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Просьбы и команды в английском языке выражаются посредством повелительного наклонения, которое в косвенной речи заменяется инфинитивом:
She said to him, "Be at 6".
She told him to be at 6.
He said to her, "Don’t close the window, please".
He asked her not to close the window.
Неэмоционально выраженная форма повелительного наклонения в косвенной речи также заменяется инфинитивом.
It was very stuffy in the room and it was difficult for the boy to breathe and his mother asked the nurse, "Would you open the window, please!"
It was very stuffy in the room and it was difficult for the boy to breathe and his mother asked the nurse to open the window.
Упражнение 41. Перепишите текст, употребляя косвенную речь:
"It's all right, Joss. Don't cry. It'll be OK."
"If only you knew how badly I want to see Mags … and my mum."
"Have you thought of calling her?"
"I have called. But when she answered I just put the phone down."
"She probably realized that it was you. That you wanted to give her a little sign that you're OK."
"Do you think so?"
"Yes." She hesitated, knowing that she was going to break all the rules. "I know this for a fact."
"What do you mean?"
"My son was just a bit older than you are when he left. Six months ago he and I had a terrible fight and he walked out. Just like that. He put some things into a backpack and went. I haven't spoken to him since then. But every now and then the phone rings and when I pick it up there is a silence, and then the caller hangs up. I know it's James. In my heart I know it's him."
She waited, trying not to let her own emotions take over, praying that she had done the right thing in talking about her own life. The seconds ticked by.
Then Joss said: "I had a fight with my dad. That's why I ran away." "It must have been an awful fight."
"We're always fighting. But this time it was really bad. I said some horrible things."
"We all do when we're angry, Joss."
"I said I hated him and that he was one of life's failures."
"Do you really think that?"
"Well, no. It was a terrible thing to say. He lost his job three months ago. He was made redundant. And Mum was furious with me, too."
"Everyone must have been feeling tense and worried."
She waited. She could almost hear her heart beating.
"Marian … what would you do if James came home?"
"I would put my arms round him and give him a huge hug. I'd tell him how much I love him. That I'd missed him more than I can say."
"You wouldn't be angry?"
"I'd be too pleased to see him."
"Do you think my mum and dad would do the same thing?"
"I can't guarantee it... but I'm almost certain they would ."
Упражнение 42. Перепишите текст, заменяя прямую речь косвенной:
Miss Maudie laughed. "Wasn't talking about your father," she said. "What I meant was, if Atticus Finch drank until he was drunk he wouldn't be as hard as some men are at their best. There are just some kind of men who – who're so busy worrying about the next world they've never learned to live in this one, and you can look down the street and see the results.
"Do you think they're true, all those things they say about B, Mr. Arthur?"
"What things?" I told her.
"That is three-fourths colored folks and one-fourth Stephanie Crawford," said Miss Maudie grimly. "Stephanie Crawford even told me once she woke up in the middle of the night and found him looking in the window at her. I said what did you do, Stephanie, move over in the bed and make room for him? That shut her up a while." I was sure it did. Miss Maudie's voice was enough to shut anybody up.
"No, child," she said, "that is a sad house. I remember Arthur Radley when he was a boy. He always spoke nicely to me, no matter what folks said he did. Spoke as nicely as he knew how."
Упражнение 43. Замените косвенную речь прямой в следующих предложениях:
1. An old man shouted (that) he had been working like a horse for this company all those years since he was elected to the post of the manager.
2. I wrote the review some days ago but I had no time to send it off, so I asked my mother to do it.
3. He said (that) he was born in 1985.
4. Alice told him (that) he should send them a telegram at once.
5. She explained me (that) she had got to the Institute before the rain began.
6. Sam said (that) he had been watching TV since he came home.
7. The doctor asked the patient to wait for a minute.
8. He asked me if I knew his telephone number.
9. She said (that) I mustn't come without knocking.
10. The policeman told the pedestrian not to cross the street under the red lights.
11. As a pupil got a bad mark for the poem his teacher told him to recite that poem once more at the following lesson.
12. Michael refused to go to the theatre because he was having an exam in a few days.
13. A deep sorrow flashed in her face and she said (that) she had been crying since she came.
14. She said that if he weren't afraid of darkness he would have gone up to the attic and brought that picture.
15. Mary asked whether or not he was satisfied.
16. The tourist wanted to know how long it took to get to Edinburgh by coach.
17. Mr. Jones asked me what I had been doing with those skeleton keys.
18. The girl asked if it would be all right if she came a little later that night.
19. I wanted to know why he hadn't signaled to the tanker.
20. He asked me what I would do if he proposed to me.
Упражнение 44. Перепишите текст, заменяя прямую речь косвенной:
Eliza looks at him speechless and doesn't stir. The look is quite a lost on him. He eats his apple with a dreamy expression of happiness.
Higgins: I dare say my mother could find some chap or other who would do very well.
Eliza: We were above that at the corner of Tottenham Court Road.
Higgins: What do you mean?
Eliza: I sold flowers. I didn't sell myself. Now you’ve made a lady of me. Pm not fit to sell anything else. I wish you'd left me where you found me.
Higgins: Gosh, Eliza. Don't you insult human relations by dragging all this cant about buying and selling into it? You needn't marry the fellow if you don't like him.
Eliza: What else am I to do?
Higgins: Oh, lots of things. What about your old idea of the florist's shop? Pickering could set you up in one: he has lots of money. Come! You'll be all right. I must clear off to bed. I'm devilish sleepy. By the way, I came down for something: I forgot what it was.
Eliza: Your slippers.
Higgins: Oh, yes, of course. You'd shied them at me.
Eliza: Before you go, sir...
Higgins: Eh?
Eliza: Do my clothes belong to me or to Colonel Pickering?
Higgins: What the devil use would they be to Pickering?
Eliza: He might want them for the next girl you pick to experiment on.
Higgins (shocked and hurt): Is that the way you feel towards us?
Eliza: I don't want to hear anything more about that! All I want to know is whether anything belongs to me. My own clothes were burnt.
Higgins But what does it matter? Why need you bothering about that in the middle of the night?
Eliza: I want to know what I may take with me. I don't want to be accused of stealing.
Higgins (now deeply wounded): Stealing? I shouldn't have said that, Eliza. That shows a want of feeling?
Eliza: I'm sorry. I'm only a common ignorant girl and in my station I have to be careful! There can't be any feelings between the like of you and the like of me. Please, will you tell me what belongs to me and what doesn't? Higgins: You may take the whole damned houseful if you like. Except the jewels. They're hired, will that satisfy you? (He turns on his heels and is about to go).
Eliza: Stop, please. (She takes off her jewels.) Will you take these to your room and keep them safe? I don't want to run the risk of their being missing.
Higgins (furious): Hand them over. (She puts them into his hand.) If these belonged to me instead of jeweller, I'd ramp them down your ungrateful throat.
Eliza (taking a ring off): This ring is not the jeweller's; it's the one you bought me in Brighton. I don't want it now. (Higgins dashes the ring into the fireplace and turns on her so threateningly that she crouches over the piano with her hands over her face.) Don't you hit me! Higgins: Hit you? You infamous creature. How dare you accuse me of such a thing? It's you who have hit me. You have wounded me to the heart. Eliza: I'm glad. I've got a little of my own back, anyhow.
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