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Употребление времен английского глагола
В действительном залоге
Методические рекомендации и упражнения
Оренбург 2011
Рекомендовано в печать
кафедрой иностранных языков
и редакционным советом Оренбургского института МГЮА
Насретдинова Р.Р. – кандидат педагогических наук, доцент
Попов Е.Б. - доктор педагогических наук, профессор
Употребление времён английского глагола в действительном залоге: Методические рекомендации и упражнения. Пособие для студентов дневных факультетов неязыковых вузов и средне-специальных учебных заведений: Автор-составитель С.В. Ильютюк.- Оренбург: ОИ МГЮА, 2011.- 42 с.
ã Ильютюк С.В., 2011
ã ОИ МГЮА, 2011
1. Предисловие ………………………………………………… 2. Образование глагольных форм действительного залога … 3. Употребление глагольных форм действительного залога: 3.1. Действия и состояния в настоящем ……………………… 3.2. Упражнения ……………………………………………….. 3.3. Действия и состояния в прошлом ……………………….. 3.4. Упражнения ……………………………………………….. 3.5. Действия и состояния в будущем ………………………... 3.6. Упражнения ……………………………………………….. 4. Обзорные упражнения ……………………………………… | 3 4 13 13 15 20 22 29 32 36 |
Настоящее учебное пособие представляет собой практические рекомендации по употреблению видо-временных форм английского глагола в изъявительном наклонении действительного залога.
В предлагаемых рекомендациях все видо-временные формы глагола описываются в их взаимосвязи для выражения определенного значения, они группируются для изучения их общих и различительных признаков. В пособие включён краткий грамматический справочник.
Тренировочные упражнения составлены на основании материала, собранного из оригинальных источников и адаптированного с учетом уровня подготовки выпускников школы.
В методические рекомендации включены рецептивные упражнения (узнавание форм), репродуктивные упражнения (воспроизведение форм) и продуктивные упражнения (активное усвоение материала в речевой практике). Упражнения также включают работу с текстами, которые показывают функционирование изучаемых форм в их взаимосвязи, что помогает понять их общие и дифференциальные признаки. При анализе фактического материала выявлены пары форм, функционирующих в аналогичных контекстах.
Предлагаемые методические рекомендации могут быть использованы на практических занятиях по английскому языку, а также для самостоятельной работы студентов первого курса.
В русском языке для передачи действий и состояний используются три временные формы глагола: настоящее, прошедшее, будущее. В отличие от русского в английском языке употребляются 12 форм действительного залога (Active Voice) и 6 форм страдательного залога (Passive Voice).
Для образования всех указанных видо-временных форм необходимо знать четыре формы глагола: инфинитив (the Infinitive), прошедшее неопределенное (the Past Indefinite), причастие прошедшего времени или причастие II (the Past Participle), причастие настоящего времени или причастие I (Participle I). (см. Таблица №1)
По способу образования форм Past Indefinite и Past Participle все английские глаголы делятся на две группы: правильные (регулярные) и неправильные (нерегулярные). Правильные глаголы образуют формы Past Indefinite и Past Participle путем прибавления суффикса (окончания) – ed к основе инфинитива, а неправильные глаголы образуют эти две формы разнообразными способами, которые следует либо запомнить, либо найти по таблице неправильных глаголов. (см. Таблица №2)
Суффикс (окончание) - d прибавляется к основам, оканчивающимся на гласную букву (to live - lived); в остальных случаях к основе присоединяется – ed (to play - played, to ask - asked, to stop - stopped).
Суффикс - ed произносится:
[id] - после t, d (wanted, nodded);
[d] - после звонких согласных, кроме d, и гласных (lived, played);
[t] - после глухих согласных, кроме t (asked, stopped).
При образовании форм Past Indefinite и Past Participle от правильных глаголов необходимо соблюдать следующие правила правописания:
а) буква y меняется на i, если ей предшествует согласная (ср: to study - studied, но: to play - played);
б) если глагол оканчивается на согласную букву, которой предшествует краткий ударный слог, то эта согласная удваивается (to stop - stopped, to plan - planned);
в) конечная буква l удваивается перед кратким, как ударным, так и безударным, слогом (to control - controlled);
г) конечная буква r удваивается перед ударным, но не удваивается перед слогом, включающим при его произнесении дифтонг (ср: to prefer - preferred, но: to appear - appeared).
Причастие настоящего времени (Present Participle или Participle I) образуется путем прибавления суффикса - ing к основе глагола (to read - reading). Следует помнить следующие правила:
а) если глагол оканчивается на букву e, то она опускается (to live - living);
б) если глагол оканчивается на согласную букву, которой предшествует краткий ударный слог, то эта согласная удваивается (to stop - stopping, to plan - planning);
в) конечная буква l удваивается перед кратким, как ударным, так и безударным слогом (to control - controlling);
г) конечная буква y не изменяется при прибавлении к основе глагола суффикса (to study - studying);
д) при образовании причастия I от глаголов to die, to lie, to tie буква i меняется на y, а буква e опускается (to die - dying, to lie - lying, to tie - tying).
В английском языке глагол имеет три времени: настоящее (Present), прошедшее (Past), будущее (Future) и четыре группы видовых форм, которые указывают на характер протекания действия, а именно: неопределенная или простая (Indefinite or Simple), длительная (Continuous or Progressive), совершенная (Perfect) и совершенно-длительная (Perfect - Continuous or Perfect - Progressive).
Таким образом, существуют четыре формы настоящего времени (Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous) четыре формы прошедшего времени (Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous) и четыре формы будущего времени (Future Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous). Все четыре группы видо-временных форм глагола обладают неодинаковой употребительностью в речи. Наиболее частотной является группа Indefinite, далее следует группа Perfect, на третьем месте группа Continuous, а далее – малоупотребительная группа Perfect Continuous.
Для образования настоящего времени группы Indefinite используется неопределенная форма глагола, т.е. первая форма глагола без частицы to; в 3 лице единственного числа к основе инфинитива прибавляется окончание - s. В вопросительном и отрицательном предложениях употребляется вспомогательный глагол does для 3 лица единственного числа, для всех остальных лиц – глагол do.
Прошедшее время группы Indefinite образуется при помощи окончания - ed для правильных глаголов, а для неправильных глаголов следует брать вторую форму по таблице неправильных глаголов. В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях используется вспомогательный глагол did для всех лиц, а смысловой глагол употребляется в первой форме.
Будущее время этой группы образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола shall для 1 лица единственного и множественного числа и глагола will для всех остальных лиц (в настоящее время существует тенденция использовать глагол will для всех лиц) и неопределенной формы глагола без частицы to.
Группа Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени (am, are, is, was, were, will be) и четвертой формы глагола, т.е. причастия настоящего времени или причастия I.
Группа Perfect образуется при помощи глагола to have в соответствующем времени (have, has, had, will have) и третьей формы глагола, т.е. причастия прошедшего времени.
Группа Perfect Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Perfect (have been, has been, had been, will have been) и четвертой формы глагола, т.е. причастия настоящего времени (причастия I).
Таблица №1
Инфинитив | Прошедшее неопределённое | Причастие прошедшего времени | Причастие настоящего времени | ||
I | II | III | IV | ||
правильные глаголы | to work работать | worked работал, работали | worked выработанный | working работающий | |
to play играть | played играл, играли | played сыгранный | playing играющий | ||
to open открывать | opened открыл, открыли | opened открытый | opening открывающий | ||
to ask спрашивать | asked спросил, спросили | asked опрошенный | asking опрашивающий | ||
неправильные глаголы
| to begin начинать | began начал, начали | begun начатый | beginning начинающий | |
to cut резать | cut резал, резали | cut подрезанный | cutting режущий | ||
to do делать | did делал, делали | done сделанный, выполненный | doing делающий | ||
to read читать | read читал, читали | read прочитанный | reading читающий | ||
to write писать | wrote писал, писали | written написанный | writing пишущий |
Таблица №2
Infinitive | Past Indefinite | Past Participle | Present Participle |
I | II | III | IV |
arise | arose | arisen | arising |
awake | awoke | awoke | awaking |
be | was/were | been | being |
become | became | become | becoming |
begin | began | begun | beginning |
bind | bound | bound | binding |
blow | blew | blown | blowing |
break | broke | broken | breaking |
bring | brought | brought | bringing |
build | built | built | building |
burst | burst | burst | bursting |
buy | bought | bought | buying |
catсh | caught | caught | catching |
choose | chose | chosen | choosing |
come | camе | come | coming |
cost | cost | cost | costing |
cut | cut | cut | cutting |
do | did | done | doing |
draw | drew | drawn | drawing |
dream | dreamed, dreamt | dreamed, dreamt | dreaming |
drink | drank | drunk, drunken | drinking |
drive | drove | driven | driving |
eat | ate | eaten | eating |
fall | fell | fallen | falling |
feed | fed | fed | feeding |
feel | felt | felt | feeling |
fight | fought | fought | fighting |
find | found | found | finding |
fly | flew | flown | flying |
forget | forgot | forgotten | forgetting |
freeze | froze | frozen | freezing |
get | got | got | getting |
give | gave | given | giving |
go | went | gone | going |
grow | grew | grown | growing |
have | had | had | having |
hear | heard | heard | hearing |
hide | hid | hid, hidden | hiding |
held | held | held | holding |
hurt | hurt | hurt | hurting |
keep | kept | kept | keeping |
know | knew | known | knowing |
lay | laid | laid | laying |
lead | led | led | leading |
learn | learnt, learned | learnt, learned | learning |
lend | lent | lent | lending |
let | let | let | letting |
lie | lay | lain | lying |
light | lit, lighted | lit, lighted | lighting |
lose | lost | lost | losing |
make | made | made | making |
mean | meant | meant | meaning |
meet | met | met | meeting |
melt | melted | melted | melting |
pay | paid | paid | paying |
put | put | put | putting |
read | read | read | reading |
retell | retold | retold | retelling |
ride | rode | ridden | riding |
ring | rang | rung | ringing |
rise | rose | risen | rising |
run | ran | run | running |
a ay | said | said | saying |
see | saw | seen | seeing |
sell | sold | sold | selling |
send | sent | sent | sending |
set | set | set | setting |
shake | shook | shaken | shaking |
shine | shone | shone | shining |
shoot | shot | shot | shooting |
show | showed | showed, shown | showing |
shut | shut | shut | shutting |
sing | sang | sung | singing |
sink | sank | sunk, sunken | sinking |
sit | sat | set | sitting |
sleep | slept | slept | sleeping |
smell | smelt, smelled | smelt, smelled | smelling |
speak | spoke | spoken | speaking |
spell | spelt, spelled | spelt,spelled | spelling |
spend | spent | spent | spending |
spread | spread | spread | spreading |
stand | stood | stood | standing |
strike | struck | struck, stricken | striking |
sweep | swept | swept | sweeping |
swim | swam | swum | swimming |
take | took | taken | taking |
teach | taught | taught | teaching |
tell | told | told | telling |
think | thought | thought | thinking |
throw | threw | thrown | throwing |
understand | understood | understood | understanding |
upset | upset | upset | upsetting |
wake | woke, waked | woken, waked | waking |
wear | wore | worn | wearing |
weep | wept | wept | weeping |
win | won | won | winning |
write | wrote | written | writing |
Таблица видо-временных форма настоящего времени действительного залога изъявительного наклонения
Indefinite | Continuous | Perfect | Perfect Continuous | |
Утвердительная форма | I You We play (write) They He She plays (writes) It | I am playing (writing) You We are playing They (writing) He She is playing It (writing) | I You have played We (written) They He has played She (written) It | I You have been playing We (writing) They He She has been playing It (writing) |
Отрицательная форма | I You We do not play They (write) He She does not play It (write) | I am not playing (writing) You We are not playing They (writing) He She is not playing It (writing) | I You have not played We (written) They He She has not played It (written) | I You have not been playing We (writing) They He She has not been playing It (writing) |
Вопросительная форма | I you Do we play (write)? they she Does he play (write)? it | Am I playing (writing)? you Are we playing they (writing) Is he she playing it (writing) | I Have you played we (written) they he Has she played it (written) | I Have you been playing? we (writing) they he Has she been playing? it (writing) |
Таблица видо-временных форы прошедшего времени действительного залога изъявительного наклонения
Indefinite | Continuous | Perfect | Perfect Continuous | |
Утвердительная | I You We They played (wrote) He She It | I was playing You We were playing They (writing) He She was playing It (writing) | I You We They had played He (written)? She It | I You We They had been playing He (writing) She It |
Отрицательная | I You We They did not play (write) He She It | I was not playing You We were not playing They (writing) He She was not playing It (writing) | I You We They had not played He (written) She It | I You We They had not been playing He (writing) She It |
Вопросительная | I you we Did they play (write)? he she it | Was I playing? you Were we playing? they (writing)? he Was she playing? it (writing) | I you we played Had they (written)? he she it | I you we Had they been playing he (writing)? she it |
Таблица видо-временных форм будущего времени действительного залога изъявительного наклонения
Indefinite | Continuous | Perfect | Perfect Continuous | |
Утвердительная | I shall play We (write) You They He will play She (write) It | I shall be playing We (writing) You They He will be playing She (writing) It | I shall have played We (written) You They He will have played She (written) It | I shall have been playing We (writing) You They He will have been playing She (writing) It |
Отрицательная | I shall not play We (write) You They He will not play She (write) It | I shall not be playing We (writing) You They He will not be playing She (writing) It | I shall not have played We (written) You They He will not have played She (written) It | I shall not have been playing We (writing) You They will not have been playing He (writing) She It |
Вопросительная | Shall I play (write)? we you they Will he play (write)? she it | Shall I be playing we (writing)? you they Will he be playing she (writing)? it | Shall I have played we (written)? you they Will he have played she (written)? it | Shall I have been playing we (writing)? you Will they he have been playing she (writing)? it |
1) Define the form and usage of the verb.
1. Usually I like riding on trains, especially at night.
2. "She's lovely", I said. "Not just lovely to look at - she is sweet and kind and good".
3. Kate, what are you doing?
4. You speak of matters of which you know nothing.
5. She is waiting in the hall.
6. Sandy comes every night.
7. Is this the first time you've been away from home?
8. I want to talk to you aboutthe things you are doing now.
9. "Look", he said, "and slow down. I don’t often travel in cars".
10. Sorry it's my turn to ask how serious you're being.
11. It takes us an hour to get back home.
12. I think I've loved you all my life.
13. Mrs. Greencourt is very funny.
14. You never know what she'll do next.
15. I can'ttake pleasure in anything until I've got back there.
16. Michael and I never eat bread.
17. What are you waiting for?" he asked.
18. If she goes into the sea, you'll pay for it.
19. I'll buy this novel when it comes out.
20. I'm telling you the truth.
21. Detective stories don’t interest me.
22. Mary cooks nicely and clean.
23. When I've had a rest, I am going back to Dorset.
24. I've known him for many years.
25. He comes over and visits me practically every weekend.
26. Can you tell me how long they have been here?
27. I think you' re acting wrongly.
28. "All right, all right, I'm going." she said.
29. And as soon as you go I shall go off too.
30. He always goes to his club on Saturdays.
31. Are you feeling unwell?
32. I'll be in the library if one of you wants to see me.
33. Who's this? Who's calling me up at this hour?
34. She smiled, "You are joking".
35. I usually buy a sandwich and about four magazines.
36. We don't even joke about it any more.
Reproduce the text.
1) Define the form and usagе of the verb.
1. I sat in that chair in the lobby. 2. She was sitting very still. 3. She was still looking up at him. 4. He himself had had his eye on a house there for the last two years. 5. She had been in her service since childhood. 6. She had not looked at him since they sat down; and he wondered what she had been thinking about all the time. 7. You're just the kind of son-in-law I always wanted. 8. He would lie for hours motionless in the dark. 9. From time to time he would come in to ask for help with some difficult book. 10. I used to read Meredith when I was a girl. 11. My children were always misbelieving. 12. He had always had a contempt for the place. 13. He had bought his son's pictures from time to time. 14. I've had that thought myself from time to time. 15. Then they went out, shut the door and locked it. 16. Old Jolyon had taken his cigar and looked at her. 17. A collie dog raised its head. 18. Then the phone rang, an hour later he felt better. 19. After Skelton had had a good sleep, he went out on the veranda. 20. He woke, June had gone. 21. You have had your supper, haven't you? 22. I've just been telling Dr Halliday and his niece how clever you are. 23. Jemma, who had been helping Katie to set the room tidy again, sat down at the table.
2) Reword the sentences according to the models and mаkе all the necessary changes.
Model A. He was a good worker, (they). - They were good workers.
1. They were funny girls, (she). 2. I was very ignorant in those days, (you). 3. He was a man of good manners, (they). 4. You were hard on me, (I). 5. They were clever persons, (she).
Model B. He was being considerate to them, (they), - They were being considerate to them.
1. She was being careless, (they) 2. I was being hard on you, (they).
3. They were being indifferent, (she). 4. Really, I was being rather foolish, (we). 5. You were being too noisy, (he).
3) Explain the usage of the verb-forms inthe passages below. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. I seem to remember the time when we were all being foolish.
2. I was very ignorant and foolish in those days.
3. I came here when you were all being so mighty.
4. She was quiet and sensible that morning, when I told her of the arrests.
Answer the questions:
a) What had a novelist written?
b) Had the novelist been successful?
c) Whom did he meet?
d) How long had they talked?
e) What did the novelist ask his friend after they had talked for two hours?
3.5. Действия и состояния в будущем.
Для передачи действий и состояний в будущем употребляются следующие видо-временные формы: Future Indefinite, Futu re Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous.
В английском языке есть специальные формы будущего времени, о которых говорилось в прошлом: будущее в прошедшем. В этом случае вспомогательные глаголы shall и will употребляются в форме should и would: shall go - should go, will go - would go, shall be going - should be going, will be going - would be going, shall have gone -should have gone, will have gone - would have gone, shall have been going - should have been going.
Выбор видо-временной формы зависит от конкретной ситуации.
Future Indefinite употребляется для выражения конкретного действия или действия общего характера, а также повторяющегося действия в будущем.
I shall send her a telegram tomorrow. | She will make a good teacher. | They will go to the swimming pool twice a week. |
Я пошлю ей телеграмму завтра. | Из нее выйдет хороший учитель. | Они будут ходить в бассейн два раза в неделю. |
При указании определенного момента выполнения конкретного действия употребляется форма Future Continuous. Future Perfect указывает на завершенность действия к определенному моменту в будущем. Future Perfect Continuous употребляется при указании на период протекания действия, включая определенный момент в будущем.
I shall be doing my homework at 6 o'clock tonight. | I shall have finished my work by o'clock. | In June we shall have been doing this work for a whole year. |
Я буду выполнять домашнее задание сегодня в 6 часов вечера. | Я закончу работу к 8 часам. | В июне будет уже год, как мы выполняем эту работу. |
Глаголы, выражающие чувства, желания, восприятия и состояния обычно употребляются в формах Future Indefinite и Future Perfect (to like, to want, to love, to wish, to know, to understand, to see, to hear, to feel). Однако некоторые из них могут быть употреблены в формах Future Continuous и Future Perfect Continuous, чтобы придать высказываниюэмоциональную окрашенность.
"When you go", said Demoyte, "you will leave behind a picture of me, whereas what I shall be wanting is a picture of you". (I. Murdoch) | "Do you know, in June we shall have been living here for fourteen years?" |
- «Когда вы уедете», сказал Деймот, «вы оставите мой портрет, я же буду хотеть видеть вас» | «Знаешь ли ты, что в июне будет уже 14 лет, как мы живем здесь?» |
Для выражения запланированного действия, а также действия, ожидаемого с нетерпением, употребляется форма Future Continuous.
I'll be seeing you again. | Yes, I suppose before we know where we are he'll be marrying and leaving us. |
Я вас снова увижу. | Да, я полагаю, что очень скоро он женится и покинет нас. |
Для выражения будущего действия, когда нужнопередать большую степень вероятности часто употребляет сочетание to be going + инфинитив счастицей to. Глагол to be имеет форму Present Indefinite.
The students are going to work hard next term. - В следующем семестре студенты собираются усердно работать.
Если же о любом из будущих действий речь ила в прошлом соответственно употребляются Future Indefinite-in-the Past, Future Continuous-in-the Past, Future Perfect-in -the Past, Future Perfect Continuous-in-the Past.
I asked if Georgiana would accompany her. | ...they knew that in one minute or two at the most, they would be having tea with Mary Poppins' uncle |
Я спросила, будет ли Джорджиана ее сопровождать. | ...- Она знали, что через минуту, или самое большое, через две они будут пить чай с дядей Мэри Поппинс. |
3.6. Упражнения
Аsк your group-mates.
1. When she will do her morning exercises tomorrow. 2. When she will have her breakfast 3.What seminars she will have at the Academy.
4. What she is going to do after classes. 5. What she will do to help her mother about the house 6. What she will be doing at 4 o'clock (8 o'clock)
7. By what time she will have passed her exams this year 8. What she will do in summer.
Tell your group-mates
1. What you will do tomorrow. | 2. What you will do in summer. | 3. What exams you will have. |
A Drive in the Country
John Bond has now been homefor two weeks. He has bought a second-hand car. He has already spent a lot of time on the engine. It now runs very smoothly.
This weekend he and Anna are going to drive to Avonford, a small village in Wiltshire. John's cousin, Simon Finch, has a farm just outside Avonford. When he was a boy, John used to spend most of his summer holidays at the farm. Ann is very excited about the visit because she has not yet seen anything of the countryside.
They set off early on Saturday morning. The clouds were dark and low, and there was a cold wind.
They got off the main road as soon as they could. They drove to the New Forest, the most popular tourist attraction in the south of England. There are plenty of places where you can camp - and, as John said, there are the famous wild ponies. Anna and John saw several as they drove slowly through the forest.
They drove on. The country became more hilly. On either side of the road they saw rich farmlands. Sheep and cows were grazing in the fields. After about half an hour they came to a pretty little village. It consisted of twenty or so houses, a couple of shops, a church and a pub.
John: Shall we stop for a minute and have a drink?
Anna: All right. Why do you call them "pubs"?
John: Oh, "pub" is a short for "public house" - a place where anybody can buy a drink. Have you ever had cider?
Anna: I don't think so. What is it?
John: It's an apple drink.
They went inside the pub. It was small and rather dark. John ordered two bottles of cider. Anna did not like it. It was much too sweet, she thought.
"We are nearly there", said John as they got back into the car.
They camе to a big white gate. On it was a name: Avon-bridge.
(After A. K. Beesley. Anna in London)
1. Write the four forms of the following verbs and translate them: to be, to buy, to spend, to turn, to go, to have, to see, to set off, to get off, to drive, to graze, to come, to consist, to stop, to call, to think, to order, to like.
2. Find the predicates, define the tense-forms and explain their formation.
3. Read and translate the text, using a dictionary.
4. Explain the use of tenses.
5. Put questions to the underlined words.
6. Put general questions to the underlined sentences.
7. Put alternative and disjunctive questions to the sentences:
- It consisted of twenty or so houses, a couple of shops, a church and a pub.
- It was small and rather dark.
- It is an apple drink.
- Shе has bought a second-hand car.
Explain the use of tenses.
It was the Monday of the next leek that Len brought home Ruby. He was always bringing home something, Sparrows with broken legs or stray kittens.
Mum had been washing all day, and had just brought up the first lot of dry things as the children came out of school.
She was a small, fat girl from Jamaica. Her nose was running and her knees were bleeding.
"What on earth?" began Mum, as she opened the door.
" They 've been mocking her about at school", said Len. "It is not her fault she's black".
Mum wiped Ruby's nose with her apron and carried her into the flat.
Ruby stayed to tea. She was a nice little girl and soon cheered up over her chips.
Dad took Ruby home, but he only knocked at the door of Ruby' flat and hurried away, because he did not want to explain that the white children had been so cruel.
(after E. Stuckley. Magnolia Buildings.)
1. Write the four forms of the following verbs and translate them: to be, to bring, to break, to wash, to come, to run, to bleed, to begin, to open, to muck, to say, to wipe, to carry, to stay, to cheer up, to take, to knock, to hurry, to want.
2. Find the predicates, define the tense-forms and explain their formation.
3. Reed and translate the text using a dictionary.
4. Explain the use of tenses.
5. Put questions to the underlined words.
6. Put general questions to the underlined sentences.
7. Put alternative and disjunctive questions to the sentences:
- They have been mocking her about at school.
- Mum wiped Ruby's nose with her apron and carried her into the flat.
- She was a nice little girl.
8. Reproduce the text, mind the verb-forms and the use of tenses.
The Holiday
It wasn't a very long journey, and the railway station was half a mile from the chalet camp, so they walked in procession along the sаndу path. Dad went first with the heaviest suitcase. They went straight to the office to fetch the key of their chalet.
When they reached the chalet, there was a tremendous excitement. The key of the door would n ot turn because Mum shook so.
"Give it to me", cried Dad. "There!" They all rushed in to look at the three bedrooms, the parlour with a divan, the kitchen, the toilet, everybody talking and exclaiming at once.
"Can we sleep here, Mum" "What a small kitchen." "Mum, can I have a drink of water?" "Mum, can we go to the beach?"
Val wasn't going to waste his time on packing. He ran across the field, and came to the sea.
He knew that it was what he wanted....Water, light, air and space.
Val threw off his shoes and socks and ran on, feeling the joy of wet sand under his toes. His only idea was to get to the water. Val came to the quiet sea that scarcely seemed to move. He was into it, with no thought of carelessly rolled up clothes. The sea was all around him and everything was quiet. He was in the sea at last!
When he came out, he felt hungry and went back to look for his shoes. It took some time to find them. With his vet trousers clinging to his legs, he started tack up the path. At the top, he met a fat, smiling little man.
" It's a nice place ", said the fat little man. "You got a chalet?"
"That’s right.” Val did not wish to stay and talk, as his whole mind was full of sea. "Number fifteen we've got".
The little man beamed all over his face, "Me and my sister's got fourteen. Our name is Truby. Are you a big family?"
"Seven, if you count Mum and Dad and Auntie Glad".
"And how will you all fit into the chalet?" asked the little man with friendly curiosity.
" Haven't been inside yet", said Val.
As they walked towards the chalet, they saw that the Burners family was moving in. Mum had opened the windows, Dad had got out two deckchairs. Doreen was running back from the camp shop with a basket of food. Val could hear Mum's excited voice: "Put it there! Move yourself, Ally, pass me that". Inside the house Ally was singing at the top of her voice. Len rushed out yelling. "I want to go to the beach".
"What a jolly family!" sighed Mr. Truby. "I am glad you are next door to us". "William. Your tea's been ready for half an hour ". A thin elderly lady came down out of number four-teen. "Where have you been? My head's awful. Those terrible people who've just moved in". She banged the door behind her brother.
(after E.Stuckley. Magnolia Buildings.)
1. Write the four forms of the following verbs and translate them: to be, to walk, to go, to reach, to turn, to shake, to cry, to rush, to exclaim, to know, to want, to throw, to run, to feel, to come, to seem, to roll, to feel, to take, to cling, to meet, to smile, to say, to wish, to get, to beam, to count, to fit, to see, to open, to put, to move, to pass, to sing, to yell, to sigh, to move in, to bang.
2. Find the
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