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Ex. 18 Explain the meaning of light in the appearance of photon computers.
Ex. 19 Prove that we are living in an electronic world.
Ex. 20 Make up a plan covering the main ideas. Discuss the text according to the plan.
Unit 2
Electronic mail
Ex. 1 Read and memorize the following words:
Mysteriously - загадково
Subscriber- підписчик, абонент
storage location – місце збереження
eliminate - виключати
telephone tag – телефонний дріт
delivery - доставка
to be tied to- бути пов’язаним з
II. Reading and comprehension
Ex. 2 Read and translate the text
1. Did you ever have to go out in the rain to mail a letter that couldn't wait? Have you ever received a letter weeks late because it had been mysteriously «lost» in the mail? If so, you will be very happy to know that electronic mail is here.
2. What exactly is electronic mail? It's just what you'd imagine: the sending of messages electronically by computer. Here's how it works;
3. Suppose that you are a subscriber to The Source or Computer Serve. You have ten friends who subscribe as well. A few months ago, you lent one of these friends a record. You want the record back, but you can't remember who has it. Using a microcomputer and a modem, you plug into the information service's network of subscribers. Once you are on-line, you send the same message to all ten of your friends. «Whoever has my Bill Cosby album, please return it.»
4. Your message is stored in your friends' "electronic mailboxes". These mailboxes are nothing like those that are used by the U.S. Post Service. They are simply storage locations in the information service's computer system. When your friends come on-line, they will check to see if they have any mail. When they do your message will appear on their screens. It's as easy as that. (With luck you might even get your record back!)
5. Electronic mail is becoming popular in the business world, too. It is fast, direct, and reliable. In addition, storing messages in electronic mailboxes saves time by eliminating "telephone tag": Ms. Green calls Mr. Gold, but Mr. Gold is out to lunch. An hour later, Mr. Gold returns the call, but Ms. Green is at a meeting. The next morning, Ms. Green calls back, but Mr. Gold's line is busy, and so on .
6. Not all electronic mail delivery is tied to an information service like The Source or CompuServe. In fact, organizations already exist that specialize in delivering electronic mail. Subscribers to these electronic-mail services can send messages around the world on their computers. In addition, the addressee doesn't even need a computer to receive mail through one of these services. Both will transmit a letter most of the distance electronically, then print and send it the rest of the distance by mail.
Ex. 3. Find in the text where it is said about the points given below. Put down the number of the paragraph:
1. Services that can send massages around the world
2. The definition of the electronic mail
3. The description of the mailboxes
4. Electronic mail is becoming popular today
Ex.4. Find the terms in the text which designate the following. Put down the number of the paragraph:
1. a. written or printed message that you send to somebody.
2. a system or organization that provides the public with something that it needs.
3. a person that you know and like and who likes you.
4. to put words, pictures onto paper by using special machine
5. to make something go or be taken somewhere especially by mail, radio.
Ex.5 . Say if the following statements are true or false:
1. Electronic mail is the sending of messages electronically by telephone.
2. Using a microcomputer and a modem, you plug into the information service's network of subscribers.
3. When your friends switch on computer, they will check to see if they have any mail.
4. Not all electronic mail delivery is tied to an information service like The Source or CompuServe.
5. Subscribers to these electronic-mail services cannot send messages around the world on their computers.
Ex.6 Answer the following questions. Find answers in the text. Put down the number of the paragraph:
1. Do the letters lost mysteriously?
2.What should you do to send a message?
3. Why is electronic mail become popular?
4. What do you know about the Source or Computer Serve?
5. Why does the addressee need a computer to receive a mail?
III. Oral practice.
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