История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...
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1. Играя в саду, дети не заметили, что стало темно.
2. Сделав уроки, мы пошли в кино.
3. В этой комнате есть несколько сломанных стульев.
4. Люди, ожидавшие вас, только что ушли.
5. Я слышал, как они разговаривают в соседней комнате.
6. Деревья, растущие перед нашим домом, были посажены моим дедушкой.
7. Оставшись один, он начал распаковывать вещи.
8. Поняв, что не сможет выполнить свою работу одна, она попросила меня о помощи.
9. Не зная грамматики, он делал много ошибок.
10. Я видел, как она работала в саду.
11. Я заметил, что кто-то стоит у калитки.
12. Если условия позволят, я приеду к вам на лето.
13. Так как было тепло, мы спали на открытом воздухе.
14. Он положил на стол смятое письмо.
15. Выпив чашку чая, она почувствовала себя лучше.
16. История, рассказанная преподавателем, произвела на студентов неизгладимое впечатление.
17. Будучи очень занят, он не сразу услышал меня.
18. Конференция, проходящая сейчас в университете, посвящена проблемам современного общества.
19. Дорога, которая сейчас ремонтируется, будет значительно шире после ремонта.
20. Я надеюсь, вы не повторите ошибок, сделанных в прошлом отчете.
Civilization is an advanced state of a society possessing historical and cultural unity. Specific societies, because of their distinctive achievements, are regarded by historians as separate civilizations.
According to modern historians, it is impossible to write a comprehensive history of any nation without taking into consideration the type of culture to which it belongs. They maintain that much of the life of a nation is affected by its participation in a larger social entity, often composed of a number of nations or states sharing many distinctive characteristics that can be traced to a common origin. It is this larger social entity, cultural rather than political, that such historians consider the truly meaningful object of historical study. In modern times, the existing civilizations have impinged upon one another to the point that no one civilization pursues a separate destiny anymore and all may be considered participants in a common world civilization.
The city and civilization
The city has always been the centre of civilization. Civilization does not exist among a nomad people. In sparsely settled regions it is only rudimentary. Even to-day in the rural districts it does not progress beyond the simplest forms.
The great epochs of civilization have always coincided with a highly developed city life. This was true of Athens in the time of Pericles, of Rome during the early empire, of Italy during the Renaissance. It was true of the Netherlands and of Germany in the Middle Ages, when liberty came to life after centuries of disorder, just as it is true of the last fifty years, which coincide with the development of the modern city.
With the city came education, culture, and a love of the fine arts. They only exist under an urban environment. For education and the fine arts come with leisure and accumulated wealth, which in turn are city-born.
Science, invention, industry, are also urban. They, too, depend upon the division of labor and the wealth which such division makes possible. They involve the harnessing of power, the conversion of coal and water into steam and electricity, as well as the specialization of activities and talents, which are only possible under urban conditions. And the larger the city and the more minute the specialization, the greater the co-operation and the easier the production of wealth.
The smallest country in the world
Part I
It may be difficult to imagine, but there is a country in the world smaller than New York City’s Central Park and one with a population smaller than a typical high-school class. Based on landmass, Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, measuring just 0.2 square miles, almost 120 times smaller than the island of Manhattan. Situated on the western bank of the Tiber River, Vatican City’s two-mile border is landlocked by Italy. The official seat of the pope of the Catholic Church since 1377, Vatican City was not declared an independent state until the Lateran Treaty of 1929. After years of power struggles between popes and the political leaders of Italy over who could claim supreme authority in the region, Benito Mussolini and Pope Pius XI agreed to the Lateran Pacts on February 11, 1929, which created the independent state of Vatican City for the Catholic Church in exchange for the pope’s recognition of the Kingdom of Italy. Today, nearly 75 percent of the Vatican’s citizens are members of the clergy.
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История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...
Семя – орган полового размножения и расселения растений: наружи у семян имеется плотный покров – кожура...
Типы сооружений для обработки осадков: Септиками называются сооружения, в которых одновременно происходят осветление сточной жидкости...
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