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Ex. 13 Find in the text where it is said about the points given below. Put down the number of the paragraph

2024-02-15 68
Ex. 13 Find in the text where it is said about the points given below. Put down the number of the paragraph 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Optics can reduce power consumption

2. The recent model of optical Neural Network

3. The optical transistor which is used to create logic gates.

4. The properties of photons

5. A computer that uses light instead of capacity.

Ex. 1 4 Find the synonyms to the following words in the text:

1. reaction (2)                                 5. representation (5)

2. using (3)                                      6. security (5)

3. information (3)                            7. need (4)

4. capacity (4)                                  8. superiority (3)

Ex. 15. Find English equivalents to the following words and word –combination in the texts:

1. оптичний комп’ютер;

2. однак;

3. виконання;

4. здібності;

5. потребувати;

6. інформаційна теорія;

7. існувати

Ex . 16 Define the abbreviations :


Ex . 17 . Say if the following statements are true or false:

1. Photons have the same physical properties as electrons.

2. Optical computer technology is still in the last stages.

3. The fundamental building block of modern electronic computers is the transistor.

4. Advantage of optics is that it can reduce power consumption.

5. An optical communication system will not typically use more power over short distances than an electronic one.

Ex.18 Answer the following questions. Find answers in the text. Put down the number of the paragraph:

1. What is called an optical computer?

2. What is required to replace electronic components with optical ones?

3. What is optical transistor used for?

4. Why does optical computer require high powers and larger dimensions than for a conventional electronic computer?

5. Has POAC a wide range of applications?


V. Oral practice.

Ex. 19 Describe the importance of the optical computer.

Ex. 20 Explain the importance of electromagnetic wave and its power.

Ex. 21 Prove the advantages of using optical computer.

Ex. 22 Discuss the text according to the points:

1. An optical compute and its “optical transistor.”

2. Advantages and disadvantages of optical computes and electronic computers.

3. The recent model of Optical Neural Network.


                                                   Unit 4

A computer virus

I. Vocabulary

Ex. 1 Read and memorize the following words, words combinations and word-groups:

Erroneously - помилково

malware-зловмісна программа

adware- програмне забезпечення, що містить рекламу

spyware- програмне шпигунське забезпечення

a removable medium –прилад, що може бути видаленим

to access- приймати

spread - розповсюджувати

noticeable - помітний

local area network – місцева сіть

facilitating - полегшення

malicious code blurring – шкідливий код

detection – розкриття

II. Reading and comprehension

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