Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

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Личные, притяжательные и возвратные местоимения

2018-01-13 329
Личные, притяжательные и возвратные местоимения 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Личные Притяжательные Возвратные
именитель-ный падеж кто? что? объектный падеж кого? кому? зависимая форма чей? независи-мая форма чей?
I – я you – ты he – он she – она it – оно we – мы you – вы they – они me – меня, мне you – тебя, тебе him – его, ему her – ее, ей it – его, ему us – нас, нам you – вас, вам them – их, им my your his her its our your their мой твой его ее его, ее наш ваш их mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs myself– я сам yourself– ты сам himself– он сам herself– она сама itself– оно само ourselves– мы сами yourselves– вы сами themselves– они сами

We work every day. – Мы работаем каждый день.

They offered him a good job. – Они предложили ему хорошую работу.

This is our office. = This office is ours. – Это наш офис.

My salary is higher than yours (= than your salary). – Моя зарплата выше, чем твоя (= чем твоя зарплата).

He made himself a cup of tea. – Он сделал себе чашку чая.

She came up to introduce herself. – Она подошла, чтобы представиться.

I prepared the report by myself (= on my own ). – Я подготовил отчет самостоятельно.



ü При отсутствии возможности указать пол упомянутого ранее человека, употребляются личные местоимения they, them или словосочетания he or she, him or her (в официальной или письменной речи): If my colleague gets promotion, I will be happy for them (= him or her ). – Если мой коллега получит повышение, я буду рад за него.

ü Возвратные местоимения не употребляются после глаголов: afford, apologise, behave, complain, concentrate, feel, hurry, meet, relax, sell, worry и др.: How do you feel? – Как ты себя чувствуешь? I am trying to concentrate. – Я пытаюсь сосредоточиться. She can’t afford to pay the tuition fees. – Она не может позволить себе заплатить за обучение.


Употребление местоимений IT и THERE

В качестве формального подлежащего

1. It употребляется для обозначения времени, расстояния и состояния погоды: It is the 1st of March today. – Сегодня 1-е марта. How far is it to the airport? – Как далеко до аэропорта? It is raining. – Идет дождь.

2. It употребляется в телефонных разговорах и для обозначения пока неизвестного собеседнику человека: Hello. It is Mary Stuart speaking. Здравствуйте. Это говорит Мэри Стюарт.

3. It употребляется в неопределенно-личных предложениях: It is said … – Говорят …, It is known … – Известно …, It is expected … – Ожидается …, It was reported … – Сообщалось ….

4. It употребляется в предложениях, в которых логическое подлежащее, выраженное инфинитивом, герундием или придаточным предложением, стоит после сказуемого: It is difficult to translate this article. – Трудно перевести эту статью. It is no use asking him for help. – Бесполезно просить его о помощи. It seems that he knows English well. – Кажется, он хорошо знает английский язык.

5. There употребляется в предложениях, в которых говорится о существовании в определенном месте чего-то, еще неизвестного собеседнику: There is a letter on the table. – На столе письмо. There were many people at the presentation. – На презентации было много людей.


Указательные местоимения


Единственное число Множественное число
this – это, эта, этот that – то, та, тот these – эти those – те


ü Местоимения this, these указывают на предметы, находящиеся в непосредственной близости к собеседнику, в то время как that, those указывают на более отдаленные предметы: This young man is my brother. – Этот молодой человек мой брат. These results differ from the previous ones. – Эти результаты отличаются от предыдущих. Do you know that man over there? – Ты знаешь того мужчину? Where did you get those figures from? – Откуда вы взяли те цифры?

ü Местоимения this, these употребляются, если речь идет о событиях, которые происходят в данный момент или должны вскоре случиться, а that, those используются при упоминании уже закончившихся событий: I am busy at this moment. – Я занят в данный момент. Do these exercises three times a week. – Выполняйте эти упражнения три раза в неделю. Who said that? – Кто это сказал? In those days, students were disciplined for their absences. – В те дни студентов наказывали за отсутствие.

Неопределенные местоимения




– MANY? с исчисляемыми  
– MUCH? с неисчисляемыми
+ A LOT OF с исчисл. и неисчисл.
How many people were there at the conference? – Сколько человек было на конференции?

Many of our staff work overtime. – Многие из наших сотрудников работают сверхурочно.

We haven’t made much progress. – Мы не добились больших успехов.

Much depends on your reputation. – Многое зависит от твоей репутации.

He spends a lot of time in his office. – Он проводит много времени в офисе.



ü Местоимения many и much употребляются в утвердительных предложениях в сочетании с наречиями so, too, very, how: You’ve made toomany mistakes. – Ты сделал слишком много ошибок. I regret wasting so much money. – Я сожалею, что потратил так много денег.

ü Much и a lot (без предлога of) могут употребляться в роли наречия: Thank you very much. – Большое спасибо. We paid a lot for their services. – Мы заплатили много за их услуги.




FEW с исчисл.
LITTLE с неисчисл.
A FEW с исчисл.
A LITTLE с неисчисл.


Could you spare me a few minutes? – Не могли бы вы уделить мне несколько минут?

I’ve got a little cash on me. – У меня с собой немного наличных.

Few people want low-paid jobs. – Мало кто хочет иметь низкооплачива-емую работу.

There is little we can do. – Мы мало что можем сделать.


ü Местоимения few и little могут использоваться в сочетании с наречиями so, too, very, how: We have had very few orders from our customers and toolittle support from the bank. – У нас было слишком мало заказов от клиентов и слишком мало поддержки со стороны банка.

ü Little и a little могут употребляться в роли наречия: We did too little to improve the situation. – Мы сделали слишком мало, чтобы улучшить ситуацию. You will have to wait a little. – Вам придется немного подождать.


Местоимение   Примеры Производные
SOME какой-то, некоторые; немного, несколько + Some man is waiting for you. – Какой-то мужчина ждет вас. Some people are workaholics. – Некоторые люди трудоголики. We met some years later. – Мы встретились несколько лет спустя. Somebody is knocking at the door. – Кто-то стучит в дверь. some-body– кто-то one – кто-то thing – что-то where – где-то
? May I have some time? – Можно мне немного времени?(просьба) Would you like something to drink? – Не хотите ли что-нибудь выпить?(предложение)
ANY никакой; какой-нибудь; любой We do not have any money left. – У нас не осталось (никаких) денег. I’m not expecting anyone. – Я никого не жду. any-body – кто-то one – кто-то thing – что-то where – где-то
? Do you have any ideas? – У вас есть какие-нибудь идеи? Is there anybody here? – Здесь есть кто-нибудь?
+ Choose any model. – Выберите любую модель. You can buy anything you want. – Ты можешь купить все, что хочешь.
NO никакой We have no time to discuss it. – У нас нет времени, чтобы обсуждать это. No one was informed. – Никому не сообщили. no-body– никто one – никто thing – ничто where – нигде


ü Местоимение any употребляется вместо some в предложениях, содержащих следующие слова с отрицательным значением:

− except– за исключением − hardly– едва − little – мало − never – никогда − without – без − to deny– отрицать − to forbid – запрещать − to object – возражать − to prevent – препятствовать − to refuse – отказываться

He left without any money. – Он ушел без денег. She refused to sign any papers. – Она отказалась подписывать какие-либо документы.

ü В сочетании с предлогом of используются местоимения some, any, none, а не их производные: someof my colleagues – некоторые из моих коллег, anyof you – любой из вас, noneof the suppliers – никто из поставщиков.

ü Производные местоимения somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nobody, no one сочетаются с глаголом в единственном числе, при этом заменяющие их местоимения – местоимения множественного числа – they, them, their, themselves: Someone has forgotten their briefcase, haven’t they? – Кто-то забыл свой чемодан, не так ли?


  WHOLE + исчисл. в ед.ч.
  ALL +неисчисл. / исчисл. в мн.ч.



Everybody (= Everyone) was surprised. – Все были удивлены.

Everything possible has been done. – Всё возможное было сделано.

News of the disaster shocked the whole world. – Новости о катастрофе шокировали весь мир.

Not all money has been spent. – Не все деньги были потрачены.

All decisions were made for me. – Все решения были приняты за меня.



ü В значении «единственное» употребляется только местоимение all (не everything): This is all that I wanted to say. – Это всё (единственное), что я хотел сказать.

ü Со словами morning, week, summer и другими обозначениями времени употребляется как the whole, так и all: I was busy the whole day (= all day). – Я был занят весь день.

ü Местоимения everybody, everyone сочетаются с глаголом в единственном числе, при этом заменяющие их местоимения – местоимения множественного числа – they, them, their, themselves: Everybody has already arrived, haven’t they? – Все уже приехали, не так ли?

Местоимение everything соотносится с местоимением it (its): Everything is good in its time. – Все хорошо в свое время.


  OTHER + сущ. в мн.ч. (какие-то другие)  
OTHERS нет сущ-го (какие-то другие)  
  THE OTHERS нет сущ-го (остальные)
  THE OTHER + сущ. в мн.ч. (остальные)  
    THE OTHER + сущ. в ед.ч. (другой из двух)
  ANOTHER + сущ. в ед.ч. (какой-то, еще один)


She is looking for another job. – Она ищет другую работу.

Can I have another cup of tea? – Можно мне еще одну чашку чая?

You can park on the other side of the road. – Можно припарковаться на другой стороне дороги.

Where are the other students? – Где остальные студенты?

I told the others not to wait for me. – Я сказал остальным не ждать меня.

I don’t care what other people think. – Мне все равно, что думают другие люди.

Some rules are more important than others. – Некоторые правила более важные, чем другие.


ü Местоимение another может употребляться в значении «еще» перед сочетанием «числительное + существительное во множественном числе»: Give me another two minutes. – Дай мне еще две минуты.

ü Местоимения other и others могут употребляться в сочетании с местоимениями some, any, no, many: Do you have any other questions? – У вас есть еще какие-нибудь вопросы? There is no other way out. – Нет другого выхода.


Относительные местоимения


who относится к одушевленному существительному (который, кто) People who / that control oil control the world. – Люди, которые контролируют нефть, контролируют мир.
whom относится к одушевленному существительному (которого, которому) The man (whom / who / that)you are looking for is not here. – Мужчины, которого вы ищете, здесь нет. This is the woman to whomI spoke yesterday. – Вот женщина, с которой я вчера говорил.
which относится к неодушевленному существительному (который) The folders which / that are on the table are ours. – Папки, которые лежат на столе, наши. These are the documents to which they refer. – Вот документы, на которые они ссылаются.
which относится ко всему предшествующему предложению (что) I said nothing, which made him furious. – Я ничего не сказал, что привело его в бешенство.
whose относится к одушевленному или неодушевленному существительному (чей, которого) You are the only person whose opinion I value. – Вы единственный человек, чье мнение я ценю. It’s a company whose logo features a lantern. – Это компания, логотип которой похож на фонарь.
what не зависит от существительного (то что) This is not what we expected. – Это не то, что мы ожидали.



ü Относительное местоимение that, which, whom и who может опускаться, если оно не является подлежащим в придаточном предложении: Olivia is the girl (whom / who / that) I met at the conference. – Оливия – это та девушка, которую я встретил на конференции. He didn’t want to share the data (which / that) he had obtained. – Он не хотел делиться данными, которые он получил.

ü That может выступать в роли союза, соединяющего главное и придаточное предложение. В этом случае that относится не к существительному, а к глаголу-сказуемому в главном предложении и имеет значение «что»: Everybody knows that he is a great fan of tennis. – Все знают, что он большой поклонник тенниса. I’m sorry that I offended you. – Извини, что я тебя обидел.


I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:


1. Good morning, Mr. Bradford. Is that (me / I / my) you are looking for?

2. Personal calls should be made in (you / your / yours) own time.

3. He is the boss, it’s up to (he / him / his) to take decisions.

4. Goods get into the hands of those who really want (them / theirs / their).

5. The secretary registered the letter and put (it / its / him) back into the envelope.

6. As long as you pay off the loan, the house will be (you / your / yours).

7. That discount store will lose (his / its / their) customers if it doesn't improve the service department.

8. Just between you and (me / I / my), I think Mr. Pitt is going to lose (he / him / his) job.

9. I had a meeting with (me / my / mine) subordinates to ensure they are reaching (theirs / them / their) goals.

10. Scarcity is the imbalance between (our / ours / us) desires and the means of satisfying (theirs / them / their).


1. If I were you, I would have done everything (me / – / myself) already.

2. Have you two met(yourself / – / yourselves) before? ~ Yes, we have.

3. Michael must believe in (him / hisself / himself), or he will never succeed.

4. Stay patient and the conflict may resolve (it / its / itself).

5. Modern teenagers sometimes have difficulty in expressing (them / theirs / themselves).

6. Ms. Veil doesn’t want any advisors. She can solve the problem (her / hers / herself).

7. He considers (him / his / himself) to be in command of the situation.

8. Doctors advise us to exercise regularly in order to keep (us / yourselves / ourselves) healthy.

9. Nowadays more and more people can afford (them / – / themselves) to travel abroad for their holidays.

10. You worry (yourself / – / yourselves) too much about the exams. Try to relax (yourself / – / yourselves) and enjoy (you / – / yourself) at the party.


1. (It / There) is half past eleven already.

2. Take a taxi. (It / There) is a long way to the station.

3. (It / There) was a look of strong disapproval on my superior’s face.

4. I’m very fond of my job, even though (it / there) means doing a lot of work.

5. (It / There) is impossible to read his handwriting.

6. (It / There) is much work still to be done.

7. The President thinks (it / there) is in his country’s best interests to increase taxes.

8. (It / There) were two defence witnesses but I wouldn’t trust either of them.

9. (It / There) is a new one-way traffic system in the city centre. (It / There) is very confusing.

10. Will (it / there) be any delays because of the strike? ~ Well, (it / there) would be a good idea to ring the airline and check.


1. Do you remember (that / this) presentation I made in September?

2. Some day you will be sorry for (this / that).

3. (Those / These) who try hard deserve to succeed.

4. I’m working as a tourist guide (this / that) summer.

5. (These / Those) language options are open to our students: English, German, and Italian.

6. Fortunately, (this / that) was not the only naive mistake that I made.

7. At (that / this) time, I dreamed of becoming a scientist.

8. He was one of (that / those) men who devoted all their lives to science.

9. (These / Those) days, most young people have access to the Internet via their mobile phone.

10. There are some historic buildings in Belarus, but they are not as fascinating as (these / those) in Europe.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:


1. There was (many / much / a lot) of disagreement over the proposal.

2. His work is well-paid but doesn’t give him (many / much / a lot of) satisfaction.

3. Advances in technology have done (many / much / a lot) to change the way we live.

4. (Many / Much / A lot) social problems are caused by unemployment.

5. The salary is negotiable, so how (many / much / a lot) do you think I should ask for?

6. As she has very (few / a few / little / a little) colleagues she works mostly on her own.

7. I was (few / a few / little / a little) nervous before the job interview.

8. Only (few / a few / little / a little) politicians know when to leave the world of politics.

9. My deputy has so (few / a few / little / a little) initiative that he always waits to be told what to do.

10. It is an extremely poor country: it has (few / little) natural resources and (few / little) good agricultural land.


1. I am enclosing (some / any / no) information about our new range of products.

2. There is hardly (some / any / no) person who likes being criticised.

3. Would you like (some / any / no) milk in your coffee?

4. I have absolutely (some / any / no) idea what to do in this situation.

5. Frankly speaking, I don’t see (some / any / no) difference between the candidates.

6. I’ve run out of fax paper. Could you give me (some / any / no), please?

7. Unfortunately, we haven’t got (some / any / no) components in stock.

8. There are certain standards of behaviour that (some / any / no) civil servant must respect.

9. (Some / Any / No) analysts say that the crisis will continue for (some / any / no) time.

10. I think there is (some / any / no) point in wasting (some / any / no) more time on this issue.


1. I stayed in all evening waiting, but (somebody / anybody / nobody) came.

2. Do you have (something / anything / nothing) else to ask me while I’m here?

3. Can (somebody / anybody / nobody) answer the phone?

4. There was hardly (somebody / anybody / nobody) in the office when I arrived.

5. (Someone / Anyone / No one) is as ambitious as those who want to be rich.

6. May I offer you (something / anything / nothing) to drink?

7. If you are not willing to help me, I will find (somebody / anybody / nobody) who will.

8. (Someone / Anyone / No one) who violates the law should be punished for their actions.

9. Where can I find a good job with plenty of money and no work? ~ (Somewhere / Anywhere / Nowhere).

10. (Somebody / Anybody / Nobody) has (something / anything / nothing) against your suggestion.


1. The Academy of Public Administration is provided with (all / whole) modern facilities.

2. We are doing (all / everything) possible to avoid war in the Crimea.

3. You’d better read through the (all / whole) contract before signing it.

4. Does (all / everybody) have a copy of the agenda?

5. (All / Everything) that he said was not to worry.

6. The flight and hotel are booked. (All / Everything) is organised.

7. They spent the (all / whole) day packing for their business trip.

8. As soon as (everybody / all) arrived, the chairman began the meeting.

9. The accountant keeps a record of (all / whole) financial transactions.

10. Each offer must be submitted together with (all / whole) the supporting documentation.


1. Mr. Richards is 57. It will be difficult for him to find (another / the other) job.

2. Do you have any (another / other) questions?

3. He was holding his mobile phone in one hand and the tablet in (the other / another).

4. In (another / the other) four years Nick will have qualified as a public administrator.

5. Some customers complained about the delay, while (other / others) were more tolerant.

6. Mr. Cox was ahead of all (the other / others) candidates for the CEO position.

7. How will the company finance its expansion in (other / others) markets?

8. The person who cannot command himself is not fit to command (other / others).

9. Thanks to the Internet we can communicate with people on (the other / other) side of the world.

10. Some of my assistants were preparing the report, while (the other / the others) were dealing with the mail.


1. We tried to find out (who / whom) was responsible for the damage.

2. EPAM is the only company for (which / that) I would like to work.

3. (Which / What) worries me most is how we are going to pay our debts.

4. The documents (what / that) I left on the table seem to have disappeared.

5. The secretary asked to (whom / who) the letter should be addressed.

6. Our partners ignored their obligations, (which / what) was thoughtless of them.

7. You are the last person (whom / whose) advice I will ask for.

8. My colleague asked me a question to (which / that) I had no reply.

9. Only a few of the people (who / which) applied for the job had the necessary qualifications.

10. It’s not enough to hear (that / what) employees say, you have to listen to (which / what) they are not saying.


III. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. I’m sorry, but the director is busy. Would you mind waiting for …?

a. he c. him

b. himself d. his

2. We need employees who are willing to exercise … own initiative.

a. their c. theirs

b. them d. they

3. Don’t be so nosy! It’s none of … business.

a. you c. your

b. yours d. yourself

4. Mr. Lewis has only … to blame for the mistake he made.

a. him c. his

b. itself d. himself

5. Many questions were asked, but … no answers to them.

a. it was c. it were

b. there were d. there was

6. … theory is a simplification of actual relationships.

a. Some c. Few

b. Little d. Any

7. … likes to bear the responsibility for crucial decisions.

a. No one c. Anyone

b. Someone d. Everyone

8. Will you cancel … my engagements for the rest of the week, please?

a. whole c. some

b. all d. any

9. The council refused to give the entrepreneur … financial help.

a. little c. any

b. some d. no

10. In February consumer prices rose by … three per cent.

a. other c. another

b. the other d. others

11. According to the statistics, the layoffs affected … areas of the economy.

a. all c. whole

b. everything d. any

12. Everyone is to meet in the lobby at 9 a.m. to collect … conference registration forms.

a. his c. our

b. her d. their

13. So … are our objectives and … concludes my short talk.

a. that; this c. these; that

b. those; they d. this; it



14. … is just … days since our last gathering.

a. It; a little c. There; few

b. It; a few d. There; little

15. You shouldn’t expect … to do your work for ….

a. another; yours c. other; yourself

b. the others; your d. others; you

16. … was hardly … doubt that the problem could be solved at an early date.

a. It; any c. It; some

b. There; any d. There; some

17. Could you help me to sort out the letters? I cannot tell where … letters are and which are ….

a. my; your c. my; yours

b. mine; yours d. mine; your

18. He’s got … projects and desires, but hasn’t got … money and patience to realise them.

a. a lot of; much c. much; a lot of

b. many; many d. a lot of; a lot of

19. At the present time … people can afford … to travel abroad for their holidays.

a. less; them c. fewer; –

b. less; themselves d. fewer; their

20. … climbs the grammar tree distinctly knows where noun and verb and participle grow.

a. Who c. Those

b. What d. That


IV. Дополните диалог подходящими по смыслу местоимениями:

A manager is getting the results of the ‘upward feedback’, and is hearing what his staff think about him.

Manager: So, (1. which / what) did my subordinates say? Were there any problem issues?
Consultant: Well, we questioned all the people (2. who / which) work for you, and we revealed (3. some / any) aspects of your management style that seem not very good.
Manager: Did they make (4. any / some) complaints? I’d like to start with (5. they / them) first.
Consultant: As you wish. There are (6. a few / a little) workers who feel that you don’t listen very (7. many / much) and you always look very busy.
Manager: I am. Were there (8. some / any) other criticisms?
Consultant: Yes, but I would like to suggest (9. any / some) ways of dealing with this particular point before we carry on. I think (10. it / there) should be some fixed time when staff can come and talk to you about (11. their / theirs) problems. Besides, they noted that you don’t give them (12. much / many) responsibility, and that they don’t make (13. any / some) decisions (14. themselves / theirselves). Well, this is a common problem, and I think (15. its / it’s) something you should think about.
Manager: I hope that’s all as I’m late for an important gathering.


V. Прочитайте следующие пословицы, затем переведите на английский язык местоимения в скобках. Обсудите пословицы в парах:

1. Good clothes open (все) doors.

2. Everybody’s business is (ничей) business.

3. Believe neither all that you see nor half (того, что) you hear.

4. One law for the rich, and (другой) for the poor.

5. Never take (ничего) for granted.

6. Every country has (свои) customs.

7. Practice is the best of (все) instructions.

8. Wealth is (ничто) without health.

9. An eye for eye only ends up making the (весь) world blind.

10. None is so blind as (те) who won’t see.

11. (Не существует) is no mistake so great as that of being always right.

12. He that is ill to (сам себе) will be good to (никому).

13. The wise learn (многие) things from (их) enemies.

14. It’s a teacher (кто) can open the door, but it’s a pupil (кто) must enter it.

15. Motivation is (то, что) gets you started. Habit is (то, что) keeps you going.



Имя прилагательное. Наречие


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