samovar, tête-à-tête, Luftwaffe, paper, schnitzel.
Assignment 3.
Give etymological doublets to the following words.
Major, story, senior, catch, shade, fence, skirt, cavalry, hospital, canal, corps, jail.
Assignment 6.
Comment on the type of the following borrowings; subdivide them into four groups according to the borrowed aspect.
Blue blood, pioneer, student, swan-song, sputnik, goddess, beautiful, engineer, the fifth column, bank, uncomfortable, masterpiece, Sunday, Autobahn, unmistakable, superman.
Assignment 7.
Comment on the etymology of the following international words.
Moment, robot, glasnost, meeting, antenna, antibiotics, snob, democrat, villa,
football, bandit, domino, time-out.
Assignment 8.
State the origin of the following words.
Prison, skipper, junta, just, yacht, ranch, tailor, embargo, take, lieutenant, guess, leg, joy, waltz, tomato, corridor, skin, Mafia, concert, pencil, money.
Seminar 2
Regional Varieties of English
I. Speak on the following topics.
1. Standard English and RP.
2. Development of British dialects.
3. Standard American English and dialects.
4. Groups of Americanisms.
5. Peculiarities of American English compared to British English.
II. Do the following assignments.
Assignment 1.
Give the British equivalents to the following Americanisms.
Apartment, store, baggage, elevator, candy, truck, sidewalk, schedule, fall, movies, subway, bulletin, homely, corn.
Assignment 2.
Translate the following words giving both the British and American variants.
Каникулы, бензин, осень, радио, трамвай, консервная банка, брюки, перекресток, печенье
Assignnment 3.
Give the synonyms for the following American shortenings. Describe the words from the stylistic point of view.
Gym, mo, circs, auto, g.m., dorm, cert, b.f.
Assignment 4.
In the following sentences find the examples of Americanisms. State whether they belong to :
1)historical Americanisms
2)proper Americanisms
3)American borrowings
4)American shortenings
5)Words with spelling peculiarities
1.As the elevator carried Brett downward, Hank closed and locked the apartment door from the outside.
2.A raw fall wind swirled fall leaves and dust in small tornadoes.
3.In a plant bad news traveled like burning gasoline.
4.The bank was about equal in size to a neighborhood drugstore.
5.He guessed this three-storey building contained two dozen or so apartments.
6.Auto companies regularly invited design school students in, treating them like VIPs.
Assignment 5.
Look through the following list of words and state what spelling norms are accepted in the USA and Great Britain so far as the given words are concerned.
a) favour –favor e) defence - defense
honour – honor practice – practice
b) centre – center e) marvellous - marvelous
fibre – fiber jewellery - jewelry
c) to enfold - to infold f) cheque – check
to encrust – to incrust catalogue –catalog
d) anaesthesia – anesthesia
orthopaedics - orthopedics g) through – thru
doughnut - donut
Assignment 6.
Write the following words according to the British norms of spelling.
To instill, color, encyclopedia, flavor, dialog, meter, humor, to impanel, program, theater, offence, traveler, woolen.
Assignment 7.
Write the following words according to the American norms of spelling.
Honour, labour, through, armour, cigarette, gramm, amoeba, citrous, checker, draughtsman, wagon, anaemia.
Seminar 3
Word Formation
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