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Business communication 1– interview skills

2018-01-03 890
Business communication 1– interview skills 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A Work in pairs. Decide which of these interview tips are more for interviews and which are more for candidates.

- Be completely honest at all times.

- Try to help the candidate to relax.

- Always wear your best clothes.

- Do not ask a lot of questions to which people can answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

- Listen carefully and make a lot of notes.

- Arrive half an hour early for the interview.

- Ask a difficult question at the beginning of the interview.

- Get an expensive haircut.


B Work in pairs. Which tips do you agree with? Choose your top three tips and write your own list. Compare your choices with other pairs.

C Look at the useful language box below. Listen to an interview. Tick the expressions you hear.

USEFUL LANGUAGE Interviewer Candidate
Experience What did you learn from your last job? What didn’t you like about your last job? I learned to ………   Well, I had a problem with …….
Skills What are you good at? Do you have any special skills? People say that I am good at …… My main strengths are …………
Future plans What do you want to do in the future? Where do you want to be in ten years’ time? My aim is to ….. I plan to be…… I hope to have…..
Interests What do you do in your free time? What are your main interests? I really enjoy ……….. I spend a lot of time ……….

D Role –play this situation. The manager of a hotel is interviewing a candidate for the job of a receptionist.

Hotel Manager Find out this information about the candidate:   1 Did / find / hotel easily? 2 Why / want job? 3 What strengths / have? 4 Can / work under pressure? 5 What /learn from /last job? 6 What / not like about / last job? 7 What / main interests? 8 Do / have any questions? Candidate for the job of Receptionist Answer the Hotel Manager’s questions. Use this information: 1 yes/ came by taxi 2 like working with people / want to work in the city 3 good with numbers / fluent in English 4 stay very calm at all times 5 how to deal with people / work well in a team 6 long hours / difficult journey to work 7 cycling, watching sports 8 how long / holidays?


A When people apply for a job, they usually send a covering letter together with their CV. In this letter, they give further information to explain why they think they are suitable for the job. Carol Avery is applying for the post of Sales Manager (Ex.A, page 80). Complete Carol’s covering letter (sent as an e-mail) with items from the box.

a) As you will see from my CV, b)I am very interested in the post you are offering c) I look forward to hearing d) I would like to apply for the position e) In addition, f) Please let me know g) When I was with Melrose Computers, Dear Ms Poulson …….1 of Sales Manager advertised in the Chester Telegraph on 7 September. …….2I have worked as Assistant Human Resources Manager for four years. I am responsible for training for new staff, and also for organizing problem – solving courses for senior staff. …….3 I have managed a number of projects for our overseas subsidiaries. This included a training project for local sales staff in Hong Kong. ……..4 I also gained a lot of experience in telesales and direct sales. ……..5 because I would like to be involved in both telesales and direct sales. I would also like to use my skills as a trainer in a more challenging environment. ……..6 if there are any other details you need. ……..7 from you. Yours sincerely Carol Avery  





1. Barrall I., Barrall N., Intelligent Business. Elementary. Pearson Education Limited, 2008


2. Bethell G., Aspinal T. Test Your Business Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge university Press, 2002


3. Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S. Market Leader. ЕLEMENTARY Business English. Pearson Education Limited, 2008


4. Emmerson P. Essential Business Grammar Builder. Macmillan Education, 2006


5. Grant D., McLarty R. Business Basic. Oxford University Press, 2009


6. Grant D., Hughes J., Turner R. Business result. Elementary. Pearson Education Limited, 2009


7. Mascull B. Business Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge university Press, 2002


8. Robbins S. First insights into Business. Pearson Education Limited, 2009


Учебное издание

Анисимова Анна Тихоновна



Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку

для студентов, обучающихся

по направлениям «Экономика», «Менеджмент»



Компьютерная верстка: А.Т. Анисимова

Редактор: В.И. Яковлев

Корректор: В.И. Яковлев

Подписано в печать 26.06.2012   Сдано в производство 26.06.2012
Формат бум. 60x84 1/.8    
Усл. печ. л - 10,5   Уч.-изд. л. – 4,9
Тираж 50   Заказ № 65
РИО ЮИМ, 350040, Краснодар, ул. Ставропольская, 216
Тел. (861) 233 88 59


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