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1. Study the active vocabulary from the topic:
elect –избирать, еlections – выборы
adopt –принимать
represent – представлять
appoint = nominate –назначать
approve – одобрять
term – срок
amend – вносить поправки, amendment (n) – поправка
law –закон
draft law = bill –законопроект
responsible – ответственный, responsiblility (n)
sign [sain] – подписывать, signature [signiʧə] (n) –подпись
2. Master pronunciation of international words, mind the stress, translate them:
fi`nance – fi`nancial `president- presi`dential `office - o`fficial `territory - terri`torial so`ciety - `social | consti`tution - consti`tutional `parliament – parlia`mentary de`clare – decla`ration liqui`date - liqui`dation i`nitiate - i`nitiative | `sovereign-sove`reignty refe`rendum co`mmission `budget `deputy |
3. Match (1-6) with their definitions (a-f):
1. Constitution 2. amendments to the Constitution 3. legislative power 4. executive power 5. referendum 6. ballot vote | a. making laws b. implementing laws c. fundamental state document d. changes in the fundamental state document e. voting secretly f. all-nation vote of people |
4. Match the Russian and the English equivalents:
1. Совет Безопасности 2. Национальная Ассамблея (собрание) 3. Палата Представителей 4. Совет Республики 5. верхняя / нижняя палата 6. ветви власти 7. исполнительная власть 8. законодательная власть 9. территориальное представительство 10. высокопоставленные должностные лица 11. постоянные комиссии 12. всеобщее тайное голосование 13. внутренняя политика 14. внешняя политика | a. branches of power b. legislative power c. executive power d. upper / lower Chamber (House) e. territorial representation f. National Assembly g. Council of the Republic h. House of Representatives i. Security Council j. general ballot k. higher-rank officials l. full-time commissions m. foreign (international/external) policy n. home (domestic/ internal) policy |
5. Use a dictionary to translate the following text and learn the meaning of the word:
Unitary is a state, which: | – has supreme control and absolute authority over its territory; – defends its independence and territorial integrity, its constitutional system, law and order; has independent home and foreign policy. |
Read and translate the text, pay special attention to the active vocabulary:
The Republic of Belarus is a unitary democratic state, which was established in 1991. The new Constitution of the Republic of Belaruswas adopted in 1994 and amended after the all-nation referendum in 1996 and in 2004.
According to the Constitution, there are three branches of power in the state: legislative, executive and judicial.
The legislative power is responsible for making laws. It belongs to the Parliament and the President of the Republic.
Parliament – or the National Assembly -is the supreme legislative body of the Republic.It consists of two Chambers: the Council of the Republic and the House of Representatives.
The Council of the Republic (the upper Сhamber) is the chamber of territorial representation with the total membership of 64 members (8 members are appointed by the President and 56 members are elected by local councils of deputies). A deputy of the Council of the Republic must be a citizen of the Republic of Belarus not younger than 30 years of age.
The term of powers of the Council is 4 years. Its main responsibilities are:
· to approve bills passed by the House of Representatives;
· to support presidential nominees for the state posts;
· to control the activities of the local authorities and others.
The House of Representatives (the lower Сhamber) consists of 110 members. Any citizen of Belarus, not younger than 21 years old may be elected.
The main powers of the House of Representatives are to discuss the Bills dealing with:
· amendments to the Constitution;
· home and foreign policies;
· the program of the Government, etc.
How a bill becomes a law. According to the Constitution, the right of legislative initiative is given to the President, the Parliament, the government and the citizens of Belarus (not less than 150,000 signatures are required to introduce a bill by citizens).
A Bill (or draft law) is discussed by the lower chamber – the House of Representatives, then by the upper chamber - the Council of the Republic. After it has been approved (in ten days term), it is presented to the President for signature. If the President does not return a draft law (within two weeks), a bill becomes a law.
1. Agree or disagree:
1. The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus hasn’t been amended yet.
2. The Parliament is the National Assembly of the Republic.
3. The House of Representatives is the upper chamber of Parliament.
4. The number of the deputies to the House of Representatives and the Council is equal.
5. The President has the right to appoint 64 members of the Council.
2. Answer the questions:
1. What changes took place in the political life of Belarus after liquidation of the USSR?
2. When was the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus established?
3. Which branch of power is responsible for making laws?
4. What Chambers does the National Assembly consist of?
5. How many members are there in the House of Representatives?
6. At what age may a citizen of Belarus be elected to the House of Representatives?
7. How is the Council of the Republic formed?
8. May any citizen of Belarus be elected to the Council of the Republic?
9. How is a law passed?
10. What does the word “referendum” mean?
11. What is the meaning of “ballot vote”?
3. Give the English and Russian equivalents:
избирать, выборы, adopt, представлять, representatives, назначать, approve, amendments, закон, законопроект, responsiblility, подписывать, signature, Совет Безопасности, Национальная Ассамблея, Палата Представителей, Совет Республики, ветви власти, исполнительная власть, законодательная власть, высокопоставленные должностные лица, full-time commissions, внутренняя политика, внешняя политика, general ballot.
4. Complete the sentences to make a short review of the topic:
1. The Republic of Belarus is a …
2. The new Constitution of the Republic of Belarus was adopted in … and amended in …
3. The legislative power is responsible for …
4. It belongs to …
5. Parliament – or the National Assembly - is...
6. It consists of two Chambers …
7. The Council of the Republic is …
8. The total membership of the upper chamber is …
9. The term of powers of the Council is …
10. The main responsibilities of the Council of the Republic are …
11. The House of Representatives (the lower chamber) consists of …
12. The main powers of the House of Representatives are to discuss the Bills dealing with …
13. According to the Constitution, the right of legislative initiative is given to …
14. To become a law, a Bill is discussed by … and then by …
15. After it has been approved by both chambers it is presented to …
Work in pairs. Read and translate the text:
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