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Vocabulary booster – hotel facilities

2018-01-03 850
Vocabulary booster – hotel facilities 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A Match a word in A with a word from B to name the hotel services:

shuttle car swimming business electronic conference safe pool centre rooms bus park

B Look at the information below about the Century Park hotel. Ask and answer questions about the hotel facilities.

e.g. How many rooms are there? There are 170.

Is there a TV in every room? Yes, there is.


C Read the brochure. Underline the hotel facilities in the text.


The St Regis is a five-star hotel in Shanghai, just 35 minutes from the city’s international airport (distance: less than 20 km). It is the Pudong area, one of the most dynamic financial and commercial centers in the world. But for the business traveler interested in culture and history, there are also many attractions, such as Jade Buddha Temple and traditional Chinese gardens.

St Regis has 328 luxurious rooms. Each room offers voicemail, free access to high-speed broadband and wireless Internet connection, as well as in-room movies, a CD and video library and flat-screen TV.

A unique feature of the hotel is that each guest can enjoy the services of a personal assistant called the St Regis Butler. The butler takes full responsibility for your comfort from check-in till check-out and can also help you with the organizations of your business meetings.

There is also a sauna, a fitness center, a tennis court, an indoor swimming pool and a spa where you can relax.

On the top floor, the award-winning Italian restaurant offers fantastic panoramic views of the city. There are two other restaurants: one is authentic Chinese and the other offers a wide variety of international dishes.

St Regis has the round-the-clock business centre and 13 meeting rooms with multimedia equipment and space for up to 880 people.


D Ask and answer questions about St Regis.

1 watch films or videos?

2 use your computer in your room?

3 swim at the hotel?

4 work at night?

5 eat in the hotel?

6 play tennis at the hotel?

7 hold a meeting?


E The word chain below shows what you do when you stay in a hotel. e.g. You make a reservation, you arrive at the hotel and park in the car park, then you check in at reception, etc.

What happens after you check in and before you go to bed? Use the words in the box to complete the chain.







shower restaurant lift phone call key room satellite TV suitcase fitness room

F Match the nouns in your completed chain with a verb from the list below. You can use some of the verbs more than once.


use collect take watch unpack make eat in go to park in check in at


G The word chain below shows what you do when you fly to another country. Complete the gaps with these words:

gate board take off duty-free claim control customs departure





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