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Устойчивые выражения с предлогами

2017-05-23 736
Устойчивые выражения с предлогами 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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5 by 5 – 5 на 5 (размер)

across – на ту сторону

across over the sea – за море (в чужие страны)

at first sight – с первого взгляда

at hand – под рукой

at home – дома

at last – наконец

at least – по крайней мере

at sea – в море, далеко от берега

at the age – в возрасте

at the end – в конце

at the same time – в то же время

at the seaside – на побережье

at what time – в какое время

before long – скоро, вскоре

before now – раньше, до сих пор

besides – вдобавок, кроме того

beyond all doubt – вне сомнения

beyond believe –невероятно

beyond description – неописуемо

beyond dispute – вне обсуждения

beyond expectation – больше, чем можно было ожидать

beyond hope – безнадежный

beyond measure – сверх всякой меры

beyond reach –вне досягаемости

beyond scope – за пределами

beyond the town – за городом

bit by bit – по кусочку

by accident – случайно

by air, sea. – по воде, воздуху

by all means – во что бы то ни стало

by birth – с рождения

by chance – случайно

by cheque – чеком

by ear – на слух

by hand – от руки

by heart – наизусть

by hook or by crook – так или иначе, любым способом

by nature – по природе

by no means – никоим образом, ни в коем случае

by profession – по профессии

by radio – по радио

by reason of – по причине

by the sea – у моря, на морском побережье

by the skin of one tooth – едва-едва, еле-еле

by the way – между прочим

down to – вплоть до

except – кроме (за исключением)

for a holiday – на каникулы

from time to time – время от времени

greater by 2 meters – больше на 2 метра

in 2006 – в 2006

in any case – во всяком случае

in charge of – по поручению

in conclusion – в заключение

in conformity with – в соответствии

in December – в декабре

in defiance of – вопреки

in favour of – в защиту

in honour of – в честь

in person – собственной персоной

in persuit of / in search of – в поисках

in reference to – в связи с, относительно

in regard to – относительно

in relation to – что касается

in return – взамен

in return for / in reply to – в обмен, в ответ

in the long run – в конце концов

in the middle ages – в средние века

in the morning – утром

in the open air – на открытом воздухе

in the purpose of – в целях

in the slams – в трущобах

in the trenches – в окопах

in the wake of – в результате

just in time – как раз вовремя

later on – позже

long after – спустя долгое время

long before – задолго до этого

month by month – месяц за месяцем

negotiations for – переговоры о

off hand – с рук долой

on a cold morning – холодным утром

on foot – пешком

on Friday evening – в пятницу вечером

on hand – в распоряжении, на руках

on the initiative of – по инициативе

on the invitation of – по приглашению

on the sea – по морю, на море

on tiptoe – на цыпочках

out at sea – в открытом море

out of necessity – по необходимости

out of pity – из жалости

pale with – бледный от

That’s getting beyond a joke – Это перестает быть забавным.

to arrive in / at – прибывать в

to be of importance – иметь значение

to be taken by surprise – быть захваченным врасплох

to borrow sth. from sb. – занимать

to call at – заходить к

to call for – заходить за

to call on – навещать, посещать

to complain to sb / about sth. – жаловаться кому-нибудь / на что-либо

to congratulate on – поздравлять с

to die of – умирать от

to differ from – отличаться от

to explain sth. to sb. (what, how, why) – объяснять кому-либо (что, как, почему)

to get rid of – избавляться от

to go by coach – ехать в карете

to go to the sea – ехать к морю

to grab sb. by the hand – хватать кого-либо за руку

to happen to – случаться с

to insist on – настаивать

to jump down – спрыгивать

to laugh at – смеяться над

to leave for – уезжать в

to make up one’s mind to do sth – принять решение что-либо сделать

to name after – называть в честь кого-либо

to object to – возражать против

to point at – указывать на что-либо

to prevent from – препятствовать

to put off – откладывать

to recover from – поправляться

to refer to – ссылаться на

to rely on – полагаться на

to run / come across – наталкиваться

to sentence sb. to – приговаривать

to shout at – кричать на

to take part in – участвовать

to throw at / into – бросать в

to tremble with – дрожать от

to warn smb. about sth. – предупреждать кого-либо о чем-либо

to warn sth. against doing sth. – предупреждать кого-либо против чего-либо

to work at – работать над

to work out – разрабатывать

up and down – взад и вперед

Упражнение 75. Проанализируйте употребление предлогов в следующем тексте:

The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Cars that were usually gleaming stood dusty in their drives and lawns that were once emerald green lay parched and yellowing –for the use of hosepipes had been banned due to drought. Deprived of their usual car-washing and lawn-mowing pursuits, the inhabitants of Privet Drive had retreated into the shade of their cool houses, windows thrown wide in the hope of tempting in a nonexistent breeze. The only person left outdoors was a teenage boy who was lying flat on his back in a flowerbed outside number four.

He was a skinny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who had the pinched, slightly unhealthy look of someone who has grown a lot in a short space of time. His jeans were torn and dirty, his T-shirt baggy and faded, and the soles of his trainers were peeling away from the uppers. Harry Potter's appearance did not endear him to the neighbours, who were the sort of people who thought scruffiness ought to be punishable by law, but as he had hidden himself behind a large hydrangea bush this evening he was quite invisible to passers-by. In fact, the only way he would be spotted was if his Uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia stuck their heads out of the living-room window and looked straight down into the flowerbed below.

On the whole, Harry thought he was to be congratulated on his idea of hiding here. He was not, perhaps, very comfortable lying on the hot, hard earth but, on the other hand, nobody was glaring at him, grinding their teeth so loudly that he could not hear the news, or shooting nasty questions at him, as had happened every time he had tried sitting down in the living room to watch television with his aunt and uncle.

Упражнение 76. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. Fred is away at the moment. I don’t know exactly when he’s coming back but I’m sure he’ll be back … Monday.

A. by

B. until

C. on

D. before

2. I'll be at home … Friday morning. You can phone me then.

A. at

B. on

C. in

D. along

3. I'm going away … the end of January.

A. at

B. on

C. in

D. for

4. When we were in Italy, we spent a few days … Venice.

A. at

B. to

C. in

D. opposite

5. What time did they … the hotel?

A. arrive to

B. arrive at

C. arrive in

D. get to

6. Tom's away at the moment. He's … holiday in France.

A. at

B. on

C. in

D. for

7. Have you read any books … Agatha Christie?

A. of

B. from

C. by

D. onto

8. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage … the other car.

A. of

B. for

C. to

D. on

9. Why were you so unfriendly … Tessa? Have you had an argument with her?

A. of

B. for

C. to

D. with

10. I'm not very good … repairing things.

A. at

B. for

C. in

D. about

11. If you're worried about the problem, you should do something … it.

A. for

B. about

C. against

D. with

12. "What time will you arrive?" – "I don’t know. It depends … the traffic."

A. of

B. for

C. from

D. on

13. I prefer tea … coffee.

A. to

B. than

C. against

D. over

14. They gave me a form and told me to fill ….

A. in

B. it in

C. in it

D. inside

15. They got … the train at Los Angeles.

A. out of

B. from

C. off

D. with

Контрольные работы

Вариант 1

I. Задайте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения:

1. She had a straw hat.

2. The cover of his book is made of leather.

3. These students want to take part in this competition.

4. There will be a modern theater in 2 miles from a newly built hotel.

5. The text couldn't be translated yesterday because of his poor knowledge.

6. She looked upon life as an opportunity for writing novels.

7. She had lived in the village for two months when he came for a short visit.

II. Замените действительный залог глаголов на страдательный:

1. They heard him mention it.

2. Mother has told you so many times not to touch these things.

3. He will have to send for the doctor.

4. The spectators consider this play the most interesting at the theater.

5. One will never explain the origin of the Universe.

6. He will be translating this text after dinner.

7. The room looked as if nobody had lived in it for years.

III. Замените прямую речь косвенной в следующих предложениях:

1. Tom said to Ann, "They haven't even told me who my successor is going to be."

2. "If I had time I should go on a short holiday", Olga said.

3. "What will you do if he invites you to have dinner?" asked Tom.

4. "Let's go to the library today", said Ann.

5. "Don't be so silly and stop asking such stupid questions", said his brother.

6. "Would you open the window? It's too close here", – said Mary.

7. "He has been working at his father's since he finished school", said he.

IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив необходимую видовременную форму:

It (to be) this scar that (to make) Harry so particularly unusual, even for a wizard. This scar (to be) the only hint of Harry's very mysterious past, of the reason he (to be left) on the Dursleys' doorstep eleven years before.

At the age of one year old, Harry somehow (to survive) a curse from the greatest Dark sorcerer of all time, Lord Voldemort, whose name most witches and wizards still (to fear) to speak. Harry's parents (to die) in Voldemort's attack, but Harry (to escape) with his lightning scar, and somehow - nobody (to understand) why Voldemort's powers (to be destroy) the instant he (to fail) to kill Harry.

V. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Ее мать пригласила их остановиться у нее, но он настаивал, чтобы они пошли в гостиницу.

2. Позвони мне, когда ты будешь выезжать, чтобы я знал, когда ждать тебя.

3. Он сидел за столом, как если бы писал, но он не писал и не читал.

4. Мне следовало бы сказать вам давно, как много вы значите для меня.

5. Я предложил, чтоб он приехал и погостил (spend) у меня несколько дней, чтобы он мог осмотреться (look about) перед тем, как он найдет какую-нибудь квартиру.

6. Будь осторожен с ключом, если ты вдруг потеряешь его, мы никогда не откроем этот сейф.

7. Я бы выпила чашечку чая.

8. Должно быть, он написал ей.

9. Не может быть, чтобы он не перевел текст

10. Если бы не моя улыбка, он бы поверил мне.

11. Необходимо, чтобы он перевел текст вовремя.

12. Некоторые книги, собранные им, редкие (rare).

13. Если бы мы знали об этом заранее, мы бы не пришли.

14. Она проговорила по телефону около 30 минут, а затем вспомнила, что ей надо готовить ужин.

15. Ее губы были синими, как будто она съела целую тарелку черники.

Вариант 2

I. Задайте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения:

1.Не answered all the questions easily.

2. My task having been finished I went to bed.

З. Не said nothing about the accident.

4. He was interested in the purchase of 5000 tons of fuel.

5. It will weight 60 kilograms.

6. She had been writing the letter for an hour when he telephoned.

7. He painted the door yesterday.

8. Some bags were damaged by sea water.

9. There will be an interesting meeting tomorrow.

II. Замените действительный залог глаголов на страдательный:

1.You should have let her go.

2. They saw him walking across the field.

3. They agreed that each member would invite a guest.

4. Nevertheless, considering that I was cold and very nervous, I summed up my story very well.

5. Somebody might have stolen your car if you had left the keys in it.

6. They are discussing the possibility of new negotiations.

7. We must look into the matter.

8. We've seen very little of him these past years.

9. Luckily it seemed that people of that class would do almost anything for money.

10. She has been waiting for this bus since the morning.

III. Замените прямую речь косвенной в следующих предложениях:

1. "What have you done with the tea-cozy I gave you last time I came up, Marion?" – She asked.

2. She said, "Of course I should have invited them if I liked them".

3. "Isn't there some nice girl who'd amuse you? – She said briskly.

4. Customer said, "This chicken here is the toughest piece of meat I've ever tasted".

5. "Never cross the street under the red lights," said the policeman to the pedestrian.

6. His teacher was not satisfied with such an answer. She asked the pupil, "Will you try once more every other day?"

7. "If you weren't afraid of him you would go and tell him everything," – my sister said.

8. "She has been speaking over the phone since I came", – explained Helen.

9. "All right, let's go to the theater tonight", – he said to me in a low voice.

10. "Don't be so shy; try to do your best. You must be at the top, I am sure," – my best friend said to my sister.

IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив необходимую видовременную форму глагола:

A fellow (dial) his home telephone number.

"Hello", he (say) "(be) that Mrs. Brown?"


"This is Tom speaking. I say, dear, it (be) all right if I bring a couple of fellows to dinner?"

"Certainly, darling"

"You (hear) what I (say)?"

"Yes, you (ask) if you (can) bring home a couple of fellows to dinner. Of course, you can".

"Sorry, madam," (say) the fellow as he (hang up), "I (get) the wrong Mrs. Brown."

V. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Он привык пить кофе не только утром, но и днем (daytime).

2. Если бы не ваша помощь, мы не смогли бы сделать это.

3. Не дожидаясь его приезда, она покрасила дом.

4. Приехав в старый дом, он нашел все, что искал.

5. Жаль, что вчера было так холодно, и мы не смогли погулять подольше.

6. Боюсь, как бы он не забыл об этом.

7. Случись так, что ты найдешь другой выход (way out), сообщи мне.

8. Если бы мне пришлось рассказать вам все, вы бы удивились.

9. Я перебрал (go over) все возможные случаи, когда я мог бы с ним познакомиться.

10. Не смотрите на меня так, как будто вы никогда меня раньше не видели.

11. Молодой человек, спросивший меня, откуда я приехала, показался мне знакомым (familiar). Я определенно видела его раньше.

12. Не может быть, чтобы он сделал такую ошибку.

13. Мама не могла не беспокоиться, так как детям давно пора было вернуться домой.

14. Где вы починили велосипед?

15. Я помню, что видела эту же фотографию Британского музея в другом журнале.

16. Видели, как он вошел в дом, но никто не видел, как он вышел.

17. Мой друг, посетивший Панамский канал, рассказывает много интересных историй об этой поездке.

18. Кажется, кто-то разлил (spill) свой кофе.

Вариант III

I. Задайте вопросы к выделенной части предложения:

1. There are many people whom the theatre fills with an excitement.

2. The audience made a great deal of noise, especially in the balcony.

3. His look makes me think he knows the truth.

4. She smiled in that charming way of hers.

5. He mixed up the words "tale" and "tail".

6. I am indignant with her for her constant absence.

7. The sun was setting red behind the pine trees.

8. I do not quite understand what you mean.

II. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Папа не вызвал бы врача, если бы с моей сестрой все было в порядке.

2. Он бы повел себя по-другому, если бы был эгоистом (selfish).

3. Кажется, они раньше не встречались.

4. Я не могу не думать об этом.

5. Ему было бы полезно бросить курить.

6. Она не привыкла получать подарки.

7. Стыд, а не страх (fear) заставил ее плакать.

8. Не может быть, чтобы она не узнала вас.

9. Она смотрела на него так, как будто знала ею всю жизнь.

10. Если бы не такси, мы бы опоздали на поезд.

11. Приехав на вокзал, он взял такси и поехал в гостиницу, в которой он забронировал (reserve) комнату.

12. Было слышно, как она смеется.

13. Так как он был очень занят, он не мог навестить ее.

14. Не говоря ни слова, она толкнула дверь и поспешила прочь.

15. Он видел, как сбросили бомбу.

16. Мне нужно починить велосипед.

17. Бесполезно спорить об этом.

18. Он сказал, что напишет ей, если не получит в ближайшее время никаких известий.

III. Замените прямую речь косвенной в следующих предложениях:

1. "If he were not afraid of darkness he would have gone up to the attic and brought that picture," she said.

2. "Would you mind moving your case?" said the other passenger.

3. "Let us go for a walk!" my sister said. – "All right," I said to her.

4. A deep sorrow lashed in her face and she said, "I have been crying since I came."

5. " Don't be so silly, stop crying about nothing, "said he.

6. "I study at the University. I have been studying here since September. I speak English fairly well. At present I am learning French. I am sure a person must be well educated and know a lot. Do you agree?"

IV. Замените действительный залог глаголов на страдательный:

1. I have been revising the English tenses since April.

2. They largely commented upon her strange behaviour.

3. Nobody lives in the room.

4. Someone must show them how to operate the machine.

5. They will have to see the matter.

6. We do not know why we did not take the least notice of the problem.

V. Раскройте скобки, использую необходимую видовременную форму:

Winnie-the-Pooh (sit) down at the foot of the tree, (put) his head between his paws and (begin) to think.

First of all he (say) to himself: "That buzzing-noise (mean) something. You (not to get) a buzzing-noise like that, just buzzing and buzzing, without its meaning something. If there (be) a buzzing-noise, somebody (make) a buzzing-noise, and the only reason for making a buzzing-noise that I know of (be) because you (be) a bee.”

Then he (think) another long time, and (say): "And the only reason for being a bee that I know of (be) making honey."

Вариант IV

I. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения:

1. This fact surprised me.

2. He can translate the text

3. She has been living in Moscow for 10 years.

4. The meeting begins at 10 o'clock.

5. He lived in Kiev when the war began

6. There is nothing in the fridge.

7. He lost his keys yesterday.

8. My friend will have run about 30 kilometers after two hours.

II. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Мы наслаждались фильмом, когда неожиданно погас свет.

2. Мэри экономит (to save up), чтобы поехать в отпуск, поэтому она тратит (to spend) как можно меньше денег.

3. He может быть, чтобы она не простудилась.

4. Она привыкла варить на электрической плите (stove).

5. Случись так, что он навестит вас, передайте ему эту книгу.

6. Ее глаза были красными, как будто бы она проплакала половину ночи.

7. Если бы он не был такой рассеянный (absent-minded), он не отдал бы книгу вашей сестре.

8. Если бы не дождь, мы смогли бы вовремя закончить работу.

9. Она поздоровалась с ним так, как будто он был ее братом.

10. Услышав шум, он встал и вышел из комнаты.

11. Приехав туда, гость нашел все то, что ожидал увидеть.

12. Было слышно, как они разговаривали.

13. Если погода позволит, мы поедем завтра.

14. Не дожидаясь ее ответа, он повернулся и вышел.

15. После того, как ему сообщили о собрании, он сразу решил подождать, чтобы узнать новости.

16. Я требую, чтобы они пришли вовремя.

III. Замените прямую речь косвенной в следующих предложениях:

1. She said, "I have been writing since I came".

2. My friend said to me, "I wish I could speak a foreign language".

3. She asked, "Are you going to leave a message tomorrow?"

4. She said to her, "Will you stay here?"

5. The ticket collector said to the passenger, "Produce your ticket".

6. He said, "I couldn't swim when I was a boy".

IV. Замените действительный залог глаголов на страдательный:

1. Не must comment on this event.

2. I am sure that nobody will object to this plan.

3. Do you think my friend can rely on these figures?

4. I was told yesterday that his teacher had asked him to work at our laboratory.

5. They will leave Moscow alter he decides all the questions.

6. When he comes I shall have checked the documents and the letters.

7. She paints the door of the house every year.

V. Раскройте скобки, использую необходимую видовременную форму:

I (not/be) in Tahiti long before I (meet) captain Nichols. He (come) in one morning when I (have) breakfast on the terrace of the hotel and (introduce) himself He (hear) that I (be) interested in Charles Strickland, and (announce) that he (come) to have a talk about him. I (ask) the stranger if he (have) breakfast "Yes", he (answer) When he (smile) he (show) broken and discoloured teeth. He (be) a very lean man, with grey hair cut short and a grey moustache. He (not/shave) for a couple of days.

"I (know) Strickland well" he (say), as he (lean) hack in his chair and (light) the cigar I (offer) him. "Where you (meet) him" I (ask). "In Marseilles."

Вариант V

I. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения:

1. Nick often writes letters to his college mates.

2. She told me that it was all true.

3. They have gone out.

4. John has worked here for 2 years.

5. There will be a meeting tomorrow.

6. The water was cold for her.

7. Three sisters have been spending their holidays abroad.

8. He could swim.

II. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Если бы команда выиграла этот матч вчера, она бы заняла первое место.

2. Я бы с удовольствием поговорил с ним.

3. Бояться было нечего: человек, стоящий у ворот, был нашим другом.

4. Извини за то, что я пришел так поздно.

5. Должно быть, она спросила его об этом.

6. Не может быть, чтобы он тебя об этом не спросил.

7. Им удалось продать дом, опубликовав объявление (advertisement) в газете.

8. Она была достаточно умна, чтобы понять, что сейчас ей лучше помолчать.

9. Ему сообщили эти новости перед тем, как он уехал.

10. Если бы мы купили билеты заранее, мы бы сейчас не стояли за ними.

11. Если бы не его характер, этого бы не случилось.

12. Необходимо, чтобы он принял участие в обсуждении этого вопроса.

13. Некоторые марки, собранные им, очень старые.

14. Я не знаю, приедет ли он сегодня, но если приедет, мы пригласим его.

15. Если бы мы знали раньше, что вы пойдете к нему, мы попросили бы вас поговорить по этому вопросу.

16. Он проговорил около 2 часов, а затем сказал, что ему надо повидать кое-кого из друзей.

III. Замените прямую речь косвенной в следующих предложениях:

1. She said, "I am sure that he has told you that he has received a prize for his work".

2. She said, "I am afraid that you will say that you can't help me".

3. He said to his friend, "If I were you I should do everything to help her".

4. He asked her, "What are you going to do on Monday?"

5. Mother said to me, "Buy some meat in the shop and don't buy the candy".

6. I said to Boris, "Did you skate last winter?"

7. She said, "Oh, I assure you I do all I can to make her comfortable".

IV. Замените действительный залог глаголов на страдательный:

1. All the boys looked up to Steerforth.

2. He was exceedingly absent-minded and they always made fun of him.

3. His sudden arrival will put an end to the discussion.

4. His new neighbour has just locked it.

5. It seems to me that a sense of loneliness can oppress anyone.

6. He should have written her a letter.

7. When she appeared in the hall everybody looked at her with great interest.

V. Раскройте скобки, использую необходимую видовременную форму:

It (be) Ashley's birthday and Melanie (give) him a surprise reception that night, everyone (know) about the reception, except Ashley. Even his children (know). Everyone in the town who (be) nice (be invited). General Gordon and his family graciously (accept) the invitation. Alexander Stephen (say) he (be) present if his ever-uncertain health (permit). Scarlett never (see) Melanie so excited and happy.

"You see, dear, Ashley (not/have) a birthday party since we (come) here. And he (work) so hard and he (be) so tired. When he (get) home at night he (be) surprised when everybody (come) in!"

Melanie's house (blaze) lights from every room. It (be packed) with guests. They (overflow) on verandas and many (sit) on the benches in the yard.

Вариант VI

I. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения:

1. Charles and James have just arrived in London.

2. Charing Cross is a very old place in London.

3. A beautiful cottage stood near the side of the river.

4. I want three pounds of potatoes.

5. They had written the composition for an hour when Nina joined them.

6. She has gone out.

7. Like most English houses, mine is of two stories.

8. She understood that something was wrong.

II. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Вы можете не торопиться, осталось еще 15 минут.

2. Джейн подумала, что она должна навестить свою подругу как можно раньше.

3. Она работала весь день и выглядела бледной.

4. К 1998 году он проработал над книгой уже 2 года.

5. Он сейчас пишет статью. Он пишет ее с самого утра.

6. Все видели, как Бетси быстро пересекла площадь.

7. Что заставило его поехать туда так рано?

8. Мы узнаем все на следующий день, если они приедут.

9. Курение – плохая привычка

10. Написав письмо, он быстро вышел из комнаты.

11. Вы не против, если я закрою окно?

12. Она была первой, кто перевел эту книгу на русский язык.

13. Если бы я знала, что это случится, я бы никогда не поехала с ним.

14. Они возражали против того, чтобы мы остались дома

15. Я рада, что достала билет на концерт.

16. Утро было солнечное, но с 11 часов погода изменилась, и теперь идет дождь.

III. Замените действительный залог глаголов на страдательный:

1. Everybody looked at him with interest.

2. He has brought the letter already.

3. They are typing my text.

4. We shall send for the doctor at once.

5. People met the delegation at the station.

6. We have to do the translation in two hours.

7. I'm not prepared to think that they are making a fool of me.

IV. Замените прямую речь косвенной в следующих предложениях:

1. Jack said to Pete: "You've done this work carelessly".

2.The girl explained: "I'm sorry for the things I said".

3. The secretary said to the visitor: "Will you please wait?"

4. Tom asked his friend: "What did your sister speak about in her last letter?"

5. Mother said to her daughter: "You must come back home earlier".

6. She usually said, "If I had a garden I should grow a lot of flowers".

7. She said: "I entered the University in the year of their marriage".

V. Раскройте скобки, использую необходимую видовременную форму:

A: I (to use) (to live) in Manchester. (To be) you ever there?

B: Not really, but I (to pass) through Manchester several times. I (to use) (to work) for a TV company and I (to travel) a lot. (To like) you Manchester?

A: I (to like) it while I (to live) there, but I do not (to think) I (to like) it now – too noisy. I (to use) (to like) cities, but now I (to prefer) the country. You (to know), the British (to be) at heart country people.

B: I (to have) a bad experience once while I (to pass) through Manchester. I (to lose) the map while I (to have) tea in a tea-room and (can) not (to find) my way to the highway.

Вариант VII

I. Задайте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения:

1. They are fond of classical music.

2. She knew it would be soon getting dark.

3. He could do it at once.

4. People have come to America from many countries.

5. A specially trained group of people will be sent to the mountains to try to find the lost skiers.

6. He reads without glasses.

7. She had four meals a day.

8. Miss Collins is talking to her new neighbour.

II. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Ты ее случайно не знаешь?

2. Его заставили молчать.

3. Казалось, что он пробежал всю дорогу.

4. Я сожалею, что последовал его совету.

5. Я видел, что машина остановилась у ворот.

6. Она увидела, что он наблюдал за ней и улыбался сам себе.

7. Мне нужно починить часы.

8. Не может быть, чтобы он сказал правду.

9. Когда я увидела его, я не могла не засмеяться.

10. Вы, должно быть, не так поняли меня.

11. Похоже, будет дождь.

12. Она жалела, что несвободна сейчас и не может пойти с ними.

13. Если бы она спросила меня вчера, я бы все ей рассказал об этом.

14. Если бы не дождь, он бы согласился пойти с нами в музей сейчас.

15. Если бы он достаточно тренировался в прошлом году, сейчас он был бы известным спортсменом.

16. Он узнал меня только после того, как я напомнила ему, где мы с ним встречались.

III. Замените прямую речь косвенной в следующих предложениях:

1. "Well, there is no use in standing here arguing about it". – She said.

2. Looking at the doctor she said, "I don't know what it was".

3. "Where have you come from?" she asked the boy.

4. "Why didn't he come?" said she.

5. "Won't your husband forgive you?" he said after a while.

6. "Don't stop reading!" cried he.

7. "This might seem to be unreal I saw it with my own eyes", said John.

IV. Замените действительный залог глаголов на страдательный:

1. Не must comment on this event.

2. I am sure that nobody will object to this plan.

3. Do you think that we can rely on these figures?

4. I was told yesterday that they had asked him to work at our laboratory.

5. They will leave Moscow after he decides all the questions.

6. When he comes I shall have checked the documents and the letters.

7. She paints the roof of her house every year.

V. Раскройте скобки, использую необходимую видо-временную форму:

P: Hello, grandmother. I (get) a girl friend coming to dinner. She (be) very charming. You will like her.

G: What (be) she?

P: She (train) animals in the circus.

G: What she (do)?

P: I (say) that she (train) animals in the circus.

G: Good heavens! A girl training animals. My grandson (meet) an animal trained of all people!

P: Granny. I (be) sure you (like) her. I (tell) you she (be) a very interesting person. She just (return) from India.

G: Where you (say) she just (return) from?

P: From India.

G: What animals she (train)?

P: Bears and elephants.

G: Let's hope she (not bring) her pets to dinner too.

P: She (be) in a way.

G: What?

P: I (say) she (be) in a way. They all (be) on the TV programme today. We (watch) them. She (come) here in a minute.

Итоговый тест

1. … colour do you want, white or red?

A. That

B. What

C. Which

2. We liked the party and enjoyed … till morning.

A. us

B. ours

C. ourselves

3. After the operation Gilbert has to follow the doctor's advice and he … drinks nor smokes.

A. either

B. neither

C. not only

3. It's not easy for Mel to find a job. If he … so lazy, he … any difficulty finding a job.

A. weren't; wouldn't have

B. wouldn't be; wouldn't have

C. hadn't been; didn't have

5. I had no money to pay the typist. So I … type and retype the story myself.

A. must

B. had to

C. was to

6. How … guests did you invite to your birthday party?

A. much

B. many

C. lot of

7. I like sports cars but I'm not going to buy one, because it's very expensive. Besides, if I … a sports car, I … to pay higher insurance.

A. will buy; will have

B. would buy; would have

C. bought; would have

8. Could I see … more sweaters of my size?

A. any

B. anything

C. some

9. Rachel is a wonderful nurse. It will be difficult to find … like her.

A. another

B. the other

C. else

10. Chocolate comes from cacao beans, … are the seeds of the cacao tree.

A. that

B. which

C. what

11. He is better at English, than …

A. I

B. me

C. I do

12. Look! The grass is wet. It … early in the morning.

A. had to rain

B. must have rained

C. should have rained

13. I … go now or I'll miss my bus.

A. need

B. must

C. ought

14. Kate is one of those people that you … like or hate.

A. either

B. neither

C. both

15. Peggy sounded convincing, and I believed … she told me.

A. that

B. what

C. which

16. I feel so tired that I can't move my legs. It is as if they … to the floor.

A. were stuck

B. are stuck

C. have stuck

17. I thought that the photograph … a sad reminder of all that you ….

A. will be; have lost

B. should be; were lost

C. would be; had lost

18. Glen lived in London and Manchester, but doesn't like … city very much.

A. both

B. either

C. neither

19. It was decided that Peter would go there alone. His wife and children … join him a week later.

A. had to

B. must

C. were to

20. All the tickets for the show have been sold out. If they … available anywhere, I … any price of them.

A. were; would pay

B. would be; would pay

C. had been; would have paid

21. I've got … money left. Let's have coffee.

A. a few

B. a little

C. many

22. The champagne has frozen. It's all your fault! If you … about it, it … to ice.

A. wouldn't forget; didn't turn

B. hadn't forgotten; wouldn't have turned

C. had forgotten; would turn

23. "Whose purse is it?" – "Ask Sabina. Maybe it's …."

A. her

B. hers

C. her's

24. Stop quarrelling, girls. Stop shouting at …!

A. one another

B. each other

C. each the other

25. You … smoke here. It's forbidden.

A. don't have to

B. needn't

C. mustn't

26. My boss says I … work this Saturday.

A. mustn't

B. haven't to

C. needn't

27. I don't like Vic's manner. He is too sure of ….

A. him

B. himself

C. his

28. I need a nanny for my daughter. She is too small to stay at home ….

A. herself

B. by herself

C. with herself

29. Have you ever been … England?

A. in

B. into

C. to

30. I have worked as a secretary … 6 years.

A. for

B. since

C. by

31. The students … ever use the language laboratory.

A. almost

B. nearly

C. hardly

32. Mike felt … after the trip.

A. exhausting

B. exhausted

C. exhaustedly

33. I don't like … bright things.

A. so

B. such a

C. such

34. We must send a telegram to congratulate them … their silver wedding.

A. for

B. with

C. on

35. … is too dark in here.

A. There

B. It

C. This

36. We have got … fruit in our garden than we had last year.

A. less

B. much

C. few

37. Ted has been happy... they came to San Francisco.

A. before

B. till

C. since

38. … was still a day to spare.

A. There

B. This

C. These

39. There isn't … interesting in our story.

A. many

B. much

C. lot

40. We watched … news on television.

A. this

B. these

C. that

41. … you make me some tea?

A. could

B. let

C. should

42. I am starting a new job next week. I'm quite … about it.

A. excitedly

B. excited

C. exciting

43. She has … deep knowledge of the subject.

A. so

B. such

C. such a

44. Don't you think he looks rather … today.

A. strange

B. strangely

C. strangest

45. …! I forgot to phone Mary! (annoying)

A. Oh bother

B. Oh dear

C. Oh

46. Would you pick … the toys in the living-room and put them away?

A. off

B. out

C. up

47. I finally opened the can but found out that there was nothing …

A. inside

B. there

C. in

48. I haven’t heard anything about him …

A. lastly

B. lately

C. last time

49. This fact is right … documents.

A. due to

B. according to

C. against

50. He has learnt Grammar, Phonetics and Home Reading … a time!

A. at

B. on

C. in

51. I have never been to Africa? How … I know?

A. should

B. must

C. can

52. This man worked … this invention.

A. upon

B. on

C. at

53 Most men don’t have their hair when … goes grey.

A. it

B. that

C. they

54.... you at least make a look that your head is not empty?

A. couldn’t

B. might not

C. may not

55. Haven’t you seen … by John Carpenter?

A. nothing

B. something

C. anything

56. I’m going to make him apologize … hook or … crook.

A. with; with

B. on; on

C. by; by

57. You look exhausted. Have you slept …?

A. fine

B. well

C. good

58 It … be difficult to control such a complicated device.

A. can

B. must

C. should

59. … is at home. They must have gone somewhere.

A. nobody

B. b. anyone

C. c. somebody

60. My house is comfortable…

A. enough

B. quite

C. rather

61. You misunderstood the purpose of my deeds. I do care … you!

A. with

B. for

C. about

62. She seems to me very dull. Has she got any friends?-Yes, …

A. much

B. a lot

C. many

63. This creature seemed to be made … iron, but when my blade cut his arm, he appeared to be made … same flesh and blood.

A. from; of

B. of; of

C. from; from

64. Sorry, … you tell me where I can find the commander-in-chief?

A. should

B. may

C. could

65. I wish my authority, popularity and power … never decrease.

A. could

B. will

C. would

66. … you like another cup of tea?

A. will

B. could

C. would

67. …new month brings me only suffering.

A. some

B. each

C. every

68. …member of our Party deserves the better life.

A. some of

B. each

C. none

69. – What do you prefer? Taxi or Bus?

– … I want to go there by boat.

A. either

B. neither

C. both

70. I can … believe that I’ve just completed this test.

A. hard



B. hardly



C. harder




Авраменко Е.Б., Варнавская О.В., Нифанова Т.C. English in Use: Учебно-методическая разработка. – Архангельск: Изд-во ПГУ, 2002.

Авраменко Е.Б., Варнавская О.В., Нифанова Т.C. Practical Course of English: Учебно-методическая разработка. – Архангельск: Изд-во ПГУ, 2003.

Авраменко Е.Б., Нифанова Т.C. Английский язык: Методические рекомендации. – Архангельск: Изд-во ПГУ, 2001

Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – М.: ЮНВЕС, 1995.

Кобрина Н.А., Корнеева Е.А., Оссовская М.И., Гузеева К.А. Грамматика английского языка: Морфология. Синтаксис. Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических институтов и университетов. – СПб.: СОЮЗ, 1999.

Крылова И.П., Гордон Е.М. Грамматика современного английского языка: Учебник для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. – 4-е изд., испр. – М.: Книжный дом "Университет", 1999.

Павлоцкий В.М., Темофеева Т.М. Практикум по грамматике английского языка: Учебное пособие. – СПб.: Изд-во ИГРЕК-М, 1996.

Систематизирующий курс грамматики английского языка: Учебное пособие. – Нижний Новгород: Изд-во НГЛУ, 2002.

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Burke K., Rowdon B. Wavelength. Intermediate Coursebook. – Longman, Pearson Education Limited, 2001.

Drozdova T., Mailova V. English Grammar: Reference and Practice. – СПб.: "Триада", 1996.

Evans V. FCE Use of English 2.A Practice Book for Intermediate and Post-intermediate Students. – Express Publishing, 2001.

Ganshina M.A. Vasilevskaya M.M. English Grammar. – М.: Higher School Publishing House, 1964.

Kaushanskaya V. A Grammar of the English Language: Пособие для студентов пединститутов. – M.: Просвещение, 1990.

Kotlyar T.R. English Grammar in Fiction. M., 1979.

Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A Self-study reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students. – Cambridge, 1998.

Nightingale M. Out of Old Nova Scotia Kitchens. – Third Printing, 1971.

O’Reilly E. Heatwave. – Longman, Pearson Education Limited, 2001.

Patricia W. Peterson Changing Times, Changing Tenses. English Language Programs Devision. Washington: United States Information Agency, 1992.

Reznik R.V., Sorokina T. A Grammar of Modern English Usage. – 3-изд., испр. – M., 1998.

Walker E., Elsworth S. Grammar Practice for Elementary Students. – Pearson Education Limited, 2000.

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Walker E., Elsworth S. Grammar Practice for Upper Intermediate Students. – Pearson Education Limited, 2000.

Walker E., Elsworth S. New Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students. – Pearson Education Limited, 2000.

Walten R. Focus on Advanced English C. A. E.: Grammar practice revised and updated. – Longman, 2000.


Введение 3

Имя существительное 4

Местоимение 27

Имя прилагательное 40

Имя числительное 45

Видовременные формы глагола 49

Страдательный залог 64

Согласование времен 70

Косвенная речь 78

Условные предложения и сослагательное наклонение 86

Неличные формы глагола 96

Модальные глаголы 122

Сложные вопросы синтаксиса 130

Предлоги 144

Контрольные работы 151

Итоговый тест 166

Литература 172


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