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Advertisers shun print for the web

2018-01-14 424
Advertisers shun print for the web 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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SPENDING on online advertising is on track to overtake national press advertising this year, according to a new study. Total UK online advertising expenditure in grew by 65.6 per cent to £1.4 billion to take the sector’s market share to 7.8 per cent, research by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) showed.

Online advertising expenditure is almost three quarters the size of national newspaper advertising, total online advertising expenditure was on track to be worth more than £2 billion.

“The internet is totally transforming the ways in which we find, buy and consume products, services and entertainment and we anticipate more growth in online advertising as advertisers simply follow their audiences,” he said.

The results of the biannual IAB study, carried out in partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers and the World Advertising Research Centre, revealed that the internet is driving the growth of the entire advertising market. Advertising across all other media fell by almost £200 million year on year. It was not all bad news for newspapers, as advertisers were increasingly opting to place adverts on newspaper websites.

The IAB study said broadband penetration was one reason behind the large growth rates. With 71 per cent of home internet users having broadband, advertisers have increased their investment in rich media, the advertisements that consist of graphics, audio, video or animation.





Задание 1. Мнемотехника

1.1.Снежный ком

1. The Swiss watchmakers' failure to capitalize was both astonish­ing and alarming.

2. The Swiss watchmakers' failure to capitalize on the invention of the digital timepiece was both astonishing and alarming.

3. The Swiss watchmakers' failure to capitalize on the invention of the digital timepiece was both astonishing and alarming — as­tonishing in that the Swiss had been among the first to capital on technical innovations.

4. The Swiss watchmakers' failure to capitalize on the invention of the digital timepiece was both astonishing and alarming — astonishing in that the Swiss had, since the beginnings of the industrial revolution in Europe, been among the first to capital on technical innovations.

5. The Swiss watchmakers' failure to capitalize on the invention the digital timepiece was both astonishing and alarming -— astonishing in that the Swiss had, since the beginnings of the in­dustrial revolution in Europe, been among the first to capitalize on technical innovations, alarming in that industrial potential had been lost.

6. The Swiss watchmakers' failure to capitalize on the invention of the digital timepiece was both astonishing and alarming — aston­ishing in that the Swiss had, since the beginnings of the indus­trial revolution in Europe, been among the first to capitalize on technical innovations, alarming in that a tremendous industrial potential had been lost.

7. The Swiss watchmakers' failure to capitalize on the invention of the digital timepiece was both astonishing and alarming — aston­ishing in that the Swiss had, since the beginnings of the indus­trial revolution in Europe, been among the first to capitalize on technical innovations, alarming in that a tremendous industrial potential had been lost to their chief competitors.

8. The Swiss watchmakers' failure to capitalize on the invention of the digital timepiece was both astonishing and alarming.— astonishing in that the Swiss had, since the beginnings of the industrial revolution in Europe, been among the first to capi­talize on technical innovations, alarming in that a tremendous industrial potential had been lost to their chief competitors, the watchmakers of Japan.

1.2. Декламация после прочтения или прослушивания

Limericks of Edward Lear, 1812 –1888

*** There was an Old Man who said, “Well! Will nobody answer this bell? I have pulled day and night Till my hair grow white, But nobody answers this bell!   *** День и ночь во всю мочь старый Билл В эту дверь все звонил и звонил. Поседел он слегка, Стерлась ручка звонка, Но никто ему дверь не открыл.
*** There was a young Lady whose nose Was so long that it reached to her toes; So she hired an Old Lady Whose conduct was steady, To carry that wonderful nose. *** Мисс Джуди оставили с носом, И ей до лодыжек дорос он. Во время гулянья Специальная няня Шла перед мисс Джуди с подносом.
*** There was an old Man of Cape Horn, Who wished he had never been born: So he sat on a chair Till he died in despair, That dolorous Man of Cape Horn. *** Жил был грустный старик Бобби Вилсон, Пожалевший о том, что родился. Он улегся в кровать С целью больше не вставать И поставленной цели добился.
*** There was an old man of Peru, Who watched his wife making a stew; But once by mistake In a stove she did bake That unfortune man of Peru. *** Сколько раз наблюдал мистер Пертиле, Как жена жарит мясо на вертеле, Что однажды его Звпекли самого: “По ошибке”, - твердит миссис Пертиле.
*** There was an old Person of Rheims, Who was troubled by horrible dreams; So, to keep him awake They fed him with cake, Which amused that old Person of Rheims *** Джон, измученный страшными снами, Проходил курс лечения с друзьями: По совету врача он не спал по ночам, Развлекаясь вином и сластями.


Задание 2. Response rate

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