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Ex. 7 . Describe the process of sending messages by electronic mail.

2024-02-15 63
Ex. 7 . Describe the process of sending messages by electronic mail. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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 Ex. 8 Explain the convenience of using electronic mail.

Ex. 9 Prove that electronic mail is better than sending letters by post.

Ex. 10 Discuss the text according to the points:

1. Do you use electronic mail to send messages? Why? How often do you use it?

2. Give the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic mail.



IV Reading and comprehension

Ex. 11. Read the text and translate it.

New words:

central processing units –  центральній блок управління

interpret – переводити

remarkable –чудовий

mainframe – центральний блок обробки даних

silicon - кремній

The “brain” of the computer

1. You have seen that there are quite a few ways to get information into the computer. Once the information is there what does the computer do with it? You already know the answer: The computer process it. But how?

2. Instructions from the keyboard and from other forms of input - such as a program -go to the central processing unit, or CPU. The CPU interprets and follows instructions, and sends the results of its work to the user, to the computer's memory, or to both.

3. Since the CPU is so important, and its speed is so remarkable, you might picture it as being very large. In fact, it can be tiny. The CPU in a microcom­puter may be no larger than a thumb­nail! And since it requires so little space, it is often included in the same case as the keyboard. In a mainframe or microcomputer, the CPU is located In a separate unit. It is this unit that people in a data - processing department are talking about when they refer to "the computer".

4. A chip is a thin wafer, about a quarter of an inch «square, that plugs into a board in the computer. Most chips are made of silicon, which is a common, non metalic element found in the earth's crust, most often in sand. Because of this, they are frequently called silicon chips.

5.A single silicon chip can be the entire central processing unit of a micro­computer. When it is, the CPU is called a microprocessor. Even if several chips perform all the processing, the word microprocessor is often used to refer to the CPU.

6. Each chip has an integrated circuit. An electrical circuit is a path through which electricity flows. An integrated circuit consists of thousands upon thousands of tiny, interconnected electrical circuits.


Ex. 12 Find in the text where it is said about the points given below. Put down the number of the paragraph

1. The definition of the microprocessor

2. The way of the instruction from the keyboard to the computer

3. The description of the chip

4. The comparence of an electrical circuit and integrated circuit

Ex. 13 Find the terms in the text which describes the following. Put down the number of the paragraph:

 a. a type of energy that we use to make heat, light and power to work.

 b. a person who uses a service, machine, place.

 c. a very small piece of a special material that is used inside a computer

 d. detailed information on how you should use sth., do something

e. a set of instructions that you give to a computer

Ex. 14. Say if the following statements are true or false:

1. The CPU interprets and follows instructions, and doesn’t send the results of its work to the user, to the computer's memory, or to both.

2. The CPU in a microcom­puter may be larger than a thumb­nail!

3. The CPU is often included in the same case as the keyboard.

4. A chip is a thin wafer, about a quarter of an inch «square, that plugs into a board in the computer.

5. A single silicon chip can be the entire central processing unit of a micro­computer.

Ex.15 Answer the following questions. Find answers to the following questions in the text. Put down the number of the paragraph:

1. What is called CPU?

2. What is chip?

3. Why is a chip called a silicon?

4. Where does electricity flow in an electric chip?

5. What is the speed of the CPU?

IV. Oral practice

Ex.16 Describe the using of chip.

Ex. 17. Explain how the computer process the information.

Ex. 18 Prove the importance of using the CPU in a microcomputer.

Ex. 19 Make up a plan covering the main ideas of the text. Discuss the text according to the plan

Ex 20. Discussion points:

The stages of the processing information by the computer

Unit 3


Ex. 1 Read and memorize the following words, words combinations and word-groups:

rapid progress – швидкий розвиток

communication - комунікації

optical fibers – оптичні волокна

conventional - звичайний

improved - покращений

considerable - значний

transmit - передавати

lightwave conductors – світло – хвильові провідники

amplification - розширення

install - встановлювати

accommodate - вміщувати

storage  - зберігання

coated- вкритий

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