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The kid crying so loudly wants to attract his mother’s attention.

2018-01-30 255
The kid crying so loudly wants to attract his mother’s attention. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Exercise 6. Вставьте в предложения необходимое по смыслу причастие 1

A) writing, B) working, C) crying, D) growing, E) standing, F) walking


1. I saw her writing an SMS at the lecture.

2. He turned off the working TV.

3. She offered a seat to a standing disabled man.

4. My friend watched the girls walking in the park.

5. I saw a crying kid and asked what had happened.

6. Anna watered the flowers growing in the garden.


Ed–форма (третья основная форма глагола, т.е.причастие II), используется после существительных или местоимений, когда нужно показать, что предмет не совершал действие сам, а подвергся воздействию.


He was the new minister appointed by the President.

Он был новым министром, назначенным президентом.


The book read by the student impressed him very much.

Книга, прочитанная студентом, произвела на него большое впечатление.


Помните, что у неправильных глаголов причастие II образуется особым образом и не имеет окончания –ed.


A test written by the student was given a high grade.

Тест, написанный студентом, был высоко оценен.


She bought a dress made in China.

Она купила платье, сшитое в Китае.


Exercise 7. Вставьте в предложения необходимые по смыслу причастие I или причастие II

1. (Covering/ covered) There was a table covered by a white cloth. There was a white cloth covering the table.

2. (Attacking/attacked) The man attacked by the dog was injured. The attacking dog was pulled off by its owner.

3. (Leaving/left) Everyone went home left a mess behind. We cleared the things

leaving behind after the party.

4. (Carrying/carried) I saw a man carried a heavy box. We lost the baggage carrying in the plane.

5. (Facing/faced) The problems faced by the government are very serious. There are a lot of problems facing us now.

6. (Speaking/spoken) I heard someone speaking English. English is one of the languages spoken all over the world.

Распространение предложений при помощи инфинитивных оборотов

Инфинитивная группа, как правило, следует за

а) абстрактным существительным, уточняя его значение:

He has lost the ability (какую?) to speak to people.

Он утратил способность говорить с людьми.


б) за группой существительного, в которой есть порядковое слово или превосходная степень прилагательного:

She was the first woman (какая?) to go to cosmos.

Она была первой женщиной, полетевшей в космос.


Mr. Holmes was the oldest person (какой?) to be present here.

Мистер.Холмз был самым старым(старше всех), из тех кто здесь присутствовал.


в) инфинитивная группа может также обозначать цель совершаемого действия:

This is a list of things (для чего?) to remember.

Это список вещей, чтобы их запомнить.


We arranged a meeting (для чего?) to discuss our problems.

Мы устроили собрание, чтобы обсудить наши проблемы.


Exercise 8. Дополните предложения существительными, необходимыми по смыслу


A) Box, B) key, C) matches, D) meeting, E) money, F) party, J) pen, H) room


1. We held a (F) to celebrate Nancy’ s birthday.

2. Do you have enough (E) to pay for the tickets?

3. I have a special (B) to open the safe.

4. There is a big (A) to pack the books in.

5. Have you got a (J) to write down the address?

6. Is there a (H) to seat us all?

7. There will be a (D) to elect a new president of the firm.

8. Do you have any (C) to light a cigarette?


Exercise 9. Назовите номера предложений, распространённых инфинитивами

1. Nancy was the first in our class to apply to the university.

2. American dormitories are located on the campus.

The best room to live in is a single room.

4. The students met to discuss the semester test.

This issue is the last to be discussed today.

6. The room has not been rented yet.

7. The students went to the disco on Sunday.

The students went to see if the professor had come.

9. To the left of the dormitory there was a cafeteria,

10. The way to her house was long and boring.


Инфинитивы могут входить в особые синтаксические комплексы «Сложное дополнение» и «Сложное подлежащее». На русский язык эти комплексы переводятся придаточными предложениями.


Сложное дополнение.

Сложное дополнение может употребляться после глаголов want, think, consider, know, expect, suppose, would like. После них инфинитивы употребляются с частицей to.

The British want the foreigners to study English, but are slow to study foreigners languages themselves – Британцы хотят, чтобы иностранцы учили английский язык, но сами не спешат учить иностранный язык.

После глаголов feel, see, hear, make (заставлять) инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

It’s difficult to make a person study unless he wants it – Трудно заставить, чтобы человек учился, если он сам этого не хочет.

I heard him speak with an accent – Я слышал, что он говорит с акцентом”.


Сложное дополнение переводится придаточными предложениями с союзами что, чтобы, как.


Exercise 10. Выпишите из предложений сложные дополнения (глагол, от которого зависит оборот + существительное с ифинитивом)

1. Many students of the English language wish its spelling to be made simpler.

2. People consider the English to like privacy.

3. The British believe their singers to be the best in the world.

4. They hate their rights to be violated (нарушать).

5. Some nations think British friendliness to be insincere.


Exercise 11. Выпишите инфинитивы без частицы To

1. Englishmen expect their guests to come on time.

2. We heard Americans be very punctual.

3. Many parents want their children to know foreign languages.

4. He asked me to translate the text for him.

5. The British seldom make their kids eat everything on the plate.

6. I know many English streets to have unusual names.


Сложное подлежащее.


Комплекс “Сложное подлежащее” может употребляться с теми же глаголами, что и “Сложное дополнение”, однако они ставятся в форму страдательного залога и перевод предложения начинается с них.


Italians are known to be very expressive in their body language – Известно, что итальянцы очень выразительны в своих жестах и мимике”.

N. Baskov is heard to come to Saratov. Есть слух (слышно), что Н. Басков приезжает в Саратов.


Сказуемое в переводе, как правило, является неопределённо-личной формой: полагают, известно, слышно и т.п.


Exercise 12. Соотнесите предложения с данными переводами конструкции «Сложное подлежащее»


A) Считается, что B) Полагали, что C) Известно, что D) Говорят, что E) Кажется, что F) Думают, что G) Вероятно, что


1. The national character of Britishers is considered to be paradoxical. -A

2. Englishmen seem not to laugh loudly. -E

3. Swiss banks were believed to be very reliable.-B

4. Football is likely to be invented in England. -G

5. The British are said to be very tolerant to other people’s behaviour. -D

6. The American students are known to address their professors very informally, by their first names. -C

7. Kids are thought to like fast food better than self-cooked. -F



Text 1

Schedule and Credit Hours

New Words and Expressions.

Schedule - расписание, повестка дня. The schedule for this week is really packed. Major - предмет специализации, специальность. What is your major? My major is Primary School Teaching, and my sister's major is Physics and Computing.

Class - учебное занятие, группа студентов. 30 classes a week is a lot! Hallo, class, I am your new teacher.

Advisor - руководитель, куратор. Who is your course paper advisor? At our institute all the students of the 1-st through 3-rd year have advisors.

To lead through - руководить, доcл. провести через. My friend led me through the most diffi­cult time in my life.

Concern - забота, сомнение. To concern - заботить/ся. Newly married couples have a lot of concerns. What concerns you so much? His only concern is to make the ends meet (свести кон­цы с концами).

Go by = look through - просматривать, листать. The teacher quickly went by Sue's English composition, found some errors but decided to correct them later. My morning coffee is the best time for looking through the newspapers.

To earn - зарабатывать (деньги, авторитет, зачёт). I earn less than I would like. I can't put you a test now - you should earn it.

A credit hour - зачётный час (в американской системе образования обозначает количество часов в неделю в течение семестра; например, если у вас 3 часа английского, 6 часов ма­тематики и 2 часа философии каждую неделю, то за семестр вы зарабатываете 11 кредитных часов. Количество кредитных часов по изучаемым предметам, наряду с экзаменаци­онными оценками но ним, служит основанием для получения степени (диплома).

Composition - зд. письменные работы, сочинения. English composition is an

obligatory component of the first year curriculum in the US High School.

Major area - область специализации.

Academic - учебный, академический. The academic year in American schools lasts about 10 months.

Freshman - первокурсник, новичок, доcл. свежий человек. Freshmen often feel uncomfort­able in the new surroundings. For a freshman he is very confident (уверенный в себе).

Entire = whole - весь, целый. The entire course is worth 4 credit hours. Way - способ, образ действия, путь. In three (2, 4) ways - тремя (двумя, четырьмя) спосо­бами. In what way are you going to act? The way to my home is very long. This is the correct way of saying it.

In a row - подряд, доcл. в ряд. The rock group gave three concerts in a row. How many seats are there in a row in Boeng 867?

A required minimum - необходимый, обязательный минимум. What was the required mini­mum of grades at the admission exams this year? I am not asking you to do a lot - only a required minimum. To require - требовать.

Lab - сокр. от laboratory. A computer lab. A chemistry lab.

Legal student status - юридический статус студента.

To pre'sent - представлять, делать презентацию; омоним - существитeльное 'present - по­дарок. When will you pre'sent your new picture? The pop-group pre'sented their new album in the well-known night club. What kind of present could be bought for such a snobbish person?

Assignment - задание. American state schools' policy is not to give large home assignments. The soldiers were given a new assignment.

Notion = idea. I have no notion of what to tell them.

Permanent - постоянный. Her elder son is her permanent concern.

Get to know - узнать, познакомиться. After coming to Warresburg he got to know many new things.

Different environments – различное окружение, новая обстановка. Not all freshmen adapt easily to the different environments.

In August last year I was admitted to Central University and came here to study. The main thing for me was to make my own schedule. And the schedule depends, first, on what major you want to do, and, second, on how many classes a week you want to have. Believe me, it is very exciting to make one's own schedule. Though every student has a special university advisor whose responsibility is to lead you through the school years and give answers to all your concerns. And there is also a special catalog with a list of majors and the courses required for each major. You just go by this catalog and choose the courses you want.

In order to graduate from Central University with a Bachelor degree, a student has to earn no less than 124 credit hours - 54 hours of General education (like English composition, a foreign lan­guage, mathematics, philosophy and some others) and 70 hours in your major area.

A credit hour is not what you may think - 45 or 60 minutes. A credit hour is one academic hour a week during a semester. For example, a course which every freshman should take is English composition. It means that a student has Composition 3 hours a week for the entire se­mester. You may have these classes in three ways: 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Fri­day, 50 minutes each day); 2 times a week; (Tuesday, Thursday, 1 hour and 15 minutes each day); and 1 time a week, 3 hours in a row. A required minimum of classes spent at a desk in a classroom is 12 hours a week, otherwise you will lose your legal student status. 12 hours a week don't seem much, but for many classes, you should spend 2, 3 or even more hours out ofthe classroom in the

library or a computer lab. Usually students present their home assignments to professors in a written form. All the exams are written, too.

Now you can understand why in the US there is no notion of a permanent group of students who take classes together from their first semester until graduation. I like it because you get to know hundreds of other people and learn how to work in different environments.


Exercise 13. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. Study schedules are made by

a ) students of the University;

b) university advisors;

c) authors of a special catalogue.


2. For a Bachelor degree the number of credit hours for General education

a) is greater than the number of hours in the Major area;

b) is less than the number of hours in the Major area;

c) may be changed by the student.


3.A credit hour

a) lasts 45 minutes;

b) lasts 60 minutes;

c) is taught weekly.


3. English composition

a ) is an obligatory subject;

b) is taught every day;

c) may be changed for mathematics.


5. A student loses his/her student status

a) if s/he lives in another state;

b) if s/he has 10 hours of classroom studies;

c) if s/he has more than 12 hours of classroom studies.


6. American students study

a) individually;

b) in permanent groups;

c) in changing groups.



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