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News in Brief 8 (World Events)

2018-01-14 575
News in Brief 8 (World Events) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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8A. Vote overwhelmingly in favour of – протокол о намерениях – to swear in – перемены в правительстве – to be confirmed after a vote of confidence – безусловная поддержка – budget deficit – государственный сектор – go on a hunger strike – отклонить решение – налог на добавленную стоимость – incumbent president – страны-должники – struggling economy – рекордный урожай – forging links – брать обязательство, заверить – to arouse hostility - не принимать участия – tighten noose around – политическая нестабильность – stopgap/provisional government – активное сальдо бюджета (профицит) – assets – возмещать убытки – elevated motorway – льготный кредит - unabashed countenance


8B. проголосовать подавляющим большинством за – a letter of intend – привести к присяге – government reshuffle – получить вотум доверия – unconditional support – бюджетный дефицит – public sector – объявить голодную забастовку – overturn a decision – Value Added Tax – действующий президент- debtor nations – слабая экономика – a bumper crop – прочные отношения – to pledge – возбуждать враждебность – opt out – затянуть петлю вокруг – political uncertainty – временное правительство – budget surplus – основные фонды(активы) – repair damages – эстакада – soft loan— стойкое самообладание


Задание 3. Sight Translation



1. Meanwhile in 1997 Hungarians voted overwhelmingly in favour of naTO membership in a referendum in November. The government then delivered a letter of intent in Brussels saying it will formally apply to join the defence alliance.


2. The former Czech President, Vaclav Havel again spent days in hospital but re-emerged to swear in three new ministers after an extensive government reshuffle. A former dissident, Mr Havel had half a lung removed in 1996 after he was diagnosed with cancer.


3. Poland's new centre right government was confirmed after a parliamentary vote of confidence. But one member of Solidarity Electoral Alliance (AWS), the senior coalition party, abstained, while 30 others warned the new premier, that he could not rely on their unconditional support.

4. Poland's finance minister, leader of junior coalition party, the Freedom Union, won his first battle over next year's budget. He cut the planned budget deficit to 1.5% of GDP despite colleagues' pledges to increase public sector wages. Poland's premier, meanwhile, proposed increasing the duty on cigarettes and alcohol to pay for improvements to health services and to stop a hunger strike by underpaid anaesthetists.

5. Slovakia's parliament overturned a government decision to impose 23% value added tax (VAT) on newspapers that carry over 10% advertising. Government opponents said the move was an attempt to silence non-government funded media in the run-up to next year's elections.

6. The incumbent Slovenian president, Milan Kucan, kept his post in last elections, with 56% of the vote. Mr Kucan has headed the ex-Yugoslav nation since 1986.

7. The Russian prime minister visited Hanoi in northern Vietnam as Part of Russia's attempts to negotiate settlements with its debtor nations. Vietnam owes Russia Rbl0.5bn, but the two countries disagree on the dollar exchange rate.

8. Over 7,000 Romanian workers marched through Bucharest to protest against the one-year old government's market reforms.

9. Bulgaria’s struggling economy received a boost after a bigger-than-expected wheat harvest of 3.7 m tons. The bumper crop, the best since 1991, means that some wheat can be exported. Last year’s crop of just 1.8 m tons helped to trigger Bulgaria’s economic crisis. In a separate visit to China, the Russian President finally signed a border deal and committed Russia to forging links with Beijing. The two countries also signed an agreement to build a $12 bn pipeline to carry natural gas from Siberia to China, and then to Japan and South Korea.

10. Russia and Japan pledged to sign a peace treaty, ending a century of war and mistrust. The two countries never formally ended second-world-war hostilities because of a territorial dispute over the Southern Kuriles.

11. The European Comission outlined what it wanted from next year’s inter-governmental conference on the EU’s future. It wants more majority voting on European laws and no more permanent opt-outs. Britain will resist.


Задание 3. Грамматические трудности перевода

Тема 7. Participle Constructions


1. We saw the engines (being) carefully packed

2. The people watched the firemen climbing the tallest tower in the city

3. I had my coat altered.

4. We must treat this as a national emergency issue and must get this decision reversed.

5. Over the famous “non-proliferation” draft, harmony is to be expected – and a powerful attempt to get it signed by many nations.

6. They wanted a Government freely chosen by the will of the people.

7. During the work-to-rule campaign many saw their efforts wasted because some were induced to work several hours.

8. My friend has just had a telephone installed in his office.

9. He turned and saw a pair of large dark eyes looking at 1 through the window of the cab.

10. He could feel himself turning red.

11. She glanced up to see the door slowly opening.




1. The car was seen moving fast along the street.

2. Through the open window a piano was heard being played.

3. He is in hospital and his condition is reported as being very serious.

4. A score of young heads were seen peering out of the narrow window.

5. When the car was heard approaching, the people fled any­where to avoid the police.

6. In his novel she is shown doing a lot for other people.

7. Soon she may have found the note because she was seen look­ing through the magazine.

8. When I rang the bell, a dog could be heard barking in the hall.

9. In his talk with my father the visitor was heard mentioning some accident.

10. She was seen listening to him trying to catch every word.



Задание 5. Prepared Translation

From the news press 8

16. Госсекретарь СШАоб отношениях с Россией «Ключевыми», с точки зрения амери­канской национальной безопасности, назвал в пятницу отношения с Россией государственный секретарь США Уоррен Кристофер. «Нестабильная Россия, вер­нувшаяся к авторитарному правлению или ввергнутая в пучину хаоса, означала бы для нас катастрофу,—заявил он, вы­ступая перед студентами и преподавате­лями Гарвардского университета в городе Кембридж (штат Массачусетс). От исхода продолжающихся российских преобразо­ваний для нас зависит очень и очень мно­гое,—указал Кристофер.—Стабильная, демократическая Россия жизненно важна для стабильности в Европе, урегулирова­ния региональных конфликтов и борьбы с распространением оружия массового по­ражения. Вот почему наша администра­ция неуклонно поддерживает российские реформы, заключил глава американского дипломатического ведомства. Переводческие решения 1.... ввергнуть в пучину хаоса.. 2.... выступая перед студентами...   Us Secretary of State: Relations with Russia important The US Secretary of State Warren Chris­topher called relations with Russia «key» ones from the point of view of American national security. Speaking to the stu­dents and professors of Harvard Univer­sity in Cambridge, Massachusetts, he said that «an unstable Russia, which had re­turned to authoritarian rule or had plunged into chaos, would mean disaster for us». The outcome of Russia's contin­ued reforms will be very, very important to us—Mr Christopher went on to say,—A stable and democratic Russia is of vital importance for European stability, the set­tlement of regional conflicts and the struggle against the proliferation of weap­ons of mass destruction. This is why our Administration is consistently backing up the reforms in Russia», concluded the head of the American diplomatic service. 1. to plunge into chaos... 2.... speaking to the students    


17. Наступление талибов на Кабул В Афганистане отряды движения сту­дентов-исламистов «Талибан» добились новых стратегических успехов в наступле­нии на Кабул. Афганские источники пере­дают из Пекина, что большая часть про­винции Логар перешла в субботу под контроль «Талибана», что открывает путь на столицу с юга. Возникшее шесть меся­цев назад движение контролирует уже 9 провинций из 20. В них оно вводит зако­ны шариата. «Талибан» пользуется под­держкой местных жителей, уставших от борьбы за власть между премьером Хек-матиаром и президентом Раббани. ...   17. Taleban detachments march on Kabul InAfghanistan, detachments of the Is­lamic student movement have scored new strategic successes in their advance on Kabul. Afghan sources report from Pakistan that on Sat­urday a large part of Lagor province came un­der the control of Taleban so opening the road to the capital from the south. The movement which came into being six months ago is now in control of nine of the 29 provinces and is introducing Shariahlaws. Taleban enjoys support from local citizens weary of the struggle for power between Prime Minister G.H. and President B.R.  


Задание 6. Note Taking

К о н т р о л ь н ы е т е к с т ы

на абзацно-фразовый перевод и/или перевод с листа (ПСЛ) на рус/англ язык


Профсоюзная делегация считает, что в наши дни одной из важ­нейших задач является избавление человечества от угрозы ядерной войны. В нынешней обстановке во­прос о том, как еще больше акти­визировать усилия всех, кто стоит за прекращение гонки вооружений, за решение проблемы разоружения приобретает особое значение. С этой целью необходимо усилить давление на империалистические кру­ги, упорно сопротивляющиеся смяг­чению международной обстановки. Это положение становится ясным для все большего числа обществен­ных организаций. Наша делегация стремится к радикальному решению вопроса о запрещении и уничтоже­нии ядерного оружия, но в то же время она выступает также за немедленное осуществление таких мер, которые уже сейчас содейство­вали бы сдерживанию, ограничению гонки ядерных вооружений.


Задание 7. Interview

Interview with Prime Minister Blair.

Q: Комедия «В чем мать родила...» (The Full Monty) — забавны фильм о безработных, пытающихся заработать мужским cтриптизом, стала популярным фильмом последних лет. Отражает ли эта картина ситуацию в так называемой «новой Британии»?

A: We were going to see it a couple of weeks ago but then for some reason or other we couldn't. Yes, I think it does. Not merely in the sense that it's a highly successful film, and that says something about the stale of the British film industry now. There's great sense of confidence and adventure and a greater sense of comfort with ourselves in Britain now... I think the country is discovering a view of its own future that is actually very exciting — which is to do with Britain saying, "Look, what we're actually good at is being inventive, creative, dynamic and outward-looking." It's not about saying,"What Britain's about is living in the world of a hundred years ago, when guys wore bowler hats and umbrellas, all marching down Whitehall."


Q: Вы часто говорили о необходимости реформировать монар­хию. Каково ваше мнение об этом сейчас?

A: When I see the pageantry we're able to put on for a state visit, I am perfectly comfortable with that; I find no problems with that at all. But I don't find that I need to have that define me and my generation and where we are... I think the monarchy will adapt and change, as it has been doing, and I think the royal family itself is very well aware of that, but people don't want to destroy the royal family. On the contrary they've got great respect for it. I find these two things live quite easily together, the tradition and the modernity.


Q: Откуда вы возьмете средства па финансирование программы реформ, выдвинутой вашим правительством?

A: What defines the modern center and center-left, today, in Europe and elsewhere, is a program that mixes the tough choices and the compassion, that says we are tough on public finance. We are actually sorting out a lot of the mess (хаос) left by the right-wing administrations. We are pro-education and welfare reform because that's necessary to do. We've got to get people off welfare, into work, off dependence, into independence — a lot of the things that you've been talking about in the States, obviously. We're parties of decentralization and where these new issues (are concerned) — I mean, they're not new issues, but they are issues that I think are racing up (усиливают) the agenda of public concern, like the family and crime — we're ahead of the game.


Q: Когда вас выбрали на пост премьера, многие из ваших европей­ских коллег надеялись, что отношения между ними и Великобри­танией станут более дружественными, чем при Мейджоре и Тэтчер, то вы приняли ряд решений, которые вызвали их недовольство.

A: I would say our relations on the whole with the rest of Europe arc very good. The only thing I'd also say to you is that we do need to argue the case for reform in Europe. Europe needs reform. But that's not an anti- European statement.


Q: Действительно ли некоторые европейцы подозревают, что вы своего рода англо-американский «троянский конь», что вы «пляшете под дудку» (are in league with) Вашингтона?

Л: Whenever that's raised with me in Europe I go straight on to the attack and say, "I plead absolutely guilty to wanting a strong, deep relationship between the United States and Europe, because that's in the interest of both."


Q: Каких дальнейших инициатив следует ожидать от вас?

A: What I'm trying to do is develop a process and a framework that it is as inclusive as possible. Of course it's difficult talking to Sinn Fein and it will have distressed many people to see them coming into Downing Street. But I think it is just so important that we offer them the real chance to lake the path of peace and democracy and get this thing sorted out, and we're only going to get it sorted out if people are in a process where they're talking to each other rather than trying to kill each other.





Задание 1. Мнемотехника


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